Rel 150 Exam 2

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-in matthew jesus is presented as another moses -moses led the jewish slaves out of slavery in egypt to the holy land that god had promised them

son of god

acting on god as an agent of god

i am sayings (john)

-7 i am sayings -these sayings relate to a deeper meaning than what jesus is like; they relate to the manner in which jesus is the agent of god -these i am sayings describe how god revealed through jesus ,acts in the world -god sent jesus and therefore jesus speaks and acts on gods behalf, doing only what god commanded him to do ***jesus is the i am of god (he is god manifest in the world) -(most draw on OT imagery or imagery associated with jewish feasts)


-Exorcism in Christianity is the practice of casting out demons from a person they are believed to have possessed -jesus performed several exorcisms -proof that kingdom of god has come -not proof to devil -evidence that gods power is present in jesus


-Passover : jews celebrate to commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel who were led out of Egypt by Moses.

temptation of jesus

-The temptation of Christ is detailed in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. -According to these texts, after being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus fasted for forty days and nights in the Judaean Desert. - During this time, Satan appeared to Jesus and tried to tempt him. -temptation primarily denotes a trial in which man has a free choice of being faithful or unfaithful to God


-Transfiguration of Jesus is an event reported in the New Testament when Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain -Jesus is then called "Son" by a voice in the sky, assumed to be God the Father, as in the Baptism of Jesus. -peter james and john accompany jesus to the mtn and his apperance has changed, a preview after he suffers in his glory *this shows where jesus is heading **in all 3 synoptics not in john -comes between passion predicitons in mark

genealogy of jesus (matthew)

-abarham(great father of jews) >> david(great king of jews)......(14 generations) -exile(great exile).....14 generations -messiah(great messiah of jews)....14 generations -lists are identical between abhraham >> david but differ radically from that point


-aka markan sandwiches -the writer begins to tell a story and just when things start to get exciting, interrupts it with another story -the stories usually share common vocab/ imagery -the inner (second) story explains the outer (first) story -present in mark

the gospel of john 3

-appeared that the johannine community was jewish christians -this view is supported by the authors use of refrence to jewish feasts and religious practices with little or no explanation of their meaning or significance -gospel also contains clues that the community for which it was written was already expanding to include samartians and gentiles (stories of samartian women who encounter jesus and when the greeks ask to meet jesus .. are 2 examples) -gospel contains evidence that the community it was written for engaged in some struggle with fellow jews -"the jews" (ppl who were undecieded about jesus) is used in a negative sense to refer to ppl who opposed jesus -john presents jesus as harshly criticizing the jews, charging them with doing the work of their fahter, the devil -he also tells story about blind man being healed , then professing faith in jesus and being thrown out of synagogue -most scholar see these comments about the jews as expressions of concern from the gospel writter and his community (this observation led some to believe that john was a two story story)

the gospel of luke 16- summary

-at gethsemane jesus doesnt let judas kiss him ... also has story about his disciples cutting off the enemies ear -peter: ..denies he knew jesus at jewish trial ..a little girl asks him if her was with jesus and he denies it ..when he does his final denial jesus makes eye contact with peter , but he reminds him that he is already forgiven -pilate: ..luke will emphasize the gential trial because his is gential least 3 times pilate will pronounce jesus innocent ..pilate sends jesus to herod because they both are from galilee and heord sends him back to pilate ..luke is showing that jesus is innocent ..pilate doesnt want to be responsible for killing him ..barabas prisoner story -cross-golgatha : where jesus carries cross w/broken back ..luke adds this story ..women follow jessus but he tells them to cry for their children

synoptic gospels

-because they contain many of the same stories, often is similar sequence and wording -synoptic: formal a general summary or synopsis (seen together) -all 3 are 20 yrs apart in different places


-can be translated to word or reason -greek word

the gospel of matthew 6

-christian tradition assoicated the 3 gifts from the magi with : kingship(gold), divinity(frankincense), suffering (myrrh)....... 3 important aspects of the identity of jesus as the christ -matthews infancy narratives also contain a story about jesus and his family fleeing to egypt becuase herod the great wanted to kill him -matthew makes the point that jesus likewise went through an exodus and he came back from an exile. he is the new moses and the one who will be gods insturment in saving people from their sin -jesus the teacher like moses: -since matthews infancy narratives introduce jesus as another moses we should not be surprised that matthew also focuses on jesus as the teacher and law giver( attributes that were associated with moses) -moses is the one who encountered god on mount sinai and recieved the law which it became his responsibility to communicate to the people

Q source

-common material found in matthew and luke but not in mark -scholars suggested that matthew/luke copied from another common source -double tradition (about 200 verses in common)


-council chamber -the supreme council of the jewish people in the time of christ and earlier

the gospel of matthew 2

-date of composition: 80-90 ce -the date is based on the theory that marks gospel was the earliest among the others and that matthews gospel depened on marks as a source -written 50 or more years after jesus died -matthew is writing through the lens of resurrection -initial audience: jewish christians -the gospel also provides a number of clues to suggest that the communities situation was much more complicated -matthew describes jesus as affirming jewish law and insisting that his disciples strive to fulfill to the fullest extent possible the spirit of the law -the community which matthews gospel was written for was beginning to seperate from judaism -the community was trying to decided whether or not they should include the gentiles


-david is significant because he was considered to be the greatest king of israel and the one to whom god promised an heir who would reign over an everlasting kingdom -father of solomon


-depature of christ from earth into the presence of god -lukes gospel is the only one to talk about this

empty tomb/ resurrection

-each gospel tells a different story but only one story could've happened


-first man of all humans -was created from earth by god -the gospel of luke starts geneology all the way in the beginning starting with adam

caesar augustus

-first true roman emperor -september 23 augustus bday and slowly became asia minors new year -called him savior of the world/ good news -luke takes everything used to describe caesar and uses it to describe jesus

the gospel of luke 9

-for the most part luke follows the same chronology as marks except for the travel narrative -travel narrative: very long section; consists of a series of parables, stories, and other teachings that jesus delievers to his disciples as they journey to jerusalem before his death -all 3 gospels mention the journey but only lukes includes the extended section of the teachings during the journey *all the parables relate to lukes themes (especially forgiveness, concerns for sinners, importance of prayer, reversal fortunes for rich/poor, and universality -jesus teaches about discipleship (how to pray and formula for prayer :chrisitans today call this prayer the lords prayer or our father -though most tend to use the longer version found in matthew -jesus informs his disciples about dangers to being disciples (but know that the holy spirit will protect them) -he informs them about jerusalem as well


-garden where jesus prayed -this is where roman soilders arrested him before his curcifixion

