Race, Law, and Justice Final

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(Two-word answer) If an individual has an ________, he or she will use hate speech explicitly against targeted groups.

***not implicit bias

In 1997, the U.S. Government divided the Asian/Pacific Americans into how many groups? A) five B) two C) three D) four


The largest percentage of human trafficking victims are from: A) North and South America B) Asia Pacific and Africa C) Eastern Europe D) Central and South Asia


A slave was counted as __________ of a person during census-taking as dictated by the Constitution, the foundation of the U.S. judicial system. A) 1/4 B) 1/2 C) 3/5 D) 4/5


Arab communities will not report crimes to avoid: A) prosecution B) honor C) shame D) loyalty


Some Indian tribes believe that looking directly into another's persons eyes for a prolonged period of time is disrespectful. T or F


"Indian country" is land that a tribe has reserved for its exclusive use through statutes, executive orders, or the course of treaty-making. T or F


The Immigration Act of 1924 banned the immigration of Chinese laborers for ten years. T or F


The term "U.S. born" describes those who are foreign citizens at birth, but who then immigrated to the U.S. T or F


To blame one's failures and shortcomings on innocent people or those only partly responsible is bias. T or F


The Kerner Commission Report identified the underrepresentation of blacks as a serious problem. T or F


The ability to remain quiet, to be still, and to observe is highly valued in Native American culture; consequently, silence is truly a virtue. T or F


The act — intentional and unintentional — of applying or incorporating personal, social, or organizational biases and/or stereotypes in decision-making, police actions, or the administration of justice is bias-based policing. T or F


Household relationships and communication patterns are often ________.


In general, officers need to work on building trust between officers and single African American mothers. T or F


In the 2016 U.S. Conference of Mayors report on the homeless, one finding revealed that approximately 20% of homeless people needing emergency shelter did not receive it because of a bed shortage. T or F


Kochman explains that, for some blacks, fighting does not begin until one person does something physically provocative (Kochman, 2013). T or F


Language barriers can lead to serious problems for those who cannot speak English. T or F


A judgment or opinion formed before facts are known, usually involving negative or unfavorable thoughts about groups of people is known as: A) stereotype B) prejudice C) hate D) bias


A nationally representative census of law enforcement agencies, including organizations at the city, county, state, and federal levels, is conducted how often by the Bureau of Justice Statistics? A) every six years B) every four years C) every year D) every ten years


What is the only country in the Middle East where the majority of the population is NOT Muslim? A) Iraq B) Israel C) Iran D) Algeria


Which is a non-Arab country? A) Iraq B) Iran C) Aden D) Jordan


Which of the following is NOT a Pillar of Islam? A) profession of faith in God B) prayer six times a day C) giving of alms D) all of the above


Which of the following are uses for peyote? A) hunting charm B) medicine C) weather predictor D) all of the above


About half of the nation's immigrant population is comprised of undocumented Mexicans. T or F


An example of a secondary dimension is educational level. T or F


Which of the following is NOT one of the states that has seen the fastest growth of Hispanics? A) Virginia B) North Carolina C) South Carolina D) Kentucky


The Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 denied Chinese Laborers the right to enter: A) Europe B) Africa C) America D) Asia


What are the dimensions of diversity that influence the personal and professional lives of law enforcement personnel? A) primary B) secondary C) both D) none


What percentage of Iranians and Turks are Muslim? A) 90 B) 84 C) 98 D) 96


Which of the following is NOT a universal for all cultures? A) People want to be respected. B) It is usually better not to make threats, but rather to provide options. C) People want to be spoken to directly. D) People usually appreciate a second chance to be able to cooperate [with law enforcement].


Which of the following is NOT included in the Asian/Pacific American designation? A) Thai B) Tibetan C) African D) Korean


Most Middle Eastern immigrants come from Iran, Egypt, and Jordan. T or F


Ongoing skill training and educational opportunities should be made available primarily to higher ranking officers. T or F


A(n) ________ dimension is a core characteristic with which a person is born that remains with the individual in all stages of his or her life.


