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European rabbits live in groups called _________

Treponematosis (rabbit syphilis)

Clinical signs include crusty ulcerated lesions and mucous membranes


many rabbits produce __________ that causes faster metabolism of atropine

epiphora (obstruction -> epiphora)

rabbits have a narrow nasolacrimal duct that is prone to ____________

venous plexus

rabbits have an extensive _____________ that may lead to hemorrhage during enucleation

European Rabbits (Oryctolagus)

these types of rabbits are social, live in groups, make burrows, young ar born blind, and hairless (atricial), includes domestic rabbits

Proliferative enteropaty

this affects weanlings. Typically resolves in 1-2 weeks. May die if secondary infection occurs. diagnose by culture, stain, PCR, immunohistochemistry


true or false: rabbits are very sensitive to antibiotics that alter their normal GI flora such as penicillins (esp. oral forms), lincomycin, clindamycin, erythromycin, and cephalosporins


true or false: rabbits have delicate skin that can easily tear


true or false: traces of protein and glucose are normal in rabbit urine


true or false: when placing a rabbit into cage, you should place them in caudal end first

Hares- Lepus

type of rabbit that is solitary, builds nest above ground and does not live in burrows. Young are born with fur and with eye open (precotial). Large and have longer ears and legs


Abdominal pain, hunched posture, teeth grinding, anorexia, and watery diarrhea are all signs of ________ in rabbits

Mucoid enteritis

Clinical signs in newly weaned rabbits with mucous in feces and abdominal pain

Encephalitozoonosis diagnose with serology and cytology 40-80% of pet rabbits may be serologically positive

Clinical signs in rabbits includes: granulomas and pseduocyts in brain, kidney, and eye. Neuro signs can include heat tild, paralysis, kidney disease, may infect other species and humans if immunodeficient


Clinical signs of this in rabbits include conjunctivitis (milk discharge), fever, edematous eyelids (nose/lips/ears/vulva and scrotum), labored breathing and high mortality (domestic rabbits)

Sarcoptic mange

Clinical signs of this in rabbits includes crusts and pruritus

Clostridium spiroforme

Enterotoxemia is caused by _____________ that is part of the normal flora in low numbers, but normal homeostasis has been altered due to changes in feed, temp, stress, antibiotics, or simple carbohydrate. Causing this organism to proliferate and endotoxin production to occur

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease

Fever and sudden death (may see GI signs, neuro signs, or may be asymptomatic). Fever > coagulopathy > hemorrhages.

Tyzzer's disease

In weanlings, with severe GI signs,


Lethargy, Hemturia, stranguira, anuria, perineal weness, urine scalding, and enlarged bladder are all signs of what in a rabbit?

excess dietary calcium and alkaline urine

What causes urolithiasis in rabbits

Passalurus ambiguss

What is a common pinworm in rabbits

Psoroptes cuniculi

What is the causative agent for otocariasis (ear mites)

Clostridium piliforme (ingested in poor sanitary conditions)

What is the causative agent of Tyzzer's Disease

-stress -change in cecal flora -obstipation of cecum

What is the pathogenesis of Mucoid Enteritis in rabbits

-from the nasal cavity, the bacteria can travel to: -blood (lungs, heart, trachea, sub q tissue) -trachea: lung (pneumonia) -Nasolacrimal duct- conjunctival sac (conjunctiva) -Eustachian tube: middle ear, inner ear, brain (neuro signs)

What is the pathogenesis of Pasturellosis in rabbits

-Larvae of Cuterebra species (bot flies) may infect rabbits in warm weather -larvae pupate in the subcutaneous tissue (dorsum, axillary, inguinal, ventral cervical) -subcutaneous swelling with breathing hole containing larvae -rabbit may become weak, anorectic, dehydrated, lame, and shocky -larvae may migrate to CNS if you crush the larva the animal may go into an anaphylactic reaction

What is the pathogenesis to Myiasis (cuterebra)

Pasturellosis - Snuffles

a common and significant disease of rabbits, most rabbits are asymptomatic carriers -subclinical infection develops into overt disease when stressed

Rabbit (shope) fibroma virus

a pox virus affecting cottontail rabbits

Rabbit (shope) fibroma virus

a pox virus affecting cottontail rabbits that is transmitted via arthropods


a pox virus that occurs in production colonies and wild rabbits in Western US. It is transmitted by arthropods (mosquitoes and fleas


a zoonotic and reportable disease of rabbits

rabbit pox

acute, generalized that occurs in laboratory rabbits, vaccinia related virus. with fever, nasal discharge, edema +/- pox lesions. may confuse with myxomatosis. should perform viral isolatiion


affects neonates and weanlings, diagnosis is through culture and EM

Bordetella bronchiseptica

asymptomatic carriers or sneezing/coughing in older rabbits, may transmit to other species.

