Quiz 5 for martin's class

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If 16 radioactive parent atoms decayed to half of their original number after one year, how many radioactive parent atoms would be left after two years?


Metamorphic rocks are exposed at the Earth's surface mainly in

Current of former mountain belts, continental shields, regions of deeply incised crust

The rate of decay (dP/dt) of a population of radioactive parent atoms __________ over time.


Where is magma generated as a result of increased temperature?

Hot spot


Magma, dating, formations

What makes the isotopes of a given element different from one another?

Number of neutrons

The half-life of carbon-14 is about 6,000 years. Assume that a sample of charcoal was formed by burning of living wood about 12,000 years ago. How much of the original carbon-14 would remain in the wood today?


__________ dating is the task of placing rock units and geologic events in their proper sequence


The volcano shown is


Which of the following regions in the US is most at risk for violent volcanic eruptions

The Cascade Mountains of California, Oregon and Washington

What is a caldera?

The depression

What is a dike?

Vertical band

Do nutrients move around the biosphere?


The dark rack the arrow is pointing to was broken off from a magma conduit wall and incorporated in to magma that subsequently solidified into the surrounding lighter colored igneous rock. Thus, the dark rock would be


The feature to which the arrow in the figure below is point is

a dike

The presence of stishovite, coesite, and tektites in a rock would be evidence for the past existence of

a shock metamorphism as from a meteorite impact

An unconformity represents

a time gap in the geological record

The lava flow shown in the foreground of the photograph below is an example of


The bold line shown in the sedimentary rock package shown in the figure below represents

an angular unconformity

The principle of Inclusions states that

an inclusion is always older than the rock matrix that encloses it.

In a sequence of undeformed sedimentary rock layers, the youngest rock layer would be

at the top

Why would the contact between sedimentary rock and high grade metamorphic rock represent an unconformity?

because sedimentary rocks form at the Earth's surface and metamorphic rocks form deep in the Earth; for sedimentary rocks to be in contact with metamorphic rock, the rock burying the metamorphic rock must have been removed

Why would radiometrically dating a mineral in the clast of a sedimentary rock not yield the age of formation of the sedimentary rock?

because the date would give the age of the older source rock from which the sediment was derived

What is a sill?

dark band of rock

Radiometric dating can provide the numeric mineral age if the mineral...

hasn't lost or gained parent/daughter atoms after the mineral formed

Why does magman viscosity increase the likelihood of an explosive eruption

higher viscosity magmas tend to be hotter than more fluid magmas, giving viscous magmas more energy for explosions

What is The Principle of Uniformitarianism

holds that the same geologic processes we recognize in action today have been operating throughout the Earth's history to create the features we see in the geologic record

The principle of Uniformitarianism

holds that the same geologic processes we recognize in action today have been operating througout the Earth's history to create the features we see in the geologic record

Changes in the number of neutrons in an atom

may cause the atom to become unstable and undergo radioactive decay

Within a sequence of undisturbed sedimentary rock layers where would the oldest layer be located

on the bottom

WHich of the following igneous features is not associated with violent volcanic eruptions?

pillow lavas

Why are sedimentary rocks typically deposited in a horizontal orientation?

sediments tend to slide down steeply dipping surfaces but can more easily accumulate on horizontal surfaces

Cinder cones...

tend to be smaller than shield volcanoes or stratovolcanoes

How would a metamorphic quartzite differ from a sedimentary quartzite (i.e. quartz sandstone)

the quartz grains in the metamorphic quartzite would be more tightly interlocking, leaving less pore space

The vast expanses of 150 to 80 million year old granite that form the core of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California are products of

the subduction of the Farallon plate beneath North America

What do the volcanoes, Mount St. Helens, Vesuvius, Krakatau, Lassen Peak, and Mount Pinatubo have in common?

they all have erupted explosively

The vast expanses of 150-80 million year old granite that form the core of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California are products of

transform plate boundary motion between the North American and Pacific plates

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