Quiz 7

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Miss Horgan comes to you before the school year starts and says, "I'm worried about my classroom management. One of my art classes contains several students who have learning disabilities and some who have attention disorders." Which of the following pieces of advice would be best to give Miss Horgan?

"Definitely make good use of the experts in your school because they can help you ensure that your instruction meets all students' needs."

Mrs. Weaver teaches with you in the English department at John Dewey High School, which uses block (90-minute) scheduling. Over lunch one day, she says, "I cannot seem to get my students to stay engaged in the lesson. They start off pretty well, but by the time we have moved into the second half hour, they are tuned out. I thought I would like block scheduling, but these students just cannot handle such long stretches of time." Given what you know about planning classroom activities, which question would you ask?

"How many activities do you schedule during each block?"

Mr. Malone teaches U.S. History, and he drops by your room one day, saying, "My students and I had a great discussion in class today. They were impressive, thinking deeply, making connections, communicating skillfully. The only thing that bothered me was that Javier, Jennifer, and Takia never spoke up at all. They do not like to talk in class, and I know it is not good to let them avoid it ... but I'm not sure how best to involve them." What advice might you give Mr. Malone?

"Maybe you can ease them into it by asking them to comment on what another student has just said."

All students in Mrs. Leo's class are working quietly on an assignment. After circulating through the room to ensure that each student knows what to do and is working steadily, she goes to sit at her desk. She glances at her "to do" list and sees that tomorrow is the deadline for students to turn in their yearbook order money. She calls for the class's attention and reminds the students that if they haven't turned in their money by tomorrow, they will not have another chance to purchase a yearbook. What would a classroom management expert say if they observed this interaction?"

"Since all the students were working quietly, this was a good time to make her announcement, because she did not have to work hard to get their attention." "She dropped the ball in terms of monitoring. Teachers should never sit down at their desks when students are working." "If she had waited until the next transition time to announce this, she would have taken less of a chance, management-wise."

Which of the following is the best example of group alerting during a lesson?

"Who can tell me how Juliet was feeling at this point in the story?" (teacher pauses for a few seconds, scanning the room) "Yvette, please tell us what you think."

Which of the following statements about teaching in inclusive settings is most accurate?

**WRONG In an inclusive model with a lead teacher and supporting special education and ESL teachers, the goal is to make sure that every student can demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills by completing the same activities in the same way.

Mr. Chips hears a book dropping and a brief flurry of commotion during his lesson. The sounds are coming from the back of the room where Bubba and Madonna are sitting, but when he looks back there, Mr. Chips doesn't see anyone behaving inappropriately. According to Kounin, which of the following teacher actions would be most appropriate?

**WRONG First, be sure who is making the noise then issue a desist

Ms. Trueheart's students believe that she "has eyes in the back of her head." What effective behavior is Ms. Trueheart exhibiting?

**WRONG Overlapping

When a lesson is complex, the authors recommend that teachers

*WRONG try ti boil the complicated topics down to their essence

Which of the following statements about formative and summative assessment is most accurate?

A portfolio can be both a summative and a formative assessment.

One of Ms. Mason's goals is to use more formative assessment in her Physics class. Which of the following assessments would most help her move toward that goal?

Asking students to identify two takeaways and two questions they have about the day's content

Common causes of misbehavior during transitions include all but which of the following?

Failure to utilize a high-participation

Students in Mr. Cometti's class are generally well-behaved, but you notice that when they transition to independent work, they talk more than is desirable and they take a long time to begin their work. Which of the following strategies is least likely to be effective in addressing the problem?

Giving the students more work to do in the allocated time so they'll feel more pressure to begin working immediately

Ms. Barkley has her students keep a notebook of assignments; they submit the notebook periodically for Ms. Barkley to review. She notes the grade on each assignment in the binder but also has students keep a log of their grades in the back of the notebook. Periodically she makes notes on the grading log to encourage students or to recognize particularly good work. What is the most likely reason for Ms. Barkley to have students keep the grading log?

Having students monitor their own scores is one way to motivate them by helping them recognize how individual assignments are contributing to their final grades.

Having students work in small groups would be least effective in which of the following situations?

Introducing new content

If a teacher is not effective at overlapping, which of the following tasks will he handle least effectively?

Managing group activities

Miss Belvedere wants her middle school students to finish up their math work and get ready to go to the library to do research. She says, "Class, put your books away and get out your research notebook. Put your worksheet in the basket on my desk. Then line up." Students begin moving and Miss Belvedere says, "You're also going to need that sheet of notes I gave you, and a pencil." Students go back to their desks again to get the items they need. Miss Belvedere looks at the clock, frustrated because she wanted to have her students at the library five minutes ago. Which of the following statements best represents the situation described here?

Miss Belvedere is guilty of a bumpy transition and if students are late she bears at least some of the responsibility

Mr. Clooney is teaching a biology lesson about animal adaptations. He asks if any of the students have ever gone hunting and worn camouflage gear. He says, "That reminds me of a funny story!" and proceeds to tell students about a time he fell asleep while hunting and almost fell out of his deer stand. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects Kounin's recommendation?

Mr. Clooney should avoid getting himself sidetracked from the purpose of the lesson

When Ms. Martinson is leading her students in a recitation, Beverly gives an incorrect answer to a question. Ms. Martinson responds by asking Beverly question after question to make sure that she understands the concept. Which of the following descriptions is most accurate?

