Quiz5 - Intergenerational - Bowen Theory, Quiz 6 Psychoanalytic, Quiz 7 Satir Model, Quiz 8 EFT & FFT

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When working with families or couples in process groups, how many couples or families should be invited to participate?


The number of people allowed into a group is the key to its success. What is the general number recommended for process groups of teens and adults?


Differentiation is measured along a continuum that ranges from 1 to 100, with lower levels of differentiation represented by lower numbers. Bowen believed that the average person or people rarely reached higher than what on this scale?


Similarly to the Satir model of family therapy, Whitaker's symbolic-experiential model focuses on family structure and which of the following?

Emotional Process

Which of the following refers to situations in which a person no longer emotionally engages with another in order to manage anxiety?

Emotional cutoff

According to Bowenian theory, the family is to be understood as an emotional system composed of:

The extended family, the nuclear family, and deceased family members

In FFT, it is important for family members to see which of the following in order for therapy to be successful?

The family is part of the solution

According to Bowen, the source of family problems is related to differentiation in:

The grandparents' families

Satir's six-stage model of change is best described by which of the following statements?

The model emphasizing the therapist perturbs the system, shakes it up and respects its ability to naturally reorganize itself in a more useful way.

When working with the Smith family, Bowen's focus would most likely be on:

The parents' level of differentiation

In FFT, the therapist works with the family to get which of the following type of problem description?

A family-focused problem understanding

Bowen's stance in therapy is that of:

A neutral observer

When an intergenerational therapist maintains an emotionally engaged stance that is nonreactive — meaning that the therapist does not react to attacks, "bad" news, and so forth without careful reflection — this is known as which of the following?

A non-anxious presence

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a differentiated person?

A person who is differentiated lacks emotion or emotional expression in emotional situations. A differentiated person does: not immediately react in emotional situations. has the ability to separate feelings and self from others is better able to handle ups and downs of life.

Softening of emotions in EFT is used to create emotional bonding, change interactional positions, and redefine the relationship as safe and connected. How is this accomplished with couples in therapy?

A previously blaming, critical partner asks a newly accessible partner to meet his/her attachment needs and longings from a position of emotional vulnerability. Partners learn to express their underlying attachment-based fears, including hurt and disappointment, when discussing conflict areas. The more critical partner softens his/her stance and words, allowing the more vulnerable or anxious partner to reduce emotional reactivity and defensiveness.

The greater the therapist's level of differentiation, the better able the therapist is to maintain a non-anxious presence with clients. A non-anxious presence refers to which of the following?

A therapist who does not overreact to strong emotion and is able to reflect before reacting

From the perspective of an intergenerational therapist, which of the following is NOT true of a triangle?

A triangle is a healthy way to relieve tension True of triangles: A triangle is a fundamental process in natural systems A triangle is a process in which a dyad draws in a third person or thing A triangle is a stabilizing unit for the primary dyad

What is a genogram?

A type of family tree that specifically maps key multigenerational processes

Differentiation is one of the most useful concepts for understanding interpersonal relationships. Which of the following statements is true?

All of the following: Differentiation is a lifelong journey that is colloquially referred to as "maturity" in the broadest sense. Differentiation is the ability to balance two life forces: the need for togetherness and the need for autonomy. Differentiation refers to a person's ability to separate intrapersonal and interpersonal distress

When an EFT therapist is in the assessment phase, they discover instances in which one partner was in a moment of high need or vulnerability and the other partner failed to offer the needed support or nurturance. The therapist might identify this as which of the following?

An attachment injury

What is the heart of relational goals in Satir's approach?

Congruent communication for all family members

Jordin, an intergenerational therapist, is working with a mom and daughter in therapy. The mom feels extremely guilty about her daughter's lack of social success in college. The mom, therefore remains very involved and emotionally reactive in her daughter's life, even though her daughter is living in the dorms in another town. How might Jordin view the mother's reactivity?

As chronic anxiety

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the intergenerational therapy goal to decrease emotional reactivity to chronic anxiety in the system?

As differentiation increases, anxiety decreases.

There are a finite number of attachment styles. When a secure relationship no longer feels secure, a person will use one of three typical patterns to defend against the threat to their secure relationship. Which of the following is NOT an insecure attachment style?

Awkward Attachment Styles: Secure, Anxious-Preoccupied, Dismissive-Avoidant, and Fearful-Avoidant

Satir's work and relationships with clients was characterized by her foundation of warmth and humanity. These conditions can be achieved by other therapists practicing the Satir model by doing which of the following?

