REC 393 Final Exam

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Single elimination tournaments

- All entries compete in the first round but only the winners of each round advance - Winner of final contest is the champion

Personnel Management

- Clear concise job description - Requirements: min background > Degree? > Certs and/or qualifications > Specialized ---> Fitness/aquatics

Program development

- Club must maintain resources in order to develop and operate - Longevity influenced by: > membership levels > interest > funding > facility availability > leadership - Administration should be centralized to ensure: > continuity > standardized procedures > equitable resource allocation > evaluation


- Congenial, helpful, knowledgeable - Minimizing safety hazards, facility misuse, and disciplinary problems - Good communication skills and conflict management

Philosophies to club programming

- Conservative admin philosophy > club members have little or no discretion in determining operational procedures ---> financial support from institution ---> schedules and activities must get admin approval ---> travel must be approved ---> club must have advisor or coach ---> club must have constitution or guidelines ---> members must have insurance coverage ---> financial transactions must be approved by person within the administration

Program Development

- Considerations to attain goal: > facility availability > seasonal factors > scheduling > conveniences > cleanliness > supervising > personnel > fees

Structuring Tournaments: Determining factors

- Determining factors 1. Tournament objectives - determine winner quickly 2. Participant characteristics - age group, sex, skill level 3. Facilities and equipment - facility availability 4. Time parameters - length of time available for tourney, inclement weather 5. Type of event - individual sport, team sport, meet 6. Personnel - # of sport officials & supervision 7. Other factors - budget restrictions, publicity

Staffing-In Rec Sport: Level 3 admin/middle management

- Directs policies and resources, monitors facilities - Prepares reports - Oversees staff development eg. Management/supervisor

Policies and Procedures

- Eligibility 1. Those permitted to use facilities 2. Considerations: > who are we serving? > what can our facilities handle? > are there certain facilities or times that require restricted use? > what personnel are available to monitor facility use? > what financial resources are available to support monitoring and control systems? > what effect will eligibility have on public relations? > how will participants prove they are legitimate users of the facility?

Fitness & Exercise Initiative

- Establishing fitness is an important goal for all nations! - Activity needs to increase to improve health & fitness > 40% of adults do not participate in any physical activity ---> higher among women than men, higher among african americans & hispanics than whites, higher among older adults than young, higher among less affluent than more affluent


- Finding quality personnel > Based on understanding of current personal strengths and weaknesses, expected turn over and position responsibilities

Staffing-In Rec Sport: Level 2 entry level

- Have direct contact with participants - Responsible for program/delivery - Organise and direct sport - Facilities, operations, purchasing, inventory, follows budgets and HR practices eg. Coordinator

Staffing-In Rec Sport: Level 1 part-time

- Hourly wage or intern - Directly involved eg. officials, lifeguards, ticket takers etc.

Facility reservations

- Most protect blocks of time for informal sport use > court or field reservations > daily/weekly > method: phone, computer, in-person

Facility availability

- Must maximize facility availability for self-directed use - Considerations: > variety of sports: number and variety of facilities > accessibility of facilities: eliminate barriers --> location, convenient times, affordable > participants differences: facilities should serve all age groups

Participant Considerations

- Need to understand participants - Available resources should be considered > needs, interests, and preferences of participants ---> demographics, interests, part, input > balance offerings ---> different interests, skill levels, age, health ---> individual, dual, team sports > flexibility ---> impacts: age, # of events, gender, time availability, budget, equipment, supervisors


- No matter the age of a facility it should always be clean > Internal cleanliness: pick up trash, bathrooms, pool areas, bulletin boards, lights functional, water fountains clean, nets without rips, windows > External cleanliness: landscape, lighting, trash receptacles, parking lots


- Participants will choose your program due to conveniences: > equipment and accessories > shower and locker rooms > transportation and parking > child care > food and vending > spa services

Single elimination tournaments: pros and cons

- Pros: > easy to understand and conduct > determine a champion in short amount of time > can be conducted with limited facilities > economical > accommodate a large number of entrants - Cons: > minimal participation > maximum emphasis on winning > champion or runner-up may not be the best team > weather-related postponements can cause scheduling problems b/c contests must be played sequentially

What is informal sport?

- Self-directed participation in cooperative or competitive play activity that uses sport facilities that are not schedule for short-term events or ongoing structured programs. - Participants determine the type of sport and place for participation as well as the length of their involvement. - Involves largest number of participants of all recreational sport. - Primary type of participation (in commercial facilities) is self directed.

