Reading Quiz GT8, GT9, GT10

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Effective scanning?

10 degree increments, series of short, regularly spaced eye movements

Effective scanning is accomplished with a series of short, regularly spaced eye movements. Each movement should not exceed _______.

10 degrees.

How long is the longest runway at DAB?

10500 feet.

What is control tower frequency for DAB?


What is the Unicom frequency for DAB?


3 factors govern approach = go for headwind

1= wind direction and velocity 2= dimensions and slope of chosen field 3= obstacles in final approach path

What is field elevation for DAB?

34 feet MSL.

How fast does the fastest radar update?

4.7 seconds

How high does "C" airspace reach over DAB airport?

4000 feet MSL.

Glide speed?

68 with engine failure down to 42

Most common error?

75% pilot error

What percent of all aviation accidents are related to human factors?

80 percent.

What does the yellow color signify around DAB? (Hint: check - search "chart users guide)?

A heavily populated area.

What is the definition of "hazard"?

A present event, object or circumstance that could contribute to an undesired future event.

Aeronautical Decision Making and Judgement

A systematic approach to risk assessment and risk management, critical to safe operation of aircraft, helps pilot reduce number of errors


ATC Radar Beacon System

What does "ADM" mean?

Aeronautical Decision Making.

Flight path to avoid wake turbulence? (Landing)

Always stay above the other aircrafts flight path, land and touchdown past where other plane landed and touch downed


An assessment of the single or cumulative hazard facing a pilot

What does "risk" mean?

An assessment of the single or cumulative hazard facing a pilot.

Hazardous attitudes/antidotes (decision making)

Anti-authority; follow the rules, they are usually right Impulsivity; not so fast, think first Invulnerability; it could happen to me Macho; taking chances is foolish Resignation; I'm not helpless, I can make a difference


Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast

Radar Traffic Advisories

Basic service includes safety alerts, traffic advisories, limited vectoring when requested

What color is the airport symbol for an airport with a control tower?


Types of airspace?

Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, Class G

5 C's

Climb Communicate Confess Comply Conserve


Control firing areas

Restricted areas?

Could fly with permission

Wake turbulence?

Counter rotating vortices trailing from the wingtips, can impose rolling moments

Crab angle

Crabbing means to point the nose of the aircraft partially into the wind while keeping the plane itself moving towards the runway

DECIDE model

D= detect the fact that a change has occurred E= estimate the need to counter or react to the change C= choose a desirable outcome for the success of the flight I= identify the action that could successfully control the change (make a plan) D= do the necessary action to adapt to the change E= evaluate then effect of the action

Which of the following is true about Deland-Taylor airport?

Deland-Taylor airport does not have a control tower


Disrupt wake turbulence and save fuel

What contributing factor is present in many aircraft accidents?


What are the legs of a traffic pattern?

Downwind, base, final, departure, crosswind

Traffic Patterns; Single Runway

Enter at traffic pattern altitude (1,000) (45* downwind) Downwind (1,000) , base, final (500) ➡️ upwind, crosswind (700), downwind

Warning areas?

Flight training areas

3 emergency landings

Forced Precautionary Ditching

Controlled airspace?

Generic term that covers the different classification of airspace within which ATC service is provided

Wind direction ATIS?

Given as "coming from (number)"

Decelerating Process?

Governed by speed and stopping distance

Vortex strength- terminal area

Greatest vortex strength occurs when aircraft is heavy, slow, clean (takeoff)

How to mitigate risk?

I= illness M= medication S= stress A= alcohol F= fatigue E= emotion/eating

Vortex strength in the wake turbulence behind an airplane increases with?

Increase in aircraft weight and decrease in aircraft speed.

Proper radio phraseology and procedures?

Increases safety and efficiency in the airspace

Which of the following is an advantage of ADS-B over the current radar based surveillance system?

Increases the capacity and efficiency of the NAS system

Secondary surveillance radar

Interrogator Transponder Radarscope

What happens to the VFR night accident rate as a pilot obtains more hours of flight time?

It decreases.

What is the major limitation of VHF radio?

It is line of sight only.

Ground loop

Land airplane and turn it, making it loop

When landing behind a departing aircraft on the same runway.

Land prior to the departing aircraft's rotation point.

What is the direction of the standard traffic pattern?


What problem can a pilot expect if encountering wake turbulence from a large aircraft?

Loss of roll control.

Vortex generation

Lower pressure over the upper wing surface and highest pressure under wing

What color is the airport symbol for and airport without a control tower?



Military operation areas

High wing?

Momentarily lift the wing then turn

Low wing?

Momentarily lower the wing then turn

Radar traffic advisories given by ATC are based on

Observed radar targets and the 12 hour clock system

When does a pilot need a radiotelephone permit?

Operating internationally

Collision course?

Other airplane gets bigger and doesn't move, steady lights

PAVE (risk)

P: pilot A: aircraft V: enVironment E: external pressures

Risk management?

Proactively identify safety related hazards and mitigate the associated risks

What is the goal of risk management?

Proactively identify safety-related hazards and mitigate the associated risks


Prohibited areas, security associated with national welfare, published in the Federal Register, cannot fly


Real or perceived condition, event, or circumstance that a pilot encounters

Air Traffic Control Services

Referenced by azimuth from the aircraft in terms of the 12 hour clock EX // "Riddle 123, traffic at 9 o'clock"

2 categories of airspace?

Regulatory Non-regulatory

Which of the following is a concern of the British Airline Pilots Association in regard to automation?

Reliance on automation is causing a lack of basic flying skills.

Psychological hazards

Reluctance to accept the situation Desire to save the airplane Undue concern about getting hurt

What does the secondary surveillance radar do?

Secondary radar alleviates some of the limitations associated with primary radar


Set of communication rules for simplified English language communication between an air traffic controller and the PIC

What word does an air traffic controller use to instruct a pilot to place a code in the transponder?


Wind shear

Sudden change of wind direction and speed , if gusting (decrease in kts), come in faster

Traffic at VOR sites?

Sustained vigilance should be maintained in the vicinity of VORs and intersections

Flight path to avoid wake turbulence? (Takeoff)

Takeoff after Delta took off, takeoff into wind on top of their wake turbulence

During what phase(s) do the vast majority of accidents happen?

Takeoff and landing

Segmented circle?

Tells us traffic patterns, cross wind in center


Terminal Radar Service Area

Where can a pilot obtain the traffic pattern altitude for an airport?

The Chart Supplement U.S.

What is the focus of CRM (Crew Resource Management) training?

The effective use of all available resources.

Which end of the tetrahedron points in the direction of landing?

The small end.

Deland airspace

Uncontrolled, Class E

We land?


Dispensable structures?

Vegetation Trees Dense crops Brush


Very high frequency

Wind direction indicators?

Wind sock Wind cone Tetrahedron Wind tee

Keeping the cabin area intact?

Wings Landing gear Fuselage bottom

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