In the past three decades, there have been major shifts in employment trends in law enforcement agencies nationwide. Among these changes is the difficulty in recruiting qualified candidates for law enforcement positions. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons? A) economic factors B) competition from the private sector C) retirement of police officers from the "baby boomer" generation D) court decisions and pre-trial settlements against some large companies, requiring the recruitment and promotion of women and minorities

Probably D

Researchers Cho and Kim (2012) point out that, "Asian victims of intimate partner violence are less likely to use mental health services than any other racial groups." T or F


How have women proven that they are as competent as men in their role as police officers?

***Answer: include an explanation that this is a stereotype. Page Ref: 59, 60 & 62 Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement and the issues confronting them

(Two-word answer) ________ is a legal agreement whereby a police agency with a pattern or practice of biased policing agrees to bring about positive change in the areas of recruiting, training, use of force and discipline.

***not police reformation

There are ________ Native American languages.


An estimated ________ percent of European immigrants, or 2.1 million people, were born in Eastern Europe.


A total rejection of others by reason of race, color, or sometimes, more broadly, culture is defined as: A) racism B) prejudice C) stereotype D) bias


In traditional Arab society, women do not socialize freely with men and tend to dress: A) modestly B) freely C) loosely D) none of the above


Many African Americans trace their roots to: A) Western or interior Africa B) Asia C) Eastern or Coastal Africa D) China


Cubans immigrated to the United States in three waves. T or F


Harboring unreasonable fears about black people is a result of the prevalence of stereotypes associated with criminality. T or F


What percentage of the first wave of Arab immigrants to the U.S. were Christians? A) 70 B) 60 C) 80 D) 90


All but one of the following contribute to the recruitment crisis. Indicate the answer that is NOT correct. A) educational requirements too stringent in certain areas B) large numbers of young people arrested for crimes that disqualify them for police work C) serious budget shortfalls D) an excess of applicants who never get through the screening process

D? Difficulty in finding qualified applicants to fill law enforcement positions

(Two-word answer) ________ is the transportation of persons for sexual exploitation, forced labor, or other illegal or criminal activities.

Human Trafficking

Why is it important to be aware of stereotypes when dealing with this population?

It is important to be aware of stereotypes with this population because then you are generalizing a group of people saying that they are all alike, which can create bias in the way that the person is policing. For example, if one was to assume that all terrorists came from a religious affiliation such as Islam, which is heavily observed in countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, then you would be writing off a group of people and putting them into a category of "foreign terrorists".

Police departments reflect society and, in this way are ________ of the larger society.


Evaluation systems should be used that involve factors that are job-related and ________ rather than subjective.


Explain the nuances of "Black Lives Matter." How did this phrase come about and why does it NOT simply connote that "All Lives Matter?"

The Black Lives Matter movement was a phrase that was used in response to the beatings and killings of black individuals. Many other people took offense that it was "not an inclusive movement" so someone tried to start the All Lives Matter movement, White Lives Matter movement, etc. to be "equal". It does not simply connote that all lives matter because it is something that happened in response to the police brutality of African American people and the police who clearly are racist or who have practiced unconstitutional policing. It was meant to spread awareness about what was happening with the Black community and to possibly change and make reforms to better reduce the loss or injury of individuals.

What are the advantages of LGBTQ officers serving as liaisons to LGBTQ communities?

There are many advantages of LGBTQ officers serving as liaisons, one of the biggest being that it encourages young LGBTQ members that it is possible for them to follow their dreams and be a part of any career they want to, which could encourage more LGBTQ people to be recruited to law enforcement. They are good models to prove that they are not ashamed to do the job that they want to do. Another is that once more LGBTQ are part of law enforcement, police will hopefully be able to start treating them more "normal" and they will be added to the team with less to no stigma.

A heterogeneous society is one that is diverse, and frequently refers to racial and ethnic composition. T or F


What do Native Americans speak of as a cultural legacy from their tradition that all people should embrace for the future of the environment? A) earth wisdom B) preservation C) reservation D) prayer


What is the fastest growing cultural group in the United States? A) Latino/Hispanic Americans B) African Americans C) European Americans D) Asian/Pacific Americans


Which of the following does NOT characterize the reality of Euro-American and Indian relations? A) harmony B) hostility C) contempt D) brutality


Which of the following is NOT a traditional characteristic verbal or nonverbal aspect of Native American communication? A) openness and self-disclosure B) silence C) avoidance of eye-contact D) reserved style


Indian culture values ________ because of the respect they have for wisdom and experience.


