Quiz 7

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In Galatians, Paul notes that the hypocritical actions of one apostle had caused ___________to be led astray.


The church at Corinth was the ideal model for a first-century apostolic church.


In First Corinthians Paul address three moral issues in the church. One of these is the issue of ungratefulness fraud incest gossip


According to the textbook, to keep him from exalting himself, God gave him a thorn in the flesh.


Paul wanted Timothy to see four generations of ministry duplication. The firstgeneration was Paul who preached the gospel. The second generation was Timothy who received the gospel from Paul. The third generations were the people converted when Timothy preached. The fourth generation includes the "others" who were taught by faithful men from the third generation.


Paul's hope in Philippians was to offer practical encouragements to his friends at Philippi so they would not be tempted to doubt God's faithfulness even in dire circumstances.


Paul's instructs the Corinthians that his perspective on the Gospel ministry includes the idea that knowing the fear of God moves the minister to persuade unsaved people to become Christians.


Paul's instructs the Corinthians that his perspective on the Gospel ministry includes the idea that the minister accepts his weakness because of the opportunities it affords.


Paul's instructs the Corinthians that his perspective on the Gospel ministry includes the idea that the ministry is an opportunity to display the glory of God.


Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus are collectively known as the Pastoral Epistles.


Paul's letters to the Corinthians deal with the challenges of Christians living in a hostile culture.


The Galatian Christians were being influenced by Judaizers who would have Gentile believers circumcised and live by the law.


Paul wrote _____________ to encourage his ministry assistant to live the gospel and fight to defend it.

1 Timothy

__________ was Philemon's runaway slave from Colossae who encountered Paul in Rome.


Throughout 2 Corinthians Paul includes the story of _____________.


In Galatians, Paul tells the story of how he had to rebuke ________ for hypocrisy.


_____________, a wealthy businessman who lived in Colossae, owned slaves, and the church met in his house.


In the letter of ___________, Paul emphasized that believers can experience true joy by living out the mind of Christ within the body of Christ.


__________ is a short and extremely practical book that is focused primarily on church ministry and, secondarily, on Christian discipleship.


In the first section of Romans Paul shows that _____________ are under condemnation. Moralists Jews Pagans All of the above

all of the above

In First Corinthians, the Corinthian believers boasted in their tolerance. Instead they should have dealt with this sin problem.


Which of the following is not a piece of the Christian's spiritual armor. helmet of salvation sword of the spirit belt of faith sandals of the Gospel

belt of faith

In Galatians Paul says the Galatian Christians have gone to a completely different kind of gospel.


In Galatians, Paul exhorts his readers to "carry one another's burdens" but at the same time exhorts each to "carry his own load."


Which of the following is not a piece of the Christian's spiritual armor helmet of salvation sword of the spirit shield of faith breastplate of obedience

breastplate of obedience

Paul sees believers as having three chief duties. One of these duties is towards the military (no) brothers employer Ten Commandments


According to Paul in Galatians, Christ redeemed us by becoming a _________ for us when He hung on the cross.


1 Thessalonians is filled with Old Testament quotations as Paul seeks to answer some of the questions currently troubling the believers at Thessalonica.


In Philemon, Paul makes himself personally responsible for the amount stolen by Onesimus. He tells Philemon to "Charge that to my account."


In order to "not carry out the desire of the flesh," Paul urges the Galatians to "be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe."(no) "work at living in peace with everyone and work at living a holy life." "take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees." "love your neighbor as yourself."

"love your neighbor as yourself."

In order to "not carry out the desire of the flesh," Paul urges the Galatians to "carry out the works of the law." (no) "serve one another through love." "look unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith." (no) "make straight paths for your feet."

"serve one another through love."

In order to "not carry out the desire of the flesh," Paul urges the Galatians to "run the race set before them." "strip off every weight that slows them down." "walk by the Spirit." All of the above (no)

"walk by the Spirit."

_______________ contains the earliest instructions for church leaders and orderly arrangement of the local church.

1 Timothy

According to the textbook, ___________ is the most personal of all Paul's letters as he reveals his own heart for this church and his ministry in general.

2 Corinthians

_____________ emphasizes the coming judgment on the enemies of Christ and focuses on Satan, the Antichrist, and the world.

2 Thessalonians

According to Paul in Romans, the story of ____________ demonstrates that salvation and God's righteousness are God's gift through faith.


In Galatians, Paul uses ___________ as an example of one justified by faith.


