Reading Strategies Quiz
Mrs. Fields is teaching her students about different types of texts. She assigns a project for students to study a collection of maps and write a reflection. Which of the following would be the best resource to provide the students?
An atlas
While reading a historical fiction book about The Great Depression, a teacher asks students to scaffold their text-to-self connections between characters in the story. Which of the following literary features is the teacher trying to promote among the students?
Characterization elements
Ms. Garcia works with teachers, principals, and older students at her school to have them help guide the reading instruction once a week. After the reading, Ms. Garcia and the person with whom she collaborates that week with have a discussion with the students and work to make a collage of the story's theme. Which of the following is the most likely primary goal of the activity?
Collaborating with other members of the school community to improve students' reading comprehension skills
A fifth-grade teacher is going to read a story about two children visiting the aquarium. Which of the following activities is the best way to introduce the text to promote comprehension?
Complete a KWL chart
Before reading a literary piece, an elementary teacher will ask the class, "What do you know about...?" Which of the following best describes the purpose of this?
Connect to the student's schema
Which of the following activities will best help students identify various features of texts?
Create a scavenger hunt for students to find various elements of text using different kinds of texts
A language arts teacher has students use a data notebook to monitor their reading fluency and progress. Each month the students set a new reading goal and monitor their progress towards that goal during the month, utilizing their data notebooks. Which of the following is the greatest benefit of this process?
Encouraging students to think about their reading progress
Which mode of writing is intended to provide information and includes facts and data?
A second-grade teacher wants to develop students' skills in understanding new texts. Which of the following activities would best help students develop an understanding of a new text?
Have students record mental images that are generated from reading the story
Which of the following would be the best strategy to teach an elementary student the various forms of persuasive media?
Have students research a political cartoon, a computer editorial, and a highway billboard concerning environmental issues
Which of the following is the best way to assess the fluency skills and reading levels of sixth-grade students?
Having students read aloud for one minute and count the number of words read correctly
Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of having a student retell a story?
Measuring the student's level of comprehension
Mrs. Jones is a fourth-grade reading specialist and has been asked by a number of teachers how to enhance the comprehension skills of their students, especially with expository text. She explained that it can enhance students' comprehension of this kind of text to have them focus on certain elements of expository text. Which one of the below elements is NOT a part of expository text?
Plot, setting, and characters
A third-grade teacher reads the following passage from a story: "As Jimmy was brushing his teeth before going to bed, he heard a terrible roar come from the garage. Jimmy didn't know what could be making that terrible noise, but he left a light on in the closet while he slept that night." The teacher then asks students questions about their thoughts on the events of the passage and what might be happening. Which of the following would this activity best promote?
Which of the following is the best definition of qualitative evaluation of text complexity?
Qualitative evaluation analyzes the level of meaning, structure, language conventionality, clarity, and knowledge demands of a text
Mr. Mather is approached by a parent about how to encourage reading and improve reading skills for their children at home. Which of the following is the most effective recommendation for Mr. Mather to make?
Reading aloud books with the children at home
Which of the following statements about reading instruction is most accurate?
Reading comprehension is increased when reading fluency is increased
The development of reading comprehension skills is important in elementary students. Which of the following is the least important strategy in promoting reading comprehension among elementary students?
Relate oral language to semantics
A teacher wants to develop reading fluency in his first-grade class. Which of the following would be the most effective activity to enhance the students' reading fluency?
Rereading stories that were used during a guided reading activity
Read the paragraph and answer the question: (1) George Washington was the first president of the United States and the only president ever to run unopposed. (2) This is because George Washington was popular among all Americans due to his leadership during the American Revolution. (3) Washington, respected and trusted by almost every American, was the unanimous choice to lead the nation as the first president under the Constitution of 1787. (4) Washington is also the only president to not affiliate with a political party. Which of the following is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
Sentence 1
A first-grade teacher reads a story aloud while the students echo the words the teacher has read. Which of the following approaches to reading instruction is the teacher using?
Shared reading
Lisa is struggling to comprehend grade-level texts during independent reading and her oral reading is jerky and irregular. Mr. Harris wants to improve Lisa's reading comprehension. Which of the following instructional strategies should Mr. Harris focus on?
Sight-word automaticity
Mrs. Spears wants to incorporate regular silent reading into her weekly schedule. Which of the following ways should Mrs. Spears incorporate this practice into her weekly schedule to provide the best conditions for the students to improve their individual reading skills?
Students have scaffolded silent reading for 20 minutes every day while Mrs. Spears consults with individual students about their reading progress
A fifth-grade teacher reviewed the students' work on her classroom walls and mobiles in March. Which of the following would this best promote?
