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Saint Catherine was a ---, a person who has a special understanding of God from intense, private experiences. She was spared from the Black Death and played an important role in bringing the papacy back to Rome.

Dominican mystic

--- embraced a warrior culture from a.d. 700 to 1300. In the 11th century, the Church developed the ---, which eventually forbade fighting among warriors for more than half the year

Europe, truce of God

At the Council of Lateran IV, --- and the --- further defined Church dogma, including the Church's teaching on the Eucharist.

Pope Innocent III, council of fathers

--- sanctify, or make holy, the ordinary objects and events of our lives.


The --- of the Trinity call us to be one in Christ

Three Persons

The Church opposes ---, the deliberate ending of a pregnancy that results in the death of the unborn child. The Church instructs that we must do everything we can to avoid --- and ---. The Church has long opposed ---, an act with the intent to cause the death of a handicapped, sick, or dying person.

abortion, was, safeguard peace, euthanasia

The --- is a traditional prayer in which we acknowledge our sins, ask God for forgiveness, and express our desire to sin no more. We pray it as part of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but we can also include it in our ---.

act of contrition, daily prayers

--- helps us make choices according to God's will. It is the freely given gift of God. --- is the gift of God that is given to us without our earning it.

actual grace, sanctifying grace

The --- was the shift in worldview in the 1700s. During this time, some people suggested that God was not actively involved in the world.

age of enlightenment

An annulment is a finding by a Church tribunal that at least some element of a sacramental marriage was not present on the wedding day. If the Church declares through an annulment that a sacramental marriage did not exist, divorced Catholics may remarry and receive Holy Communion.


Ignatius went to Manresa, where he moved into a cave and lived a life of ---, or self-denial, to develop spiritual discipline. He discovered that God totally ---, ---, and ---- each of us.

asceticism, accepts, loves, forgives

Lent begins on --- and marks the --- period during which we prepare for ---, which is the greatest feast day of the liturgical year

ash Wednesday, 40day, easter

Jesus --- for our sins and --- the gates of Heaven for us.

atoned, opened

The --- was a deadly disease that seemed to spread without a cause. Known as the ---, we know now that it was spread by fleas on rats. The Black Death put a strain on the Church because many caretakers became ill and died while tending to others

black death, bubonic plague

A false statement about someone's reputation that makes others think badly about that person is called ---, which is especially serious. --- is ---, which is a lie that hurts someone's reputation.

calumny, calumny, slander

A collection or summary of the Church's religious teachings is a ---. Pope John Paul II approved the --- of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1997.

catechism, revised edition

--- are our response to ---. The cathedrals of medieval Europe are symbols of people's ---. People sacrificed time and money to build great cathedrals, which often took generations to complete.

cathedrals, god's revelation, faith

--- is having a healthy attitude toward sex and being a sexual person in a responsible way. --- for unmarried people means refraining from sexual activity.

chastity, chastity

The ---, or to turn away from God, harms our relationship with God and with others

choice to sin

--- is a sacramental that reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives


Through the Eucharist, we remember ---, ---, and ---. We call this kind of remembering a ---.

christ's passion, Death, Resurrection, memorial

After the decline of the Roman empire during the Middle Ages, the Church sought to protect --- and establish a Christian kingdom in the ---, which is sacred to Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The --- faced opposition. During the Crusades, many people on both sides of the battle lost their lives.

christianity, holy land, crusaders

The --- teaches us to respect our own bodies and bodies of others


Through the ---, the Church calls us to care for people's materials needs. Through the ---, the Church calls us to care for people's emotional and spiritual needs

corporal works of mercy, spiritual works of mercy

During the ---, Church leaders approved decrees and helped define Church teaching, or ---

council of Lateran IV, dogma

During the ---, Catholic bishops met to offer a collective response to the Protestant Reformation and to determine steps necessary to renew the Catholic Church

council of Trent

The --- inspired the founding of new religious communities, which opened doors for devout Catholics such as Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jeanne de Chantal. The council encouraged Catholics to receive Holy Communion at least ---.

council of trent, once a week

There are times in the Church's history when it has repented for sins its members have committed. In March 2000, Pope John Paul II established a --- and asked forgiveness of sins that the Church had committed throughout history.

