Race, Gender and the Media Final

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Related to the femme fatale, the ____________ is an archetype characterized as an exotic, seductive, sexual female who lures men with her charm and feminine appeal.


Early Hollywood representations of women were dominated by ___________ values, with women characters traditionally portrayed as docile and delicate damsels in distress.


_________________________ focused on media stereotypes when he articulated the idea that the media give us "the pictures in our heads."

Walter Lippmann

Strongly associated with power, status, and wealth, _____________ is a form of legal or cultural property that provides material or symbolic privileges to people perceived to have a certain skin tone.


As discussed in class, ____________ theory seeks to explain how we position the negative behavior of others as "aberrational" or "systemic."


According to Chapter 12, although other stereotypes seem to be the most prevalent, ___________ may be the biggest stereotype undergirding all of advertising.


In 2003, Sophia Coppola became the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Director, for her film Lost in Translation.


In 1978, the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) set the year 2000 as the deadline for making U.S. newsrooms reflect the diversity percentages of the nation. This failed, and a new goal has been set for _________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages in the evolution of AHANA news coverage as outlined by Wilson and Gutierrez?

All of the following are among the five stages

Often emphasized in class, _____________ help(s) us to identify patterns, make connections that cross historical and cultural boundaries, and define meaning. It's how we "make sense" of the information overload we inhabit every day.


______________ theory focuses on the effect television viewing has on how people perceive the world.


______________ is defined as the shared beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation, society, or group of people.


Often dubbed the "father of public relations," Edward Bernays cofounded his agency with his wife, ______________________, who was much admired for her strategic planning (and arguably one of the "mothers" of public relations!).

Doris E Fleischmann

Those in the media workforce who distribute news and information to use have been dubbed by theorists as ______________, because they select what reports and intelligence they will send through the media gates to us from all that is available.


Periodicals proved a very important medium for women writers. In 1837, Sara Joseph Hale accepted the editorship of _______________________, turning it into one of the most successful (and one of the first) periodicals to form around an audience of women readers.

Godey's Lady's Book

Which of the following is NOT one of the five main stereotypes that defined African-American images in early Hollywood film?


The World War II years reflected a marked rise in movie images of Latin American cities as U.S. government propaganda, called the _______________ Policy, celebrated U.S. ties with Latin American nations. The careers of many Latino actors and Latina actresses were advanced by this policy, including Carmen Miranda.

Good Neighbor

__________ first coined the term "public relations," as well as developing an early version of the news release.

ivy ledbetter lee

A prevalent Latino stereotype from early cinema to today is the __________, typically a mustachioed Mexican man with dark, oily skin who was depicted as a lazy, hot-tempered, violent, and trouble-causing bandit.


______________ was the first African American to win an Oscar, for her role as "Mammy" in 1939's Gone with the Wind.

Hattie McDaniel

As discussed in your textbook, ________________ theory posits that those who own the media and their various transmission channels of communication exert ideological domination and control over the rest of us.


According to Chapter 10, in the 1950s, Hollywood westerns became a staple of American television along with the __________________, who was characterized as a composite stereotype with traits from a variety of American Indian cultures - ex/ face paint, moccasins, peace pipes, and teepees.

Hollywood Indian

According to Irving Janis, key organizational factors can provide conditions for groupthink tendencies to form. Which of the following is NOT one of these factors?

Humble and democratic leadership

As of the publication of your textbook as discussed in Chapter 10, there had not been an interracial couple on television as lead stars of a program since what 1950s show?

I Love Lucy

Which of the following is NOT one of the groups in Doane and Bonilla-Silva's tri-racial hierarchy?


A pioneer in the traditionally male-dominated field of sportswriting, _____________ focused on prizefighting.

Jane Dixon

By the late 1920s and 1930s, film audiences were given a more sophisticated Latino stereotype: the mysterious, forbidden ______________ figure, a highly sexualized and sensuous man or woman depicted as having insatiable appetites.

Latin Lover

Chapter 13 introduces examples of how alcohol manufacturers have used public-relations activities to enhance their brands. Which of the following is NOT one of those examples?

Launching advertising campaigns featuring diverse parties

As discussed in the lecture, feminist film scholar ______________ argued that women in film function on two levels: as erotic object for the characters within the narrative, and as erotic object for the audience in the theater.