Griesbach Theory

-gives first place to matthews gospel and argues that luke and matthews gospels were avaliable to him when he wrote his gospel and that mark used both matthews and lukes gospel to compose his gospel. -says that MT then LK then MK -triesto find out why MK left out important material from MT/LK


-god loving -assumed that luke and acts were written for theophilus -no one knows the true idenity on theophilus

the gospel of luke 1

-gospel takes place in ancient palestine -2/3 of stories in luke are also found in matthew/ mark -one source of info about author is in the opening section: prologue--provides background and context -gospel writer indicated that he knows that others before him have written orderly accounts -he also suggests that he wasn't an eyewitness of jesus' life or apostle or disciple -he doesnt say this but implies that his gospel should be regarded as trustworthy and authorative because he has based it on the traditions that trace back to the eye witnesses of jesus life >>the writer of this gospel doesnt give his name either

pontius pilate

-he does not consider Jesus guilty of any crime -fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea -He served under Emperor Tiberius, - is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

L source

-hypothetical textual source for material in luke

M source

-hypothetical textual source for material in matthew -only in matthew not in q source or luke


-in judaism he is the founding father of the covenant (the relationship between jewish people and god) -he is directed by god to leave his own country for another land -god promises him an offspring:issac -in christianity the geneology of jesus is traced to issac

The gospel of mark 1

-initial audience: an unknown gentile christian community living outside of palestine, traditionally associated with rome -was written after jesus was crucified -written before jewish war -story takes place in ancient palestine -marks jesus is presented as the man racing against time -he is also presented as the unrecognized messiah who must suffer and die -the story also ends strangely with the witness running away afraid and failing to proclaim the good news

Two source Theory

-is an explanation for the synoptic problem -says that marks gospel was the earliest -said that matthew and luke had marks gospel in front of them when they wrote -matthews gospels are almost identical in wording to marks about 90% -luke is almost identical to marks about 65% -basically says that matthew and luke were based on mark and the hypothetical sayings from the oral tradition called Q.

last supper

-is the final meal that jesus had with his apostles in jerusalem before crucifixion -wine and bread were eaten(bread was his body and wine was his blood) -usually said that it was held on a thursday -Synoptic Gospels present the Last Supper as a Passover meal -the Gospel of John makes no explicit mention that the Last Supper was a Passover meal and presents the official Jewish Passover feast as beginning in the evening a few hours after the death of Jesus.

kingdom of god

-it is not located in an earthly place -it should not be equated with christian notions of heaven -it is the reign of god ( the gospels proclaim the reign of god on earth, which is manifested in the coming of the son, in the presence of the spirit among us, and in the conviction that gods grace is greater than all the powers of evil in the world. -kingdom of god: is about a time when gods power/authority (sovereignty) is fully manifest in the world. -it is one of the key elements of the teachings of jesus in the NT

the gospel of john 10

-jesus as gods "i am" : john gives portrait of jesus in further enhanced characteristic -i am sayings: sometimes stand alone without object -john presents jesus as the agent of god >>>>>johannine discipleship: -johns gospel differs from the synoptic in its understanding of discipleship -in synoptic gospels jesus goes out and looks for disciples than tells them to follow him -john potrays them as seeking jesus ;;jesus' question waht are you looking for? -jesus' new disciples call other disciples using jesus' own words "come and see" and gradually jesus' identity is revealed to the reader -even the word discipleship is different from that used in the synoptic gospel : john calls it abiding, sometimes translated as staying or remaining or dwelling -however abiding isnt concerned with physical presence as much as relationship so intense that one appears to dwell in the other -the most sustained teaching on discipleship in johns gospel comes in the farwell discourse -farwell discourse: is employed to communicate the sum of great and holy persons teaching to his disciples **single most important command of john : love one another as I have loved you (ture test of discipleship)

the gospel of luke 14-summary

-jesus birth story begins with zaraiah and elizabeth ;angels tell zacraiah that they ae going to have a son -the same angel goes to mary and tells her that she is going to give birth to the messiah -caesar augustus: first true roman emperor -shepherds were hated and not trusted by anyone and an angel appeared to tell them about jesus -luke takes everything used to describe caesar and uses it to describe jesus -for example:: jesus is the savior of the world, bought good news, and peace, baptism, genealogy: luke traces jesus' genealogy all the way back to adam (first human being) -jesus uses the word today to help people: he says today this family will be blessed ( realized eschatology, there is not need to wait because its happening today) -how will jesus be the savior of the world??? ..includes outcasts ..forgives sins ..heals the broken

the gospel of john sumarryyy

-jesus carries his own cross -pilate wrote on the cross:jesus of nazareth king of jews -the jews say that caesar is hte only one who is their king so pilate has to kill jesus -jesus' mother is at the cross but in synoptics nobody is present -SYNOPTICS: .passover meal (thursday) .pilate executes (friday) -JOHN: .meal(wednesday) .pilate(thursday morning) .pilate executes (thursday) .passover meal (thursday into friday)

the gospel of matthew 10

-jesus did not himself establish a christian church separate from judaism, but .. matthews gospel describes how the chruch should live in anticipation of the coming kingdom of heaven - the word church appears only in matthew -church(ecclesia)-assembly : meaning of church in matthew -matthew 18 is the 4th major discourse of this gospel (important chapter for christian theology because of its teaching on the attributes of church

the gospel of luke 5

-jesus is presented as the messiah of god, son of man who will come with power in the end time and suffering servant who issaih spoke of -he is also the new elijah who when ascended into heaven passed on his spirit to the disciples among with the responsibility to preach the good news of god to the world -context: is the story of jesus' unhappy visit to his hometown, which ends with jesus saying that a prophet is not accepted in his own country **this is found in all 3 gospels **matthew/mark place this sotry a little into jesus' ministry **luke places it at the start of his ministry (so that the story acts as a lens through which all of jesus' words and deeds should be viewed -luke presents jesus as the prophet parexcellence filled with the holy spirit and annointed by god to proclaim the good news to the poor and disadvnataged

the gospel of luke 13 -summary

-jesus is the savior of the world -gentile audience -probably was written in asia minor( lukes hometown) -uses marks gospel as an outline/source -jesus has not returned= parousia (hasn't happened) ..luke says that jesus hasn't returned because god wants everyone to be saved ..his theology is that god is holding back the end because not everyone has heard the good news -luke is the only gospel writer who writes a second volume the book of acts -gentiles are coming into the connection of jesus movement/connection with church (has happened) becomes increasingly gentile ..ppl ask why gentiles are coming in

