Religion and Politics Test 2

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Major Issues of the Religious Right

Abortion; gay rights; pornography; school prayer

Moral Majority

Founded by Jerry Falwell and Paul Weyrich, a political organization composed of conservative religious believers, including many fundamentalist Christians who supported prayer and the teaching of creationism in public schools, and opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, gay rights, and abortion, became an official political group in 1980


Founded by Malcom X, argued that the US should be charged with human rights violations before the UN

Pro Life Movement

"right to life" "anti-abortion" argue that life begins at conception, promoted by organizations like the christian coaltion and catholic church

What makes a religious group effective?

(1) Amenable traditions and theological beliefs; (2) Internal strength and unity; (3) Strategic location; (4) Constraints and opposition from other groups; (5) A favorable "spirit of the times" (that is, whether the political culture is open to a group's political advocacy


NAACP sought change in the system (lawsuits) while SCLC put pressure through the outside of the system

Christian Coaltion rise

1990s prominence led by Ralph reed helps conservatices win control of the house of reps in 1994

Pat Robertson

American evangelist and politician. In 1960 he founded the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). He co-hosts the program, "The 700 Club." campaigned for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination.

Malcom X death

Assasinated in Februrary 1965, in a public auditorium in NYC, assasins were identified as Black Muslims

Problems of 1989 with moral majority

Became difficult ro raise money after high profile televangelist scandals involving financial improprietrity the election of reagen led to a complaceny amongst followers

The Pro Life Movement Today

Central in todays society and a deeply held belief amongst conservites, also been incorporated into christianity and politics

Consquence of the bus boycott

DEsegreated buses were implemnted, SCLC was born, preaching a policy of non violent civil disobedience to bring about change

Issues that riled up the religious right

ERA Roe v Wade Pornography Industry

Controversial Opinions of the Nation

Elijah Muhammed believed that the white race was created by Yakub, an evil black scientist encouraged his followers to drop their "slave" names in favor of Muslim names or, in most cases, an "X," signifying that they had lost their identities in slavery and did not know their true names. Black Muslims in reference

Traditions and Theological Beliefs

Historical traditions and theological beliefs influence whether a religious group will enter politics at all. If so, traditions and theological beliefs will influence how a religious group will approach political activities. Example: Jevovah's Witnesses generally stay out of politics. Catholics, in contrast, have an active tradition.

Modern Pro Life Movement Orgins

In 1962, the American Law Institute (ALI) issued a recommendation that state laws should be modified to permit abortion in rare cases: ◦ ◦Pregnancy due to rape or incest; ◦ ◦Instances in which a pregnancy was harmful to the health of the mother; ◦ ◦Or, fetal deformity. Finkbine, requested an abortion in Pheonix, lost, flew to sweden and had it anyways

American Center for Law and Justice (ACLU)

Legal organization of the Religious Right that files lawsuits on behalf of Christians who believe they have faced discrimination

State Movement on Abortion in the 60's and 70's

Many began to legalize the practice, in response }the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB), voted to budget $50,000 to "initiate and coordinate a program of information" that would alert constituents concerning the wave of legislation sweeping through state legislatures to weaken restrictive abortion laws. } }Conservative Protestant pastors and Orthodox Jewish rabbis also testified at state hearings to oppose the weakening of restrictive abortion laws.

State Level Pro Life

Movement began to switch their focus from banning abortions nationwide, to make it harder to achieve state by state law required parental notifcation for an abortion informed consent (mandating women view materials about fetal development and the risk of abortion) waiting periods between the intial consulation and the abortion

More extreme practices by pro life movement

Operation Rescue- determined to end abortion by any means necessary human blockades in front of clinics violence towards aboartion doctors

Scandals of the religious right in the 1980s

Oral Roberts announced to his television audience that unless he raised $8 million by that March, God would "call him home." Jimmy Swaggart caught having an affair with a prostitute. Jim Bakker had an affair with a staff member, Jessica Hahn. Bakker was also arrested and later convicted of fraud.

Nation of Islam after Elijah Muhammad

Passed down to Elijahs son Wallace, changed his name to the name to the American Muslim Mission and gradually dropping its racial and nationalist doctrines as well as its belief in Fard as a prophet. Louis Farrakhan disagreed with Wallace Muhammad's changes, and in 1978 he left to found a next Nation of Islam.

Malcom X independent career

Pilgrimage to mecca in 1964 after which he announces his conversion to orthodox islam and a new belief that blacks and whites could coexist Takes the name El-Hajj El-Shabazz Expresses willingness to work with other civil rights leaders while still advocating for black nationalism

How did moral majority accomplish its goals in 1980

Raised money from small dollar donors successful voter registration and get out the vote efforts

Strategic Location

Religious organizations can be more successful in politics when they have access to elected officials. Meaningful access involves getting serious hearings with congressional leaders and committee chairs, top White House officials, and high-ranking bureaucrats and administrators. Meaningful access also involves working with think tanks, foundations, law firms, state and local officials, and even the national press.

Internal Strength and Unity

Religious organizations require a large and unified membership to make a political impact. Internal dissent can detract from political clout. Example: The Catholic Church is pro-life on abortion, but Catholic Democrats are mostly pro-choice. Religious organizations also require effective and strong leaders. Leaders must inspire others, be strategic, form alliances, and articulate their message in an appealing way.