What year did the FBI develop a National Gang Strategy designed to incorporate the successful investigative and prosecutorial practices for the Organized Crime/Drug Program National Strategy? A) 1995 B) 1992 C) 1990 D) 1982


Who were the first Asians to arrive in the United States in sizeable numbers? A) Cambodians B) Chinese C) Vietnamese D) Indians


In 1967, what report recommended the hiring of more minorities? A) Warren Christopher Commission Report B) Kerner Commission Report C) President's Crime Commission Report D) None of the above


In 2017, which U.S. city created a "Navigation Team" (with outreach workers and trained police officers) to connect unsheltered homeless people to housing and essential resources? A) Albany, New York B) Santa Clara, California C) Seattle, Washington D) Omaha, Nebraska


In addition to officers' achieving respect in interaction with all people, a critical goal in officer communication is: A) alliance building with one party during confrontation B) acquisition of at least one foreign language C) prevention and de-escalation of confrontation D) prevention of crime in urban areas


The Asian/Pacific Americans involved in criminal justice careers are largely: A) Filipino, Vietnamese and Asian Indian Americans B) Pakistani, Cambodian and Laotian Americans C) Japanese, Chinese and Korean Americans D) Indonesian Americans


The term "minority" is problematic. One reason for this is: A) the term connotes superiority B) the term suggests multiculturalism C) the term does not reflect demographic majorities in certain cities/regions D) "minority" means diversity


The three states with the largest Native American population in 2015 were: A) Oklahoma, Montana, California B) Arizona, Oklahoma, Montana C) Arizona, Oklahoma, California D) Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona


There are three major types of racism. Which of the following is NOT one of the types outlined in the chapter? A) Personally mediated B) Institutional C) Blatant D) Internalized


To what do some observers attribute the early departure of females from gang membership? A) maturity B) pregnancy C) A and B D) A only


Which of the following responses is NOT correct? The oral interview panel screening law enforcement applicants should: A) be gender and racially diverse B) include both sworn and civilian law enforcement employees C) use different questions for male and female candidates D) include members of the local community to reduce the possibility of bias


Which word or phrase below means "deeply embedded system of societal structure whereby people are organized according to how much status and power they have"? A) low context communication B) high context communication C) hierarchy D) profiling


As with Asian/Pacific Americans and other groups, the key to understanding which terms to use is based on what principle? A) selfishness B) self-esteem C) self-preference D) self-preservation


A majority of American youth, ages 17-24, would not qualify for military service today because they are physically unfit, failed to finish high school or have ________ records.


________ is the beliefs, habits, attitudes, values, and patterns of thinking, behavior, and everyday customs that have been passed on from generation to generation.


Acquiring cultural competence includes: A) exploration of officers' belief systems and biases B) awareness of an officer's perspectives and perceptions C) increased communication skills leading to effective rapport building D) all of the above


Arab communities expect communication to be: A) courteous B) hospitable C) harmonious D) all of the above


Middle Easterners come to the United States for numerous reasons. Which is correct? A) escape unstable political situation B) begin a career C) gain an education D) all of the above


Recent DNA research indicates that Native Americans came to North America in waves from: A) the Bahamas B) North America C) South America D) Siberia


Recruitment strategies to attract diverse candidates for both law enforcement and civilian jobs within the department include: A) recruiting incentives B) social media platforms C) commitment D) all of the above


The Civil Rights Movement resulted in improvements in which of the following areas for African Americans? A) education B) employment C) politics D) all of the above


The benefits of verbal deflectors are: A) they are readily available to the lips B) they are nonjudgmental C) they can be said quickly D) all of the above


The first wave of migration by Cubans into the United States occurred between what years? A) 1965-1973 B) 1976-1979 C) 1980-1982 D) 1959-1965


The following are examples of institutional racism: A) old textbooks in predominately black schools B) unpaved roads in predominately black neighborhoods C) pre-employment standardized tests D) all of the above


What are the risk factors that make young people vulnerable to gang membership? A) poor delinquency in violence B) alcohol and drug use C) poor family management D) all of the above


What forms the basic technique for problem-solving with multicultural populations? A) conflict escalation B) interrogations C) depositions D) interviewing and data-gathering skills


