Reading Review Elbow

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Each of the following is a characteristic of a biceps brachii rupture EXCEPT

Ability to flex the elbow and supinate the forearm

The ligament that stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius is the:

Annular Ligament

After a hyperextension injury, palpable anterior joint pain, particularly on the anteromedial side, is more commonly attributed to acute

Anterior Capsulitis

Management for a forearm compartment syndrome is I. application of ice II. application of external compression III.immobilization of the forearm and wrist IV. immediate referral to a physician

Application of Ice Immobilization of the forearm and wrist Immediate referral to a physician

Which of the following conditions should be considered when evaluating an athlete who has received a direct blow to the posterior elbow? Olecranon Bursa Injury Triceps Tendon Strain Musculocutaneous Nerve Contusion Ulnar Nerve Contusion Brachialia Weakness

Olecranon Bursa Injury Ulnar Nerve Contusion

The brachial artery can be palpated

On the anterior surface of the elbow

The adolescent athlete who complains of sudden pain and locking of the elbow joint should be suspected of having

Osteochondritis desiccans

Forearm pronation and supination occur about a _____ joint at the elbow.


Most elbow dislocations result from falling on an outstretched hand and result in the ulna and radius dislocating:


The motion(s) that occur at the radioulnar joint?

Pronation, supination

Compression due to hypertrophy of the _____ can impinge on the median nerve leading to weakness in the finger flexors.

Pronator theres

What nerve innervates the main elbow extensors?


A varus stress applied at 15 to 20 degrees of elbow flexion stresses the

Radial collateral ligament

During rehabilitation of a posterior elbow dislocation which of the following phases would include the beginnings of PNF and DAPRE exercises?

Repair phase

Lateral epicondylitis results from:

Repetitive extension of the wrist

When an elbow is dislocated, the arm is frequently held in what position?

Slightly flexed with the forearm appearing shortened

The biceps brachii contributes most effectively to flexion when the forearm is _____________.


Football linemen who consistently block with their arms may develop an ectopic formation directly on the distal humerus commonly called

Tacklers Exostosis

A positive valgus stress test at 15 to 20 degrees of elbow flexion often indicates

Tear to the ulnar collateral ligament

Medial epicondylitis is often caused by


Little leaguer's elbow is a _______ injury.

Tension force

Contusion of the radial nerve during a blow to the elbow will exhibit signs of

Transitory paralysis of the extensors of the arm

True or False? A Type II fracture of the radial head is a displaced fracture


True or False? A network of communicating blood vessels is called anastomosis


True or False? Because the attachment of the elbow extensors to the ulna is closer to the joint center than the attachments of the elbow flexors on the radius and ulna, higher joint compressive forces occur during extension than during flexion.


True or False? Complications from an elbow dislocation include injury to the median and radial nerve, as well as the brachial artery.


True or False? Elbow dislocations occur more commonly in individuals younger than 20, with a peak incidence in late adolescence


True or False? In an elbow dislocation, the radial collateral ligament is usually ruptured, and there may be an associated fracture of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.


True or False? In an extended position, the olecranon process and the two epicondyles form a straight line.


True or False? In medial epicondylitis, passive movement of the wrist seldom elicits pain, although active movement does.


True or False? Individuals who fall repeatedly on the wrists are prone to forearm splints


True or False? Lateral compressive forces on the radiocapitellar joint can lead to osteochondrosis dessicans in the skeletally immature elbow.


True or False? Medial tension overload forces can lead to simultaneous lateral joint line compressive forces and shearing forces posteriorly, in the olecranon fossa.


True or False? Palpation of the annular ligament and head of the radius can be facilitated by supination and pronation of the forearm.


True or False? Racquetball elbow, golfer's elbow, and javelin throwers elbow refer to a medial epicondylitis.


True or False? Resisted wrist extension and radial deviation are used to test for common extensor tendinitis.


True or False? Restoring normal range of motion is crucial early in elbow rehabilitation.


True or False? Strains to the elbow are usually caused by hyperextension forces.


True or False? Sudden or repetitive medial tension overload can lead to an ulnar collateral ligament sprain, ulnar traction spur, ulnar neuritis, or a partial avulsion of the medial epicondyle.


True or False? The brachialis muscle is a common site for development of myositis ossificans


True or False? The closed-packed position of the humeroradial joint is with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees and the forearm supinated about 5 degrees.


True or False? The distal end of the humerus forms two condyles: the lateral condyle is called the capitulum, and the medial condyle is called the trochlea.


True or False? The nerve root for the brachioradialis reflex is C6.


True or False? The radial collateral ligament does not attach to the radius, which is free to rotate.


