RCA Cards
What three things do views control?
Items displayed in lists, based on a set of specified criteria Fields of information related to displayed items The default sort order of the items Relativity | Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 76
How must fields be prepared in order before they can be included in a search?
(Fixed Length, Long or Extracted Text,whole number, decimal, currency,user,date,yes/no,batch,)???
When setting up group permissions, what are the four button options on the Permissions Console?
- Add Group... - Remove Selected Group - Change Group Permissions - Copy Group's Full Permissions Admin, p.223
What are the field options you need to enable in order to use pivot?
- Allow Group By - Allow Pivot
What are the two different ways to assign documents to users?
- Batching - Assigned To field (add this field to a layout, and select a user for assignment)
Name the three Pivot toggle icons.
- Grid - Chart - List
What are the four export options in the Relativity Desktop Client
- Production Set... - Saved Search... - Folder... - Folder and Subfolders...
What are the export options in the Relativity Desktop Client?
- Production Sets exports the contents of a production set. -Saved Search exports the current results of a saved search. -Folder exports the contents of a folder. -Folder and Subfolders exports the content of a folder and its subfolders. admin workbook - 110
Why would a Relativity user want to create .TIF images?
- To perform Redactions - To burn redactions for production - To produce images/redacted images
What are the three Set Password Options:
- Use current password - Auto-generate password - Manually set password
Can Relativity System Fields be added to a view?
Does a view restrict the user to only those documents in the view?
How do you copy a view?
How do you display system document views?
How do you restrict which document types are converted to .TIFs?
How does Relativity handle extracted text from images?
How does dtSearch work with saved searches?
How many indexed words are displayed when opening the index?
In dtSearch how do you search for: an exact phrase; punctuation; wildcards; built in words?
What are some common permissions for coding documents?
What can happen when loading data into single-choice or multiple choice fields?
What documents are viewed by users by default when groups are added to a workspace?
What does "Allow HTML" do on a field?
What effect does the sort order have on a production?
What happens when documents become sorted by a non-relational field?
What is the relationship between workspace object-level and item-level security?
What should an administrator do when an error occurs while loading data?
What steps are required to import Unicode into fields?
When should multiple columns be used in layouts?
Why would the Compare function be used?
What are the general steps for creating a production?
1) Create fields -Production BEg Bates -Production End Bates Production Beg Attach Bates -Production End Attach Bates 2)Create a Production Set pg105, Admin Certification workbook
What are two issues with the "Yes/No" field type?
1) Searching for Yes/ No fields that are displayed as checkboxes can be difficult because a checkbox only displays as checked or unchecked. However, a Yes /No field has three potential values: Yes, No, or Null. This can make searching difficult. Therefore, deciding to display a Yes /No field as a drop-down can make searching easier as a review process. 2) They aren't available in the Field Tree. Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 39
How do you export a production set?
1. Click on RDC, open workspace 2. Tools>Export then click Production Set 3. In the Productions section, select the production you created. 4. Select start export at Record # ... SElect Destination Files tab... Export Location .. Physical File Export... ..For complete steps, see admin cert workbook - 113.
What steps are required to create first level review batches?
1. Create a saved search as the data source 2. Create a Batch Set 3. Click "Create Batches" on the Batch Set Console (Admin Manual, chapter 7)
What steps are required to create review batches?
1. Create a saved search as the data source 2. Create a Batch Set 3. Click "Create Batches" on the Batch Set Console 4. Configure the required fields (at a minimum) for a new Batch Set: Name, Maximum Batch Size, Batch Prefix, Batch Data Source (saved search). Optional settings include: Batch Unit Field, Family Field, Reviewed Field, Auto Batch, Minimum Batch Size (for auto batching), Auto Create Rate (for auto batching. Admin, p.319-321
What are the main steps for creating a transform set? (Domain parsing)
1. Create new object. 2. Create new field to hold object. 3. Create saved search to select the data that will be tranformed. 4. Create new transform set. (Admin manual, page 102)
What steps are required to perform an overlay?
1. In the RDC, select Import-Load File for a selected workspace/target folder in the workspace. 2. Select the load file and configure the load file characters/parameters. 3. On the Field Map tab, select "Overlay Only" from Overwrite drop-down (or Append/Overlay to perform Append and Overlay). 4. Select an Overlay Identifier, (typically the Control Number).
What are the default and maximum lengths for Fixed-Length Text fields?
What is the maximize size (in bytes) for fixed length fields in a workspace?
What proximity search operators work in the textbox?
What operators can be used for filtering on a date?
>=, <=, =, BETWEEN, and CustomOnly
What are the special characters used with dtSearches?