Which of the following can be considered an offensive term? A) sitting Indian style B) Indian giver C) bottom of the totem pole D) all of the above


Which of the following can be signs of a human trafficking victim? A) sudden and dramatic change of behavior B) evidence of bruises in various stages of healing C) confident speech, as if rehearsed D) all of the above


Which of the following is NOT an example of sexual or gender harassment in the workplace? A) unwelcome sexual behavior, such as jokes, cartoons, posters, banter, repeated requests for dates, and requests for sexual favors B) supervisor asking employee to perform sexual acts in return for a job benefit C) comments such as "women should stay home and have babies and leave policing to real men" D) assignments to jobs or programs that are considered "traditionally women's" instead of the non-traditional positions such as SWAT teams, K-9, gang units, narcotics, etc.


Which statement about homeless people in the United States is NOT correct? A) The top reasons for homelessness include a lack of affordable housing, poverty as well as treatment for mental illness and substance abuse. B) The top reasons for homelessness among families with children include a lack of affordable housing, poverty, and unemployment. C) According to National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP), approximately 3.5 million people, including over 1 million school-aged children will experience homelessness each year. D) Homeless persons do not experience person or property crime victimization.


If ________ occurs, police departments will be subjected to adverse media attention, lawsuits, citizen complaints, human relations commission involvement, or dismissal of the chief or other management.


Affirmative action and consent decrees have been extremely successful in achieving parity in the hiring of women and individuals from ethnically diverse backgrounds. T or F


At least 50 distinct ethnic and cultural groups can be included under the Asian/Pacific American designation. T or F


Gender is another example of a secondary dimension of diversity. T or F


Global data on human trafficking can be relied upon as representing the extent of the problem. T or F


Hispanic is considered a race. T or F


The Department of Corrections estimates that black women refrain from reporting rapes at significantly higher rates than white women. T or F


The majority of Mexican-Americans migrated into the United States before 1910. T or F


Using the National Gang Intelligence Center's definition of a gang: a gang is a group that has three or more members, generally aged 10-22. T or F


When people have implicit biases, it means that they are consciously aware of the prejudices they hold. T or F


Explain at least three of the six myths and stereotypes that may be perceived about the Latino/Hispanic population. Why is it important for officers to understand what stereotypes and myths exist regarding Latino/Hispanic Americans and how can they combat these views?

It is very important for officers to understand these stereotypes and views so they do not allow it to impact their policing or treatment of the individual. Also, it helps to build better communities and allow people of Hispanic/Latino origin more faith in the law enforcement system, as crimes are underreported. One myth is that all people of Hispanic/Latino origin that are in the United States are illegal aliens. This is not true, as many have waited a long time and gone through the process or have lived here for generations. Another stereotype to combat is that all people who look "Hispanic" speak Spanish. This is not true and should not be immediately assumed. Finally, it is very pertinent to note that the stereotype and myth that Latino/Hispanic Americans are lazy and poor workers is not true, and many have made great sacrifices to get where they are today, to make a better life for themselves and their families. Not to mention, that they take jobs that many Americans would never do, just to earn their living.

Why is it important for law enforcement agents to understand the importance of eye contact?

Law enforcement agents should understand the importance of eye contact because in situations where there is a language barrier and the citizen speaks little English, actions can "speak louder than words" and provide the nonverbal communication that one is still listening to you, trying to reason, etc. Eye contact is different across cultures as well, so it should be known that eye contact does not mean what someone may immediately draw a conclusion to. For example, an officer might make the assumption that the person is guilty based on the fact that they will not make eye contact when in reality they may not be guilty, just nervous and it is not in their culture to make direct eye contact.

What kind of nonverbal communication differs across cultures? Describe at least three examples of where one would expect to observe differences.

Nonverbal communication can be different in many cultures in different ways. This can be seen through gestures, use and position of the foot, facial expressions, facial expressiveness, eye contact, and physical or conversation differences. There's basically two types of communication: high-context communication and low-context communication. For example, in Japanese culture facial expressions can say a lot about what the person is saying or how they are feeling, and that is why face-to-face communication is preferred. In American culture, it is polite to have direct eye contact with the person you are speaking to, and this is not the case in some Asian cultures. Finally, somewhere like Spain or France will look for the tone of which someone is speaking, in addition to the facial expressiveness that they use, as that is sometimes more meaningful than the words themselves.