Students' reflection on past activities and concepts
A fifth-grade teacher who allows independent reading on three paragraphs and then has the students choose only three important words from each paragraph is primarily addressing which of the following skills?
Ms. Hardy demonstrates the five-finger rule to her students and explains how to use the rule to select the students' independent reading material. Which of the following is Ms. Hardy most likely trying to develop in her students?
The ability to gauge the readability level of texts
Which of the following is a similarity between a norm-referenced assessment and a criterion-referenced assessment?
They both formally assess a test-taker's knowledge in a specific area
A fourth-grade teacher assigns a homework activity of watching TV for one hour from the hours of 7:00-8:00 AM and one hour from 7:00-8:00 PM. She tells the class to write down the name of the programs that they watch and then also who they think the programs are for. Which of the following skills does this activity best promote?
Understanding audience purpose
Mrs. Jones is a fourth-grade reading specialist and has been asked by a number of teachers how to enhance the comprehension skills of their students, especially with expository text. Mrs. Jones checks for the teachers' understanding of various comprehension strategies. Which one of the following responses is NOT a comprehension strategy?
Using phonological awareness skills
Which of the following will best promote reading comprehension?
Using various graphic organizers to compare two reading selections
One of the objectives for fourth-grade science includes the expectation that students should be able to understand the history of science and the contributions of scientists. In order to meet this objective effectively, the teacher might:
assign individual students or pairs of students a scientist to not only research but also to develop/attain visuals to help the rest of the class remember the contribution(s) of that scientist.
Various forms of persuasive media include:
newspaper ads, political cartoons, and online ads.
(Select all that apply) After completing the reading of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi and Ron Barrett, the teacher shows a short film clip of the animated feature film by the same title. This best enhances the skill(s) of:
- compare and contrast. -visual complementing. - extended meaning.
To teach metacognitive skills, a fourth-grade teacher will provide which strategy/activity during reading time? (Select all that apply)
-Looking back (called "Look Backs") to verify facts -Reflective journal writing
A fourth-grade teacher wants to provide realistic experiences in the understanding and development of graphic representations. After she models the development of a class birthday graph, the teacher assigns her students to choose a question to investigate in order to develop their own graph. Which of the following questions would be least appropriate for students to investigate and from which to develop a graph?
How does the media use ads to persuade?
An elementary teacher should know and teach strategies to students about the functions and purpose of media. These include which of the following?
Education, Information, and Persuasion
A sixth-grade teacher is presenting a unit about propaganda to her students. The teacher shows various propaganda advertisements and asks the students to detect faulty reasoning among the advertisements. Which of the following levels of reading comprehension is primarily being targeted in the lesson?
Mrs. Buff receives a letter from the mother of one of her fourth-grade science students about the amount of time it is taking to do the homework for her class. Mrs. Buff has been working with all her students on developing appropriate study skills, including setting timelines for homework. Mrs. Buff responds to the letter from the parent with an invitation to the mother and her husband to meet with her concerning this issue. Which of the following would be the best strategy for Mrs. Buff to begin the conference?
Listening to the parents' concerns and then explaining the study skills that have been taught and discussed in her classroom
In order to help her students with their overall study skills now and in the future, Mrs. Gibbs, a fourth-grade reading teacher, decides to teach a variety of strategies. Which one of the following would be the least effective for Mrs. Gibbs to include in her activity?
Practice answering literal questions at the end of the chapter after reading about a topic
A third-grade teacher reads a fictional story to the class and bases activities on one character of the story. The teacher assigns the same story to be read that night with parents/guardians and provides questions based on another character. Which of the following would this lesson best promote?
Reading for a purpose and fluency
Which of the following strategies should students first use in the process of interpreting graphs or charts containing numerical information?
Review the title, headings, and legends to develop an understanding of the content presented in the graph or chart
As part of developing appropriate study skills, students in a fifth-grade class are being retaught, with both guided and independent practice, how to effectively study and learn information from texts. Which of the following best describes the meaning of guided and independent practice?
The teacher first provides practice in using the study skills with his/her help and then provides additional practice time in which students use the skills by themselves
Which of the following quotations best demonstrates an example of internal conflict?
"On the drive home, Evelyn was frustrated with herself. Why did she say that to her boss? How could she be so stupid?"
(Select all that apply) After completing the reading of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi and Ron Barrett, the teacher shows a short film clip of the animated feature film by the same title. This best enhances the skill(s) of
-compare and contrast. -visual complementing. -extended meaning.
The elementary teacher is expected to model and teach students to comprehend, interpret, and use which of the following?
A wide variety of graphic organizers
Mr. Simmons wants his class to compare and contrast information about a subject using a variety of genres. Which of the following instructional strategies should Mr. Simmons use?
