Quiz 15- Architecture

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This cast-iron building was designed by Sir Joseph Paxton for the Great Exhibition of 1851, and was more than a third of a mile long.

Crystal Palace

The Crystal Palace inspired other architects, including ________, who created a tower in Paris that was originally intended to be temporary.

Gustave Eiffel

In Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, an architect might opt to use this construction material in order to keep the aesthetic appearance of his or her building consistent with the surrounding architecture.

adobe brick

Architects consider this when designing a building.

all of these answers (the needs of the user, engineering, material, the site)

The Pont du Gard is a Roman construction used for conveying water, called ________.

an aqueduct

This nineteenth-century North American construction method uses lightweight wooden frames, instead of heavy timbers, to support the building.

balloon framing

This kind of stress pushes on the structure of a building and must be countered by a PULLING stress.


The Egyptians were the only ancient civilization to create load-bearing constructions.


This feature of Gothic architecture allowed the weight of the ceiling to be transferred away from the walls so that larger windows could be built.

flying buttresses

A room that uses numerous columns to support a flat ceiling is known as a ________ hall.


This architectural term means describes a structure created from a pile of material.


The Taj Mahal features four towers, each 162 ft. high, called ________, a characteristic feature of Islamic architecture.


This is the large central space of a Romanesque or Gothic cathedral.


If an architect wanted to build a large square building with a domed roof, he or she would use this structural feature to transfer the load of the roof.


This feature is NOT a basic part of a Greek column:


This type of arch was integrated into Gothic architecture in order to help direct the worshiper's gaze upward.


This architectural construction method consists of two uprights and a crossbeam.


Vaults that have an exposed structural beam protruding from them for decorative purposes are called ________.

rib vaults

The ancient Romans perfected this type of arch and often used it in their architecture.


This type of window was used in Gothic cathedrals to enhance the religious experience of the worshiper.


This kind of stress pulls on the structure of a building and must be countered by a PUSHING stress.


This is a ceiling based on the structural principles of the arch.


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