? Matches any single character = Matches any single digit * Matches any number or characters % Fuzzy Search ~ Stemming ~~ Numeric Range : Variable term weighting ## Regular Expression Searching, p.21
Which of the following would not create Persistent highlights? A) Appl~ B) Investment and Westgate C) Peter w/2 Williams D) Water* E) Piper How about operators i.e. NOT or AND
A C NOT or AND????
Fields: Multiple Choice
A Multiple-Choice has a predetermined set of values called choices; more than one value may be chosen. o Choices may be nested o Example: Issues
What is a user field type?
A Relativity User with rights to the current workspace (Admin Manual p. 58)
What data sources can be used to batch documents? (select all that apply) A) Private Saved Search B) Public Saved Search C) Search Term Report D) Summary Report c) A Cluster
A and B
What is a List filter?
A list filter displays a drop-down list of all the field's values in the workspace. Users may select only one of the values. There can be up to 255 items present in this type of filter, if this is exceeded, the filter type will downgrade to a textbox filter and write an error in the Error Log. The List Filter type should only be used for single-choice lists and Yes/No fields. Admin, p.62
What are relational fields?
A relational field is a fixed-length text field used to identify a group of related documents, such as families, duplicates, or near duplicates. MD5 Hash is commonly used to identify duplicates and Group Identifier is commonly used to identify families. Once the "Relational" value is set to "Yes" for a field, the Friendly Name, Import Behavior, and Order fields become required in order to save the field configuration. Admin, p.65
How do you create a new folder?
A) In the RDC: Right click your workspace or an existing folder and select "New Folder..." B) In your workspace in Relativity, right click the parent folder or an existing subfolder in document mode and select "Create".
How are native files imported?
A) RDC - Click load native files checkbox, select native file path B) Repository section Admin Manual - p91
What operators can you use with a text box filter?
AND OR BETWEEN = (equal) >= (greater than or equal to) <= (less than or equal to)
Where would you view the progress of a mass image operation?
Admin Mode -> Queue Management :: Imaging Queue
Where can you see a list of all logged in users?
Admin mode - User Status Tab
How do you create a Markup Set?
Adminsitration::Markup Sets -> New Markup Set Required Fields: Name, Order, Redaction Text
What is the User Authentication data field used for?
Allows a user to log in using one of several different authentication technologies. (Admin manual, p. 28)
What is a dtSearch?
Allows you to search document content but allows you also to perform proximity searches, stemming, and other advanced searching operations
What is a batch unit field?
An optional grouping mechanism, allowing you to group similar documents in the same batch. Documents with different values in a batch unit field are not included in the same batch (Admin Manual p. 323-324
Assemblies and Audits
Assemblies (also known as event handlers) are used to apply special rules to coding forms. These work similar to scripts and can be checked out and attached to either custom objects or documents within a workspace. (p. 316 Admin Guide) Auditing is just used to show history.
Fields: Associative Object Type
Associative Object Type is an object that the Single Object or Multiple Object field type uses to create a relationship. The objects selected in the Object Type and Field Type options determine the available associative object types.
What are the requirements for a password?
At least 8 characters, one capital, one lower, one number, one special character ex. Password123!
What is propagation?
Automatically force a coding value to a specified group of related items. *Must select Propagate to checkbox. Admin Manual - 60
Clients are directly associated to? A) Matters and Workspace B) Matters and Users C) Matters, Workspace and Users D) A Matters, Users and Groups
B) Matters and Users
How would you locate a saved search in your workspace? A. Use the view filters B. Use the Search List C. Open all the folders in the browser D. Use Ctrl + F
B. Use the Search List
Where do you create batches?
Batch Sets tab Admin, p.319
How are Bates numbers used when producing both images and natives?
Before clicking Produce, your selected Bates field will be overwritten. A document's Bates infor will remain in the production history section of the viewer, but any fielded data will be overwritten. If you are producing documents several times over the life of the workspace, your two best options are: o Use separate Bates fields per production -OR- o Create an All Bates field, running a Mass Replace-Relativity's search and replace feature-to create a field that stores all of a document's Bates ranges Certification workbook - 110
What are the 2 types of Redaction can relativity perform?
Black Box Redaction Text Box Redaction
What are some methods of filtering?
Boolean (And, Or, Between, =, <=, >=) Text Box Custom Only (ex. Setting Conditions) List (static list, those items tagged, ex. using a yes/no field) Multi-List (check boxes - multiple choices) Popup (Single/Multi Object, Single/Multi Choice)
Who can see relational fields?
By default, all groups can see relational fields. Relational Fields (Group Identifier and MD5 Hash) can be secured in Administration::Fields.
A choice name can be between ___ characters. A) 1 - 50 B) 1 - 100 C) 1 - 200
C) 1 - 200
How many characters can be used in a Choice name?
Choice names can be up to 200 characters. Admin, p.72
What is the relationship between fields and choices?
Choices are predetermined values that can be added for Single or Multiple Choice field types. When you create a new choice, it must be associated with a Single or Multiple Choice field.