the gospel of mark 9 -summary

-jesus is the unrecognized suffering son of god -tradition says that mark was the interperter of perter and was a close disciple of peter -peter is in rome and waiting to be executed by nero -good news is that the suffering son of god benefits those suffering as well -mark is going to try to show that jesus is the son of god but nobody recognizes him -people who recognize jesus: nature, disciples(kind of), demons, animals, god -resistance: people who do not recognize jesus: religious leaders(they say he is the devil and they are angry that jesus eats with taxt collectors/ poor) and they plan to kill him, jesus' own neighbors, community, and family doesnt recognize him and call him crazy

the gospel of john summaryy

-jesus tells his disciples all of this ahead of time so that they can believe that he is divine (I AM) when the time comes -ch.18 gethseame : ..jesus never leaves his disciples ..disciples arent sleeping prayer ..simon/preter takes off ear of chief priest who coems for jesus ..john tells us people come with lanterns/torches -jesus goes to the people and asks them who they are and they say we are looking ofr jesus and he says I AM.....they fall b/c they somehow know hes god -jesus is taken to the sandhrein (very quick in john) -taken to pilate (jewish leaders dont go all the way because they also have to prepare for passover meal -pilate says jesus is innocent -caesarus amicus (caesars friend) 1... tiberius is empoeror of rome of his generals sejanus wanted to overthrow tiberius 2..pilate was appointed by sejanus not tiberius ..they said that if you dont let jesus dies then we will go and tell casear that you are a sejanus

the gospel of mark 4

-jesus' journey to jerusalem begins at the midpoint of the gospel and this led some scholars to describe this gospel as a passion narrative -traditional material and techniques of storytelling make marks gospels different from other stories of jesus -mark uses: -- transitional summaries(link together 2 or more scenes) --frame stories(when you find a story identical to the one you recently read) --intercalations --historical present(writer descirbes it as if it is happening in front of your eyes) *most of mark is written in this

joseph of arimathea

-jewish member of sandherin -named in all 4 gospels -went to pilate and said let me bury jesus

the gospel of john 7

-john has different literary techniques and language than synoptic gospels -literary technqiues used in john: ..double meaning and misunderstanding ..irony ..symbolic discources ..explanatory note ..chiasms (highlights important themes) ..dualism (gospel of john is neither ethical nor anthropological..having to do with human person) ex: you're either part of the beleiving community or you're lost (dualism of belief and unbelief) -john reflects on future eschatology just like synoptic gospels -vast majority of eschatological statements in this gospel can be descrbied as realized eschatology -this has led scholars to conclude that the community for which johns gospel was written beleived that the end time reign of god has already come

the gospel of john summary

-john presents jesus as the life giving word from heaven -says that jesus is the king and doesnt really talk about kingdom of god -the prolouge of the gospel calls jesus LOGOS(the word that became flesh) -@last supper in john jesus doesnt have bread/wine but jesus at this supper before passoved washes he disciples feet(he does the job of a servant) -jesus says if i washed your feet you ought to wash one anothers feet -matthew, mark, luke: jesus eats passover meal -john: jesus doesnt eat passover meal its a different meal -john tells us that its night because night measn death -ch 13-17 upper room discourse (long convo where jesus tells his dicsiples what is to come) -in john jesus cares about disciples -pistevo(believe ) eis:into (believe into)

johns prolouge

-johns gospel has a prolouge and john provides us with poetic synopsis (summary) of entire gospel story -is a mystical reflection on the Divinity and Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Word made Flesh. -The Prologue of John is one of the most significant theological passages in the New Testament of the Bible. -This beautiful passage is often found in anthologies of world literature, for it is truly poetic and profound in nature. -The Prologue begins and ends in eternity, which effectively emphasizes the Word entering time and history through the Incarnation. -In the Prologue, John identifies Jesus as the logos , the Word or reason, the philosophical concept of God's unifying principle for all of creation.

the gospel of john 1

-johns gospel is different from the synoptic in chronology, literary style, and content -no parables are present -early church tradition connected the author of the gospel of john to john (son of zebedee) (one of the 12 named in marks gospel) -also circulating at that time was a tradition about another john not an apostle of jesus, who lived to an old age and wrote a gospel form his home in ephesus -he died of an old age, knew about palestine, and makes refernces to jewish feasts and religous observances so we can be fairly certain that he was a jewish christian -the author is the "disciple whom jesus loved" or the beloved disciple -elsewhere in the gospel is known as the other disciple -whos is the beloved disciple? ..scholars have explored a number of options but on the traditional option is john -according to this view the gospel traces itself to the apostolic tradition, but its author is unknown

the gospel of john 11 (class)

-johns jesus is the life giving word from heaven -similarities between john and synoptic: same general outline (travel/passion), passion narrative (very similar to synoptic) -differences: ..focus is different (in synoptic focus is on jesus' action)(in john its on jesus' identity) ..content is different (huge omittions in john)(john adds stories that synoptic gospels dont have) ..perspective (john calls miracles signs and he does it to show who jesus is so that people will start having faith)(in synoptic jesus does it because hes compassionate) ..sayings (synoptic--kingdom of god) (in john kingdom of god is not mentioned no parables only sayings) -anothen: can mean again but also from above>>way jesus uses it -eschatology: ..synoptics>> inagurated, its come but its not fully here yet ..john>>realized, the end has come

the gospel of john 8

-key to understanding johns portrait is the prolouge of his gospel -johns prolouge focuses the gospel on the son, whom john calls the WORD, and on his relationshp with god the father with creation, and with the believer -john writes that all things came into being through logos -in jewish wisdom literature (wisdom is also know as sophia) is a personfied power of God, possessing certain divine attributes -the sages(teachers) describe her as dwelling with god from the beginning and as coming forth from the mouth of god -she is also described as the GLORY OF GOD and brillance of eternal light -sages describe wisdom as coming into the wrold and making her dwelling among the ppl of israel through the covenant that god gave to moses but she was also rejected by israel when it refused to keep the covenant -john describes the word as being in the beginning with theological terms scholars refer to this as the preexistence of the word , who is the son of god


