Quizlet-Bones of the Arms, hands, leg, ankle and foot
1. Tibia
Bone that comes down from the lower leg bone.
2. Fibula
Bone that comes down from the lower leg bone.
5. Metacarpus
Bones of the palm of the hand; parts of the hand containing five bones between the carpus and phalanges.
3. Phalanges
Fourteen bones that compose the toes. Toe phalanges are similar to the finger phalanges. There are three phalanges in each toe, except for the big toe which only has two.
2. Ulna
Inner and larger bone in the forearm (lower arm), attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger.
2. Tibia
Larger of the bones that form the leg below the knee. The tibia may be visualized as a bump on the big-toe side of the ankle.
2. Metatarsal
Long and slender bones, similar to the metacarpal bones of the hand. There are five metatarsal bones.
1. Tarsal
These are seven tarsal bones-------talus, calcaneus (heel), navicular, three cuneiform bones, and the cuboid.
1. Femur
A heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee.
4. Patella
Also known as accessory bone or kneecap. Forms the kneecap joint.
3. Talus
Also known as ankle bone. Third bone of the ankle joint.
6. Phalanges
Also known as digits. Bones of the fingers or toes. There are three phalanges in each finger and two in the thumb.
4. Carpus
Also known as wrist; flexible joint composed of a group of eight small, irregular bones (carpals) held together by ligaments.
3. Radius
Smaller bone in the forearm (lower arm) on the same side as the thumb.
3. Fibula
Smaller of the two bones that form the leg below the knee. The fibula may be visualized as a bump on the little-toe side of the ankle.
Section 7: Bones of the Leg, Ankle, and Foot
The four bones of the leg are the following:
Section 6: Bones of the Arms and Hands
The important bones of the arms and hands that you should know include the following:
1. Humerus
Uppermost and largest bone in the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder.
Part one of section 6: The ankle joint is composed of three bones
see the following slides---------->
Part two of section 6: The foot is made up of 26 bones. These can be subdivided into three general categories.
see the following slides: