Quiz 1

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According to the text, self-interest alone...

Cannot establish the truth of a claim

If you clearly state your beliefs on a subject, then you have presented an argument.


When the truth value of a sentence cannot be determined, such as for the sentence "God does not exist", then it cannot be a statement or claim.


For the following argument, identify the premises (list them as P1, P2, P3...) and the conclusion: Fast food products contain high levels of cholesterol. They also contain huge levels of sodium, fat, and trans fatty acids. These things are bad for your health. Thus, I am going to stop eating in fast food places.

P1: Fast food products contain high levels of cholesterol. P2: They also contain huge levels of sodium, fat, and trans fatty acids. P3: These things are bad for your health. Conclusion: Thus, I am going to stop eating in fast food places.

For the following argument, identify the premises (list them as P1, P2, P3...) and the conclusion: The Star Wars craze will not stop. People are obsessed with Luke Skywalker and his sidekicks. There's something about the innocent jedi overcoming obstacles that wins over the coldest heart. Plus, there's humor and adventure especially with those droids and ewoks and all. And don't forget, Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains of all time.

P1: There's something about the innocent jedi overcoming obstacles that wins over the coldest heart. P2: Plus, there's humor and adventure especially with those droids and ewoks and all. P3: And don't forget, Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains of all time. Conclusion: The Star Wars craze will not stop. People are obsessed with Luke Skywalker and his sidekicks.

An argument is a group of statements in which some of them, known as the __________________ are intended to support another of them, known as the _____________________

Premises, Conclusion

Which of the following is not a statement:

Read the story and write a complete review of it.

Determine whether the following is an argument or not. If it is, identify the conclusion. If it is not, explain why. She doesn't eat pork, chicken, beef, mutton, veal, venison, turkey, or fish. It follows that she must be a vegan.

This is is a weak inductive argument. The statement that she doesn't eat these meats doesn't confirm that she's vegan. There are other things that she wouldn't eat to maintain a vegan lifestyle. There's also many other reasons (vegetarian) why she wouldn't eat the above meats, or possibly an intolerance or simply because she doesn't like those things.

Determine whether the following is an argument or not. If it is, identify the conclusion. If it is not, explain why. The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face.

This is not an argument because there are no reasons to support the conclusion that one should "leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face."

Determine whether the following is an argument or not. If it is, identify the conclusion. If it is not, explain why. It seems as if everyone I know has a computer or cell phone. The electronics industry is making better and better products every year.

This is not an argument, there are no reasons to support the conclusion that "everyone I know has a computer or cell phone" and that "the electronics industry is making better and better products every year."

Determine whether the following is an argument or not. If it is, identify the conclusion. If it is not, explain why. An independent candidate will never win the presidency of the United States. This is because the two-party system of Democrats and Republicans is too powerful to let a third party get any wide base of support among the American voting public.

Yes! This is an argument. Conclusion: An independent candidate will never win the presidency of the United States. Premise: This is because the two-party system of Democrats and Republicans is too powerful to let a third party get any wide base of support among the American voting public.

Answer each part: a) According to the text, how might selective attention affect your thinking when you are examining evidence for or against a claim? b) As a critical thinker how might one attempt to combat this tendency? c) Why is it important to attempt to do?

a) Selective attention affects our thinking by unconsciously ignoring things while noticing others. When examining evidence for or against a claim we may ignore ideas that go against our own belief and only seek out evidence that supports the truth of our beliefs. b) As a critical thinker, one can combat this tendency by making a conscious effort to look for opposing evidence and not make a judgement until one has carefully considered all the relevant reasons. c) Without considering all of the evidence, it is easy to be misled and make decisions that are based on biases and prejudices.

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