Laura Mulvey

Images of Native Americans as bloodthirsty and noble savages persisted throughout the nineteenth century under the prevailing ideology and political philosophy of __________, a doctrine describing how Anglo settlers believed it both their duty and God-given right to civilize America's native inhabitants.

Manifest destiny

Research shows heavy television viewers tend to believe the world is more violent than it really is and tend to fear being a crime victim. This is known as the ______________.

Mean World Syndrome

Under the _________________ model of American assimilation, immigrants would shed the language, customs, and identities of their old homelands and adopt those of the land in which they lived.

Melting Pot

The _______________ stereotype, suggesting that Asian Americans are a model for other Americans of color, developed in the 1960s and remains strong in representations in contemporary media.


As defined by Entman, ____________ refers to hostility toward African Americans, resentment of their aspirations, and denial that discrimination is still a problem.

Modern racism

Which of the following is NOT one of the eight symptoms of groupthink according to Janis

open support for differing opinions

According to your textbook, the biggest public relations story about the television show Scandal is how effectively the show's creator, ____________________, has used strategic communication tactics to promote the series.

shonda rimes

Often referred to as the "First Lady of Public Relations," Betsy Plank was the first woman president of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).


The nation's first newspaper for African Americans, Freedom's Journal, was first published in _________________ in 1827.

New York City

________________ means "ideal." It may be used to define our understanding of, for example, ideal masculinity as defined by culture, society, and media


Conceived of as the perfect prison, the ________________, designed by philosopher Jeremy Bentham, keeps prisoners in check through the constant awareness of surveillance.


Although 1960s America saw the feminist movement call for increased rights and opportunities for women, Hollywood largely ignored this and continued to portray women as sexual objects. When film did feature independent, strong women, they were typically __________________.

Period Pieces

Which of the following is NOT one of the assumptions of Critical Race Theory discussed in the lecture?

Personal narratives are irrelevant and unimportant

Which of the following is NOT one of the four stages of assimilation in Yancey's model of Black and non-Black dichotomy?


______________________ can be defined as a hostile or negative attitude toward people in a distinct group based largely on their membership within that group.


Research finds that the more people are exposed to words and images related to hostility and aggression, the more negative their evaluation afterwards of a target person. This is known as _____________, which occurs when we are exposed to media frames that act as a stimulus on how we think and react to a particular message.


As discussed in the lecture, normative masculinity is often defined by two roles: the ____________ and the ______________. In our modern capitalist society, these roles often overlap - as do their representations in media.

Provider, Protector

In the 1980s, ________________ strongly focused on "trickle-down" materialism and relentless pursuit of the American Dream. This was echoed in television, with shows about wealthy families replacing those about the working class.


As discussed in the lecture, _____________ refers to a cultural process through which a group reclaims the language, artifacts, or tools that have been used to oppress them.


Chapter 12 identifies a new demographic group defined by marketers, dubbed the _________________, who represent booming multicultural wealth.


______________ are brain-classification patterns that help people sort out the world around them without a lot of mental effort, by telling them the basic characteristics of the things they encounter.


Which of the following is NOT one of the five Hutchins Commission Press Standards?

Serve as a strong, forward-thinking voice for embattled causes of social justice.

____________________ theory explains that women learn to evaluate themselves according to their perceived value as sexual objects of desire, as well as positing mental health consequences to women as a result of the constant images to which they are exposed.

Sexual Objectification

The Hutchins Commission report gave rise to a philosophy on the role of the press that we now call _______________, which argues that the press has an obligation to be more responsive to society's needs.

Social-responsibility press theory

___________________ refers to the process through which individuals come to adopt the behaviors and values of a group. School and the media are considered agents of this process.


As discussed in the lecture, _____________ is a term conceived of to explain surveillance not from above (government, corporations, etc.) but from below, by everyday citizens.


In the lecture on Chapter 10, examples of fears of miscegenation in the media are represented through examples from two films nearly eight decades apart, _______________ and _____________________.

The Birth of a Nation; The Last of the Mohicans

Discussed in your textbook, ________________ posits that if determined, one can go from rags to riches; if you work hard, you can succeed. It's closely related to the American Dream.