moist dermatitis

caused by chronic wetness such as dental disease (drooling), large dewlap (skin fold pyoderma), open water crocks). clinical signs can be acute or result in fatal septicemia


circular, raised flakey lesions, on rabbits

Pasturellosis (snuffles)

clinical signs in rabbits include: -rhinitis -conjunctivitis - abscess (pulmonary=bad prognosis) -otitis media or interna -pyometra or orchitis


clinical signs include hair loss and white moving flakes

otocariasis (ear mites) diagnose with skin scraping

clinical signs include head shaking, crusted ulcers, and scratching in rabbits

Malocclusion of molars

clinical signs of this in rabbits includes salivation, anorexia, points on cheek teeth, bowing of teeth outwards, swelling of mandible

uterine adenocarcinoma

decreased fertility, abortion, bleeding are all signs of what in rabbits

splay leg

developmental problem in young rabbits. few days to few months old -autosomal recessive trait -disorders of femur or hip-unable to abduct one or more limbs

28-33 days

how long is gestation in rabits


oral papillomas on tongue or mouth (domestic rabbits) -warts on neck, shoulders, ears, abdomen- -self-limiting

day 12

pregnancy in rabbits can be detected by papation when?

taenia serilais T. pisiformis

rabbits are intermediate hosts for what tapeworms? They have no clinical signs

lymphosarcoma seen in younger animals (less than 2, may be a genetic predisposition)

second most common neoplasia in rabbits

Rabbit (shope) Fibroma Virus

signs of this in rabbits include tumor on legs, feet, and ears. Regress after several months. Little significance in domestic rabbits

ulcerative pododermatitis

sore hocks -pressure sores on plantar metatarsal area

counter-current heat exchange mechanism

the ears of a rabbit are highly vascular and make up 12% of body surface area, they serve as __________

hypsodont (grow continuously

the growing characteristics of rabbit teeth are that they are _______________

lumbar fracture

the large muscle mass of a rabbit predisposes it to ________


the rabbit may not be clinical but may be a poor doer, may find hepatic lesions on necropsy and can diagnose through fecal flotations


true or false: domestic rabbits do well with other species

Cottontails -Sylvilagus

type of rabbit that likes to be solitary, build nests above ground but may live in the burrows of other species, young are born blind and hairless (altricial)

Pasteurella and dental disease

what are causes of abscesses in rabbits

-genetic-long mandible (prognathism) -developmental-pulling on wire

what are causes of malocclusion of incisors

ketamine xylazine

what are some alternatives to intubation in a rabbit

-prolific shedders -small stomach lumen with strong pyloric sphincters (difficult for hair to pass through -unable to vomit -insufficent fiber in diet -hair

what are some predisposing factors to Trichobezoar

no effective treatmtent -prevention: sanitation and screening of breeding livestock

what are some treatment options for encephalitozoonosis

-enlarged anterior chamber -corneal cloudiness -corneal ulceration -variable severity, may be non painful

what are the clinical signs of glaucoma in rabbits

intestinal and hepatic

what are the two forms of Coccidiosis

Trichophyton mentagrophytes Microsporum canis

what are the types of dermatophytosis in rabbits

Treponema cuniculu

what causes rabbit syphilis

pulmonary abscesses

what is a poor prognosis of Pasteurellosis in rabbits

Cheyletiella parasitivorax

what is the causative agent for walking dnadruff

Eimeria spp

what is the causative agent of Coccidiosis (common)

Francisella tularensis rare in domestic rabbits, wild rabbits and rodents are most susceptible

what is the cause of Tularemia

I (2/1), C (0/0), PM (3/2), M(3/3) x2

what is the dental formula for rabbits

wire cages at 50-70F, and use of misters if needed

what is the idea

5-8 years

what is the lifespan of a rabbit


what is the most common site of vertebral dislocation or fracture

alkaline ph 8.2

what is the normal pH of rabbit urine


what is the normal temperature in the rabbit

progressive starvation

what is the sequela to malocclusion of incisors

small pox vaccine

what prevents rabbitpox

No frontoline (Fipronil)

what rabbit flea treatment cannot be used

cold -cannot sweat -pant ineffectively -do not increase water intake -sensitive to temps above 82 F

what temperature do rabbits tolerate better, cold or heat?