Watergate effect

Religious right becomes disillusioned with Nixon, help to elect carter who is seen as someone who priortizes faith, support of ERA sours the relationship

Christian Colation Mission

Represent the pro-family point of view before local councils, school boards, state legislatures and Congress Speak out in the public arena and in the media Train leaders for effective social and political action Inform pro-family voters about timely issues and legislation Protest anti-Christianity bigotry and defend the rights of people of faith

What led to the rise of the christian right

Rise of communism Election of a catholic to the presidency Lemon v Kurtzman ERA Roe v Wade Porn

Robertson campaign in 1988

Signifigant but losing campaign Built grassroots campaign raised small contributions from many donors signifigant in getting the christian coalition started

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v Casey

Supreme court case which validated the legality of more restrictive laws, just could not have an undue burden placed upon women (did not overturn roe)

Zeigeist: Spirit of the Times and Political Context

The fortunes of a religious group are governed in part by how well its agenda conforms to the spirit of the times and the dominant political context. The conservative 1980s, when Ronald Reagan was President of the United States, helped conservative evangelicals. The post-September 11 environment has presented challenges for American Muslims.

Constraints and Opposition

The power, intensity, and access of a group's opponents matter. People for the American Way, for example, routinely oppose the Religious Right. During the debate over the Equal Rights Amendment, the Religious Right battled against feminist organizations. Well-organized opponents can make political battles more difficult.

The Worlds Christian Fundamentals Association

These followers were known as "fundamentalists." They believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible and that a born-again experience is necessary for salvation, rejected politics as firty business and found it difficult to build coalitions with other christians because of religious disagreements

Griswold v Conneticut

U.S. Supreme Court overturned the state of Connecticut's law banning the sale and distribution of contraceptives. (based off of implied right to privacy)

The Religious Right

a social movement that attempts to mobilize Evangelical Christians and other conservative religious followers into political action. aka Christian Right or the Christian Conservative Movement

Split between Malcom X and the Nation

becomes disillusioned with Elijah Muhammad when he learned of rumors that Elijah Muhammad was having extramarital affairs with young Nation secretaries (a serious violation of Nation teachings). begins to believe the teachings after talking with the women Nation began to set distance when he said JFK's assasination was a case of "chickens coming home to roost" suspneded him for 90 days March of 1964, he announced permenantn split

Montgomery Bus Boycott

began on December 5, 1955 (after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus) and lasted for 381 days, ending on December 21, 1956. ran by the MIA-run by MLK

Right to Life Movement

engaged in classic and traditional forms of civil disobedience (e.g., sit-ins and human chains to block access to abortion clinics). For a very small but more extreme element of the der of several abortion doctors (see John Salvi and Paul Hill).

Lemon v Kurtzman

established the so-called "Lemon test" which states that in order to be constitutional under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment any practice sponsored within public schools must: 1) have a secular purpose, 2) must neither advance nor inhibit religion, and 3) must not result in an excessive entanglement between government and religion.

How the black church mobilized voters

has often been an active force in mobilizing African Americans into political action. fosters political action by providing organizational resources. provides a place for people to meet, talk, and network, building social connections. also builds "internal political efficacy" (i.e., the belief that one can make a difference by taking action in politics).

Nation of Islam Values

included many of the basic tenets of Islam, including no drugs, tobacco, or alcohol; refusal to eat pork; and a strong family life. also stressed a program of economic self-sufficiency through the development of black-owned businesses. these values were also promoted in schools

Malcom X

led the Nation's New York City mosque in Harlem in the 1950s and early 1960s. learns about the teachings of the Nation of Islam while in prison. He was sentenced to prison in 1946 for larceny, and breaking and entering; he is released on parole in 1952

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

one of the most signifigant civil rights organization, helped organize the montogomery bus boycott

Nation of Islam

predominantly African American movement and religious organization. founded in 1930 by Wallace Fard Sought to combine tradtional islam with black nationalist ideals

Malcom X ideas for civil rights

promoted the separation of blacks and whites, rejecting the call from Dr. King and others in the SCLC for integration. derided pro-integration civil rights leaders as "Uncle Tom leaders" - an expression meant to insult African Americans whom he believed were betraying their own people to be in the good graces of white leaders.

Black Church and Civil Rights

provided an organized base, leadership, institutionalized financial plan, and meeting place to talk tactics and strategy to keep up the struggle Also became important psychoilogical force for the movement, felt empowered with a sense of rightenous (god is with them), taught resilience and inspired indivudals to believe their actions mattered and could affect governmet policy Most well known leaders were also involved in the church

black church

refers to Protestant churches that currently or historically have ministered to predominantly African American congregations in the United States. (the womb of the community as the church provided imporation social, economic, and clutural institutions of African American Life in the 19th and 20th centuries

Elijah Muhammed

spread the ideals of the nation as the leder, taught by wallace fard and preached that fard was a prophet and the very presence of allah


those who argued christianity and evolution were compatible

The Black Church and Civic Skills

}African American men and women, who were active in the church, learned about chairing meetings, passing motions, organizing groups, etc.

Roe v Wade

}Court ruled that the right of privacy (established in Griswold v. Connecticut) was "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision on whether to terminate her pregnancy." (galvinized the pro life movement)

Republican Platform on Abortion

}In 1976, the Republican Party added language to its platform in opposition to the Roe decision. (For additional information, click here.) } }Many pro-life Democrats, now began a steady move toward the Republican Party.

How did the pro life movement draw attention

}Public demonstrations and rallies became a common part of the movement's efforts to voice opposition to legal abortion. } }The pro-life movement also pushed for a Human Life Amendment (HLA) to the U.S. Constitution. } }U.S. House member, Henry Hyde, also led a successful effort to end Medicaid payments for abortion (known as the Hyde Amendment). Pro life graphic photos of aborted detuses attempted to link civil rights and human rights campaign

black nationalism

◦A philosophy that holds that African Americans must unite, gain power, and liberate themselves. As Malcolm X explained, "the black man should control the politics and the politicians in his own community...and should own and operate and control the economy of our community." adovacted for a segregated nation

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