When viewing a document, how do you switch to see the workspace?
Click the "return to documents" link in top left corner.
What are clients?
Clients are companies or organizations. In Relativity, clients are linked with associated users and matters. Admin, p.18
What is "Relativity Analytics?"
Conceptual searching that works with concepts instead of words; indexing is based on co-occurrences of words and recognizes ideas and concepts between documents
What does Conversation Index Parsing do?
Conversation Index Parsing is a transform handler that parses the Microsoft Exchange field Conversation Index to utilize the related items functionality in Relativity. Admin, p.115
How would you create a view that displays reviewed documents?
Could create a saved search with: Designation is set AND
How do you create a "My Assigned Documents" View?
Create a document view with the condition "Batch::Assigned To - Logged In User". Admin, p.327
How would you add a comments field to a layout?
Create a long text field
How do you create a "search" that includes all documents in your data set?
Create a search with no conditions and the only field "Extracted Text"
Fields: Currency
Currency is a numeric field in currency format. The format is set based on the settings of the SQL server hosting Relativity. o Maximum of 10 digits o Example: Amount Sold
What are standard field types for commonly imported data?
Custodian, Doc ID Beg, Artifact ID, File Name, File Extension, etc.
What are "CustomOnly (Advanced)" filters
CustomOnly (Advanced) search filters allow you to combine two search statements with an AND or OR operator. Each search statement consists of a text operator selected from a drop-down menu, i.e. "equals," followed by a search term entered by the user. Example CustomOnly (Advanced) search filter applied to a Whole Number field: equals 1000 Or is less than 100 In this example, document records with the following values were returned: 10,15,77, (is less than 100), and 1000, (equals 1000). Admin, p.63
Fields: Date
Date stores the date, or date and time. o Dates must be in a valid format. For example, 01/00/2000 would not be accepted. Attempting to load an invalid date will produce an error. o Many formats are accepted, including SQL-accepted formats that match your SQL server's regional settings. However, the date will display as mm/dd/yyyy for the US, or dd/mm/yyyy for the UK. o Example: Email Sent Date
How are dates displayed in Relativity?
Dates are displayed in whatever time zone the user is in.
Fields: Decimal
Decimal is a numeric field that may include decimals. o Maximum of 15 digits before the decimal, 2 digits after the decimal o Example: Percentage
What are the permissions users need to check out and review batches?
Document Edit, Document tab Batch Edit, Review Batches tab
What would the following search return: Bob not w/3 Tom?
Documents that contain the word "Bob" but not those that contain "Bob" within three words of "Tom" (from left to right only)
How do you create a transform set for domain parsing?
Domain Parsing Transform Set requires: - Saved Search for all documents for which "Email From" field is set (Set as Data Source for Transform Set) - New "Domain" Object Type - New "Domains" Document object type field (multiple object field with Associative object set to new "Domain" object type); this field is set as the Destination Field in the new Transform - Set Source Field in new Transform to "Email From" field.
What is Domain Parsing?
Domain parsing is a Relativity-defined handler that extracts email domains from email addresses in a doc set. Example: Name@kcura.com will yield "kcura.com" -- The domains returned are written to a destination field. (admin manual, page 102)
How can multi-choice fields be displayed on a layout?
Drop down lists or radio buttons.
What Mass Operations are available in Relativity? (may or may not be enabled for a given group of users)
Edit Move Delete Produce Replace Image Print Images Tally/Sum/Average Send to Casemap Export to File Cluster Process Transcript Admin, p.356-386
Which search indexes are not automatically updated?
Everything but Keyword dt STR Saved Searches
From where do you export an Application?
Export button in Application Console - Workspace Mode on Applications Tab
A user can change their password under My Settings? T/F
Fields cannot be moved between workspace in Relativity T/F.
It is not possible to secure a layout. T/F
Relativity only allows a maximum of 50 dtSearch indexes per workspace. T/F
The dtSearch certif%% would return certify and certified. T/F
False Each % represents another character for fuzziness searching (based on my test searches).
Word indexing must be run manually on all types of documents. T/F
False Word indexing is specific to Transcripts and is done automatically as part of the Process Transcript mass operation.
"Bulls NOT w/5 Sharks" is the same as "Sharks NOT w/5 Bulls" T/F
False - Because of the NOT Anything after the NOT is ignored. So search 1 looks for the word Bulls and search 2 looks for the word Sharks
The priority of an OCR job can be changed in workspace mode. T/F
False - But can be changed in Admin Mode, on the Queue Management::OCR Queue tab.