10-13 hours after mating induced ovulation

what type of ovulation does a rabbit have


what type of virus is rabbit hemorrhagic disease


widespread, fecal-oral with weanlings most susceptible. Mildly pathogenic unless secondary bacterial infection. Self-limiting-stop breeding to break cycle

-heavy lactation -poor sanitation -Staph, Strep -Trauma (rough nest box)

What are some causes of mastitis in rabbits

-newly weaned -antibitoic therapy -dietary change

What are some predisposing factors to enterotoxemia

-Advantage (Imidaclopride- cat dose 2-3 areas along dorsum) -Program (Lufenuron) -Revolution (selamectin) -Pyrethrins (topically as directed for puppies and kittens

What are some rabbit flea treatments

Sarcoptes scabei Notoedres cati

What are the causes of Sarcoptic mange in rabbit (rare)

Encephalitozoon cuniculi-protozoal parasite shed in urine

What cases encephalitozoonosis

E. coli (serotype 0103)-normal rabbits don't have GI E. coli

What causes colibacillosis

Pasturella multocida

What causes snuffles in rabbits

antibiotics (mild cases) -if severe, cull; be sure to disinfect environment

How do you Treat Colibacillosis

Medical Treatment: -manual expression of bladder -flushing with balanced electrolyte solution -acidify urine -reduce dietary calcium Surgical Treatment: cystotomy and nephrectomy

How do you Treat Urolithiasis in a rabbit

-culture -serology -PCR

How do you diagnose Pasteurellosis

-Spirochete -skin scraping -silver stain -dark field microscopy -serology (in rabbitries)

How do you diagnose Treponematosis (rabbit syphilis)

Intracellular bacteria on special stains and serology no treatment, disinfect environment

How do you diagnose and treat Tyzzer's disease in rabbits

fungal culture and KOH prep zoonotic- wear gloves

How do you diagnose dermatophytosis in rabbits

-anaerobic fecal culture -gram stain of fecal smear -helically coiled semicircular rods

How do you diagnose enterotoxemia

necropsy-hepatic necrosis or serology

How do you diagnose rabbit hemorrhagic disease

-microscopic exam of tape test or skin scrape

How do you diagnose walking dandruff in rabbit

-Avoid rapid diet changes and stress

How do you prevent Mucoid enteritis in rabbits

-minimize stress -make feed changes gradually -do not wean too early (4-6 weeks) -Use appropriate antibiotics (+/- probiotics) -*fiber* (normal peristalsis moves bacteria to cecum and colon for fermentation

How do you prevent enterotoxemia in rabbits

prevent by restricting dog access to rabbit food and nesting material

How do you prevent tapeworms in rabbits

Enrofloxacin C and S

How do you treat Bordetella in rabbits

-Supportive care (fluids and high fiber diet) -Motility modifiers (metaclopramide) -analgesics -Probiotics (transfaunation or critical care) -Cholestyramine (ion resin that binds toxin)

How do you treat Enterotoxemia

-Supportive (fluids) -Enemas (constipation) -Antibiotics-unreliable results -high mortality -avoid rapid diet change, stress

How do you treat Mucoid enteritis

-surgical prep -enlarge breathing hole -gently remove larvae (do not crush) -debride necrotic tissue -antibiotics to prevent secondary infection -prevention: fly control

How do you treat Myiasis (cuterebra)

-lesions typically resolve in 10-14 days and are no longer infectious -asymptomatic carriers may show signs when stressed -*injectable penicillin*

How do you treat Treponematosis

-viscous consistency and can be difficult to lance and drain -treatment is by lancing/draining/flush + antibiotics or surgical excision

How do you treat abscesses in rabbits

-In Rabbitries-culture or serology to detect carriers and cull -Pets: Enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, injectible penicillin, chloramphenicol -Treatment may not eliminate organism

How do you treat and prevent Pasteurellosis in rabbitries and pets

Coccidiostats (sulfas) -sanitation (10% ammonia)

How do you treat coccidiosis in rabbits

lime sulfur or Griseofulvin

How do you treat dermatophytosis

-Ivermectin or selamectin -Meloxicam or prednisone -do not clean ears (will increase pruritus) Otocariasis- Psoroptes cuniculi

How do you treat ear mites in rabbits

-Surgery (drainage, mastectomy) -antibiotics (C&S) -remove kits but DO NOT FOSTER (may give to new foster mom disease)

How do you treat mastitis in rabbits

-correct underlying problem -clip hair, clean area (betadine, chlorhexidine

How do you treat moist dermaitis

-not clinically signifcant-more so disturbing to owners Treatment is piperazine citrates in water, it is not transmissible to humans