Ms. Martin's strategy is ineffective because it may not only cause Beverly to be embarred it may also slow the pace of the ability

When Ms. Padgett teaches mathematics, her instructional time typically follows this format: Go over homework with students; have students open their books to the new concept; read the new information in the book aloud to students; assign the students problems from the book to complete for the rest of class time (and finish for homework). Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Ms. Padgett's technique is ineffective because she fails to work problems with the class and to check for understanding before making an assignment.

When Ms. Vane is preparing to move her sixth-graders from one activity to the next, she gives them a five-minute warning, followed by a two-minute warning. What would you say about the effectiveness of this plan?

Ms. Vane;s strategy is effectivive because it eases students into te trasition

Which of the following models of co-teaching would you be most likely to see in a team-based inclusion setting?

Regular subject-area teachers serving as lead teachers with special education teachers and ESL teachers functioning in supportive roles with all students

As she creates her online course, a teacher creates an interactive video lecture. Students watch for a few minutes, then the video stops and a multiple choice question about the content pops up. When students answer the question, their responses are sent to the electronic gradebook. What is the most likely purpose of the periodic questions in this activity?

The questions are designed to keep the students engaged and to let the teacher know whether or not the students are understanding the video's content.

Which of the following statements about transitions is true?

Transitions occur any time classes or activites start or stop

Your friend Idoia has just been offered a job teaching seventh grade at Rachel Brown Middle School. As she's deciding whether or not to accept it, she says the principal mentioned that she would be part of a team of teachers serving about 115 students. The student population is diverse; 12 students receive special education services; a number of students have arrived in the country in the last 18 months and need to build proficiency in English; about half of the students come from families for whom food, money, and resources are in short supply. There are several questions Idoia should ask as she considers the position. Which of the following questions is least likely to help Idoia make her decision?

What resources does the school have to support English Language Learners and families who need material support?

You are in the computer lab with your students as they are researching their favorite authors. All of a sudden, you hear a commotion in one corner of the lab. When you get there, Eva is looking extremely nervous and some students are looking around, embarrassed. Others are laughing. There on Eva's screen is a totally inappropriate picture. You ask her what happened, and she says she clicked on something and that this picture just opened up. You believe that she did not go looking for the picture. What is the best thing to do in this case?

You should introduce a new procedure, teaching students to immediately hit the "back" button and get your attention if they accidentally encounter inappropriate material on the Internet.

"When you finish the worksheet, leave it on your desk so that I can check it when I come around." This direction by the teacher to a class is an example of


Discussions are particularly good for

allowing students to develop their critical thinking and oral expression skills

Mr. Marquez seems morose at lunch. When you ask him why he's so down, he says, "Because after lunch, I have to teach about the Revolutionary War, and I just hate teaching about it. It's so boring and students already know a lot about it." Mr. Marquez would benefit from

being careful that his own lack of enthusiasm for the Revolutionary War doesn't spill over onto his students or keep him from teaching the material thoroughly

Greater student engagement will occur during seatwork activities when the teacher

circulates and provides brief assistance to students

The book describes two models of instructional activity, one with four steps and one with six. The main benefit of the one with six steps is that

content development can be split into two pieces so student attention is maintained more easily.

Components of effective seatwork activities include all of the following except

having students begin the task and work for 15 minutes then stopping to check their progress.

Mrs. Alley is having a discussion about a selection the students were supposed to read for homework last night. She says, "Dennis, what is the theme of the story?" Her question is

ineffective because other class members may tune out

The behavior most closely associated with lesson pacing is


Mia is the quietest student in your class. She never volunteers to answer questions you ask during lessons, and she rarely interacts with the other students unless they approach her first. You are going to begin using regular discussions to help your students understand concepts in history. You know that Mia will not be a willing participant. What should you do?

occasionally ask Mia to give her opinion or to paraphrase another student's comments

Ms. Carmel hangs a "Do not disturb" sign on her door so she won't be interrupted by the school messengers during the time she uses for whole class instruction. Ms. Carmel would probably rate high in


Mr. Smith, a science teacher, has a few students who move very slowly during the transition from lecture to lab work. Gloria and Marianna are still putting away their notebooks and other materials while all of the other students are ready to begin work at the lab tables. The delay caused by waiting for Gloria and Marianna would make it difficult to complete all the lab work in the remaining time. To manage the transition efficiently, Mr. Smith should

start the lab promptly while monitoring Marianna and Gloria

During recitation, frequent incorrect student answers are most likely to signal

that you need to re-teach the content

All but which of the following statements reflect cautions about the use of instructional technology?

there are few worthwile educational technologies available for use at schools

Which of the following would Kounin likely say is most important in achieving successful results in classroom management?

use a variety of rewards for appropriate behavior

Mr. Smith frequently fails to notice that students at the back of the room pass notes and tease each other. Subsequently, more students get off-task. Mr. Smith is deficient in


You are teaching a chemistry lesson and notice that Desiree has her hairbrush out. You anticipate that she will begin using it at any minute, so you give her "the look," silently communicating that she should put it away. You have handled the situation without interruption to your lesson. Which of Kounin's classroom management skills have you exhibited?


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