Reform in Islam

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"divinely guided one" who is expected to appear at the end of time to usher in a perfect Islamic society of peace and social justice

Rashid Rida

(Syria) leading spokesman of Salafiyyah reforms in Egypt, influential member of Islamic modernism. Wanted to purge certain aspects of the West but promote science and technology.

Formative influence on Saudi Arabia and its role as an example for other revivalist movements

The significance of the Wahhabi Movement

internal decline of Muslim societies and their inability to respond to European colonialism because of Taqlid

What did Islamic modernists blame for the fall of Islam?


What did al-Wahab consider the beliefs and practices of his time to be?

outmoded tradition

What did secularists blame for the fall of Islam and the rise of Europe?

reenactment of Prophet Muhammad's reformation religion is integral to society deviation from Islam leads to fragmentation and decline of society purging of un-Islamic practices and returning to true Islam can restore community popular sufism and accepted traditions lead to Muslim decline Sufism reform must be accompanied by Jihad individual and community is responsible for the renewal true believers need to separate themselves to create a pure society Jihad requires moral self-discipline and armed struggle Muslims who resist are considered nonbelievers

What did the ideological wroldview of revivalist movements include?

Military and political cadres of Europe and superstition and fatalism which rendered islam to be religiously impotent

What two factors helped the Muslim world not become a spent force and helpless?

internal weakness and external political and religious and cultural threat of European Colonialism

What was Islamic modernism a response to?

17th and 18th century

When did the Sultanate period begin to fall apart?


al-Wahab's school of law


believed Muslims could repel the West by reappropriating reason, science, and technology.

North Africa to southeast Asia

by the 19th and 20th centuries, how much of the Islamic world had Europe penetrated?


did Al-Wahab reject sufism?

Sayyid Ahmad Khan Sayyid Mahdi Ali Khan

everyone should practice Ijtihad for things not explicitly stated in Quran


followers of Mahdi movement

Shah Wali-ul-lah of Delhi

founded Naqshbandi Sufi order

Muhammad ibn al-Wahab

founder of Wahhabi movement

Muhammad Ahmad

founder of the Mahdiyyah in the Sudan


founder of the Sanusi movement


how did al-Wahab and Ibn Saud view Muslims who resisted?

militant activism

how did the Sanusi movement pursue its goal of unification?

King Idris I of Libya

led Sanusi resistance to Italian colonial rule and liberated Libya

Muhammad Iqbal

most celebrated Indian Muslim thinker of the 20th century, argued for a modernist revival of Muslim faith focused on purifying and uplifting the individual self above enslavement either to reason or to conformity. English education


places of prayer and instruction as well as of military training and social welfare


selective adaptation


the division (one of two) of Islamic law that concerns a Muslim's duties to others, including regulations governing public life


transformed Waliullah's reformist school of thought into a Jihad movement


unwarranted innovations

political disintegration and social and moral decliine

what caused the fall of the Sultanate period?

deviation from the straight path of Islam

what caused the political weakness of the community and its moral decline?

the Mahdi

what did Ahmad proclaim himself as

pristine monotheism

what did Barelewi emphasize?

adaptability of Islam

what did Islamic modernism stress


what did Wali-ul-lah believe was responsible for the religious syncretism that threatened Islam?

foundation for Indian revivalism and influenced modern Indian Muslim thought

what did Wali-ul-lah provide

reinterpretation of Islam

what did Western impact of Modern Islamic reformers result in?


what did al-Sanusi claim to be?

political fragmentation from tribalism and regionalism

what did al-Sanusi reject

Islamic unity and solidarity

what did al-Sanusi strive to achieve


what did al-Wahhab equate Arabs to?

divergence from Islam and deviation from tradition

what did conservative muslims believe was the cause?

withdrawal from the West

what did conservative muslims stress?

destroyed the sufi shrines and tombs, sacred tombs in Mecca and Medina, including the shrines of the Prophet and the companions

what did followers of al-Wahhab do to sufi tombs and shrines


what did he consider the conditions of the Muslim society at his time to be similar to?

its departure from true Islam

what did many Muslims believe caused the fundamental failure of their community?

reform society or create new institutions combining traditional and modern approaches

what did many reformers of the modern period sought to do?

separation of religion and politics and a nation-state molded by west

what did secularists stress?

Sudan's Ottoman Egyptian rulers by declaring them infidels (other Muslims)

what did the Mahdi wage war against?

rural lower and lower middle class to urban middle class

what did the Muslim Brotherhood expand to?

growing threat fromo European presence and their imperialist designs

what exacerbated the internal breakdown of Muslim societies?

Mughal empire was in decline

what time period did Wali-ul-lah live in?

comprehensive ideology for personal and public life . foundation for Muslim state and society

what was Islam to contemporary movements?

condemnation of Taqlid and his emphasis on reopening the gates of Ijtihad

what was Wali-ul-lah's major contribution to Islamic modernist thought?

revival of Muslim society

what was a prerequisite for the restoration of Mughal power according to Wali-ul-lah?

return to a purified Islam by weeding out the un-Islamic beliefs and practices that had infiltrated the law and life of Muslims

what was al-Wahabs opinion of Ijtihad?

Jihad against Sikh, Hindu, and later British armies

what was effective response to the rbeakup of Mughal empire to Barelewi

establish Islamic community-state reform sufism unite followers Ansar

what was the Mahdi movement mission?

divine guidance and validation of his mission

what were the gains of the Mahdi forces attributed to

return to the true and original path of Islam

where could revitalization come from?


where was Sanusiyyah brotherhood established?

the tomb of Husein at Karbala

which Shia holy place did Wahhabi followers also destroy?

European Colonialism

who did al-Sanusi resist?

Muhammad Ibn Saud

who did al-Wahab join for military support?


Did Wali-ul-lah plan to reform popular Sufi practices?

Muhammad Abduh

Disciple of al-Afghani; Muslim thinker at end of 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology, recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry

Mawlana Mawdudi

Founder of the Islamic Society

Hasan al-Banna

Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

repetition of Islam's first great reformation led by Prophet Muhammad SAW community life based strictly on the Quran and the Sunnah

How would Muslims return back to true Islam?


Iranian Modern Islamic reformer

Ijtihad and Islamization of Western ideas and technology

Islamic reformers pressed for internal reform through what processes?


Muslim thinker at the end of the 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology; recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry.

Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal

The Sultanate period

The Wahhabi Movement

The best known movement of the 18th century revivalist movements.

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