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Which of these will one MOST likely store as an implicit memory?

one's conditioned fear of guns

Episodic memory is exemplified by one's memory for:

ones first kiss

What is the correct order of Freud's psychosexual stages?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Thomas is a smoker. He has at least doubled risk of which mental disorder?

panic disorder

Lindsay is writing an essay supporting the notion that people's attitudes are based on their behavior. One topic Lindsay might NOT discuss in the essay is:

peripheral route persuasion

Tarik has a chemistry test in two days. He has to memorize the elements on the periodic table, so he writes them on index cards. He keeps the cards with him at all times and frequently reads through them. Tarik is using _____ to encode information in short-term memory for longer-term storage.


At the zoo, a chimpanzee has figured out how to use the right kind of stones to crack open the nuts thrown to him by spectators. In Skinner's terms, the chimpanzee's problem solving has been shaped by:


A learning theory would be most likely to emphasize the role of ________ in the onset of anxiety disorders.


___________ is the extent to which a test actually measures what it is supposed to measure.


A dispositional attribution is to ________ as a situational attribution is to assigned roles.

personality traits

According to Robert Zajonc, highly emotional people are most likely intense partly because of their interpretations. They may _____________ events as being somehow directed at them.


Although Greg has accumulated many tickets for a wide range of traffic infractions, he complains all the time to family and friends about other peoples' driving. Sigmund Freud would describe this as _____, while today researchers would describe this as _____.

projection; false consensus effect

Kendra's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This best illustrates:

reciprocal determinism.

Selecting just a few aspects of all the environmental information that is being very briefly registered is a process that initially occurs in _____ memory.


According to LeDoux, the low road in the brain's processing of emotion includes the _____ and the _____.

thalamus; amygdala

Carroll Izard says that love:

a mixture of joy and excitement

Which of the following individuals suffered from panic disorder and agoraphobia?

Charles Darwin

Micah is 8 years old and loves to draw. He has loved to draw since he could hold a pencil. His art work is so good that it far exceeds the artistic abilities of his peers. His parents have decided to enroll him in art classes. Micah's parents are practicing:

appropriate developmental placement.

When asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, George Mallory responded, "Because it is there." With respect to theories of motivation, this BEST exemplifies:

arousal theory.

Festinger is to Zimbardo as _____ is to _____.

cognitive dissonance; role playing

The experience of a fugue state is indicative of a(n) ________ disorder.


Our attitudes are more likely to guide our actions when we:

can easily recall our attitudes

In a psychology class debate on the humanistic perspective, Riley needs to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the humanistic perspective would Riley cite?

The descriptions of self-actualizing people reflect Maslow's personal values.

Why, specifically, is allowing time for incubation an important element for boosting the creativity process?

The extra time allows the unconscious to form new associations between novel connections.

When one is picturing a chart in a textbook and thinking about what a professor discussed about the topic in class, one is utilizing the _____ aspect of working memory.

central executive

Wolfgang Köhler studied insight by observing

chimpanzees obtaining bananas

When a police officer pulls over a car because the driver is an African-American male in an expensive car, the police officer has committed:

a microaggression.

Some people may be more vulnerable to PTSD as a comorbid disorder because they have ________, which floods the body with stress hormones.

a sensitive limbic system

The arousal that lingers after an intense argument may intensify sexual passion. This best illustrates:

a spillover effect.

_____ memory is the brief sensory memory of auditory stimuli. This type of memory lasts for about 3 to 4 seconds before fading away.


Tyler is with three of his friends at a restaurant. One of his friends yawns, then another friend does so, and then finally Tyler yawns. Research suggests that Tyler and his friends who also mimicked the yawn may show increased levels of:


Susan's mother suffered from the flu during her pregnancy with Susan. Statistically, this increases Susan's risk of later developing schizophrenia. Maternal influenza is an example of a(n) _____ factor because it may influence the expression of a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia.


Professor Packwood writes books pertaining to the history and philosophy of science. He is concerned about the impact of modern technology on human interactions and human existence. According to Howard Gardner's ideas of intelligence, Professor Packwood is demonstrating:

existential intelligence.

______________ is a statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of behaviors that are related to a trait.

factor analysis

Whenever Mark tries to recall his new cell phone number, he keeps getting it mixed up with his old cell phone number. Mark's failure to remember his new phone number is probably caused by:

proactive interference

The anterior cingulate cortex is especially likely to be hyperactive in those with:


One of the hallmarks of schizophrenia is disorganized thinking. Theorists suggest that people with such disorganized thinking have:

a breakdown in selective attention.

"When you have trouble in a class, try outlining the book in your own words." What is this general rule of thumb for solving a common academic problem called?

a heuristic

Respondent behavior is BEST described as:


During a typical morning, Colin will check the clock more frequently as the time for his regularly scheduled lunch break approaches. In this case, Colin's clock checking behavior is reinforced on a _____ schedule.

fixed interval

Many people can easily recall exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of the Sandy Hook school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Research conducted by George Sperling showed that people have something akin to a fleeting photographic memory. This ____________ memory provides a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli, like a picture-image that lasts only a few tenths of a second.