The Horatio-Alger myth

________________________, a television show featuring upper-class African Americans, suggested that the "good life" is possible for anyone willing to work hard partially through its theme song, "We're Moving on Up."

The Jeffersons

Women writers, like Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, made early and significant contributions to which genre of literature?


According to your textbook, college students may be more susceptible to the influence of self-objectifying media because of the amount of media to which they may be exposed.


As a field, media literacy has grown rapidly in recent decades.


As discussed in the lecture, characters like Peter Griffin in "Family Guy" and Homer Simpson in "The Simpsons" represent a trend called the failed father figure.


As discussed in the lecture, social media have played a vital role in covering issues of race, class, and gender, like Twitter's role in the recent coverage of Ferguson.


David Shaw's 1990 "Coloring the News" study found that reporters often lumped all Hispanic groups and all Asian groups together, despite distinct culture and language distinctions.


Focusing on relationships of power and dominance, the critical-cultural perspective suggests that media content helps to nurture a system that keeps the dominant class in power.


Group thinking describes situations where individuals think collectively and behave cohesively in response to a perceived threat.


In class, we looked at examples from ESPN The Magazine's Body Issue to illustrate how gendered bodies are displayed in media as active or passive.


Media literacy refers to the ways in which we learn to "read" and "understand" the mass distributed media.


Race is considered a construct of a set of social and cultural understandings of human difference.


Research has found that the bulk of local news coverage tends to prime stereotypes of African-American males as dark and dangerous.


The acronym AHANA stands for African, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American.


The advent of "talkies" in American film history cemented the power of the Hollywood Studio System; as new sound technology was incredibly expensive, many independent production companies (including some run by African Americans) could not afford to upgrade and collapsed.


The agenda-setting role of the media refers to its ability to define certain issues as important.


The clip we viewed in class from new Netflix series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is an example of what has recently been termed "hipster racism," a kind of comedy that excuses its potentially problematic content through a self-aware "wink" to the audience.


To distinguish itself from television and draw audiences, film got increasingly "sexy" in the 1950s, and began to showcase women in more suggestive roles.


Up until recent decades, Asian women in American films typically have been portrayed as either sexually permissive, alluring, demure, and exotic beauties or sinister, sexually deviant Dragon Lady.


As discussed in the Chapter 11 lecture, the _____________ Test looks at whether a film includes at least two female characters who 1) have names and 2) talk to each other about something other than a man.


The rise of ________________ films in the 1970s, such as 1974's Foxy Brown, opened up many opportunities for African American actors, but they were still largely written and directed by white men.


The process of self-surveillance/self-objectification over time can lead to unhealthy attitudes about one's physical appearance and how that appearance fails to meet ideal beauty standards. This is called _____________.

Body shame

In the episode of "Father Knows Best" we viewed in class, the dad is desperate to get out of the house to go ______________ with his next-door neighbor.

Duck hunting

The history of film does have one prominent role that women often filled: _____________. This part of production was originally considered a kind of sewing, which was seen as women's work.


Which of the following is NOT one of the six media literacy concepts outlined in Chapter 1?

Everyone interprets media messages in the same way.

"Polysemic" texts have just one meaning, which can be identified by close examination.


As discussed in class, whiteness has been described as a "visible norm."


In the Frontline documentary The Merchants of Cool, the archetype represented by teen stars like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera is referred to as the "dream girl."


n class, we discussed the GQ magazine shoot of characters from the television show The Vampire Diaries as an example of the sexualization of young women in media.


As discussed in the Chapter 10 lecture, more and more Native American filmmakers are participating in redefining classic (and problematic) media imagery. A great local example of this is the 2007 Sundance award-winning movie ____________, written and directed by Oklahoman Sterlin Harjo.

Four sheets to the wind

In her groundbreaking work, Jean Kilbourne identified the trend of _______________ in advertising, which refers to how women's bodies are reduced to separate, sexualized parts: legs, lips, etc.


______________________ theory suggests that the media select and emphasize certain aspects of issues in ways that promote a particular interpretation.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three conclusions reached by the Kerner Commission in its analysis of print and broadcast news coverage of urban racial violence in America?

The media never exaggerated or sensationalized events.

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