Religion Chapter 2 Part 2

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Who was the first king of the Holy Land and who looked for his successor?

The first king was Saul, but he became unfaithful to God. The prophet Samuel looked for a replacement.

What was established as the capital of the Holy land aka the Holy City?


What happened to the Kingdom of Israel (North)?

The North quickly fell into immorality and were defeated by the Assyrians

Who is david?

-Son of Jesse and is a shepherd -Righteous, but a sinner (Bathsheba- 2 Sam 11) -Triumphant warrior king -Wrote the Psalms (part of the "Wisdom Literature") -Christ is a descendant from David

What are the 10 commandments?

1) I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me. 2) Do not take the Lord's name in vain 3) Keep holy the Lord's day 4) Honor your father and mother 5) You shall not kill 6) You shall not commit adultery 7) You shall not steal 8) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9) You shall not covet your neighbor's wife 10) You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

*What are the 10 Commandments (in order)?

1) No other Gods 2) Do not use Lord's name in vain 3) Keep holy sabbath 4) Honor father and mother 5) Don't kill 6) Don't commit adultery 7) Don't steal 8) Don't bear false witness against your neighbor 9) Don't covet neighbor's wife 10) Don't covet neighbor's possesions

What are the 10 commandments for and what do they do?

10 commandments are written in our hearts (natural law). But b/c of os. our intellects are weaker and God helped us by divinely revealing them to us. But even someone who has never read the Bible knows these things.

Pharaoh refuse to "LET MY PEOPLE GO" so what happens?

10 plagues

How many sons do Jacob have and what do they become?

12 sons (Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Ashur, Issichar, Zebulon, Joseph, and Benjamin) and become the 12 tribes of Israel

What book of the bible talks about David?

2 Samuel

What is Abraham known as and in what other faiths does this occur?

Abraham is known as "Our Father in Faith" Also known as that in the Jewish and Muslim religions

Who are the 3 patriarch's?

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

In exchange to God's covenant with Abram what does Abram have to do?

Abram and his descendants must be faithful.

What is God's covenant with Abram?

Abram will be the Father of many nations, even though Abram and Sarah do not have children and are very old.

Why does Moses not want to go deliver israelites out of slavery and who does God send to help?

At first, Moses doesn't want to go because he doesn't like speaking in public, but God gives him a helper, Aaron.

*How is Christ the "New Adam" and Mary the "New Eve"? Make sure to explain using sentences, not a chart.

Christ is the New Adam because Adam brought the first sin into the world, while Christ is here to redeem us from that sin. Adam created a chasm with God that Christ is going to fix by dying on the cross. Eve brought sin into the world by eating that fruit, while Mary brings salvation into the world by giving birth to Jesus, the savior. Eve is disobedient to God, while Mary obeys God's wishes when he tells her she will conceive a son.

What was the sign of Noah's covenant?


How is David's kingship a type to Christ's kingship?

David: shepherd, righteous (although sinner), king of the kingdom, wrote wisdom literature, leader and "savior" in battles; Christ: Good shepherd, perfectly righteous, king of everything, inspired whole bible, leader and savior of everything

What is another name for the 10 commandments?


Isaac marries Rebekah and they have 2 sons, what are their names?

Esau (older) and Jacob

What is manna a type of?

Eucharist: -unleavened bread -daily bread -bread from heaven

Where is Moses found in the bible?

Exodus- second book in the Bible

*Why did some of the church fathers (early Catholic thinkers) say the sin of Adam and Eve was a "Felix Culpa"? What does this translate as? What do they mean by this?

Felix Culpa means oh happy fault. A happy fault means that something bad happened but something good resulted from it. Some early Catholic thinkers say that Adam and Eve's sin was a "felix culpa" because without it Christ would have no need to become human, which would take our human friend and redeemer away.

What is God's covenant with David?

God establishes a covenant with David: "I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be my father, and he shall be my son." This covenant now extends from a tribe (with Moses) to a KINGDOM.

What did God warn the Israelites about having a king?

God warned them (through the prophets) it would limit their freedom, but they insisted on having a king

What are prophets?

God's chosen messengers to warn the people of Israel to stop sinning against God. They were mainly ignored.

How does God call Moses to be the one to deliver the Israelites from the slavery in Egypt?

He appears to Moses in the form of a burning bush that was "burning and yet not consumed". He tells Moses that his name is Yahweh (I AM WHO AM) Friendship Nature of God: always present/eternal (no past or future) Existence itself

What name does God reveal to Moses and what does it show about God?