Book clubs
Which of the following would not be beneficial in improving a student's note-taking skills?
Create the expectation from the beginning of school that there will be a grade taken on students' notes at least once a week
A fifth-grade science lesson is preparing students for the required competency in comparing/contrasting information in any content. Which of the following strategies would best deliver this information?
Deliver a lesson on various plants and have the students complete a Venn diagram
Which of the following is the most beneficial reason for a teacher to show her students various video clips, TV ads, posters, magazine ads, etc.?
Demonstrate some of the functions/purposes of media such as persuasion, information, entertainment, and education
Students use which of the following to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and produce images and messages from various media? (Select all that apply)
Denotative and connotative meaning
A fourth-grade teacher could best instruct students on informational resources, such as the dictionary, thesaurus, and Atlas by which of the following methods?
Designing a scavenger hunt in the library with students to locate and use the informational resources correctly
While previewing a text, a fifth-grade student identifies the words "because", "then", and "therefore". Which of the following comprehension skills is the student primarily using?
Determining text structures
Mr. Hendrix, a third-grade English Language Arts teacher, wants to support his students in becoming self-directed critical readers. Which of the following activities would best help Mr. Hendrix accomplish this goal?
Have students use a Venn Diagram to identify character traits between the protagonist and the antagonist of three different narratives
A teacher is creating a reading fluency handout for parents so that parents can support the students' reading development at home. Which of the following should the teacher encourage in the handout to parents?
Have your child read aloud the same text multiple times while the parent listens to the child
Mr. Harper wants to assess his students' reading fluency by listening to each student orally read a section from a selected text. Which of the following would NOT be a good indicator for Mr. Harper to use in assessing the students' reading fluency?
How clear students are able to pronounce words
A fifth-grade teacher provides a challenging text about the causes of the American Revolution. Which of the following will best help students to follow the causes and effects of the events as outlined in the reading?
Provide a graphic organizer for students to complete while they read
Mrs. Mendez explains to her fifth-grade students that she wants them to start using technology for specific reasons as they do more oral and written presentations. For this week's assignment, they are to do a brief written report about their recent social studies unit of study. They will then find related pictures on the computer and print them off to attach to their reports. They will also need to identify the sources of their information as part of the information. Which of the following best explains why Mrs. Mendez would have them identify their sources as part of their research?
It will enhance students' understanding of the need to refer to websites and other sources for their work
Expository reading in the fourth-grade classroom often requires students to use which of the following strategies to promote their success as they are reading content information?
Ms. Farris' fifth-grade social studies students are finding in their textbook numerous graphic representations which they have to analyze and understand. These graphic representations may be in the form of diagrams, charts, graphs, timelines, and maps. From the previous list of activities, which one would likely be the most helpful to teach her students in analyzing, understanding, and using information from the textbook?
Model through "Think Aloud" how to analyze and understand specific graphic sources including maps, globes, diagrams, pictures, timelines, and charts
Mrs. Mathers is reading aloud with her class. As she reads she periodically stops and asks students questions about the text to clarify important plot developments and to explain the main ideas in the text. Which of the following is Mrs. Mathers most likely trying to accomplish?
Monitoring students' comprehension of the text
Which of the following activities would most help Mr. Hanson's students understand inferential comprehension?
Mr. Hanson has various students explain the effects of different events in the narrative
Students in fourth-grade have to begin doing various kinds of research and become better enabled to use appropriate study skills. Therefore, the teachers in this grade see the need to model and teach a variety of these skills. Which of the following would be the least effective student activity in promoting student research?
Publishing their research
Mrs. David wants to help her students to be able to ask and answer literal, inferential, and evaluative questions. Which of the following would best support Mrs. David's class in asking these questions?
Read a text as a group and then use Bloom's Taxonomy pyramid to help form different kinds of questions and answer them in the group
Mr. Hatfield asks each student to respond to a story. Mr. Hatfield records each student's response on the white board. The students watch as Mr. Hatfield records their words. Mr. Hatfield then teaches a lesson on the concept of print. Which of the following is Mr. Hatfield using to highlight the link between oral and written language?
The language experience approach
Which of the following is a characteristic of a third-person narrative?
The narrator reveals the thoughts of multiple characters
Mrs. King tells her fifth-grade students that she is going to explain and model a strategy that should help them learn how to self-monitor their own comprehension development. Which strategy would be most effective for this purpose?
The teacher starts reading aloud as she is displaying the text on a slide or students are following along in a book; the teacher then pauses and asks a question aloud to herself about what she is reading
Which of the following is a developmentally appropriate objective for an average second-grade student?
To identify the main idea of a text
Inferential comprehension is that which comes from reading and understanding of:
information that is not stated explicitly.