How do you treat pinworms in rabbits

isolation and symptomatic treatment

How do you treat proliferative enteropathy

-Depopulation (+- vaccine- not available in US) _Reportable

How do you treat rabbit hemorrhagic disease

-Ivermectin -Treat environment

How do you treat sarcoptic mange

Ivermectin -Permethrin dust -treat environment

How do you treat walking dandruff in rabbits

veneral and dam to kit

How is Treponematosis transmitted aka rabbit syphilis

HIGHLY contagious- spread by direct contact or fomites

How is rabbit hemorrhagic disease spread

aerosol, ingestion, ectoparasites (fleas, ticks)

How is tularemia in transmission

Lawsonia Intracellularis

Proliferative Enteropathy is caused by ________________

high dietary calcium

Alfalfa hay combined with alfalfa based pellets may cause urolithiasis due to ______________

-yellow to brown or red and turbid due to mineral precipitates (Ca) -pigments cause color and red is not hematuria -can rule out hematuria by doing urine sediment exam or checking dipstick -normal to find traces of protein and glucose

Explain rabbit urine

-palpate a doughy mass in area of stomach -radiographs: Ingesta-filled stomach in anorectic rabbit

How do you diagnose Trichobezar in rabbits

-cool environment -brushing -enrichment -fiber, fiber, fiber

How do you prevent Trichobezoar in rabbits

lymphosarcoma (no effective treatment)

If a young rabbit has masses in liver, kidney, or spleen or generalized lymphadenopathy what should you suspect and what should you do

stomach (15% ingesta) cecum (40% ingesta)

In regards to the GI tract, rabbits have a large _________ and _________, you should use care when making an abdominal incision

protein and B vitamins coprophagia is needed- consider this when applying an e-collar

Night feces in rabbits contains ________ and _______ which are absorbed on their second pass through GI tract, these feces also have a protective mucous covering

-Buprenorphine -Butorphanol -Carprofen -Flunixin -Meloxican

Pain control is important to promote eating post op in a rabbit, what are some pain drugs that can be used

calcium carbonate and triple phospahte crystals

Rabbit urine is high in ___________ and _______ crystals

lymphoid tissue aka *cecal tonsil*

The terminal ileum is dilated and has a large amount of __________ in rabbits


can rabbits vomit?


does a male or female have a dewlap

-may react adversely (jump, scream) to barbiturate IV -should premedicate with keatmine/xylazine -diluet euthanasia 1:1 with saline

explain euthanasia for rabbits

-two uterine horns -two cervices -NO uterien body -duplex uterus so must incise into each horn during c-section

explain the anatomy of the female reproductive tract in the rabbit

fiber -> peristalsis -> hard day feces - non-fiber -> anti-peristalsis -> fermentation in cecum -> contraction of cecum -> soft night feces

explain the feces of a rabbit and how the day and night feces are formed

autosomal recessive in new zealand whites

glaucaoma is genetic in what rabbit breed


is fasting required in a rabbit before anesthesia

enamel denticn

rabbit teeth have _______ on the front and _________ on the back


rabbits are non-ruminant __________ with large hindgut (large cecum for microbial dig

peg teeth

rabbits have _____________ behind maxillary incisors

-Fluoroquinolones (cipro and enroflocaxin- but injectables may cause sterile abscesses) -Trimethoprim sulfa -sulfadimethoxine -chloramphnicol -metronidazole -INJECTABLE penicillin (rabbit syphilis)

what are some safe antibiotics for rabbits

-fragile skeleton -lots of muscle -inappropriate handling

what are the predisposing factors of vertebral dislocation or fracture

Chin, anal, and inguinal

what are the scent glands of the rabbit

uterine adenocarcinoma (over 50% of female rabbits over age 5)

what is the most common tumor in rabbits

306-333 bpm

what is the normal average heart rate of the rabbit

-facial abscesses -oral lesions -Proptosis and/or epiphora (maxillary teeth invade orbit)

what is the sequela to malocculsion of molars in rabbits

4-6 months

what is the sexual maturity age of the rabbit

OHE- can be preventative if done at < 2 years of age

what is the treatment for uterine adenocarcinoma in rabbits

day and night feces

what is unique about a rabbits feces

light skeleton with powerful muscles

what makes rabbits capable of rapid bursts of speed


what percent of rabbits body weight is skeletal mass


what sedation would you use for restraint on rabbits

-conentrate: measured amount of alfalfa based bellets -Fiber (~20%): free choice quality grass hay such as Timothy- alfalfa hay combined with alfalfa based pellets may cause urolithiasis due to high dietary calcium. -avoid fruits high in simple sugar (apples, raisins) may cause GI upset