day of pardon

To become a priest, a man must first be ordained a ---. Some men choose to be permanent deacons and dedicate themselves to serving others. They may be ---.

deacon, married

Some --- are tied to seasons. For example, we pray the Rosary in honor of Mary during the month of May

devotional practices

After the Roman empire was divided into --- and --- in a.d. 395, --- became the eastern center of Christianity.

east, west, Constantinople

On ---, we celebrate Christ's Resurrection. This is the highest feast of the year. Easter represents the fulfillment of our Christian faith.

easter sunday

The --- Church that split with the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 is called the ---. The title used for a leader in the Orthodox Church is ---.

eastern, orthodox church, patriarch

--- offers us the opportunity to celebrate the promise of an end to ---, ---, and --- itself. We celebrate that Christ is risen and that he will come again.

eater, suffering, fear, death

The --- Commandment forbids detraction, which is the act of talking about the faults and sins of another person to someone who has no reason to hear about them.


The --- is our way of thanking God for creating us, redeeming us, and making us holy through the action of the Holy Spirit.


The --- is the Easter Proclamation that follows the lighting of the Paschal Candle at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. The --- proclaims Christ's Resurrection from the dead for our Salvation

exsultet, exsultet

The Church teaches that --- and --- are gifts from God and are --- to each other

faith, science, complementary

While Luther believed that faith alone was sufficient for Salvation, the Church believed that both --- and --- are necessary

faith, works

The --- Commandment, "You shall not kill," teaches us respect for all life. It reminds us that every person has dignity as a human being


--- gives us the ability to choose whether to respond to God's gift of Salvation by professing our belief in christ and his church

free will

We recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Christian ways in which we act. The demonstration through our actions that God is alive in us is called the ---.

fruits of the Spirit

People who take the Bible literally—word for word—are ---.


In the ---, we learn that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus and arranged to have him arrested. The Church reminds us that Judaism is the religion of Jesus and is the response to God's Revelation

gospel of matthew

Conditions in the Middle Ages, including the Black Death, caused ---, ---, and the --- to struggle. In 1309, the pope moved to Avignon, France, as a result of unrest in Rome

governments, people, church

The --- was the time when Christians were confused and nations took sides. Between 1378 and 1417, --- or --- men claimed that they were pope at the same time.

great schism, two three

The last three days of Holy Week are known as the Triduum— ---, ---, and ---. Holy Week is the most important week of the liturgical year.

holy Thursday, good Friday, holy Saturday,

The two sacraments that make up the Sacraments at the Service of Communion are --- and ---. In both sacraments, God gives us the --- to serve him and others.

holy orders, matrimony, grace

The--- has given the pope and the bishops the gift of ---, which means that the teachings of the Magisterium are without error when it comes to matters of faith and morals.

holy spirit, infallibility

On ---, we celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper. On Good Friday, we hear the story of Jesus' Passion and --- the Cross. During the Passion, we --- as we hear about Jesus' Crucifixion and Death on the Cross. On Holy Saturday, we celebrate the --- to commemorate the night that Jesus rose from the dead

holy thursday, venerate, pray, easter vigil

The Church is --- because it is one with Jesus Christ. The Church is ---, which means that Jesus continues to lead the Church through the --- and the ---

holy, apostolic, pope, bishop

--- is a confident expectation that everything will be OK and a trust in something that we might not be able to see or have not experienced.


Ignatius of Loyola formed an order known as the ---, or the Society of Jesus, who still work in the world today. The --- written by Ignatius of Loyola designed to help people be aware of the presence of God in all things is called the ---.

jesuits, spiritual retreat, spiritual exercises

--- doctrine states that some humans, called the elect, are created for Heaven.

john calvin's

On the night before he died, Jesus celebrated the --- with his disciples.

last Supper

During the Protestant Reformation, groups broke away from the Catholic Church and formed new Protestant denominations, including ---, ---, ---, ---, and ---.

lutheran, anabaptist, presbyterian, anglican, puritan

--- posted 95 --- to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther challenged the practice of selling ---, which is a lessening of the temporal punishment due for sins that have been forgiven. Through his denial of Church teaching, he helped found a new branch of Christianity called ---

martin luther, theses, indulgences, protestantism

--- were the new religious orders that ministered directly to the people

mendicant orders

--- are based on God's direction to us to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. We can never choose to engage in ---, even if good might result.

moral laws moral evils

Before receiving Holy Communion, anyone who has committed a --- is to receive absolution through the ---.

mortal sin, sacrament of reconciliation

--- and --- sins are types of personal sin. If we make no effort to do better, --- sin can lead to more serious sin.

mortal, venial, venial

In most cathedrals, the entrance is designed so that people walk through a dark ---, or entryway. Medieval architects used thin walls, high ceilings, and large stained-glass windows to let in sunlight.