The search filter >1/20/2000 is invalid? T/F
False - Should be >=1/20/2000
It is not possible to import multiple-choice fields as nested. T/F
False - you can set this using the "Nested Value" delimiter in the Load File Characters section of the RDC (Admin Manual p. 194)
When creating an Advanced Search, it is not possible to use An existing search as one of the search conditions. T/F
False - you can use an existing search as a condition for the new search
What happens to family groups if a view is sorted by date sent?
Families are split up Admin, p.164 (covers how changing the sort on an Indented List from a family field to another field will remove indentation and sort based on the selected field)
What items are included in the related items pane?
Family or Duplicates
How are coding fields created?
Fields used for coding are created like any field, in Administration::Fields. For fields to be used for coding, they must be added to a layout. Layouts are created in Administration::Layouts.
Fields: File
File is a field that allows you to upload a file for a non-document object. When you add a File field, Relativity automatically creates File Size, File Icon, and Text fields for the object.
When setting up a view, you need to consider the fields you want to see, sort and ______.
Filter Admin, p.154
What are the four main ways to search with Relativity?
Filtering, keyword searching, dtSearch, Analytics Search
User and audit tables reference users by?
First and Last Name in the format: Last name, First name
When are batches most useful?
For large sets of documents with multiple reviewers - the process reduces the chances of accidental redundancy, increases review organization, and improves progress tracking.
How should choices be ordered?
Give order number -- The lower the number, the higher the position on the list. (May be positive or negative) (Admin manual, page 75)
When comparing two documents, what do the different colors indicate?
Green - Only in New Red - Not in new Black - Same, both docs
What size should a pane icon be when associating it with a relational field?
Icons should not be larger than 16 x 16 pixels. Admin, p.66
What can you do with a search term report in Relativity?
Identify documents that contain a specific group of keywords and list the frequencies of the keywords in the set of documents. You can also use these reports for a markup set to determine which terms or phrases are highlighted in the documents viewed through the core reviewer interface. (Admin Manual p. 164)
What is updated after creating a Relational Field for MD5 Hash?
If a field is made relational the Friendly name, Import behavior, pane icon and Order fields become required settings for the field.
When building Layouts, what is a Category?
If you click the Build Layout icon when you're looking at a layout, there's the option to add New Category. When this popup window appears, you need to enter a name and order. Categories act as headers for a layout that visually divide it into different sections. You can create a category for each sub-task in a ereview. For each layout, Relatvity auto-creates a default category. (Admin manual, 130)
What types of production files include redactions?
Images (will only include redactions that exist and are part of the applied markup set for the production when produced)
What files can be included in a production set?
Images and Native documents
How can extracted text be loaded from a document-level load file?
In RDC,Check " Cell contains file location", "select encoding for undetectable files" Admin Manual - p91
How do you mass move?
In a Document view, select from the Checked (requires document records to first be selected), All, or These mass operation drop-down menu options. Then, select Move from the associated drop-down menu. Click Go and select a destination folder.
How do you tally documents?
In a Document view, select from the Checked (requires document records to first be selected), All, or These mass operation drop-down menu options. Then, select Tally/Sum/Average from the associated drop-down menu. Click Go. On the popup dialog, select Tally as the Function, and select the Field for which you wish to tally field values for the document selection.
What permissions do you give users who need to code documents?
In order for users to be able to code documents using a layout, the Edit permission is required for Document permissions, (set at the workspace level in Administration::Workspace Details, Edit Permissions).
Where is this highlight color used?
In the search terms report???
How is conceptual searching used?
Indexing is based on similar ideas and concepts - Can be used on its own or in conjunction with keyword searching to identify documents that may or may not contain the actual phrase
What is in-line tagging?
Inline tagging allows users to tag highlighted sections of text within a document, which can be referenced through hyperlinks. Only available for transcripts (Admin Manual p. 140)
What long and extracted text search operators are supported by Relativity?
Is like, Is not like, Is, Is not, Is set, Is not set, Is less than, Is greater than, Contains, Does not contain
What is filtering?
Isolating the objects that only share a specified value (i.e., "Document" views)
What are layouts?
Layouts are web-based coding forms that allow users to view and edit document fields. Layouts should be created for specific tasks, giving users access to only the fields they need to complete their respective tasks. This will keep the layout clean and uncluttered. Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 64
What is the maximum amount of data that can be stored in a Long Text field?
Long Text is a text field larger than 4,999 characters. The technical limitation of a long text field is 2 GB, but Relativity is usually set to stream only files smaller than 50 MB. The maximum file size is set in the configuration table. Admin, p.55
Fields: Long Text
Long text is a text field larger than 4,999 characters. o The technical limitation of a long text field is 2 GB, but Relativity is usually set to stream only files smaller than 50 MB. The maximum file size is set in the configuration table. The Configuration Table document can be downloaded from the Customer Portal. o Examples: Email To, FullText.
What determines a users default layout?
Lowest number layout they have permission to view
What are three approaches that you could use to assign documents for reviewers?