Being congruent

Satir's most distinctive intervention is family sculpting, which is done either with the family or in a group setting. How is sculpting accomplished?

By putting family members in physical positions that represent how the "sculptor" sees each person's role in the family

Functional family therapists help parents be more effective based on current scientific literature on parenting behaviors associated with risk factors and protective factors for youth behavior problems. FFT focuses on which three areas when working with parents?

Clear expectations and rules; active monitoring and supervision; consistent and enforcement of behavioral contingencies

A Satir-oriented therapist working with a couple asks the partners to turn their chairs toward each other and gives the following prompt: "Tell your partner how you feel about what happened New Year's Eve." The therapist might be doing which of the following?

Coaching communication

According to Johnson, which of the following is the therapist's role in emotion focused therapy?

Collaborator, Choreographer, Process Consultant

Functional family therapy is an empirically-validated family therapy treatment for working with which type of presenting problems?

Conduct disorder and delinquency

Nathan and Alexander, a couple who have been in a relationship for 7 years, complain of a lack of communication and a dissatisfying intimate life. Nathan says he wants more emotional and physical intimacy with Alexander, but that Alexander is happy with cuddling on the couch or doing activities such as gardening together. Alexander complains that their closeness is never enough for Nathan and that he often feels pressured to do more to make Nathan happy. David, a Bowenian therapist, might use which type of intervention with this couple to promote Nathan and Alexander differentiating more and taking responsibility for their individual needs?

Creating a genogram to identify patterns and alternative ways for relating to each other Hugging to relax and working with the couple to be "seen" by the other Teaching each person to self-soothe rather than demand the other to change

When assessing families, FFT therapists carefully attend to which of the following aspects of the family?

Cultural background, Ethnic and religious norms, Socioeconomic context

The EFT therapy process is clearly structured in three stages that include which of the following?

De-escalation of negative cycles; change interactional patterns and creating engagement; consolidation and integration

The overarching goals of EFT are straightforward and focused, providing couple therapists with consistent direction during what is often a tumultuous adventure. Which of the following is NOT a goal of EFT?

Decrease expression of attachment needs. Goals of EFT: ncrease direct expression of emotions. Develop new interaction patterns that nurture and support each partner. Create secure attachment for both partners.

When working with a family, an intergenerational therapist can only accurately "see" what is going on in the family or clearly conceptualize family dynamics if they are what?


Whether working with an individual, couple, or family, most therapists at some point will be "invited" by clients to triangulate with them against a third party who may or may not be present in the room. To be effective, the therapist must maintain therapeutic neutrality in order to interrupt a client's attempt to involve the therapist or someone else in a triangle. This ability to be neutral is also known as what?


In therapy, a therapist says, "On the surface, you look angry and sure of yourself when you are arguing with him. Inside, something very different seems like it might be going on. Inside, it seems you feel more like a sad and lonely little girl who isn't too sure of herself ... sure if she is good enough or worthy of his love. Is that what is going on here?" What intervention might the therapist be doing?

Empathetic conjecture and interpretation

A Satir-oriented therapist working in a session with a client said the following: "As I listen to you explain what happened to you during that argument with your sister, I am getting a sense that you were feeling hurt. Does that sound right?" What is the therapist attempting to do with the client?

Facilitate emotional expression.

Power struggles, parental conflicts, lack of validation, and lack of intimacy, are considered what according to the Satir model?

Family dynamics

Object relations family therapy, family-of-origin therapy, and contextual therapy share several key concepts and practices. They include each of the following EXCEPT?

Focus on the nature of being human rather than families or family therapy. They all include: Promote insight into extended family dynamics to facilitate change Trace transgenerational and extended family dynamics to understand a client's complaints Examine a client's early relationships to understand present functioning

The Satir growth model focuses mostly on which of the following?

Fostering individual growth and improving family interactions

Some of the therapeutic strategies of Bowen's natural systems theory include:

Going home again, detriangulation, genogram

Relationship enhancement programs have shown to promote each of the following for couples EXCEPT?

Happy marriages What they do promote: Conflict management Positive communication Positive expression of affection

Which of the following would be considered a primary emotion?


When an EFT therapist is heightening in therapy, what is he or she doing?

Highlighting key emotions

Emotion focused therapy is a new paradigm for understanding adult love relationships. Which of the following statements best reflect that premise?

