Quiz 6

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Which of the following BEST describes Nixon's foreign policy of "détente?"

As demonstrated by diplomatic visits to both China and the Soviet Union, Nixon sought a peaceful co-existence with communist nations.

Which of the following assessments of the Carter administration in 1980 is accurate?

Carter's approval ratings in 1980 had fallen lower than Nixon's at the time of his resignation.

During the 1932 election:

FDR called for a balanced government and criticized Hoover for excessive government spending.

Although suburban communities were segregated in the 1950s, today, communities such as Levittown on Long Island are completely racially integrated.


The United States won the Korean War.


Why was it inevitable that the United States and the Soviet Union would eventually come into conflict after the war ended?

Historically, both nations had never shared long-term interests or values.

Why did the United States continue to support South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem's corrupt and weak regime?

Presidents Kennedy and Johnson feared losing Vietnam to communism.

What contradiction did the Reagan presidency reveal about modern conservatism?

Reagan's policies enriched investors and CEOs, but eviscerated the economies and communities of the industrial heartland.

American planes dropped more tons of bombs on Vietnam than were used in all of World War II.


By 1955, the number of women working in America had exceeded the levels of World War II.`


Why was it unlikely that the Soviet Union was going to embark on a new military campaign in the years following World War II?

The communist nation had suffered more than 20 million casualties, along with immense devastation.

What taste of freedom did women enjoy in World War II?

The perks of doing men's jobs.

George Kennan's Long Telegram laid the foundation for the policy of containment.


The Berlin Airlift made it clear that Truman was determined to deny the Soviet Union any victories in the Cold War.


The emergence of a popular culture geared toward the emerging youth market suggested that significant generational tensions lay beneath the bland surface of 1950s life.


The movements of the 1960s challenged the 1950s understanding of freedom, which had been linked to the Cold War abroad and to consumer choice at home.


The percentage of families at or below the poverty rate fell during the 1950s.


How did the United States respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin?

Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift.

What ended the Great Depression?

World War II spending.

For most women workers, World War II:

allowed them to make temporary gains.

In 1975, the Vietnam War ended:

as the only war lost by the United States.

The Lend-Lease Act:

authorized military aid to those fighting against Germany and Japan.

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution:

authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam.

The first thing that Roosevelt attended to as president was the:

banking crisis.

During the 1950s, television:

became an effective advertising medium.

William Levitt, with the help of the GI Bill, gave many Americans the opportunity to:

buy a home.

The antiwar movement:

challenged the foundations of Cold War thinking.

The impact of the Cold War on American culture was:

especially evident in the movies.

The Moral Majority:

feared family values were being undermined.

During the Cold War, Americans:

formed anticommunist groups who pressured public libraries to remove ""un-American" books from their shelves.

The election of 1980 reflected:

growing frustration over America's condition.

Between 1950 and 1970, suburbanization:

hardened racial divisions in American life.

Mikhail Gorbachev:

inaugurated political openness and economic reform in the Soviet Union.

During the 1950s, American teenagers:

increased in number and were often perceived to be alienated.

In foreign policy, Reagan:

initiated the largest military buildup in American history.

Malcolm X:

insisted that blacks have economic and political autonomy.

The handling of the Iranian hostage crisis:

made Jimmy Carter appear weak and inept.

During the 1950s, Americans:

on average married younger and had more children than previous generations.

The policy of "containment" can best be described as:

preventing the spread of communism worldwide.

The Civilian Conservation Corps:

put young men to work in national parks.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act:

raised farm prices by establishing quotas and paying farmers not to plant more.

"Rosie the Riveter":

refers to Norman Rockwell's image of a female industrial laborer.

Reagan's economic policies:

resulted in a rise in economic inequality.

During the 1970s, evangelical Christians:

significantly increased in number, as they became more vocal.

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was:

the Soviet Union.

In the United States during World War II:

unemployment declined, production soared, and income taxes increased.

The 1963 March on Washington:

was a high point in black and white cooperation.

The Berlin Wall:

was erected in 1961 by the Soviets to stem the rising tide of emigration from East Berlin to West Berlin.

The Iran-Contra affair:

was the greatest scandal of the Reagan administration.

During the postwar suburban boom, African-Americans:

were often unable to receive financing for housing.

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