Quote Collection AP Lang

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"I told buddy how sorry I was about the TB and promised to write, but when I hung up I didn't feel one bit sorry. I only felt wonderful relief."

(Plath 80)

"That's one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place and arrow shoots off from. I want to change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket" pg.92

(Plath 92)

"So I begin to think maybe it was true that when you were married and had children it was like being brainwashed, and afterward you went about as numb as a slave in a totalitarian state"

(Plath 94)

" The bell jar hung, suspended a few feet above my head. I was open to the circulating air. "


"Of course somebody had seduced buddy, buddy hadn't started it and it wasn't really his fault."

(Plath 77)

"Assumptions about the social position of women, found in the stratification literature, implicitly justify the exclusion of sex as a significant variable."


"a reconceptualization which includes sex-based inequalities may lead to a more accurate and more complex picture of stratification systems."


"I hate handing over money to people for doing what I could just as easily do myself, it makes me nervous"

(Plath 59)

"... summer of 1953 as the summer when she first attempted to kill herself, as well as her ensuing attempts to recover and eventually emerge from the asylum, where she undergoes intensive physco and electric shock therapies."


"...the Bell Jar offers impulses both towards mental health- an integrated selfhood- and towards the unfeasibly of such a selfhood."


"The novel participates in a process of substitution and repetition, and the feeling that these processes instantiate multiply through the novels mass production."


"feminist bioethics can offer a unique perspective on power imbalances within social, political, and institutional aspects of psychiatry."


"psychiatry is treated structurally and legally as a ""special case,"" it merits especially heightened scrutiny and study, particularly within feminist bioethics."


"Esther cannot interpret her female process and convert it into meaningful discourse."


"Esther looks to Jay Cee as a source of a female language through which she can enter into meaningful discourse with the world."


"Esther's suicide attempt is not surprisingly a literal crisis, a confrontation with the inadequacy of male writers to express a womens inner self or to become instruments of that self expression."


"She realises that suicide cannot be an image or embody a female aesthetic, because it is, literally, a dead end,"


"The results indicate that women are generally portrayed in a stereotypical way, supporting the notion that sexism is prevalent in online advertisements worldwide."


"provide evidence on female role portrayals in online advertisements of global products"


"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery, air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, this is what it is to be happy"

(Plath 108)

"Show us how happy it makes you to write a poem"

(Plath 113)

"I began to think vodka was my drink at last. It didn't taste like anything, but it went straight down into my stomach like a sword sallower sword and made me feel powerful and godlike"

(Plath 13)

"I had decided I would put off the novel until I had gone to Europe and had a lover"

(Plath 137)

"I squinted at the page. The letters grew barbs and rams horn's. I watch them separate, each from the other, and jiggle up and down in a silly way. I decided to junk my thesis. I decided to junk the whole honors program and become an ordinary English major"

(Plath 139)

"but when I took up my pen, my handmade big, jerky letters like those of a child, and the lines sloped down the page from left to right almost diagonally, as if they were loops of string lying on the paper, and someone had come along and blown them askew."

(Plath 145-146)

" I had removed my patent leather shoes after a while, for they foundered badly in the sand. It pleased me to think that they would be perched there on the silver log, pointing out to see, like a sort of soul compass, after I was dead"

(Plath 170)

"It was just like a man to do it with a gun. A fat chance I had of laying my hands on a gun"

(Plath 175)

"There was something demoralizing about watching two people get more and more crazy about each other, especially when you were the extra person in the room."

(Plath 18)

"I want to see a mirror."