According to the textbook, Paul's pastoral letters emphasize the importance of

Christian leadership

1 Timothy can be divided into two sections. The first section deals with _____________while the second section deals with personal instructions. Doctrinal Instructions Marital Instructions Church Instructions Bible Study Instructions

Church Instructions

In _______________, Paul cites an early Christian hymn in order to explain the preeminence of Christ.


According to the textbook, of all the cities where Paul ministered, perhaps the __________had more evidence of Satanic activity and demonic oppression than any other place.


In 2 Corinthians Paul told the church that the Macedonians were giving a contribution for the work of the ministry. Thus, their contribution was appreciated but not needed.


In Galatians, Paul's conclusion was that "we are not children of the slave but of the free." He makes this conclusion by allegorically linking Christians to Sarah rather than ___________.


According to Paul in Romans, justification is the impartation of God's righteousness in and through the believer to conform him progressively to the image of Jesus Christ.


According to Paul in Romans, sanctification includes the imputation of God's righteousness by means of faith in Jesus Christ.


In 1 Timothy Paul describes the qualifications of a bishop. He lists both jobs within the church that they must undertake as well as inner character they must possess.


In Colossians, Paul explains that true biblical wisdom was based on Old Testament truth, but now it is even more "fully known" through Christ's Apostles.


In First Corinthians, Paul refused to answer any questions the Corinthians had until they had corrected their three current issues.


In order to demonstrate the self-sacrifice and humility of Jesus, Paul boasted in his weakness rather than his strength in 2 Corinthians.


Paul and Epaphras visited Colossae and founded the church in Colossae after ministering in Ephesus.


Paul founded the church in Rome on his first missionary journey.


Paul tells the Philippians that they should live in unity, humility, and selflessness. He then gives himself as the example for believers to follow when he claims, "follow me as I follow Christ."


Paul's epistle to the Romans is not Paul's most extensive theological writing. That claim belongs to Galatians - Paul's epistle to the church in Galatia.


Some scholars believe that the absence of personal greetings in Ephesians suggests that neither did Paul found the church in Ephesus nor did he know anyone in the church.


The Roman church consisted of both Jews and Gentiles, but the majority were Jews.


The church at Thessalonica was founded by Paul during his first missionary journey.


The dominant theme of 2 Timothy is Timothy's departure from the truth which Paul was seeking to correct.


While the Corinthian church had many problems they never questioned Paul's apostolic authority.


Paul sees believers as having three chief duties. One of these duties is towards the Christian cause Jewish law Government remaining Apostles


In First Corinthians Paul address three moral issues in the church. One of these is the issue

litigation between believers

In Galatians, Paul's conclusion was that "we are not children of the slave but of the free." He makes this conclusion through allegorically explaining the stories of Cain and Abel Jacob and Esau Joseph and Benjamin Isaac and Ishmael

Isaac and Ishmael

In First Corinthians Paul address three moral issues in the church. One of these is the issue misappropriation of the church offerings improper forms of worship scheming with and against other believers sexual immorality with prostitutes

sexual immorality with prostitutes

In First Corinthians, Paul contrasted the permanence of love to the temporary nature of

spiritual gifts

2 Timothy was written by Paul to Timothy just before Paul's martyrdom.


According to Paul in 1 Thessalonians, the will of God for the Thessalonian believers is that they might be progressively sanctified and have a strong hope for the future.


According to Paul in 2 Timothy, since God is perfect and all knowing, when He breathed inspiration on the Scriptures, they were perfect.


According to Paul in Colossians, Christ has made the Father knowable, available, and approachable to all believers at all times.


According to Paul in Galatians, the law cannot give life, but it does have the purpose of revealing our sinful character before God.


According to Paul in Galatians, the law locked imprisoned us, but provided no remedy. Only faith in Christ can atone for sin and free us from the law's condemnation.


According to Paul in Galatians, the law was also "our guardian" to lead us to Christ.


According to Paul in Romans, justification by faith makes all equal before God and gives the law its rightful place of condemning sin.


According to Paul in Romans, justification was provided by Christ's substitutionary death on the cross as a satisfaction for man's sin for all who come to Christ in faith.


According to Paul in Romans, the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit has set believers free from the law and the rule of sin and death.


According to the textbook, Galatians can be termed the Magna Carta of Christian liberty. It states unequivocally that salvation is through faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone, without works of any kind.


According to the textbook, Paul asserts in 1 Thessalonians that because of the promise of the rapture, believers will not suffer the wrath of the Day of the Lord.


According to the textbook, Paul asserts in 2 Thessalonians that the Day of the Lord will not begin until the "man of lawlessness" (the Antichrist) is revealed.


According to the textbook, Paul reminds the Thessalonians that their fellow believers who have died will all be resurrected and translated (glorified) together, to be with Christ forever.


According to the textbook, Paul teaches in 2 Thessalonians that the rapture will precede the removal of the "restrainer," the revealing of the Antichrist, the time of tribulation, and the final Day of the Lord.


According to the textbook, Timothy was probably converted to Christianity as a youth when Paul visited his home in Lystra on the first missionary journey with Barnabas.


At the bottom of all the problems addressed in First Corinthians was a self-serving,indulgent attitude. This attitude stood in contrast to the death of Christ as a self-giving sacrifice for the sins of others.


Epistles are the most common literary form in the New Testament. They are"occasional" letters; that is, they were designed to deal with specific situations.


First Corinthians is a pastoral letter to a local church from a father addressing his spiritually erring children


For Paul in Ephesians, the answer to unity is the fact that we are "in Christ" and all of us are members of "the body of Christ."


In 1 Timothy Paul argues that pastors should get paid but should not be appointed until they have proven they are of godly character.


In 1 Timothy Paul identified two acts of heresy: forbidding marriage and abstinence from food.


In 2 Thessalonians Paul assures the believers that God will take vengeance on their persecutors and will be glorified over them at the end of the age.


In 2 Timothy Paul foresees a time of unrestrained self-centeredness that will characterize the "last days."


In Colossians, Paul said Christ fulfilled the law, thus keeping the obligations of the law is no longer necessary because Christ took "it away by nailing it to the cross."


In Colossians, Paul seems to sum up the Colossian heresy of gnosis calling it,"Philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world."


In Ephesian, Paul pictures believers as being "in Christ." This is a special relationship with God because they are perfect in Christ.


In Ephesians, Paul asserts that, while believers are the church and the bride, Christ is the Bridegroom.


In Ephesians, Paul uses the figure of a temple to describe the church as a spiritual building in which all the different elements are welded together into a collective unity.


In First Corinthians, Paul asserted that the Corinthians were operating as immature,baby Christians, still using the wisdom of the world and this resulted in divisions among them.


In First Corinthians, Paul believed that the Corinthian Christians were still fleshly.They were still controlled by the flesh, and living like the unsaved, according to human wisdom.


In First Corinthians, Paul encouraged these believers to examine their attitudes before partaking in this ordinance of the church.


In Philemon, Paul pleads with Philemon to take Onesimus back and forgive him for both the crimes of stealing and running away because "you owe me over and above your very soul."


In Philemon, Paul tells Philemon to receive back his runaway slave "on the basis of love." Paul is suggesting Philemon not only forgive his crimes but also give Onesimus his freedom.


In Philippians Paul argues that true joy and peace are not contingent on circumstances but rather in knowing that an all-powerful and all-loving God is in control.


In Philippians, Paul asserts that he is pursing Christ as passionately as a runner would pursue the goal and prize of winning a race.


In Romans Paul shows that all are accountable and no one can be justified by his own good works, with or without the law.


In Romans Paul shows that the whole world is under sin and therefore guilty before God.


In the Corinthian church some believed in Christ's resurrection but not in the resurrection of believers.


One of Paul's principal achievement was that he was the main leader in extending the church into Asia Minor and Greece, becoming known as the premier apostle to the Gentiles.


One of Paul's principal achievements was that he wrote thirteen books of the New Testament, which are a primary source of theological information


Paul argues in Galatians that the law requires perfect obedience, and since no one is perfect, all are condemned by the law. Only faith in Christ's finished work can save anyone.


Paul encourages Titus to exhort with sound doctrine in order to produce good Christian behavior.


Paul reminds Titus that since people were saved "not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to His mercy" and justified by God's grace, they should live a life of good works toward all men.


Paul reminds the Colossians that, "You died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God"


Paul reminds the Colossians to focus on their heavenly standing because "you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above, where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on what is above."


Paul removed any obstacle Timothy might have had to ministry among Jews by having the young man circumcised.


Paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy to "preach the word." It's not Timothy's opinion that he is to preach; it's what God commands.


Paul uses the phrase "in Christ" 170 times in his writings to refer to church-age believers to whom the mystery of the God's grace was already revealed.


Spiritual warfare takes place both in heaven and on earth. Because believers have victory in Christ in heaven, they should and can have victory on this earth. So, Paul exhorts believers in Ephesians to prepare for spiritual battle on this earth.


The church in Rome probably consisted of at least five household churches rather than one large church.


The problems addressed in First Corinthians arose when various groups sided with different leaders who best represented their view of Christianity.


The task that Paul gives Titus is to appoint elders and reprove the rebellious.


Paul sees believers as having three chief duties. One of these duties is towards the

weak and strong

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