religion chapter 8
One of the promises is that God promised Abraham, "In your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessing." It is fulfilled by Jesus' ancestry being tracked back to David and to Abraham.
Choose one of the Old testament promises and explain how the infancy narratives described it's fullfillment
A man named Simeon, who was full of faith in the Lord took the infant Jesus in his arms and praised God. Also an elderly holy women named Anna gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem
Describe what happened when Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple
It portrays Jesus as a young man so interested in his faith that he stays behind in the temple while his family journeys home after passover
Describe what happens in the last story of Luke's infancy narratives
The accounts of Jesus' birth and childhood found in the first two chapters of the gospels of Matthew and luke
What are the infancy narrratives
Some of the promises are that God promised Abraham, "In your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessing." Also another promise is, " The Lord himself will give you this sign : the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.
What are the promises from the Old Testament that Jesus' birth fulfilled. Explain your answer
They proclaim that Jesus Christ is the promised Savior who will carry out God's plan of salvation.
What do the infancy narratives proclaim
To consecrate is to make sacred for God.
What does it mean to consecrate
It helps us understand that in Jesus Christ "God is with us" and has become one of us. Jesus is true God and true Man
What does the prologue of Johns Gospel help us to understand about Jesus Christ
The temple was the sacred place where Jewish people gathered to worship God.
What is the temple