Structuring Tournaments

- Several possible structures for tournaments > 3 main categories ---> round-robin ---> elimination ---> challenge

ADA requirements

- Signed 1992 - Obtain equal facility usage and employment opportunities - Remove barriers

Health-related components of physical fitness

1. Cardiovascular endurance: efficiency of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels during vigorous muscular activity over time 2. Muscular endurance: capacity of a muscle group to apply and sustain force over time (resist fatigue) 3. Muscular strength: maximum force a muscle can exert against resistance (protect joints, prevent injury) 4. Flexibility: capability of the joints to move through a full range of movement 5. Body composition: body fat to weight that reflects a health body

4 elements

1. Duty 2. Breach of duty 3. Proximate cause 4. Injury or damages *must have all four*

4 areas of compensation

1. Economic loss 2. Physical pain and suffering 3. Emotional stress 4. Physical impairment Typically the question is not what if, but how much and who pays.

Types of risk

1. Inherent Risks: accept risk to ensure game is not altered eg. football 2. Negligent behavior: conduct that is not in accordance with the standard of care a prudent professional should

Assumption of risk

Participant aware and voluntarily assumed risk eg. foul ball (baseball)


People can participate through self-directed sport based on their needs and interests > promoting info on facility hours & available equipment

Components of Fitness: Physical

Performance-related components- skills important for enjoyable participation in recreational sport > agility > power > speed > coordination > reaction time > balance

Indirect Delivery

Places fitness as a benefit of the recreational sport experience > it is NOT a goal of the sport Includes: instructional, informal, intramural, extramural, and club sport

Club Sport

Weightlifting, walking, cycling, triathlon clubs

Operational guidelines

- Affiliation > can clubs use agency's name? ---> legal responsibility - Application > step-by-step process for each group seeking approval to operate a club - Active Status > need guidelines on when a club may become inactive or how to reactivate - Meetings > require periodic meetings > keep good records - Safety > should be primary focus of program


- Annual membership fees - Daily user fees > day pass to swimming pool, lift ticket - Reservation fees > tennis courts, pool, basketball courts - Rental fees - License and permit fees > Hunting, fishing, or flying

Seasonal Factors

- Anticipate increased participation in sports that are in season and keep facilities available


- Are detrimental to a program - Schedule events during convenient times - How to reduce forfeits: > one forfeit results in elimination from tourney > two forfeits = elimination from the league > charge a fee > lose points if a "point system" is in effect - Communication plays a vital role

Club types

- Athletic > interested in organized tourneys, structured competition > tryouts > must generate own income - Instructional > sharing knowledge and experience to improve skills - Social > participants seek membership to meet others who enjoy the same sport > more participation means more socializing for skill development, fitness, or tourney play

Program Development

- Better to offer a few well-chosen activities than several poorly administered ones

Facility usage

- Children > require specific policies: supervised by parent or adult, specific times to use facility - Participant conduct > policies for controlling and report conduct: where to dispose of litter, where to get help with accidents, required clothing


- Influences the quality of the program - Need to be outstanding individuals

Personnel Management

- Involves investment in an employee from the beginning of recruitment to career development - Needs to reflect the mission, goals, and purpose of an organization

Philosophies to club programming cont.

- Liberal admin philosophy > club members have greater latitude for determining operational procedures: ---> members control funding, travel, scheduling ---> minimal or no external assistance to provided ---> members are responsible for their own insurance ---> often used when funding and staffing are limited


- Medical Examinations > some programs require exams before participants are eligible to join > other programs allow the participant to determine health status ---> participants must understand risk involved - Safety Plan > each club should have an action plan for safety ---> to prevent and manage problems effectively - Safe Conduct > safe environment requires safe conduct > must develop safety awareness among club members - Injuries and Emergencies > safety plan must specify procedure for management of emergencies > first aid/CPR

Round-Robin tournaments

- Most popular tournament format > maximum participation b/c teams play against other teams an equal amount of times > winner usually determined by win-loss% > easily organized and administered > most time-consuming of all tourneys

Program delivery

- Organizational structure > external structure ---> admin/supervisor responsible for the policies and procedures of club oversight ~ enforces policies, serves as liaison, handles disciplinary problems, paperwork > internal structure ---> made up of elected officers (president, VP) ~ convene meetings, monitor compliance of policies, maintain resources, recruit new members, prepare budgets

Fitness & Exercise Initiative cont.

- Participation in all types of physical activity declines as age increases - Less educated & lower income are least active - Overweight or obesity affects 55% of adults - Obesity is growing in children - Approximately 25% of employee health care use is potentially preventable (7 risk factors)

Staffing-In Rec Sport: Level 4 Management

- Planning, approving, supervising a divers program of activities and services - Design/construct/assess/budget eg. program leader, executive officer

Program Delivery

- Program policies and procedures > clearly stated and available to all participants before the event > discuss the most pertinent information with participants ---> team captain meetings - Eligibility > regulations and rules must be established to ensure fair competition and eliminate controversy at the event - Protests > verbalization of a mistake ---> ineligible player, improper interpretation of a rule by official > must have procedures for receiving, documenting, and reviewing protests - Disciplinary action > program must have an objective, consistent procedure for dealing with negative behavior > staff must be trained to deal with the behavior > effective control of negative behavior is a major factor in the employment of participants and personnel > incident report > penalties ---> suspension, probation