-last supper in john -foot washing

the gospel of john 14

-like johns miracle stories the lifted up sayings point to the death and exaltation of jesus -synoptic gospels also contain prophetic sayings about the death and resurrection of jesus often called passion predictions -johannine lifted up sayings suggest that john has a different understanding of the significance of the death and resurrection of jesus that the synoptic writers -the gospel contatins 3 of these sayings in major discourses:: .....nicodemus discourse (jesus declares that hte son of man must be lifted up just as the serpent was lifted up in the desert) **jesus will promise more than physical healing... eternal healing **john declares that god gave his only son as an act of love for the salvation of the world .....tabernacles discourse (feast of tabernacles) jesus says that when you have lifted up the son on man then you will realize that IAM (jesus is speaking to jews who dont beleive) **I AM , god gave this name to moses when he encountered god **jesus is confronting his opponents who will soon lift him up and warnign them that when they do they will realize that he is the i am of god **their lifting up will be proof that he was right and it will be too late for them to believe (johns jesus says you will die in your sin) **feast of tabernacles: celebrates the conviction that God will supply all of hte peoples needs jsut as god has done in exodus .....discource delivered upon the arrival of the greeks(some non jews(greeks) come up to andrew and phillip asking to meet jesus **jesus says that his lifting up will bring about the gathering of all peoples **for johns jesus liting up is gods gift of love to the world so that all who believe might be saved **in synoptic its different ... they say jesus will be himuliated in a shmeful death and god will resurrect him

the gospel of john 6

-like synoptic gospels john went through several stages of development before final copy -double ending in john suggests that the completed gospel also went through final redaction before it was allowed to circulate among community -apart from the gospels intro/conc ..john can be divided into 2 large sections: >>book of signs(recounts jesus' miracles and has several large sections of dialouge and discourses) >>book of glory (recounts the story of passion, death and resurrection) -johns gospel has a prolouge like lukes but is different because john provides us with poetic synopsis (summary) of entire gospel story -lukes is like a preface explaining why and how he wrote his gospel -epilouge: both mark and john have one


-literally taking on flesh or embodied in flesh -the belief in jesus christ as both god and a human being -divine becoming flesh and the word became flesh

sermon on plain

-luke -brings to a flat place becuase eveyone is leveled equally -set of teachings by jesus -may be compared to the longer sermon in matthew

nazareth sermon (luke)

-luke move it forward and makes it the 1st thing and makes it jesus first words and expands it -luke says that he is the savior of the world... all people -matthew/ mark: place it in the middle of the galilean ministry

the gospel of luke 6

-lukes birth story is completely different than matthrews -in the first scene of the gospel we see an interest in jerusalem -reversal theology (seperate card) -matthews infancy stories do not include the stories of the annunciation and visitaiton but lukes do -lukes gospel contains no mention of the magi -luke includes a scence in which sheep herds recieve a heavenly invitation to visit the child jesus -the religious elite of judaism considered the shepherds part of the people of the land whose existence was thought to keep the messianic age from becoming a reality because they would not keep the laws of the torah -in some scences the sheperds were scapegoats(blamed for wrongdoings) of the society -according to lukes gospel the angels first announced the birth of the messiah to the shepherds (with the words :glory to god in the highest)

the gospel of luke 15- summary

-lukes jesus is the prophet of the poor (savior of the world) -both saviors of the world: caesar augusts / jesus -jesus identifies his death as the death of a prophet because prophets can only die in jerusalem -jesus is not dying for the sins of the people in luke but he is going to die because the higher powers cant stand him any longer -luke is the only one who adds phrase about peace -angel of death(passes over when it sees the lambs blood on the door) -in luke jesus doesnt mention his death before the meal but begins with 2 cups and the talks about death/betrayal -story about simon/peter: ..jesus tells him that he will deny jesus 3 times and he will have to turn around and strengthen his brothers placed in luke because jesus is forgiving peter for denying jesus and being a failure

the gospel of luke 8

-lukes sermon on the plain differs from matthews sermon on the mount because certain charcteristically jewish elements are absent -the pattern of conduct to which the christian believer is called in the sermon on the plain is not necessarily the greater righteous of obeying the jewish law -rather it is when one puts no value on self protection (they bless those who curse him and pray for those who abuse him) : christian beleiver -luke ends this section of the sermon with the reinterpretation of the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you -the conclusion of lukes sermon on the plain includes some of the same parables as matthews sermon -parable about man who built his house on sand is exactly similar in (matthew/ luke)

the gospel of luke 12

-lukes stories about jesus' birth, sermon on the plain, and many parables relate to the concerns of liberation theology and therefore are often cited in his literature -liberation theology: begins with the presuppostion that god is on the side of the poor and oppressed --articulated by the phrase "preferntial option for the poor" and demonstartes commitment to the poor and underpriveleged -ethical position is that those who wish to follow jesus must stand in solidarity with the poor -liberation theology follows the social praxis model : .. is the theology of action on behalf of the poor values the bible as a transformative document that actualizes or makes concrete the ideals of the liberated christian community and that calls people to conversation -liberation theologists read the bible form a hermenutic perspective (with the eyes of the poor)

the gospel of luke 10

-lukes story of death and resurrection of jesus differs from matthews/marks in some details, even though basic storyline is the same -only lukes gospel contains story about the women who follow jesus as he is making his way to the place of cruxifixion -as they weep jesus addresses them asking them not to weep for him but for their children -what luke has in mind is the apocalyptic expectation of turmoil in the end time -luke also adds a scene in which one of the theives crucified with jesus defends jesus' innocence against those who would mock him (jesus affirms his good deed and promises him a place in paradise) -luke includes several important stories about apperances of the risen jesus that are found nowhere else in the gospels: >involving 2 disciples walking on road to emmaus after crucifixion >another includes disciples hiding away in the upper room

messianic secret

-mainly refers to the gospel of mark where jesus is potrayed as commanding his followers to maintain silence about his messianic mission

the gospel of mark 3

-marks gospel has a longer ending which serves as an epilouge for the gospel -epilouge: is a speech or a dramatic scene added to the conclusion of a story to explain what happened after the story ended -after the ending about the women at the empty tomb running away and telling no one what they saw there is a second ending maybe even a third -explaining how the message of the resurrection got out to the believers *most scholars think that these endings were added after the gospel was finished to make it similar to the other gospels

sermon on mount

-matthew -like moses gives a new law -moses goes up to them mtn -beautitudes are recounted here on the mtn -ANTHEITHESES : OPPOSITES -jesus says you've heard the law and here is what I say -jesus takes gods given law and seems like he claims authorirty over the law -collection of sayings/teachings credited to jesus which emphasizes his moral teaching found in the gospel of matthew

the gospel of matthew 14-summary

-matthew has 5 distinct chapters(relation to torah) -matthew says that everything jesus does fulfills the jewsih scriptures -law/torah: jesus said the law was right and wouldn't be changed.. he kept the law because it keeps you righteous with god -jesus said your righetousness begins with the law but it also means to be more than that -mathew says jesus doesnt call himself divine but he has courage to add to the law -he says that the jewish leaders are failing ppl of the jewish law -jesus was supposed to give a new law and he did give a new law: started with beautitudes(blessings)