True or False? Using a tennis racket with an inappropriate grip size can cause added stress to be placed on the elbow.


True or False? With an elbow dislocation, the arm is frequently held in flexion with the forearm appearing shortened.


Which nerve can become irritated secondary to cubitus valgus present at the elbow?


Recurrent elbow dislocations are usually due to instability that results from disruption of the

Ulnar collateral ligament

If an athlete complains of burning and tingling or paresthesia to the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged?

Ulnar nerve

A complication from a forearm fracture that can lead to ischemic necrosis of the forearm muscles is calle

Volkmanns contracture

Possible complications of a supracondylar humeral fracture are muscle spasm, swelling, or bone pressure on the brachial artery which inhibit blood circulation to the forearm, wrist, and hand. This is a:

Volkmanns contracture

Which of the following conditions results from an injury to the brachial artery, usually associated with a supracondylar fracture of the humerus?

Volkmanns contracture

If resistance is applied to an athlete's extended wrist with the elbow flexed at a 45-degree angle, the athletic trainer is testing for:

Lateral Epicondlyitis

The flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis provide significant stability to the ____ elbow during throwing activities.


The _____ nerve provides motor supply to the flexor muscles of the anterior arm and sensory innervation to the skin of the lateral forearm.


What nerve innervates the main elbow flexors?


Which of the following structures lie within the cubital fossa?

Musculocutaneous nerve Biceps Tendon Brachial Artery Median Nerve

True or False? Resisted elbow flexion and/or wrist extension test the C7 myotome.


True or False? Ten to 25 percent of young pitchers develop little league elbow as a result of the repetitive stress caused by throwing curve balls.


True or False? The carrying angle is so-named because it causes the forearm to angle toward the body when a load is carried in the hand.


True or False? The nerve that innervates the primary elbow flexors is the median.


True or False? The normal ROM for supination of the forearm is 45 degrees.


True or False? The pinch grip test is used to assess the integrity of the ulnar nerve.


True or False? The primary pronator muscle is the pronator teres, which attaches to the proximal radius.


True or False? The spool-shaped capitulum fits into an articulating groove with the ulna.


True or False? The triceps bursa is the most frequently injured bursa in the elbow because it is so superficial and at risk for direct trauma.


True or False? Valgus stress testing of the elbow stresses the lateral collateral ligament of the elbow.


True or False? Varus stress, coupled with an extension overload in the deceleration and follow-through phase of the throwing motion can impinge on the radial nerve as it courses through the supinator muscle.


True or False? Visually observing an elbow at a 45-degree angle of flexion will show the olecranon process and both humeral epicondyles in a straight horizontal line.


The motions of the elbow joint are


Valgus stress forces frequently lead to

Flexor-pronator muscle strain

Irritation of the radioulnar syndesmosis is associated with

Forearm splints

The mechanism of injury for an ulnar dislocation is


Acute anterior capsulitis is often a result of

Hyperextension injury

The carrying angle ranges from _____ in adults

10-15 degrees

Following a diagnosis of moderate medial epicondylitis, throwing or overhead motions should be avoided for what length of time postinjury?

6-12 weeks.

During pronator syndrome, the _____ nerve is entrapped by the pronator teres, leading to pain on activities involving pronation.


The angle between the longitudinal axes of the humerus and the ulna when the arm is in anatomical position is known as the

Carrying angle

Testing the sensory function of the radial nerve is performed by

Checking sensation of the thumb

Which of the following is NOT a primary elbow flexor?


____ are commonly used in racquet sports to reduce muscle tensile forces that can lead to medial or lateral epicondylitis.

Counterforce braces

Which of the following is not a disorder associated with little league elbow?

Cubital tunnel syndrome

True or False? If the ulnar nerve is injured, tingling and numbness may radiate into the forearm and hand, particularly the thumb and index finger.


Each of the following mechanisms can lead to common extensor tendinitis EXCEPT

Eccentric loading of the flexor muscles

A rupture of the biceps tendon is usually associated

Elbow hyperextension

The closed-pack position of the humeroulnar joint is


True or False? A positive Tinel's sign indicates median nerve entrapment.


True or False? An injury to the ulnar nerve usually results in parasthesia in the second and third digits.


True or False? An olecranon bursa that feels hot to the touch and inflamed indicates chronic bursitis.


True or False? Anterior joint pain caused by hyperextension is more commonly attributed to chronic repetitive throwing than to acute anterior capsulitis.


True or False? Cubitus varus is an abnormality resulting in an increased carrying angle.


True or False? If the median nerve is damaged in a forearm fracture, the individual will have tingling or numbness on the dorsum of the hand and fingers.


True or False? Pronator teres syndrome involves entrapment of the ulnar nerve.


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