Humans have the need for secure attachment relationships across the lifespan, not just in infancy and childhood.

The use of which metaphor allows Satir practitioners to use six levels of experience to help clients transform their feelings about feelings to make lasting change and more effectively meet their underlying need for love and acceptance?


Like any theory with a definition of health, intergenerational theory has clearly-defined, long-term therapeutic goals that can be used with all clients. Which one of the following fits for this theory?

Increase each person's level of differentiation (in specific contexts)

The ingredients of an interaction intervention detail the internal communication process of clients and can be used to teach clients about internal and relational processes. This intervention can be use with which type of clients?

Individuals, couples, and families

Emotion focused therapy, created by Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg, uses an integration of all of the following theories EXCEPT?

Intergenerational Theory Theories integrated: Systems theory Experiential theory Attachment theory

Intergenerational therapists focus on developing a therapeutic relationship that encourages all parties to further their differentiation process. What does this mean?

Intergenerational therapists believe that clients can only differentiate as much as their therapists have differentiated.

When an EFT therapist works with a couple, it is important for them to assess which relationships in each person's attachment history?

Intimate relationships in adolescence Relationships with parents or caregivers Intimate relationships in adulthood

When a Satir-oriented therapist is spending time "floating" along with the client's distractions to identify the unique "anchors" of the client's reality that the therapist can tap into, they might be working with what type of client?


Sacha, a Satir-oriented therapist, notices that her client, who often reports feeling overwhelmed, is often ill and exhausted. What might Sacha be doing during her assessment of the client?

Making a mind-body connection between her client's emotional issues and how they are manifesting in his or her body

If Bowen were working with the Smith family - Maria 45, Ralph 47, Matthew 18 -- he would most likely see:

Maria and Ralph

A functional family therapist is working with a family who often yells. Although the therapist believes yelling is unhealthy, he first assesses how the yelling functions in the family — how it creates closeness and distance and determines hierarchy — before determining whether the yelling needs to change in the family. What is this therapist doing?

Matching to fit the family

In emotion focused therapy, when does the therapist use self-disclosure?

Minimally, to maintain focus on the couple

In the treatment of partner violence, recent initial studies indicate which of the following approaches to be effective means of reducing physical violence?

Multi-couple group therapy

Differentiated individuals, according to Bowen:

NONE of the above: Are unaware of the feelings of others around them Tend to be rigid Are emotionally dependent on others for their well-being

Many of the youth and families in FFT are mandated clients who may have had painful and difficult experiences with previous clinical treatment, in school, or with the justice department. Therefore, it is important for FFT therapists to have what kind of therapeutic stance with clients?

One of respect and collaboration

Normalcy according to Bowen is described as:

Optimal functioning based on level of differentiation and intellectual development

Bowen preferred not to include children in therapy because he believed that:

Parents are responsible for their children's problems

When a Satir-oriented therapist is working with a client by facilitating a process in which the client is better able to accept different aspects of self and to identify the contexts in which they have been useful, the therapist might use which of the following interventions?

Parts Party

When a Satir-oriented therapist is working with a client who takes on a blamer stance, the therapist should NOT do which of the following?

Placate the client by not speaking honestly and directly to them.

A Bowen therapist asks a client, "How do the struggles you are experiencing with your wife now compare to the struggles your own parents had? Are they similar or different?" The therapist is asking which type of questions?

Process questions

Noreen is an EFT therapist working with a couple in therapy. Jo, one member of the couple, describes her relationship with her wife like this: "All I want is some help around the house. I ask Katie almost everyday, several times a day to just help out a little — you know, to put a load of laundry in the wash, to put the dishes in the dishwasher, to watch a show with me on television. But she never does any of those things! In fact, she often doesn't come home until dinnertime. When I ask her to help me out or to join me for a show, she just goes upstairs to read or into the other room to play on her computer. I feel like I have to beg her for any kind of connection or working together. I feel frustrated with our relationship all the time." What kind of interaction cycle could this couple be in?


Which intervention is designed to interrupt triangulation by increasing direct communication between the dyad experiencing problems or to reverse pursuer-distancer dynamics?

Relational experiments

Bowen's intervention to have clients go home again is for the purpose of:

Seeing the family as it is

A key concept in Bowen's intergenerational theory is the therapist's use of which of the following?


The importance of making contact and establishing credibility with clients, according to the Satir model, can be established doing which of the following?