Manually create batches Auto-batch docs Create an "Assigned To" field with field type of User
What are Markup Sets?
Markup sets are securable sets of annotations and redactions available to reviewers for applying text redactions to documents in the Viewer. Admin, p.117
What are Multi-list filters?
Multi-List displays a list where one or more fields can be selected to filter on. Admin, p.63
Fields: Multiple Object
Multiple Object is a field type that you can use to define a many-to-many relationship between two objects. The Multiple Object field is added on the object selected in Object Type option. It is then used to create a many-to-many relationship with the object selected in the Associative Object Type option.
How do you include a regular expression in a search?
Must be quoted and must begin with ## (p. 31 Searching Manual)
What message is displayed to a user when propagation is applied on a field?
Can keyword searches find single numbers, letters, or other characters?
Does the saved search for batching have to be public?
If a field type is set to "fixed-length" can you change it to "long text"?
No, but you can use a transform set to move the date to a different field type.
Are all fields visible in the field tree?
No, only fields that you specify
Since long-text fields hold the same kind of information as fixed length fields, shouldn't they all be long text?
No, using correct field types will improve overall system performance.
Are all fields available in the Folder Tree browser?
No, you have to select Available in Field Tree when creating the field.
Should meta-data be editable?
No, you never want your users to be able to change meta data
Can choices always be deleted?
No. For example, choices cannot be deleted if they are part of a summary report, or that have been applied to any documents. (admin manual, page 76)
What are Stop Words in a search?
Noise words (See searching manual for more info)
What happens to Bates numbers when documents are produced?
On the production set form, multiple options are available that control how bates numbering is applied to images in your production. If you Create New Images, Relativity will generate new Bates numbers for branding on the images in your production. (Admin Manual, 180)
How many Markup Sets can be used per production?
One Markup Set can be used per Production.
How do you print a native file?
Open the document in the Relativity Viewer. Select the Native view option to open the native document in the correct native application on your workstation. Print the document from the native application.
How do you in-line tag a transcript?
Open the transcript in the Viewer, select the text, right-click and select Tag.
How would you restrict access for a view?
Open the view from Administration::Views. Click Edit Permissions to open the Security Permissions popup dialog. Select Overwrite Inherited Security and apply the desired security permissions to a selected group.
When assigning permissions, what does "overwrite inherited security" do?
Overwrite Inherited Security allows you to override the security settings inherited from the workspace level with modified security permissions. Using Overwrite Inherited Security results in Item-level security.
What does a handler do in a transcript set?
Parses the content in to a word index fop faster searching User Manual - 99, 56
What is a Popup filter?
Popup displays a popup picker from which you can select multi-choice and multi-object values to use while filtering a list or modifying criteria in a saved search or view. You will be able to access this popup from the following: -Layouts -Field Filters (via a Select...button) -View Conditions -Advanced Search conditions -Mass Edit window o This picker is accessed via the Check and Uncheck buttons next to the field name. For more information on how the multi-choice/object popup picker functions, see the section Mass Edit. This filter is available for the following field types: o Single object o Multiple Object o Single Choice o Multiple Choice In the popup picker view drop-down, you can select any view you have rights to see; however, you will receive a warning when attempting to save the field if the selected popup picker view is a personal view.In addition, if you edit the view that has been selected as the popup picker view, you will receive a warning when attempting to save it as a personal view. Admin, p.63-64
Why do you process transcripts?
Processing a transcript will read the ASCII text file, identify page breaks, and parse out the content of the transcript into a hyperlinked word index for fast searching of the content
The following permission is known as a live checkbox.
What are production sets?
Production sets allow you to create a set of documents with an ID number for opposing counsel. These productions can be native files, images, or a mix. Image files may include redactions that have been applied by users to protect privileged materials from disclosure. Admin Certification Workbook v2, p.105 Once produced, production set documents are accessible via the Production radio button in the Relativity Viewer. Admin, p.182
What is a summary report?
Provide aggregate tallies of field values Field types available for reporting: Multi Choice Single Choice User Yes/No Admin Manual - p170
Were can you view a document's production history?
Related items pane - click the production history icon (sheet of paper with a little * on it)
When importing data, what is the file path?
Relativity allows native files to be loaded from a file path field. This field can be either an absolute path or a relative path to the native files. The File Path shows the original location of the file. Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 53
What are groups?
Relativity users are organized and added to Workspaces using Groups. Users cannot be directly associated with a Workspace. For each Workspace, user permissions are set at a group level. Admin, p.32
How is a static list created in relativity?
Relativity | Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 135 To create a static list of documents, the documents must be tagged with a specific choice. Create a field to store the choice values that will become the lists Create a layout Run a search Apply the choice values to the results Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 135
What does batching do?