After gathering extensive information about the colleges she was interested in attending, Krista let the information incubate outside her conscious awareness for several days. This provided time for her decision to be potentially enhanced by:


Watson and Pavlov agreed that:

laws of learning are the same for all animals

In a positive mood, a person will experience increased activity in her:

left frontal lobe

One cluster of personality disorders in which eccentric or odd behavior may occur is ______________.

schizotypal personality disorder

Jason believes that he is funny, smart, tough, and persistent. These qualities make up his:

self concept

Hermann Ebbinghaus observed that it is much easier to learn meaningful material than to learn nonsense material. This BEST illustrates the advantage of:

semantic encoding.

If one visualizes the stages of Atkinson and Shiffrin's model of memory as a funnel, the stage at the mouth of the funnel is _____ memory.


The _____________ perspective emphasizes that personality is the result of interactions between people and the situations in which they find themselves. The way one thinks about a situation affects one's behavior.

social cognitive

Several months after watching a science fiction movie about space travel and alien abduction, Daniel began to remember that aliens had abducted him and had subjected him to many of the horrors portrayed in the movie. His mistaken recall BEST illustrates _____ amnesia.


Jared has not read the chapter on psychological disorders, so he misunderstands some basic facts. For example, he believes that schizophrenia refers to a multiple personality split, rather than a:

split from reality

It would be most helpful to use biofeedback to help clients reduce:

tension headaches

As one is reading this right now, one is consciously processing the meaning of the words in _____ memory.


Recognizing the powerful impact of social influence on others' behavior is most likely to minimize:

fundamental attribution error

Long-term potentiation (LTP) is enhanced by the neurotransmitter:


The unconscious memory for learned skills is known as:

implicit memory

After John's stroke, his family noticed he was depressed and had difficulty showing positive emotions. This was contrary to the easy-going, positive characteristics he formerly displayed. According to Eddie Harmon-Jones, the stroke was probably located in the:

left frontal lobe.

Procedural memory involves:

motor movement

_____ symptoms are to an absence of appropriate behaviors as _____ symptoms are to a presence of inappropriate behaviors.

negative, positive

Adrian Raine and colleagues studied the brains of violent repeat offenders and found that their brains had __________ frontal lobe tissue than a normal brain. This helps explain why these people exhibit deficits in cognitive functions such as planning, organization, and inhibition.

11 percent less

In a follow-up obedience experiment, Milgram used 40 new "teachers" and a learner with a "slight heart condition" to determine if participants might have obeyed as much as they did simply because the earlier learners' protests were not convincing. Once again, however, _____ percent of the new teachers complied.


Colton wakes up in a hospital. Apparently, he cannot remember anything that happened immediately following a severe head injury. Colton's case BEST demonstrates:

anterograde amnesia.

Alone in the woods, Yolanda hears a noise. She thinks she sees a bear coming toward her. Yolanda's heart starts pounding and, at the same time, she realizes she is afraid. This sequence of events is BEST explained by which theory of emotion?


Damage to a brain area called the _____ would MOST likely interfere with learning a conditioned fear response to the sight of a dog that had bitten one on several occasions.


Three-year-old Kirsten was playing with a balloon she was given by her father. While playing with the balloon, it popped in her face, which frightened her and caused her to cry loudly. That weekend, she was attending a birthday party and saw some balloons and began to cry and ran out of the room. This is an example of:

classic conditioning

Laverne's scores on different parts of an intelligence test are very different from one another. Laverne's profile of scores on the test:

contradicts the view of intelligence offered by such early theorists as Spearman.

When Loretta uses knowledge that was acquired through experience, she probably relies MOST heavily on her _____ intelligence.


Activation of the sympathetic nervous system _____ salivation and _____ blood pressure.

decrease, increase

During a riot, a large sporting event, or mob action, people lose self-awareness and self-restraint. This is known as _____.


Which phenomenon BEST explains the rise of fascism in the 1930s?

group polarization

Bryce often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

reaction formation.

People's attitudes about another person are MOST likely to influence the way they treat that person if their attitudes are:


The three-stage model of memory developed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin has been criticized because it does not take into account:

that some information is processed into long-term memory without human conscious awareness.

With each new accomplishment, each career advance, and each raise, Joe somehow feels that it is still not enough. Joe's example BEST illustrates

the adaptation-level phenomenon.

The common tendency in individualistic cultures to ascribe the behavior of others to internal, personal characteristics, while ignoring or underestimating the effects of external or situational factors, is called:

the fundamental attribution error.

Arianna displays very dysfunctional behavior. She is unable to care for herself, cannot dress herself, and has limited understanding of her surroundings. Prior to the reform movement influenced by Philippe Pinel, Arianna's behavior would MOST likely have been considered:

the result of demon possession.

When Greg's autonomic nervous system was aroused, he misinterpreted the harmless symptoms as indicators of an impending heart attack. This misinterpretation caused him to experience an unusually intense level of fear. His emotional response is BEST understood in terms of the:

two factor theory

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