Reading Quiz 5

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A company can increase diversity and inclusion in the workforce by: A. Moving all operations overseas. B. Hiring only foreign-born managers. C. Showing foreign films weekly. D. Accommodating family needs outside of work.


Employees in the United States have a legal right to: A. Organize and bargain collectively. B. A safe and healthy workplace. C. A job. D. Both A and B, but not C


Since the mid-1950s the proportion of American workers represented by unions has: A. Grown only in the manufacturing sector. B. Decreased C. Increased. D. Remained about the same.


The Occupational Safety and Health Act gives workers the right to a job: A. That is free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious injury. B. That does not require them to lift, bend, or move items at any time on the job. C. With equal wages for similar kinds of work. D. With wages that enable an employee to enjoy a decent standard of living


The term "glass walls" refers to: A. Fewer opportunities to move sideways into jobs that lead to the top. B. Reliance on word of mouth by recruiters for top positions—"the old boys' network" from which women are excluded. C. A company's lack of commitment to diversity. D. Fewer opportunities for direct upward advancement.


Which of the following is not true about occupational segregation? A. The pay gap in American businesses persists, in part, because of it. B. The large pay gap for Hispanic workers partly reflects their concentration in several high-paying occupations. C. It concentrates women in traditionally female-dominated jobs. D. It means that women cannot get the jobs that could break the cycle of relatively low pay.


Which of these actions can businesses take to reduce income inequality? A. Provide very high executive compensation. B. Commit to paying a living wage to all employees. C. Implement new tax policy that benefits employee. D. Adjust minimum wage laws to increase worker pay.


A reason for an increase in employee monitoring does not include: A. To make sure employees do not disclose confidential information. B. To reduce the employer's health insurance premiums. C. To achieve greater efficiency at work D. To avoid lawsuits if employees act in inappropriate ways.


Why does a diverse and inclusive workforce benefit a firm supporting a global market? A. A variety of language skills serves the global customer base well. B. Cultural insensitivity helps to retain customers. C. Understanding differences across markets restricts innovation. D. Both A and C, but not B.


which of the following is an argument against affirmative action? A. It costs American businesses too much money. B. It violates individuals' basic human rights. C. It is inconsistent with the principles of fairness and equality. D. There are no mechanisms in place to verify that it is actually taking place

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