Relativity's batching feature is intended to bring structure to the often-complex task of managing a large-scale document review with multiple reviewers. Batches can be automatically generated or created manually. Relativity can split a static set of documents into batches based on administrator-set criteria, and then allow users to check out these batches, assigning themselves documents. Admin, p.319
What personal settings can be changed by default by Relativity users?
Required: First Name Last Name Email Address Item List Page Length Default Selected File Type Advanced Search Public by Default Not Required: Skip Default Preference Native Viewer Cache Ahead: Data Focus On/Off
If you wanted to run a review on a separate server, what would you need to set up?
SQL Server, web server, agent server???
A workspace has 100+ saved searches. How would you find the required search?
Search List (adds filter ability to Saved Search pane)
Why would an administrator want to use Trusted IP Addresses?
What do you need to do in order to have fields display in the field tree?
Set the Available in Field Tree option to Yes for a Field. -or- STR - Select report and tag - terms show in Field Tree
How would an administrator configure a password so that it never expires?
Set the Maximum Password Age value to 0 or no value (blank), in the User configuration. Admin, p.27
What is a Search Terms Report?
Simplifies the process of identifying documents that contain a specific group of words. Enter lists or phrases and a report is generating listing the frequency. (can pivot on this, can be used for persistent highlighting) Admin Manual - 163
Fields: Single Object
Single Object is a field type that you can use to define a one-to-many relationship between two objects. The Single Object field is added on the object selected in Object Type option. It is then used to create a one-to-many relationship with the object selected in with the Associative Object Type option.
Fields: Single Choice
Single-Choice has a predetermined set of values called choices; only one value may be chosen. o Example: Responsiveness
Why do you need a new field for a transform set?
So results can be written to a new field.
Why do you need a layout for static lists?
So that you can tag the docs with the choice used to create the list. Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 135
What does a word index do for a transcript?
So you can search the transcript. Admin Cert Workbook p140-
What is a keyword search?
Standard keyword searching; automatically populated index which reduces maintenance and ensures searches are running on all documents
How can summary reports be exported?
Summary reports can be exported by clicking on the
What are summary reports?
Summary reports provide aggregate tallies of field values. Field types available for reporting are limited to the following: Multi-choice lists, single-choice lists, user, yes/no. -Reports are based on an optional grouping criterion (vertical axis) and the fields to be tallied (horizontal axis). Example: Shows how many documents have been tagged with each responsiveness value per custodian. (admin manualm, pages 170-171)
What are "System Fields"?
System fields are fields that will be in all Relativity workspaces: artifact id, batch..., relativity compare, control number, extracted text, file icon, folder name, has images, has natives, has inline tags, relativity image count, relativity native time zone offset, relativity native type, supported by viewer, sys last modified on/by, sys created on/by, <markup set name>, <production name>, production alerts. See pages 72-73 of the admin manual for complete list.
What can you do with in-line tagging?
Tag a section of a record as a choice (will apply to the document) Can color code your choices **Right click inline tagging is only available for transcripts User Manual - 54
What are transcripts?
Textual records of conversations, trials, or other interactions between parties recorded by court reporters
What is a folder path when importing data?
The Folder Path shows the folder location of the original file Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 53
What is MD5 Hash?
The MD5 Hash field is used to identify "duplicates" group. The code in this field is generated by the processing software. This 32-digit number is generated for each file using the characteristics of the file. By using the same algorithm to create this number for each document, duplicate documents will have the same number. Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 61
What happens if an error occurs when importing documents?
The RC will load everything but the error and save the error(s) in a separate document for correcting.
What does an open padlock icon indicate?
The associated item is secured according to the object-level (workspace) permissions (permissions are inherited). A closed padlock icon indicates the item is secured beyond object-level permissions with item-level permissions. Admin, p.240
Can you overlay on fields with a SQL index?
The fields available in the Overlay Identifier drop-down when performing an Overlay with the RDC are fixed-length fields with a manually-applied SQL index.
How many documents are displayed when previewing a load file?
The first thousand *But all of them are checked
When is the Relativity Viewer installed?
The first time you open a document in Relativity. *The Relativity Utilities console on the Workspace Details tab also provides a button to download a Viewer Installation Kit.
What happens when a dtSearch is activated?
The index is available in the Search With drop down on the document list
What is a user's default layout?
The layout with the lowest number they have access to. Admin, p.130
What does the padlock icon indicate?
The padlock icon represents the Security field. A closed padlock icon indicates the object does not inherit security from the workspace level; it is using item-level security (secured beyond the object-level permissions. An open padlock icon indicates the object inherits security from the parent (object-level). Admin, p.240
What happens when you right-click tag a section of a transcript?
The tag document dialog displays - here you can select any required choices and if the field is present add any additional notes or comments
What options appear with the "Mass Replace" popup?