the gospel of matthew 12 -summary

-matthew presents jesus as jewish royal messiah -written in antioch, syria -there were two sides: those who believed in jesus/ those who thought he was crazy -birkat hu minia (3 times a day, 18 blessings -jewish prayed) .. became a milestone in the seperation of followers/ unfollowers -the herctics: meant that everyone who was a jew had to pray a curse against the followers of jesus -matthew shows jesus as the tue fullfilment of jewish hopes -matthew shows that jesus is a jew and that the followers who follow are right -jesus is going to reinterpert judaism

the gospel of matthew 11

-matthew shows kindness to disciples -he favors peter -disciples/ peter leave jesus but they meet again after he has risen on the mtn -and he sends out apostles (one who is sent) to preach around the world -jesus says to do whatever is taught/ follow whatever but do not do what the sadducees , pharisees, scribes (hypocrites) say or do as they do -question rides by biblical scholars: some parts of matthew appear to be anti jewish message -parousia (the coming) -matthews gospel tells the story of jesus' resurrection using some of the same details as marks -matthew addresses impoartant questions that ppl are arguing about (both believers and non beleivers) --how do we know for certain that jesus rose if none of the gospels are eye witnesses -matthew adresses this question by adding story of womb and disciples at the empty tomb

the gospel of matthew 13- summary

-matthews gospel beings with .. 1.genealogy ..messiah(great hope) ..david (great king) ..abarham (father of jesus) -14 generations in all from abarham > david -14 generations in all from david> to exile to babylon (great cricis) -14 from exile>messiah 7 IS A NUMEBR THAT MEANS COMPLETE -matthew is trying to make a theological point with #'s not a historical -after genealogy comes the 2. birth of jesus ..birth ..baptism ..temptation ***(jesus and moses have similar birth stories): -moses is a leader for hebrew ppl/jesus is leader for jewish ppl, - both are wanted dead , -both flee to egypt, -both pass through waters, -both taken into wildreness, -moses delivers torah on mtn, jesus lays out gods purpose on mtn

the gospel of matthew 9

-matthews jesus uses parables to further describe the nature of the kingdom of heaven -third major discourse in matthew is mostly parables -parable : story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson --Parbales: -mark portrays jesus as teaching in parables in order to harden hearts of outsiders -lukes parables are better desrbiced as example stories because they are used to illustrate jesus' teaching not hide their message from others -matthews gospel presents jesus as teaching in parables as a fulfilment of isaihs prohecy about people who listen but do not understand -matthews parable chapter teaches that the kingdom not heaven basically is a message of encouragement and a call to action (matthew teachers that the kingdom of heaver will triumph over every obstacle)

the gospel of matthew 7

-matthews sermon on the mount: -unnamed mountain where jesus gives his sermon -he gives a new or fuller interpetation of gods covenant law -unnamed mtn is recalled as sinai (the mtn of revelation) -sermon on mount is long (3 chapters of matthews gospel) -anyone who has heard of the sermon on the mount is probably familiar with its opening statement ::: beatitudes -beautitudes are statements that begin with "blessed are you... or happy is the one" -they can be found throughout NT but only here and in lukes sermon on the plain do we find a series of beatitudes used to introduce ethical teaching -in general beatitudes express divine approval of certain attitude or behaviors on the part of the gods holy ones -they also have an already though not yet quality to them -scholars sometimes describe matthews beatitudes as a spiritual ethic...however we must be careful not to conclude that matthews jesus is calling people to a privatized "me and jesus way of life" -the rest of matthews sermon confirms, beatitudes are focused on doing good deeds with the right attitude

the gospel of matthew 4

-matthews story of the birth of jesus: -matthews gospel opens with a genealogy of jesus' family beginning with abarham and ending with jesus -matthews report of jesus' genealogoy is arranged in a pattern of 3 groups of 14 generations -the numbers immediately tell us that matthews objectice is not to give us a history lesson but to provide an explanation of jesus significance as the messiah of god -the numebr 14 presents davids name in the hebrew numerologly, a science that was popular among jewish rabbis -matthews account of the genealogy of jesus begins with abraham -later he uses the name of david and a reference to the babyolinian exile to puncuate the 3 groups of the 14 generations -abarham is significant becuase he was hte one to whom god first made the promise that he would become a great nation -david is significant because he was considered to be the greatest king of israel and the one to whom god promised an heir who would reign over an everlasting kingdom -the babylonian exile is signicant because it marked one of the lowest points of jewish history when god appeared to abandon his covenant with israel. -thus matthews geneaoloy presents jesus as the promised messiah who is destined to be many times more than what david was for israel and who will rescue them from disaster and restore the covenant first promised to abarham

the gospel of matthew 8

-matthews teaching on the kingdom of heaven: --each gospel mentions the kingdoms of god or in matthews case kingdom of heaven - john the baptists disciples come to jesus asking if he is the messiah -the jesus in matthew says that they should go and tell john what they hear and see(all the miracles) -matthews jesus goes on to warn about the kinds of problems that the kingdom will encounter in its coming --it will suffer violence and condemn those people who refuse to repent after seeing the signs of the kingdom -those who take these words to heart know that this coming of the kingdom will not be easy ... however god will triumph over all forces of evil

the gospel of mark 6

-miracle stories in mark are larger than all gospels -a person must have faith inorder for a miracle to happen -in marks gospel the stories of jesus performing miracles do not prove his divinity.. rather they reveal a message about God and the establishment of gods kingdom on earth -in mark there is no miracle if there is no faith -form and redaction criticism used as tools to better understand miracle stories -the miracle stories in marks mostly have the same form as the miracle stories in the nonbiblical literature(they also differ from nonbiblical literature becuase of the content and actions)

the gospel of luke 3

-most scholars agree that luke depended on marks gospel for source material -luke incorporates 65% of marks gospel and follows marks chronology in ordering stories -probably written around 80-90 CE (same time as matthew) -initial audience: prolouge tells us that it was written for someone named theophilus (lover of god) -it is clear that the gospel directed towards people who are already believers in christ -place of composition: difficult to distinguish -some say rome (b/c acts ended here) -some say anitoch because the intro says that luke was a syrian from antioch -antioch was a major center of learning at the time and it had a sizable jewish community -others suggest it was written in the region of greece because luke died here **the location of where it was written is unknown -the writer understood his work to be a history (his intro says this) -this book has a clear theological agenda -in the opening, luke says that he is writing an orderly account of all that jesus said and did so that theophilus might know the truth -outline suggests that one of the major themes of this gospel is the attention given to jerusalem and the temple -it also shows how important jerusalem theme is for the whole gospel

the book of signs

-one of the two sections john is divided into -recounts jesus' miracles and is intersperesed with several large sections of dialogue and discourse -7 signs that show who jesus is (chapter 1-12)

