Leading questions
These are controversial, simple leads that have certain implications. For example: lawyers can't use leading questions to help their own client. However, during cross examination they are a useful tool.
Rhetorical question
These are questions that do not require an answer
Open questions
Has various answers.
Closed Questions
Has correct answers: selection of options, yes or no, and identification
Recall vs process
Recall is where and when questions. Example of open recall is: what would you have risked by not taking your medication. Process provides opinions, justifications and analyses. Example of open process is: why would a diabetic not monitor blood sugar.
Inverted funnel technique
Start with closed questions to initiate conversation. Probe for more information about a topic. Direct a question to engage. Then ask an open question, and a deepening question.
Funnel Technique
Start with general open questions, and begin to ask specific open questions. At the end, use closed questions. The purpose of this technique is to encourage the flow of conversation towards a certain direction. We use this technique in sales, law and healthcare
Definition of questioning
Syntactically- Subject and verb are reverse. Semantically- indicates desire for more information. Questions can made made without ? because it can have an inquisitive style.
Probing questions
These questions prompt clarification, justification, reference etc
Questions in Healthcare statistics
Doctors ask 9/10 questions. They are taught in med school to answer a question with a question to decrease time per patient. A reluctance of a patient to ask a question decreases adherence to medical advice.
Multiple question
More than one question phrased as one. For example: when and where did you get ice cream?
Sentence in relation to context
Types of question pragmatics
Socratic seminars in education and questions used in health care
Affect questions
These are feeling questions. Tallman (2007) found that the more attention to feelings reported higher patient satisfaction.