Three categories exist on the Mass Replace popup by default: - Field: field on which you will perform the selected action - Action: action options include Replace Entire Field, Append to End, Insert at Beginning, Search for (provides Text field to enter search criteria) - Update With: two options, Text or Field. Text allows you to enter new text in an edit box. Field allows you to select the field with contents you wish to use with the selected action.
What are required fields used for?
To drive workflow Required determines whether the reviewer must populate a field with information in order to continue the review process. Admin, p.50
When do you use a blank criteria in a saved search?
To get the full set of documents (for example, to build a dtSearch index)
What are transform sets?
Transform sets transform fielded data inputs based on rules called a handler. Handlers analyze a specified source text field, extra text matches, and then write the results to a destination field. (Admin manual, page 102)
"Invest w/3 westgate" is the same as "westgate w/3 invest" T/F
Externally created productions can be imported in to a Relativity production T/F
T/F A System Administrator cannot check out batches using the Me link.
When creating a view to return a users checked-out coded documents, the conditions would be? Batch: Assigned to: is Logged in User Batch: In Progress Designation is set
A Search Term Report can be run on pending terms. T/F
True (Admin Manual p. 166) - "Run Pending Terms" is used to update an existing report. It runs a report on only those terms with the status of Pending.
When creating a choice, a highlight color can be set. T/F
True - Only applies to multi-Choice list for the purpose of Inline Tagging. You can right-click and tag a section of a record as a choice. This inline tag applies to the document. Right-click Inline Tagging is only available for Transcripts. Process includes right-clicking selected text in a Transcript, clicking Tag in the right-click menu, and then selecting the coding choice. The color associated with the selected coding choice is used to highlight the selected text. User, p.52
It is possible for a user to be given specific permissions in order to import an Application. T/F
True - the user would have to be in the script admin group
Is it possible to export a summary report? T/F
True, use the Export to Excel link. *You can export all reports
What is the "Type" field used for in user settings?
Type is for reference purposes only and has no impact on access or billing. The default values are internal or external and you can add additional type values. Admin, p.26
How many dtSearch indexes are supported in an instance of Relativity?
What are overlays?
Updates existing records only. You must include workspace identifier in an overlay load. This acts as a linking field and is necessary to ensure that Relativity knows where to import the data. (Admin Manual, 90)
How is a dtSearch created?
Use a saved search to build a dtSearch index, then enter search terms and other conditions
How do you import transcripts into Relativity?
Use the "Process Transcripts" mass operation
Fields: User
User is a Relativity user with rights to the current workspace. o Example: Document Assigned To
What type of fields should be included in a view?
Views are customizable lists of items -- The Fields that should be included are those that a user will need to SEE, FILTER ON, or SORT BY. (Admin manual, 151)
What are document views?
Views are customizable lists of items within Relativity. Any time you see a list of items in Relativity, it is defined by a view. Along with layouts, views represent one of the two main places where users can see and interact with a document's metadata and coding. Relativity | Admin Certification Workbook v2 - 75
What is the difference between visibility and security?
Visibility is if the item/tab is just visible to the user, and security is the level of rights that user has for the associated item. Admin, p.227
After domain parsing, when will a document have an empty destination field?
When Full Run is selected, all content in the destination field is wiped. Also if there is no text in the source field, nothing will be written to the destination field. If the text is unidentifiable, nothing will be written to the destination field.
What happens when skip is enabled?
When skip is enabled and a choice is selected, Relativity will "skip" those documents that are family or relational because they will already be coded "responsive" or whatever.
When is a dictionary search available and what is it used for?
When using dtSearch, a Dictionary Search option is available. The Dictionary Search allows you to search the index for a specific term, see the total occurrences of the term, and the number of documents containing it. The document list will not be displayed.
In dtSearch, What is the dictionary?
When using dtSearch, a Dictionary Search option is available. The Dictionary Search allows you to search the index for a specific term, see the total occurrences of the term, and the number of documents that contain the term. The document list will not be displayed. The search textbox in the Dictionary Search window supports wildcards (*), stemming (~), and fuzzy searching (%). You can also enable a Fuzziness Level (drop-down menu), and enable stemming (checkbox). Dictionary Search only returns the first 2000 search results and displays the following message if the search exceeds 2000 hits, "Only 2,000 results returned." Searching, p.18-19
When are group permissions set?
When you add a group to a workspace.
When is the relational drop-down available on the fields tab?
When you have selected Object Type: Document and Field Type: Fixed-Length text. You can only set relational field properties on fixed-length fields that do not exceed 450 characters. Adminstration::Fields Admin, p.65
How does importing data into a choice field help manage data?
When you import, it will create a folder for each choice ie when you make custodian a single choice field.
When does domain parsing overwrite a destination field?
When you run the Transform again after already running it before.