He tells Moses that his name is Yahweh (I AM WHO AM); shows Friendship, Nature of God: always present/eternal (no past or future), Existence itself

How does Jacob take Esau's birthright?

Isaac was old and blind, so he called Esau so he could bless him before he dies. He wanted to have a savory meal before he passed down the blessing, so Esau goes out to hunt. Rebekah, overhearing the conversation, devised a plan to trick Isaac into blessing Jacob instead of Esau.

How is the sacrifice of Isaac a type for the sacrifice of Jesus?

Isaac: Carries wood up hill, Innocent victim, Father sacrificing his only son, Taking the donkey to the place of sacrifice, The ultimate sacrifice is a ram; Jesus: Carries wood (cross) up hill, Innocent victim, The Father sacrificing his only Son, Christ enters Jerusalem on a donkey, The ultimate sacrifice is the "Lamb of God"

*The Prophet Isaiah prophesied many things about the coming of the Messiah. Copied below is one of the verses from Isaiah that we read in class. Please interpret the verse and describe how it relates to Christ, the Messiah. In addition, mention one other thing (not mentioned in the passage below) that Isaiah prophesied about the coming of Christ.

Isaiah prophesied that: Christ will suffer to save us from our sins, A virgin will conceive a son (our messiah), Christ is our shepherd and he will guide us because we (his sheep) have gone astray

What does Jacob's name become after wrestling with God?


What is in the ark of the covenant and what does it represent?

It represented the presence of God. It was created at the time of Moses. Israelites would win the battle with it. Carried the 10 commandments and Manna. No one impure could touch it no matter what.

Who guided the Israelites in battles to gain the holy land?

Judges (leaders of the Jews)

What is the last of the 10 plagues?

Last: killing the first born male in every household that doesn't have the blood of the lamb on their doorpost

With what does Christ fulfill the Mosaic Law?

Law of love

How is Moses saved as a child?

Moses is saved by being sent down the river in a basket; Found by daughter of Pharaoh and raised as a son of Pharaoh

How is Moses a type of Christ?

Moses: Delivers ppl from slavery in EGY, Communicates directly with God the Father, Reveals the Word of God to the people, Sacrifices lamb at Passover; Christ: Delivers ppl from slavery of sin, Communicates directly with God the Father, Is the Word of God, and reveals himself to the people, Is the sacrificed lamb

What caused the end of the Israelites harmony in Egypt?

One Pharaoh thought they were growing too numerous, enslaves them and kills all the Hebrew babies.

Who is Isaiah?

One of the most famous prophets (~800 B.C.) He prophesized many things about who Christ would be.

What was Isaiah's prophecy?

Prophecy: "A virgin will conceive a son and that will be the Messiah"

*What is the Protoevangelium? Make sure you give the scripture verse it refers to and the literal translation of the word. Also, explain what the verse is talking about (in both senses that we talked about) and why it is so significant.

Protoevangelium means first Gospel. It refers to Genesis 3:15. The verse is the first mention of a redeemer- the beginning of the story of redemption. This story refers to the enmity (or hatred) between the devil and a woman, and his seed and her seed- the woman in the literal sense is Eve, and in the Allegorical sense is Mary because the seed (the one who will crush the serpent) is Christ.

Why does Moses run away from Egypt?

Runs away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew

What is the passover meal (Exodus 12) a type of?

TYPE of sacrifice of Christ (spotless male lamb, whose blood will save) TYPE of the Eucharist (unleavened bread) Passover meal of Christ (Last Supper)

What did the Kingdom of Israel split into?

The Kingdom of Israel split into the North (Kingdom of Israel) and the South (Kingdom of Judah) 922 B.C.

How does God test Abram's faith and what does he ask him to do?

The Lord asks Abram to move away from his home country to the land of Canaan. Abram is faithful.

What happened to the Kingdom of Judah (South)?

The South remains faithfully longer, but they too fall into immorality. The Babylonians conquer the Chosen people and destroy the temple

What does the covenant with Abraham form?

The covenant with Abraham forms a tribe

What does Abram and Sarai become and what are their names changed to?

They become the "Father of Many". Their new names are Abraham and Sarah.

How is the ark of the covenant like the Blessed Virgin Mary?

They both hold the presence of God and no one impure can touch them.

What does Messiah mean in hebrew?

anointed one

How is moses parting the red sea a type of baptism?

cleansing of evil (Egyptians), freed from, slavery (to sin or to Egyptians), go to promise land (heaven)

Why does it take 40 years to get to the promise land? ex: Golden calf


God give the Israelites daily bread that rains down from heaven. What do we call this bread?


What is a persons mission in life?


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