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A total quality management approach argues that a team based approach is always best.


According to Kim and Tamborini, black men are no longer discriminated against in jobs that require more social skills.


Because of their experience with multiple roles, women rarely have difficulty achieving a balance between work and home lives.


Burnout and tedium are synonymous terms for being overwhelmed by the pressures of work.


Conflict exists when there is even the perception of incompatible goals between two individuals


Discrimination refers to negative attitudes toward an organizational member based upon gender or perceived culture.


In a crisis, effective leaders will wait awhile before they begin communicating.


Individual characteristics such as personality and gender exert a strong influence on the ways in which conflict is resolved.


Planned change always involves top management dictating change processes to lower level employees.


The main difference between the accommodating and the avoidance conflict management styles is the level of concern for self.


In an organization characterized by cultural separatism, members of the minority culture are forced to adopt the norms and values of the dominant culture.


Which of following best characterizes the ideal style of communication in a Human Resources organization?

formal and informal, but especially informal

Bill Gates is an example of a _______ in the culture of Microsoft.


The conflict management style marked by high concern for self and high concern for other is _______________.


Which of the following communication processes can have an important influence on decreasing role ambiguity?

All: a. socialization b. conflict resolution c. information load d. emotional support

Which type of approach would strongly discourage diversity?


Margaret has designed a research project which will consider the impact of perceived power differences between a caregiver and a patient on the perception of social support for the patient. Margaret is probably a __________ theorist


Which approach views organizational change as a reflection of organizational values and assumptions?


Bernadine works as clerk in a candy store. Her boss told her that she must smile at every customer whether she feels like it or not because smiling has been shown to increase candy sales. This smiling rule is an example of ___________________.

Emotional labor

Jordan is a volunteer at a shelter where the emergency needs of domestic violence survivors are met. Kate, the volunteer coordinator, tells Jordan that she can provide her with detailed directions about how to counsel clients, but it was also ok if Jordan chose to use her own style of counseling based on her prior experience as a counselor. What human resources concept is primarily demonstrated in this situation?


____________ stereotypes are not viable explanations for understanding the impact of personal factors on choices about conflict resolution strategies.


The ___________________ is a barrier so subtle that it is transparent, yet so strong that it prevents women and minorities from moving into management

Glass ceiling

The _______________ management style is characterized by a leader who does the minimum necessary to get by.


Bernard is attending his first faculty meeting. He asks his colleagues what he should say at thesis meetings. His coworkers tell him there is nothing in particular that he say or do. He should "go with the flow." What aspect of cultural performance does this represent?


In considering the individual needs of workers, the human relations approach rejects the ____________ metaphor of organizing.


Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid assumes that effective leaders need to demonstrate both concern for __________ and concern for ________________.


The objectification of culture is:

Risky because it deemphasizes the complex processes of culture

A cultural analysis of organizational subcultures can highlight differences in power and ideology within an organization


Because they are often unaware of the organizational context in which stress occurs, friends and family members are less able to provide effective informational support.


Burnout tends to have a negative impact on work satisfaction and employee commitment


Change can occur at various levels of the organization.


Human resources theorists argue that communication about new ideas is a critical component of organizations.


In a benevolent-authoritative organization, managers have the explicit goal of exploiting workers.


Organizations advocating a trait approach to leadership often use personality tests to select people for leadership roles


Peters and Waterman, and Deal and Kennedy's conceptualizations of culture are prescriptive


Scholars of organizational culture see it as something that is both emergent and highly complex.


There is a difference between studying organizational culture as something an organization is versus something that it has.


One of the criticisms of the "grid" approach to organizational conflict is that it does not adequately regard the nonverbal nature of conflict.


Jamon is a manager in a Human Resources organization. He has a message for Bob who works on the assembly line. What channel is he likely to use to get the message to Bob?


Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery has been making an effort to diversify their workforce. New hires are encouraged to learn the organization's norms and values as quickly as possible as a way to ensure job security. Ralph's is acculturating its new employees through


Schein's third level of culture considers the rarely articulated ____________ held by group members


Which of the following approaches considers conflict as inefficient, counterproductive and manageable through third party intervention?


Which type of approach would view change negatively, unless the change is carefully controlled by management?


Georgette has always thought she and Ted had the perfect marriage. Every time they disagree, she pushes for her side, and he wants her happy, so she always gets her way. Georgette uses a __________ style of conflict resolution and Ted uses a __________ style.


The cultural tale that is a narrative with the expressed goal of uncovering the deep power structure implicit in organizational functioning is

critical tale

When organizational members act on their prejudice, they are engaged in __________________________.


An increase in the diversity of workgroup members has been found to have what impact on communication?

enhanced problem solving

A leader who models the behaviors he or she wants followers to do is fulfilling which concept of transformational leadership?


Emotional communication at work is only stressful if the emotions communicated are "fake" or non-genuine.


When workers enact emotional labor, they are rarely aware that they are acting for the purpose of managerial and (sometimes) personal profit.


What are the three key components of Putnam and Poole's definition of conflict?

incompatible goals, interdependence, interaction?

Communication is enacted at which phase in the conflict process?

manifest conflict

The direction of communication in a Human Resources organization is:


The "match" of the leadership style to the characteristics of the situation is addressed in which of the following theories?

none of the above?

Jasmine works in an adult care facility and she is beginning to feel ineffective and to think that she's really not cut out for the job. Jasmine is experiencing

reduced personal accomplishment

Molly did not hear about the opening for the Director of Public Relations position in her place of employment because she is not tapped into the informal communication network. Molly has experienced difficulty in access resulting from

relational barriers.

Reactions to organizational change by lower level employees that interfere with change implementation processes are called:


The link between ___________________ and burnout can be measured in terms of rate and complexity

stressors or ?

The four key components of Deal and Kennedy's "strong cultures" are

values, heroes, rites/rituals, and the cultural network.

Joan has a conversation with her supervisor, Judy. She asks Judy about a rumor that the nursing home is about to be sold to a new company. Judy knows the rumor is true, but tells Joan that as upper management has said, there are no plans for the home to be sold at this time. Which strategy for communicating about change is Judy using?

withhold and uphold

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