the book of glory

-one of the two sections john is divided into -recounts the story of the passion, death, and resurrection of jesus and is puncutated by an exteneded farwell discourse or prephaps more than one farwell discourse -jesus' celebration -fully uncovering of who jesus is, he is being glorified (chapter 13-20)

lamb of god

-only in john -is the title that appears for jesus in john -when john the baptist sees jesus and excalims, behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world -represents jesus as both suffering and triumphant -it is typically a sacrifical animal -symbolizes: gentleness, innocence, and purity

the gospel of matthew 15-summary

-passion narrative: .1.begins with jesus triumphal entry .2.matthew wants to show that jesus is the true messiah and that he is to fulfill the OT -matthew is telling his story in a context which jesus is important .3.goes to temple and throws out money changers (matthew only opens temple to jews) .4.woes(curses) on religious leaders .5last supper (jesus knows his time is near/ he announces that there is a betrayer amongst them) -judas is the betrayer: he calls jesus rabbi even though jesus tells him not to .6.gethsemone (to pray after meal)(matthew says disciples fell asleep becuse they were sleepy) .7. jewish trial (judas tries to undo what he has done and he goes and hangs himself .8.pilate : pilates wife has a dream and she says it had nothing to do with jesus and he is innocent, pilate says he is innocent .9. jesus gives up his spirit **the messiah has been revealed in jesus' death (gods kingdom has come) -when jesus rises there are angels there (in marks there is a man) -the guards try to keep the resurrection from happening

the gospel of mark 8

-passion narrative: the story of jesus' arrest, trial, and condemnation and death on the cross -almost every scene in mark is characterized by an irony(makes the reader feel like an insider to the story) -the most important scene of marks passion story is when the centurion declares jesus to be the son of god -all gospels narrate the trial and death of jesus but none of them describes the acutal post resurrection of jesus -instead as proof they include people who witness the empty tomb or see the risen christ (these are called post resurrection narratives) -marks postresurrection narrative is troubling becuase it says that the only witnesses were a group of women who ran away afraid and told nobody what happened -the gospel of marks ending may have been changed in the 2nd century to make it similar to matthew and lukes -pharisees believed in possiblity of resurrection but sadducess did not

the gospel of john 17

-passion/ resurrection narratives of john are quite different than synoptic in their content..presenting jesus as soverign and triumphant even as he submits to his arrest, crucifixion, and death -johns gospel does not contain the scences of jesus' agony in the garden and his crying out on the cross -john jesus shows no fear or doubt concerning the events that lie before him -other scences in johns gospel present jesus as already vindicated and exalted by god -the differences between john and synoptics extend to the resurrection and apperance narratives as well -in john mary magdelane sees the empty tomb and goes to tell brothers(see takes the role of an apostle) **john paints a portrait of jesus as the soverign king who cannot be overcome by death -the story alongside of the story: ..johns gospel is a two story story in a sense that it provides an account of the life of jesus but also a reflection on the later christian communites history -research reminds us that the gospels were not intended to be eyewitness accounts of histoeis of jesus but to be faith proclmations of communites that experinces the risen jesus and written so that you may come to believe that jesus is the messiah

the gospel of luke 17- summary

-people getting crucified with jesus were forgiven as well and jesus prayed for them -jesus told god to forgive the people who nailed him to the cross -in luke when jesus is crucified he says father in your hands i have condemed my spirit but in matthew/mark its opposite -all the ppl in luke who say jesus is innocent: ..pilate ..herod ..criminal ..centurion -in luke 2 men stand outside jesus tomb because they need proof in jewish court -luke will always have 2 witnesses in every story -women come and find the tomb empty -emmanus : 2 men walking on road to emmaus (relates to the odyssey) ..jesus meets them but he is disguised:deception ..jesus questions why they dont believe : question ..jesus says well jesus says he was going to die: fortelling ..jesus eats bread at the table : sign .. two men recognize jesus : recognizes


-place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities. -in Jerusalem in use by the Jews in Biblical times, -the first built by Solomon, the second by Zerubbabel, and the third by Herod.

signs (john)

-ppl have to learn who jesus is through signs -7 signs -jesus turns water into wine (something that is not living into something that was living) -last of the signs : jesus' friend lazarus has died (jesus says he will rise now because gods power is her now) -The signs both reveal and confirm Jesus's identity as the Son of God and Messiah. - John says that he records these signs so that, "you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

reversal theology (luke)

-prayer of praise to god is developed around a theme that modern theologians sometimes call reversal theology -is a theme in luke -poor/rich people who are underclased lukes focus is on people who are looked down at


-prisoner/criminal mentioned in all 4 gospels -he was chosen by the crowd over jesus to be released by pontius pilate

gospel of thomas

-sayings book -writing of the 2nd century -not one of the 4 gospels -outside of cannons -confirms from anothes source that jesus told parables

the gospel of john 4

-schoalrs think that there were jewish authorities who opposed jesus(john percieves this situation to be beyond repair) -thus the gospel has a tone of fait accompli (something that has already been decided before anyone hears) -those who believed were already saved , and those who refused to believe were already condemned -the gospel writer writes statment about how the pharisees fear the romans will come and destory their temple and nation (event already occured) -this allows us to say that john was composed sometime after the destruction of jerusalem -john was written around 90-100 CE bc it appears that the split between jewish and jewish christian communites was beginning to take place at that time

the gospel of john 5

-scholars asked if john was using written source material: ..rudolf bultmann suggested that john used 3 such sources: >>>discourse source: from which author drew the gospels speeches/sermons >>>signs source: from which he selected its miracles >>>passion story >>mark/john: -both mark and john had similar stories of jesus feeding 5,000 in the wilderness, jesus walking on water (and they both appear in the same order) -they also share some details concerning the story of the woman who annoints jesus >>luke/john: -include several similar characters that are found nowhere else -mary and martha are sisters in both -both account the death of lazarus , but in lukes he is poor and in johns he is hte brother of mary and marhta -both include story of risen jesus and how he appeared to disciples and invited them to touch him **the similar stories suggest that johns gospel knew some of the same oral traditions as luke/mark

genealogy of jesus -luke

-starts with adam .. goes back to the start of human race -lists are identical between abhraham >> david but differ radically from that point

passion narratives

-suffering and death of jesus -starts with his arrest at gethsemane to the burial -can also begin with jesus' entry into jerusalem to his crucifxion -all 4 gospels have a passion narrative -passion: suffering -each gospel has a different story