Summarize at least five common myths and misconceptions around human trafficking. Provide examples to counter the myths and misconceptions.

Some common myths and misconceptions around human trafficking are that the people being trafficked know what they are getting into. This is not true, as seen in the documentary, where young teenagers are promised work opportunities to live in America and make a better life for their family under the false pretense of being trafficked by someone like (Amillo? I'm not sure how to spell it, but I think you know what I mean). Secondly, there is a myth that human traffickers are committing unlawful acts. This is not true as most of the time they are not even aware of the rules and laws that are in America, and assume that the way they got into the country was legal. For example, the man mentioned earlier had people who helped smuggle victims into the U.S. while HHS was having a hard time with all the people going through. Thirdly, it is false that victims are paid for their services. One of the workers in the documentary talked about how he would work for $600 a week, but would only see around $50 of it if that, because the traffickers would withhold their money from them to "pay off their debts". Fourthly, victims do not have the freedom of movement. They are terrified to work under these conditions and have to live in them, but are even more terrified of what their traffickers will do to their families back home if they do not cooperate. It is a complete matter of manipulation that these captors use to get labor out of these poor people. Finally, a misconception about human trafficking victims is that they can escape, but choose not to. This is not true because many people fear being deported and having to be sent back home where their family might be put in danger because the so-called "debt" has not been paid off, the traffickers take the deeds to the land/houses of these families and "own" them. This puts people in a state of terror to leave, even if they have the means to leave and just walk away and find another job, they most likely will not because they are afraid of what the traffickers will do and what the governments will do as well.

What are some of the recruitment strategies for diverse candidates?

Some of the recruitment strategies for diverse candidates include trying to convey positive messages through demonstrated commitment and effort, careful selection and training of recruiters and recruiting incentives, and community involvement in the selection of women and minorities in sworn and non-sworn positions. Advertising campaigns are another large recruitment strategy, and there are many different areas that are targeted. Social media is one example of this, as it can be used to target many places such as churches, community centers, mosques, etc.

What are some examples of respect towards Islam (in area like a Mosque or during Ramadan) that law enforcement personnel can convey to Muslims and their religious practices?

There are some taboos in a Mosque that should not occur unless absolutely necessary, and will help strengthen the relationship between Muslims and law enforcement and educate them about their culture. Some of these things include avoiding stepping on a prayer mat/rug with shoes on, speaking softly while people are praying, dressing conservatively (does not matter the gender; shows better respect if followed), and inviting people out of a prayer area to talk to them so as not to interrupt others who might be praying. In addition, law enforcement can respect when Muslims observe Ramadan, which is "The Holy Month" equivalent to Christmas for Christians and other holy days. Officers should be informed that the person observing The Holy Month does not drink, smoke, eat, or allow themselves to satisfy certain physical needs from sunrise to sunset. Additionally, it should be noted that Ramadan is one of the holiest periods in Islamic religion, so just as any other citizen should receive respect for their beliefs, so should Muslims.

"Hispanic" is a generic term referring to all Spanish surnamed and Spanish-speaking people who reside within the United States and Puerto Rico. T or F


A legal immigrant is an individual granted legal permanent residence. T or F


According to American Indian philosophy, the earth is sacred and is a living entity. T or F


Apple is a derogatory term that is sometimes used to refer to Native Americans. T or F


Arabs in general are very warm and expressive people, both verbally and nonverbally. T or F


Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are the two categories established by the U.S. government in 1997. T or F


Many Blacks left the South for the sole purpose of escaping racism and determination. T or F


More than half of all Asian/Pacific Americans are foreign born. T or F


Most agencies have eliminated the height requirement for law enforcement positions. T or F


The "Blue Code of Silence" is one factor contributing to officers' legitimizing prejudicial behavior, i.e., when fellow officers do not report injustices. T or F


The six largest Asian/Pacific American groups are: Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese. T or F


There is a strong link among the elements of hierarchy, formality, and high-context communication. T or F


Traditionally, rather than being described as part of the American people's common legacy, Native American cultural heritage has often been presented as bits of colorful "exotica." T or F


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