Sitting or standing at the same physical level so that eye contact is easy

FFT therapists are quick to identify the various known risk and protective factors for troubled youth. Which of the following would NOT be considered a protective factor?

Strict and consistent enforcement of discipline Protective factors: Supportive parenting that meets financial, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of child, Strong bond between children and family, and Parental involvement in child's life

What was most important to Bowen in terms of his contribution to family therapy?

The creation of a rigorous theory

The therapist needs to win the battle for structure because they are responsible for setting up a program for change and need to ensure a structure for change is in place. Which of the following factors is NOT noted for contributing to the structure for change?

The session content goes into depth or cover necessary areas. Contributing factors to change: The necessary people attend therapy The therapy occurs frequently enough to produce progress The session process will produce change

FFT uses a multisystemic focus. What does this mean?

The therapy process addresses individual, family, peer, and community system dynamics.

According to Bowen, fusion refers to:

The undifferentiated family ego mass

Bowenian theory lacks systemic consistency given that:

Theory drives action Therapy is a purposeful activity It provides a therapist plus black box model

Which of the following statements about evidence-based treatments is TRUE?

Therapists can bring their own personal style and philosophy to the evidence-base.

There are four primary assumptions about people and therapy according to Satir and her associates. Which of the following is NOT one of those assumptions?

Therapy is a process that involves interaction between therapist and client; in this relationship, the therapist is responsible for him/herself and the client.

Which of the following best describes a primary emotion?

They are initial reactions in a given situation.

According to Bowen, the therapist should:

Think systems and see patterns

The overarching individual goal of Satir's approach is consistent with other humanistic approaches. Which of the following is the individual goal?

To promote self-actualization of members of the system

During the early phases of treatment for FFT, the therapist must work to do which of the following?

To reduce parents' tendencies to blame the problem on negative child characteristics

Primary emotions refer to emotions that stem from attachment fears and needs. What do secondary emotions stem from?

Unmet attachment needs such as anger, frustration and withdrawal

According to the Satir growth model, there are five communication strategies for survival. Which of the following suggestions would be best for a therapist working with clients who have adapted the placator stance or role?

Use less directive therapy methods, such as multiple choice questions and open-ended reflections, to require them to voice their opinion and take a stand.

A Satir-oriented therapist says, "I believe this child's exaggerated acting out and drug use may serve to reduce tension in his parents' marriage by getting his parents to focus on him." What is the therapist doing?

Viewing the symptoms as having a role in the family system

In order to be an effective practitioner the Bowenian therapist should be:

Well differentiated

What is the key question in functional family therapy?

What function does the symptom serve?

While EFT is an evidence-based practice, it is not for all couples or families. Which of the following would be a contraindication for EFT?

When one or both members of the couple have an untreated addiction

According to Johnson, couples typically present with one of four basic pursue/withdraw patterns. They include all of the following EXCEPT?

Withdraw/attack Legitimate patterns: Withdraw/withdraw Attack/attack Pursue/withdraw

In the hands of an intergenerational therapist, the genogram is used simultaneously as

an assessment instrument and intervention

Most process groups and court-mandated psychoeducational groups are __________ groups. The group format allows for the intimacy and trust necessary for process groups to function and also enables mandated groups to develop a coherent and in-depth curriculum that allows group facilitators to monitor individual members' progress.


Psychoeducational groups or classes are __________-focused and educational, rooted in the cognitive behavioral assumption that if people knew better they would do better.


When a family lacks sufficient differentiation, it may become emotionally fused, an undifferentiated family __________.

ego mass

Intergenerational therapists focus squarely on a family's unique _______ rather than on environmental or general cultural factors, and they seek to identify the rules that structure the particular system.

emotional system

Emotionally focused therapy focuses on emotions; therefore, the therapist's ability to deeply __________ and attune is essential — without it, the therapy will not work.


In FFT, all behavior is viewed as adaptive to serve a particular __________ in the system.


A process group is focused on __________ process rather than content.


In most cases, sculpting is a highly-effective __________ confrontation that bypasses cognitive defenses.


During the middle phases of FFT, the focus tends to be on which of the following?

parent training

Family psychoeducation has been used as part of treatment for severe mental illness. Numerous controlled, clinical studies have demonstrated that patients diagnosed with __________whose families receive psychoeducation have reduced incidents of psychotic relapse and re-hospitalization.


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