the gospel of luke 2

-the NT 3 refrences to a man named luke who was a companion of paul , have led some schoalrs to conclude that luke was a physician and gentile christian -whoever wrote luke also wrote acts of the apostles(because they have similar vocab/greek composition -this author had a formal education of the sort that was typically avaliable to greco roman societies -scholars wonder whether luke was a gentile or jewsih >those who say he was jewish say so because his writings contain numerous references to the old testament septugiant >if he was a gentile, perhaps he was one of the god-fearers (gentiles who were attracted to judaism, studied torah, and partcippated in jewish practices to the extent that they were allowed to do so but never actually convereted to judaism >>fear doesnt mean to be afraid but rather to worship and honor **this would explain the authors knowledge of the septuagint and his interest in jerusalem and the temple -in sum lukes gospel might have been written anonymously or by luke -whether jewish or gentile he was a greek speaking and had recieved a classical education

the gospel of john 13

-the authors treatment of miracle stories is different in john and synoptics -synoptics describe miracle stories as dyameis(mighty deeds) and john calls them signs (signs that point to something) -synoptics: miracles happen to people who have faith or ppl who have faith because of a miracle -but in john if someone believes in jesus because of a miracle their faith is suspect adn the narrarator of john says that jesus will not entrust himself to them because he knows what is in their hearts -jesus manifests the glory of god present in the midst of gods people -there is another sense in which the word glory is used in relation to the johannine signs in the gospel::: for gods glory so that the son of god could be glorified through it -thus for john... the glorification of jesus describes his death and exaltation -the hour: refers to the death of jesus

babylonian exile

-the babylonian exile is signicant because it marked one of the lowest points of jewish history when god appeared to abandon his covenant with israel. -refers to the time period in Israel's history when Jews were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon -It is an important period of biblical history because both the captivity/exile and the return and restoration of the Jewish nation were fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies.

the gospel of john 15

-the bread of life discourse illustrates a number of themes and literary features of john and talks about understandings of eucharist -john begins this section with several scences found in synoptics -john then diverges from the traditons underlying synoptics and insertes a long discourse :bread of life -the intro of this discourse tells us that a croud has been looking for jesus (he tells the crowd that they must believe in the one god has sent instead of looking for signs) -the response that john attributes to jesus is sometimes called MIDRASH (a jewish technique of interpreting scripture in which the interpreter takes each indvidual word or phrase and gives it a new meaning)>>>>>>he gave them bread form teh heavens to eat -god sends his own son down from heaven to be the bread that gives life to hte world (real presence: teaching that jesus really was present in the bread and the wine of hte eucharist and in the ritual ) **eucahrist: christian ceremony with bread/wine -johns bread of life discourse is significatn because johns gospel doesnt contain a first eucharist story like the synoptic gospels in which jesus shares a passover meal with his disciples and breaking the bread

the gospel of matthew 3

-the city of antioch in syria is most often suggested as the location of the community in which the gospel was written -matthews gospel presents perter as the leader of jesus' disciples adding that the gospel was written for the christian community in antioch -outline of matthew: 5 long discourses which are interspersed with sections of narrative -scholars have suggested that these discourses are supposed to recall the 5 books of the torah, a reminder of the jewishness of this gospel -infancy narratives: stories about the births of important persons (are not unique to the gospel) -why jesus was born and what he was destined to do for humanity -in other words we can use infancy narratives of the gospels to inquire about the theological significance of jesus birth

the gospel of john 2

-the early church was not concerned with providing a documentary history for future generations but rather with establishing the authority of the biblical text -johns gospel was popular among 2nd/3rd century gnostic christians -at the same time orthodox and mainstream churches depended heavily on johns gospel for the teaching of the trinitatian nature of god( father, son , holy spirit) -little info to support the traditional view but we should say that it was written in ephesus -however the gospel writer showed familiarity with judea and locations in and around jerusalem temple, some schoalrs suggested a palestinian location -others suggested syria

the gospel of john 16

-the foot washing scene: only johns gospel contains the story of jesus washing feet the night befor he was crucified **some scholars think that it replaces the story of jesus' last supper in the synoptics **john places crucifixion on the day of prepration when the lambs for the feast of passoved were being sacrifieced in the temple,,, not after the first day of passover like the synoptics do >>>>>by doing so john proclaims jesus to be the passover lamb -thus johns foot washing scence is a prelude to the events associated with jesus' death -it can be divided into 3 parts:: >>>1 jesus' action (highlights the service that jesus is about to perform through his death, he loved them to the end) >>>2 first interpetation (foot washing was a sign of hospitality..jesus washing peters feet) >>>3 second interpretation (highlights the service to which the disciples are called: you oughta wash one anothers feet) -this offers a lesson to all disciples who follow jesus ... as i have done for you, you should do **the phrase his hour had come/ aware that he had come from god and was returning to god.. remind the reader that we are moving form the book of signs to the book of glory

the gospel of mark 7

-the problem of the disciples in mark: --one of the most problematic features of this gospel is in the potrayal of disciples -dicsiples beleive in jesus -jesus' teachings about discipleship are true (he says that disciples must be willing to walk in his footsteps and carry his cross)(they must be willing to suffer as he did) -when jesus is arrested his disciples run away -marks gospel contains a apocalypse "little apocalypse" -all gospels contain one and it is the apperance of being about some future time but it is really about the authors own time

the gospel of matthew 5

-the reader of matthews geneaoloy should notice that he includes 5 women in this long list of fathers and sons... this is unusual for matthews gospel because he doesnt really include women -matthew provides an intersting portrait of joseph as well. he is descirbed as righteous becuase he wanted to divorce mary quietly when he found out she was pregnant -roman catholics have used matthews story of the conception and birth of jesus as a basis for the doctrine about the perpetual virginity of mary -the phrase perpetual virginity implies that mary was a virgin before and after the birth of jesus -magi: astrologers: were scholars and they were assumed to be gentiles not jews -they were the first to encounter jesus and they already knew something of his destiny -the magi describes jesus as the king of the jews which is consistent with matthews emphasis on jesus as royal messiah.... but this title also anticipates the mockery by the soilders at his cruxifiction

the gospel of luke 7

-the sermon on the plain has substansial similarities to matthews sermon on the mount -begins with teh 4 beatitudes and 4 woes (instead of 8-9 beatitudes in matthew -matthews beatitudes focused on attitudinal and behavioral concerns related to greater righteousness -lukes beatitudes are primarily concerned with social and economic issues -when lukes jesus says blessed are the poor (he means economically poor) while matthew is opposite -In OT, prophetic literature woes are warnings against wrong behavior but in lukes they are directed against the rich and powerful of society -lukes beautitudes describe how poor will get good things and rich will be brought down -this is not a case of good moral behavior being rewarded. -the rich are not necessarily wicked in lukes gospel they are simply rich -the poor are not necessarily righteous they are simply poor -he isnt saying that the rich cant be saved