Sport & Exercise contributions to fitness

- Some sports provide more benefit than others ex: bowling vs. basketball - Benefits depend on frequency, intensity, and duration of participation

Club sports

- Special interest groups that organize b/c of a common interest in a sport > self-administration ---> determine their own activities, leadership, policies > self-regulation > offer regular participation in one sport under more continuous design

Program Development

- Specialist should focus on facilitating participation - Goal should be to create a positive, satisfying experience

Rules and Regulations

- Supervisor must select and enforce rules > sanctioned rules- National Federation of State High School Associations, AAU, NCAA, etc. > modified rules- may modify rules to satisfy participant interests, resource limitations, safety concerns ---> common modifications: reduction of the number of players required, timing regulations, altering facilities/equipment, altering the rules

Fitness as a goal of recreational sports

- lowered insurance premiums and health-related claims - improved morale and productivity - ensured health awareness and education


- units of participation: categorize participants for intramural or extramural play - individual factors: > age, skill (beginner, intermediate, advanced), desired outcome of participation (skill development, competition, socialization) > eg. seniors - 50 & over tennis tournament - group factors: set up program options according to a common social grouping > housing units, organizations, work shifts, precincts, residential zones ---> should foster enthusiasm, enhance socialization, maintain tradition

Types of events

- variety is encouraged in order to create a program with the greatest appeal to as many participants as possible > meets, special events, team sports, individual sports, co-rec sport

7 risk factors associated with employee health care use

1. obesity 2. sedentary lifestyle 3. smoking 4. stress 5. high blood sugar 6. depression 7. high blood pressure

Risk management

2 focus: 1. Identify risk 2. Eliminating/reducing risk

Intramural sport

= "Within the walls" - Structured sport participation > requires design and leadership - May be used in any recreational sport setting - Extramural sport > extension of IM sport > often campus champions play other campus champions - "Sport for everyone"


= essential information about the position to attract good candidates and deter lesser quality


> agency > position title > duties > supervisor > example of duties and responsibilities > required quals > special requirements > education/experience > salary range > closing date > contact info


Ability to meet the ordinary and unusual demands of daily life without being overly fatigued and still have energy left for recreational sport participation

Standard of care

Adhere to and be aware of published standards and guidelines. eg. statute, ordinance and/or regulations


An unintentional tort that injures an individual in person, property or reputation *primarily state law* *most rec lawsuits based in negligence liabilty*

Program Delivery

Awareness of the benefits of regular exercise and sport activity does not guarantee participation > people need encouragement & convenience > must program exercises and sport into current lifestyles & encourage it as a lifetime pursuit


CRITICAL COMPONENT! - Considerations > background factors: participation age and interests, time required, needs of other programs, budget constraints, popularity of the sport > challenges: must keep facilities reserved for self-directed use


Critical component! Gauges: > Motivation > Credentials > Interest in position > Interpersonal skills > PR image

Ordinary negligence

Failure to at with reasonable care and lack of ordinary diligence

Direct Delivery

Fitness outcomes derived through direct supervision > fitness experts use testing, exercise consultation, etc. Fitness specialist should oversee these programs > assessment > prescription > evaluation


Focus on educating participants - clinics & workshops - lecture series - personal training

Components of Fitness: Physical

Health-related components- reduce the risk of disease, increase work efficiency, improve quality of life

Gross negligence

Heightened degree of carelessness; an act done with utter unconcern for the safety of others. Waivers nor immunity laws will protect one from liability

Program Delivery cont.

Indirect or Direct

Recruit types

Internal or External


Intro to organisation: > learn vision of agency > understand policy and procedures > processes etc.

Intramural & Extramural

May not be primary motivation in IM's but can be an outcome that enhances participant satisfaction

Proximate cause

Negligent conduct must be the substantial factual cause. No damage no liability: must have bodily injury or emotional harm.


No intent to cause injury or harm > Act of omission (should have but didn't) > Act of commission (did but shouldn't have)


Occurs when the act is not in accordance with required standards. There is an expectation for agencies to know and follow published standards and guidelines.


On the job: > ongoing > continuing development > learn day to day duties/requirements


Sustained, intentional effort to achieve optimal health and the highest potential for well-being in physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental, occupational, and spiritual dimensions of life

Extension to interview

Testing: Better indication use a practical approach > officiate > swim test > fitness class


The state of complete well-being beyond the absence of disease


relationship exist between provider (defendant) and participant (injured individual/plaintiff). An obligation to protect from reasonable harm/risk. eg. Coach/player; Camper/counselor; Participant or spectator/rec facility

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