Quiz 2

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22. ________ is the most basic determinant of a person's wants and behavior. A) Culture B) Brand personality C) Cognitive dissonance D) Motive E) Attitude

A) Culture

14. Which of the following is true about business purchases? A) Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases. B) Business purchases involve fewer participants in decision making compared to consumer purchases. C) Purchasing agents are absent in business purchases. D) Business purchases involve less technical and economic considerations compared to consumer purchases. E) Business purchases are usually quicker and more informal than are consumer purchases.

A) Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases. B) Business purchases involve fewer participants in decision making compared to consumer purchases.

5. ________ are people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert influence on others. A) Opinion leaders B) Innovators C) Surrogate consumers D) Stealth marketers E) Lagging adopters

A) Opinion leaders

21. Ralph works for a manufacturing company in Ohio. Recently, he called in a department manager to assist in the purchase of some heavy machinery. After consulting the department manager, Ralph is considering a change in product specifications and characteristics and expects suppliers to meet his requirements. Which of the following is evident here? A) modified rebuy B) new task C) straight rebuy D) product differentiation E) reverse auction

A) modified rebuy

20. Hispanic Americans tend to be deeply family oriented and make shopping a family affair. Older consumers are brand loyal, while younger Hispanics have shown increasing price sensitivity and willingness to choose store brands. Hispanic Americans make up a ________. A) subculture B) social class C) social network D) life-cycle stage E) lifestyle

A) subculture

8. In business markets with inelastic demand ________. A) the total demand for products is not much affected by short-term price changes B) buyers are highly sensitive to price changes C) derived demand is absent D) a business purchase usually involves fewer decision participants E) a business purchase usually does not involve a professional purchasing effort

A) the total demand for products is not much affected by short-term price changes

16. ________ marketing tailors brands and promotions to the needs and wants of regional customer groups, such as cities, neighborhoods, and even specific stores. A) Undifferentiated B) Differentiated C) Niche D) Local E) Individual

B) Differentiated

1. ________ means that consumers are likely to remember good points made about a brand they favor and forget good points made about competing brands. A) Selective attention B) Selective retention C) Cognitive dissonance D) Selective distortion E) Cognitive bias

B) Selective retention

19. A marketer wanting to determine business buyer behavior is most likely to ask which of the following questions? A) Are buyers sensitive toward price changes in consumer markets? B) What are the major influences on buyers? C) Are niche markets more profitable than mass markets? D) How do interpersonal factors affect organizational performance? E) Is the role of gatekeepers relevant in the international business environment?

B) What are the major influences on buyers?

4. Business buyer behavior refers to the ________. A) buying behavior of consumers who buy goods and services for personal consumption B) buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others C) buying behavior of consumers who rely on small retailers for the regular supply of provisions D) decision process by which business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase E) strong affinity of businesses for value-for-money deals

B) buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others

24. Marketing stimuli include which of the following? A) economic stimuli B) price stimuli C) technological stimuli D) social stimuli E) cultural stimuli

B) price stimuli

18. Jean Malone, a market researcher, recently found that most people in Bradburg County purchase automobiles with predominantly functional designs and prefer darker colors. Which of the following marketing strategies should Jean most likely recommend to an automobile dealer interested in opening a dealership in Bradburg County? A) one-to-one marketing B) undifferentiated marketing C) segmented marketing D) individual marketing E) direct marketing

B) undifferentiated marketing

10. ________ is a person's pattern of living as expressed in his/her psychographics, and it includes the individual's activities, interests, and opinions. A) Personality B) Culture C) Lifestyle D) Motive E) Social class

C) Lifestyle

3. Which of the following statements is true regarding social classes in the United States? A) Social class is determined by income alone. B) Lines between social classes in the United States are fixed and rigid. C) Social classes show distinct product preferences in clothing and automobiles. D) Wealth is more critical than education level in measuring social class. E) People are relegated to a permanent social class in the United States.

C) Social classes show distinct product

11. Which of the following is NOT one of the major variables used in segmenting consumer markets? A) demographic B) behavioral C) ethical D) geographic E) psychographic

C) ethical

13. Malcolm Sanders, a graduate student from Boston, makes customized snowboards for local snowboarding enthusiasts. The demand for snowboards peaks during the winter months, a busy time for Malcolm. He advertises more aggressively and sells most of his snowboards around this time. Which market segmentation approach does Malcolm most likely use? A) gender segmentation B) psychographic segmentation C) occasion segmentation D) geographic segmentation E) age and life-cycle segmentation

C) occasion segmentation

2. Apex describes its clothing line as, "Elegance and attitude, now as one. For the daily office-goer, who takes pride in what he or she wears everyday, Apex makes sure you get noticed." This exemplifies a ________. A) statement of purpose B) vision statement C) positioning statement D) general need description E) product specification

C) positioning statement

23. In routine buying situations, which of the following members of the buying center has formal or informal power to select or approve the final suppliers? A) users B) influencers C) gatekeepers D) deciders E) buyers

D) deciders

25. In routine buying, buyers are often the ________, or at least the approvers. A) monitors B) influencers C) gatekeepers D) deciders E) primary advertisers

D) deciders

12. Delta Motorworks markets its cars based on the age, gender, and income of its customers. Which of the following types of market segmentation is evident here? A) geographic segmentation B) benefit segmentation C) occasion segmentation D) demographic segmentation E) psychographic segmentation

D) demographic segmentation

17. Maslow's theory is that ________ can be arranged in a hierarchy. A) marketing stimuli B) personal beliefs C) perceptions D) human needs E) decisions

D) human needs

6. When marketers at Fair & Leigh Inc. selected the Millennials, a demographic group that includes many college students, as an untapped group of potential customers for their new line of products, they were engaging in ________. A) occasion segmenting B) local marketing C) market diversification D) market targeting E) product positioning

D) market targeting

9. Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by characteristics that marketers cannot control but must take into account, including cultural, social, psychological, and ________ characteristics. A) economic B) professional C) medical D) personal E) genetic

D) personal

15. ________ positioning involves meeting consumers' lower performance or quality requirements at a much lower price. A) More for less B) Less for much less C) Same for less D) More for more E) More for the same

E) More for the same

7. Which of the following is characteristic of online social networks? A) use of one-way communication techniques B) negligible adoption rates C) guaranteed positive results D) easy methods to measure results E) interactive media content

E) interactive media content

26. Shoez Inc., a manufacturer of shoes, has recently launched a brand of sturdy shoes ideal for hiking and other outdoor activities. Which of the following brand personalities could be best associated with the new brand? A) sincerity B) excitement C) sophistication D) competence E) ruggedness

E) ruggedness

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