the gospel of john 9

-the word became flesh and made his dwelling among gods people .... in theological terms the incarnation of the son and about how some rejected him as they rejected wisdom -johns reference to moses and the law relflects the theme of the covenant (famous covenant at sinai) -john says that jesus is the fullness of the covenant and the one from whom we recieve grace upon grace -after the prolouge, john no longer refrences to jesus as the word and nowhere in the gospel does he actually call jesus the wisdom of god **john presents jesus as the revealer of god and the only way to the father -theme of seeking/finding and the phrase come and see (wisdom says that many may seek but only wise will find wisdom)

the gospel of luke 4

-themes of the gospel: >promise and fulfillment(infacy narratives) >universality or inclusion of all peoples (genealogy of jesus) (in luke it begins with abraham, goes back beyond abraham to adam and the beginning of the human race) -understanding of gods plan of salvation includes jews and gentiles, rich and poor, men and women, samartians -women play important role in this gospel and its evident in infancy narratives when mary and her cousin elizabeth are given large space -lukes jesus has a special concern for sinners >righteousness and the role of the holy spirit -we see in infancy narratives that zechariah and elizabeth(parents of john the baptist) are righteous and priestly -this theme continues throughout gospel all the way to the centurions decleration of jesus as righteous at cruxificiton -holy spirit because jesus does into the wilderness full of the holy spirit >prayer -lukes jesus is constantly in prayer espcially before an important event -luke also includes stories about right attitudes in prayer

the gospel of luke 11

-this is the only gospel to describe ascension of jesus -ascension: the term given to christs return to heaven after a brief period of postresurrection apperances -especially in the post resurrection appreances, luke answers the important question: how can we make sense of the fact that the messiah was crucified?...... very troubling question for earliest christians because messiah was supposed to be their deliever but he was crucified -how can christians preach a crucified messiah?.... lukes answer is in the words of the messangers at the tomb..... remember how he told you while was still in galiee that the son on man must be handed over to the sinners and be crucified and on the third day rise again -the death of the messiah isnt to be argued because it was gods plan from the start

the gospel of mark 5

-titles for jesus: christ or messiah, son of god, son of man -each writer uses different titles and attributes to highlight jesus -the christ/messiah: mark uses it to show one who comes to establish god's reign -blasphemy: disrespect for god and holy things-- and calls for jesus' death -the son of god: mark uses it in a way that coincides with his use if the titles messiah and christ -centurion: was the roman military person in charge of a century of soilders -the son of man: mark uses it in a way which means man, warrior/judge, or one who must suffer/die and rasie up


-to immerse -jesus was baptized by john the baptist -meant that god said jesus was his son and that jesus accepted his mission

redaction criticism

-when different copyists and commentators on early biblical writings altered the text to make it appear more miraculous, inspirational, and legit. -EDITING

mount sinai (john)

-where god gave laws to the isralites -where 10 commandments were given to moses by god

herod antipas

-who became tetrarch of Galilee and ruled throughout Jesus of Nazareth's ministry -Jesus at Herod's court refers to an episode in the New Testament which describes Jesus being sent to Herod Antipas in Jerusalem, prior to his crucifixion. This episode is described in the Gospel of Luke -herods son who got part of the kingdom -killed john the baptist

the synoptic problem

-who copied who while writing the gospels -it concerns the literary relationship between first 3 gospels: matthew, mark, luke -pattern of similarities and differences between 3 gospels

the gospel of matthew 1

-written after jerusalem and the temple are destroyed -story takes place in palestine ( same as mark) -matthews jesus is presented as another moses , the fulfilment of israels hopes -his disciples are sometimes clueless, but matthew is more sympathetic towards them, treating them with greater kindness than mark does -matthew begins with infancy narratices of jesus -matthews gospel has a large section, traditionally know as the sermon on the mount (not found in marks) -matthew is identified as a tax collector in his gospel -else where mark and luke name levi as the tax collector -people have concluded that matthew and levi are the same person and that he became an apostle of jesus after giving up his career as a tax collector -another theory about authorship says that matthews gospel also has roots in early christian tradition -a sayings gospel is simply a collection of words of jesus (this gospel is no longer extant) -majority of scholars today concluded that the author of the gospel is anoymous, most likely someone who was not an eyewitness of the life of jesus -they also agree that he was probably a chrisitan jew or a jewish chrisitan (that is a jewish person who accepted jesus as the messiah) -the author viewed the jewsih christian community not as exclusive but as one that should be open to non jewish believers as well

the gospel of mark 2

-written by mark (who was identified as a companion of peter in rome) -mark was not a apostle/ disciple of paul becuase he talked about paul in negative ways -composed around 65-70CE -some 35-40 yrs after jesus died -mark suggests that jerusalem temple has been or will be destroyed in his writings -tone of the writing suggests that the gospel was written for a community that was undergoing persucution of some sort -traditional view says that mark was written in rome sometime after the persuction of peter -it appears that gospel was written for gentile(nonjews) christians. -chrisitanity orginiated as a reform group with judaism not as a sepereate religion

the gospel of john 12 (class)

>>>John: 1)Prolouge(longer than others, important in understanding johns gospel 2)book of signs(7 signs that show who he is) 3)book of glory(jesus celebration, fully uncovering of who jesus is, he is being glorified) 4)epilouge -john talked about the word being the sustaining life force (logos) -john begins his gospel way before there was anything because there was the word (all other gospels start with jesus' birth) -john describes jesus as being divine in the very beginning (all things came to being through him) -life: >>bios(having life) >>zoe(quality of life, very lively, spirit makes you) >>john said that jesus was zoe -dualism in john: light/life (in jesus was hte life and light of all people) -belief is the way you get acces to zoe and it doesnt mean just beleiveing but to be all in

christ/ messiah

annointed one

son of man

man, beleiver of christ

gospels with times and audience

mark : 65-70 .. gentile christians matthew: 80-90.. jewish christians location: antioch luke: 80-90... theophilus/gentiles john: 90-100...jewish christians location: ephesus

eschatology in gospels

mark: parousia(second coming) matthew: acknowledges delay but still expects end will come soon luke: pushes it into distant future john: realized (it has come)

what jesus is in each gospel

mark: unrecognized son of god matthew: jewish messiah luke: savior of the world


mt: 28 chapters mk: 16 chapters lk: 24 chapters -91% of what we read in mk can be found in mt/lk -50% of matthew can be traced to mark -41% of luke can be traced to mark -each gospel has a specific theme -and they dervive meaning from their theme -will shape the community that they each targeted

synoptic gospels similiarites/diffrences

similarities: -order (plot line) -word for word agreement diffrences: -birth(mark has none) -resurrection -sayings -arrangement of events -special material in each


written account of the teachings and life of Jesus

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