(Plath 196)

"you couldn't tell whether the person in the picture was a man or a woman, because their hair was shaved off and sprouted and Bristley chicken feather tuffs all over their head. One side of the person's face was purple, and bulged out in a shapeless way, shading to green along the edges, and then to a sallow yellow. The person's mouth was pale brown, with a rose colored sure that either corner"

(Plath 197)

"I didn't think they had woman psychiatrists"

(Plath 210)

"I said to myself: Doreen is dissolving, Lenny Shepard is dissolving, Frankie as dissolving, New York is dissolving, they are all dissolving away and none of them matter anymore. I don't know them, I never have known them and I am very poor. All that liquor in the sticky kisses I saw and the dirt that settled on my skin the way back is turning into something pure"

(Plath 22)

"But you're all right now"

(Plath 225)

"It wasn't the shock treatment that struck me, so much is the barefaced treachery of Dr. Nolan. I loved her. I had given her my trust on a platter and told her everything and she had promised, faithfully, to warn me ahead of time if I ever had to do another shock treatment"

(Plath 238)

"Ever since I had learned about the corruption of Buddy Willard, my virginity weighed like a millstone around my neck.

(Plath 257)

"there would be a black, 6 foot deep gap back in the hard ground. That shadow would marry this shadow, and the peculiar yellowish soil of our locality seal the wound in the whiteness, and yet another snowfall erase the newness in Joannes grave."

(Plath 274)

"If you do something incorrect at the table with a certain arrogance, as if you knew perfectly well you were doing it properly, you can get away with it and nobody will think you were bad mannered or poorly brought up. They will think you are original and very witty"

(Plath 29)

"I felt very low. I have been unmasked only that morning by Jay Cee herself, and I felt now that all the uncomfortable suspicions I had about myself were coming true, and I couldn't hide the truth much longer. After 19 years of running after good marks and prizes in grants of one sort in another, I was letting up, slowing down, dropping clean out of the race."

(Plath 31)

"I felt purged and holy and ready for a new life"

(Plath 52)

"sex-based inequalities have not been considered in most theoretical and empirical work on social stratification"

Acker, Joan. "Women and Social Stratification: A Case of Intellectual Sexism." American Journal of Sociology, vol. 78, no. 4, 1973, pp. 936-945. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/2776612. Accessed 23 Feb. 2021

"What comes to mind when you hear the phrase 'The Bell Jar?' Haunting American Classic? Girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Flawed first novel? Not her again! For many people the answer lies somewhere between these phrases. And to be sure the book invites sentiment, a feeling of empathy or even pathos for the failings of it's protagonist to find solace."

Baldwin, Kate A. "The Radical Imaginary of 'The Bell Jar.'" NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, vol. 38, no. 1, 2004, pp. 21-40. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/40267609. Accessed 23 Feb. 2021.

"Died neglected and face-down on the floor, and her death was caught on video by the hospital's own cameras"

Bergstresser, Sara M. "The Death of Esmin Green: Considering Ongoing Injustice in Psychiatric Institutions." International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, vol. 4, no. 1, 2011, pp. 221-230. JSTOR,www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/intjfemappbio.4.1.221. Accessed 25 Feb. 2021.

"The reason a woman has greater problems becoming an artist is because she has bigger problems becoming a self. In coming to terms with her body 'expressing herself in her own diction.'"

Budick, E. Miller. "The Feminist Discourse of Sylvia Plath's the Bell Jar." College English, vol. 49, no. 8, 1987, pp. 872-885. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/378115. Accessed 25 Feb. 2021.

"Research on female stereotypes in online advertisements is particularly scant, and thus, we lack evidence on whether women are depicted in derogatory (stereotypical) terms on the Internet or not."

Plakoyiannaki, Emmanuella, et al. "Images of Women in Online Advertisements of Global Products: Does Sexism Exist?" Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 83, no. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/25482356. Accessed 23 Feb. 2021.

"Doreen signaled me out right away. She made me feel I was that much sharper than the others, and she really was wonderfully funny. She used to sit next to me at the conference table, and when the visiting celebrities were talking she whispered witty sarcastic remarks to me under her breath."

Plath, Sylvia, et al. The Bell Jar. Harper Collins, 1971. (Plath 5)

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