Reflexive Verbs: Spanish

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What is a reflexive pronoun? (suffix in eng.) Examples?

In english they end in: -self (singular) and -selves (plural). Ex. myself, yourself, himself/herself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

Conjugate bañarse: You bathe yourself (Ud.)

Usted se baña

Conjugate bañarse: You bathe yourselves

Ustedes se bañan

Common reflexive verbs


Spanish and English follow a similar pattern. Except... The infinitive of spanish reflexive verbs always attaches the reflexive pronoun ______ to the end of the verb.

-se Ex. bañarse, lavarse (to bathe oneself, to wash oneself)

However, when the verb IS CONJUGATED, the reflexive pronouns go ______, not _____ the verb, like in english.

1. Before 2. After

What are the spanish reflexive pronouns?

1. me 2. te 3. se 4. nos - se is identical for all third-person forms, both singular and plural. (formal and informal as well)


1. to put on (clothes) 2. to become

What is a reflexive verb?

A reflexive verb is one in which the subject carries out the action of the verb on itself.

Why is "a" before "la paciente"?

Because "la paciente" is a person and also the direct object.

Conjugate bañarse: They bathe themselves (f)

Ellas se bañan

Conjugate bañarse: They bathe themselves (m)

Ellos se bañan

Conjugate bañarse: She bathes herself

ella se baña

You can leave out the subject pronoun, but never leave out the _______________?

reflexive pronoun

If the subject and direct object are the same, then the verb becomes...? Example (in english)

the reflexive verb. Ex. I cut Myself. They cut Themselves. The Nurse cut Herself. etc.

adaptarse (a)

to adapt (to)


to bathe (oneself), to take a bath


to be called, to be named


to be/get frightened


to break (a bone)

quejarse (de)

to complain (about)

caerse (de)

to fall (from, off)

olvidarse (de)

to forget (about)


to fracture

vestirse (i)

to get dressed


to get hurt


to get up


to imagine

meterse (con)

to meddle (with), to "butt in"


to move (to another house, city, or state)

prepararse (para)

to prepare (for)


to shave (oneself)


to shower, to take a shower


to stay, to remain


to take of (clothes)


to take off (clothes)


to wash (oneself)

preocuparse (por)

to worry (about)

Conjugate bañarse: You bathe yourself (tu)

tú te bañas

Conjugate bañarse: I bathe myself

yo me baño

Conjugate bañarse: He bathes hiimself

él se baña

Non-reflexive examples VS. Reflexive examples

Non-reflexive: 1. I cut the cake 2. They cut the ribbon 3. The nurse cut the bandage Reflexive: 1. I cut myself 2. They cut themselves 3. The nurse cut herself

Conjugate bañarse: We bathe ourselves

Nosotros nos bañamos

Translate: the nurse bathes the patient.

La enfermera baña a la paciente.

Translate: the nurse takes a bath (the nurse bathes herself) hint: bañarse

La enfermera se baña. - se baña because it is conjugated so se comes before

Keep in mind that spanish frequently omits subject pronouns because the verb ending indicates who the subject is. Ex. Yo me baño todos los días = ?

Me baño todos los días.

In English and Spanish, a reflexive verb is always accompanied by...

a reflexive pronoun

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