Fields: Whole Number
Whole number is a numeric field that can store any natural numbers or their negatives. o This value cannot exceed 2147483647. o Example: Page Count
What is the only search operator that works with persistent highlight?
Wildcards o appl* - this search term will highlight apple, application, applies, and so on. An excessive use of wildcards will affect performance. Leading wildcards are not recommended such as *itting. Admin, p.123
What operators can and cannot be used with persistent highlighting?
Wildcards CAN be used. Non-alphanumeric characters and other Search operators CANNOT be used as they are typically used in advanced searching. Non-alphanumeric characters are treated as special character wildcards by Relativity. For example, using quotation marks with a term results in Relativity searching for all special characters in place of the quotation marks. If you use operators such as AND or OR, Relativity searches for the full term phrase with these operators included in the literal sense. Adding Apple AND Banana results in Relativity searching for the full, exact phrase "Apple AND Banana". Admin, p.122
What is a .KWE file?
WinEDDS Native Load File used to save and load Field Maps with the RDC.
Where do you QC a production before producing it?
Workspace -> Administration::Production Sets -> Production Console -> Preview
Where do you set security for a workspace?
Workspace Details tab -> Edit Permissions
How do you install the Relativity Desktop Client?
Workspace details>Install RDC
In what modes can choices be edited?
Workspace mode
Can you load an externally created production?
Do you have to create a new object type for each transform set?
Can you use the control number as the Overlay Identifier for an overlay?
Yes An overlay may be applied to any fixed-length text field that has a SQL index. The SQL index would be a manually-applied SQL index (not done through Relativity). Admin Certification Workbook v2, p.53 Admin, p.95
Is it possible to copy an existing view? Y/N
Yes Select the mass operation menu "Copy" option on the Fields tab.
Do you need to create a new object type for a transform set? Y/N
Yes Transform sets require a Handler and a data source (saved search). A new Transform also needs a Source Field and a Destination Field.
Are markup sets securable?
Yes - Markup sets are securable sets of annotations and redactions available to reviewers for applying text redactions to documents in the Viewer. Admin, p.117
Can a user be locked out of Relativity for incorrect login attempts?
Yes - the maximum number of failed attempts can be set by an administrator in the Relativity Configuration Table (not through Relativity web interface). There is a counter that resets after a successful login. If a user is locked out, the password must be reset. The field, "Invalid Login Attempts" displays the number of unsuccessful login attempts for a user. Admin, p.28
Can choices be added directly to a layout?
Yes -- You can add additional choices on the fly by clicking the "Add" button -- Otherwise, you can do Administration::Choices
Will productions overwrite Bates fields?
Yes and no -- you have to select that option
Fields: Yes/No
Yes/No is a field that will have one of two values. The default values are Yes and No. o The display values for Yes and No may be altered. o Example: Reviewed
How do you separate a list of items in the redaction text box?
You add a bunch of dashes, example: Attorney's Eyes Only _____________________ Redacted Text
How does a dtSearch differ from a keyword search?
You can perform more advanced search operations like stemming and fuzziness
How do you use auto batching for organizing a second pass review?
You can use the Batch Unit field to organize the batch sets based on a particular value or designation, then the set is auto-batched based on that value
How does relativity respond to a long and complex search string?
You may get an ambiguous answer - dtSearch will display an error. Searching Manual - 23
Why do you create a saved search for batching?
You need to use a saved search as the data source for the batch set - as new documents are added, they can be added to the batch set
The following keyword search string will return documents withwhich of the following traits: white, wine a)The words white and wine b)The word white or the word wine c)The exact phrase white wine d)None of the above
b)The word white or the word wine
What are the first trouble shooting steps for the Relativity Desktop Client? (RDC)
check connectivity (url path)pg416 unistall/install
What is dtSearch?
dtSearch allows you to perform proximity searches, stemming and other advanced keyworkd searching operation not available in keyword search. (Admin manual, 248-249)
What items are copied in a Workspace Template?
o Choices o Custom tabs o Dynamic Objects o Fields o Groups (and permissions) o Imaging Profiles o Layouts o Markup Sets o Native Types o OCR Profiles o Pivot Profiles o Saved Searches not associated with a dtSearch or Analytics index o Scripts o Summary Reports o Views Admin, p.38
Fields: Fixed Length Text
o Maximum technical limitation of 4,999 characters o Examples: Email From, Email Subject While a fixed-length text field can technically store up to 4,999 characters, there are two major performance considerations: o Fixed-length text fields larger than 500 characters are not optimal. o The sum of all fixed-length text fields should not be larger than 8,060 characters. o Go to the Object Type tab and select the Document object. TheControl Panel section contains a usage field showing how many of your 8,060 characters are remaining.
What are the three modes for Relativity display modes?
viewer, native, image (extracted text if it exists) ?
What proximity search operators are supported in Relativity?
w/n, not w/n, pre/n?