what should the diet be for a rabbit

lumbar musculature and cranial to femur

where can IM injections be placed in

-central (auricular) artery for blood collections, larger volumes -Marginal vein for IV injections, IV catheters (start distally because it may cause ear to slough) and for collections small volume blood samles -jugular -cephalic -lateral saphenous

where can you gain vascular access in a rabbitt

urine sediment exam or dipstick

How do you tell if rabbit urine is hematuria or not

-Bromelain (pineapple) -Papain (papaya) -hay or straw

How do you treat Trichobezoar in the early stages when only anorexia is present

supportive care or euthanasia

How do you treat splay leg

blind, otoscope/laryngoscope, endoscope

intubation can be difficult in a rabbit due to the long, narrow pharynx, large tonque, and large incisors. what are some techniques for intubation in a rabbit

foot sores

rabbits have no footpads and this predisposing them to ________-

heat stroke

reddened ear, panting, lethargy, salivation, weakness, and neurologic signs such as confusion and convulsions are all signs of what in rabbits?

castration -intact males will fight and spray -intact females will become territorial

________- will improve the suitability of a domestic rabbit as a pet

ciliary body

rabbit eyes have a poorly developed ______________ so the have poor focus


Due to a rabbits atropinesterase, what should be used to reduce bradycardia and secretions

-feed hay to promote wear by abrasive actoin

How do you prevent malocclusion of Molars in rabbits

-cool down slowly -immerse in tepid water, wrap in cool wet towels -IV fluids -shock dose of corticosteroids -monitor for metabolic disturbances and renal failure

How do you treat a heat stroke in rabbits

-topical glaucoma treatment -enucleation -laser cycloablation (pigmented rabbits)

How do you treat glaucoma in rabbits

-trim every 4-8 weeks (sedate and use grinding tool or burr to prevent tooth fracture -extraction (remove entire root of all 6 incisors

How do you treat malocclusion of Incisors

-diagnose through skull rads +/- anesthesia -rasp points -surgical resection of abscessed tissue (drainage ineffective) -extraction of infected teeth -antibiotics 6-8 weeks

How do you treat malocclusion of Molars

-If continent and pain sensation is intact -> steroids and cage rest -If severe, euthanasia

How do you treat spinal fracture in the rabbit

-fluids -pain medication -anitulcer -proiotics -motility stimulatn (Metoclopromide) -surgery

How do you treat the more advanced stages of Trichobezoar in rabbits with signs of anorexia, gas, distension, or pain

medical: debride and topical and oral antibiotics Husbandry: cage sanitation, weight loss, cage flooring/resting board, nail trim

How do you treat ulcerative pododermatitis

-If continent and pain sensation intact- steroids and cage rest -Euthanasia

How do you treat vertebral dislocation or fracture in rabbits

brown fat

Rabbits don't possess ________ the produces heat, so when they are cold they just shiver

dental pattern

Rabbits were originally classified in Order Rodentia but are now classified as order lagomorpha based on ________-

-complete immobility or flight response -thump hind feet -vocalization-scream

What are signs of fear in a rabbit

-hunched posture -immobility -tooth grinding -aggression

What are signs of pain in rabits

-mandibular incisors grow in anterior direction -maxillary incisors curl inside mouth

What are the clinical signs of malocclusion of incisors

-rough cage floor -dirty cage -heavy rabbit -overgrown toenail

What are the predisposing factors for ulcerative pododermatitis

55 mg/kg 10% of blood volume may be safely taken every 2 weeks

What is the blood volume of a rabbit and how mcuh can be taken

bordetella ronchiseptica

You should avoid domestic rabbits with guinea pigs due to risk of ____________________ because guinea pigs are very susceptible


________ maintains motility of cecum and colon, prevents enteritis from hypomotility, and promotes normal tooth wear, it is the key to a healthy rabbit preventing obesity, behavior problems from boredom in a rabbit.


loss of appetite, absent or diminished feces and the animal may even be AR in early stages are all signs of what in rabbits

The have pseudoneutrophil (Heterophil) with a purple lobular nucleus and diffuse red cytoplasmic granules these must be distinguished from an eosinophil that are larger than heterophils and also have a purple lobular nucleus with larger red cytoplasmic granules

what is distinct about a rabbits hematology

-no os penis -open inguinal canals -closed castration

what is the anatomy of the male reproductive tract in the rabbit


what is the average RR of the rabbit

2-6 kg

what is the average weight of a rabbit

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