Qualified nature of Ramanuja?
Holds a position in between madva - dualist, and shankara - non dualist
Vishnu is:
Lord of Dharma, Redeemer, Mukti data (giver of liberation)
Not God as without qualities, but instead God as without negative qualities: God consists of solely good qualities
Body analogy
God is omnipotent and the inner controller ANTARYAMIN - he is like a "body", composed of cit and acit.
What does this mean?
God is the inner controller of souls and bodies. He constitutes the inner and outer self. These are all a part of God and thus are totally real - CONTRAST TO SHANKARA
Ramanuja's believes
He was a vaishnav - believed in Vishnu
Cit and acit?
acit is like the body - it is made up of material things cit is within - jivas
Unity in difference Brahman and atman are not the same, and yet we can be united in moksha
Sri vaishnav sect
Created by followers of Ramanuja on Ramanuja's death
God wants to:
Save souls, redeem us. Our souls are redeemed by gods grace and love (Bhakti). Sri is the expression of this grace
God is a supporter to jivas?
ie we are the little prince and God is the king - link to Christianity
in both levels
qualified non-dualism