Region 3

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region 3 is also known as

Central luzon region


aurora bataan bulacan nueva ecija pampanga tarlac zambales

second dominant permanent crop in the region (2002)


leading historical spots in the nation seat of the short lived PH republic site of malolos congress in 1898

barasoain church

how many death march marker are found in bataan? tarlac? pampanga?

bataan - 97 tarlac - 8 pampanga - 33

huge split boulder mt hideout of revolutionary forces malolos constitution was signed

biak na bato

barasoain church is located in what province


biak na bato is located in what province


death march national shrine is located in what province

capas, tarlac

region 3 is located in ____ portion of luzon


dominant permanent crop in the region (2002)


folk art statue commemorating defiang spirit of the marchers

death march marker

site of the concentration camp and final destination of death march prisoners

death march national shrine

nearly ____ total area planted with palay in nueva ecija (2002)


other important permanent crops

kalamansi coffee robusta

third dominant permanent crop in the region (2002)


golden-spotted monitor lizard also known as

monitor lizard

largest num of farms in central luzon

nueva ecija

almost ____ total area planted with palay in tarlac (2002)

one fifth

maj temporary crop in central luzon(2002)


one of the 17 critically endangered birds in the PH as of 2012

philippine eagle

shrine of valor is located in what province

pilar, bataan

golden-spotted monitor lizard is found in what province

polilio island, quezon

national shrine at top of mt Samat

shrine of valor

2nd largest num of farms in central luzon


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