The Ten Commandments are the 10 rules presented by God to Moses at Mount Sinai. They sum up God's law and teach us what is required to love God and our ---.


The --- Commandment says, "Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's wife." --- means "to wish for enviously or to greedily want something belonging to another."

ninth, covet

The Council approved many decrees, including one that required the faithful to receive Holy Communion at least ---. Another decree was the dogma of ---, where Christ makes himself present in the Eucharist.

once a year, transubstantiation

--- happens at the time of our death when we are judged based on how willing we were to accept God's grace and how faithful we were to following Jesus. At the ---, everyone will come before Christ to account for the good that he or she has done.

particular judgment, last judgment

On Ash Wednesday, we receive ashes on our foreheads as a sign of our call to --- and ---.

penance, reconciliation

Just as the Apostles went forth after receiving the Holy Spirit on ---, so you will be called to go forth after receiving the Holy Spirit at Confirmation. During Confirmation, a bishop will perform a --- called the ---, in which he will pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you.

pentecost, rite, laying on of hands

--- denied knowing Jesus on --- different occasions after Jesus was arrested. Peter's --- and --- in God's mercy helped him overcome despair and become the first leader of the Church.

peter, three, hope, faith

Prayer may include acts of ---, or devotion. We pray on behalf of another person when we pray ---.

piety, prayer of intercession

--- was admired for his brilliant mind and his ability to take action. He was responsible for launching two ---, recognizing that the Church needed to care for those who are poor, and for approving new ---, including one founded by Saint Francis of Assisi

pope innocent III, crusades, religious orders

During the season of Lent, the Church encourages us to practice ---, ---, and ---.

prayer, fasting, almsgiving

The --- are the positive requirements necessary to live a moral life, as determined by the church

precepts of the church

The --- was a movement that sought to reform the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church

protestant reformation

The Church took the challenges of the --- seriously. It listened to feedback and renewed itself by acting on the call to repent and reform.

protestant reformation

--- is a process of purification before souls go to Heaven. It is a --- of the soul.

purgatory, fine-tuning

As a result of the Church's response to the ---, --- of Christians in Europe remained catholic

reformers, two thirds

All --- have their own spirit, or charism, which directs how they preach the Gospel message

religious communities

Lent is an important time for the people in the ---, the process through which unbaptized adults join the Church.

rite of christian initiation of adults rcia

--- are ritual words and actions that make present the grace of the sacrament being celebrated


The sacraments are divided into three categories: the ---, the ---, and the ---.

sacrament of initiation, sacraments of healing, sacraments at the service of communion

As we prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Church encourages us to celebrate the ---. With our sins forgiven, we can celebrate Confirmation with a happy heart.

sacrament of reconciliation

There are many meanings for the word Church. It may mean the building where we celebrate the sacraments, or it may mean the community. The Church is also a ---. As Catholics, we believe that the Church is the source of --- for all people.

sacrament, salvation

Some men are called by God to be --- and to receive the ---. --- gives priests the authority that Jesus gave his disciples to celebrate the Eucharist and preach the Gospel.

sacramental priests, sacrament of holy orders, ordination

--- is recognized for finding a new way for women to serve God in the Church. She founded the --- and encouraged the sisters to use gentleness over force.

saint Angela Merici, order of saint ursula

--- believed that if he alleviated people's suffering, he could help them experience the joy of Christ's love. He wanted to serve as many people as possible, so he founded organizations that provided help to people in need

saint vincent de paul

The --- made during the Age of Enlightenment had an impact on people's understanding of morality. Some people moved away from ---, which is the moral law as revealed by God in the Bible.

scientific advances, divine law

People who believe that we can solve all of humanity's issues by examining them --- and --- are ---. Their philosophy is called ---.

scientifically, mathematically, rationalists, rationalism

The --- means that the priest to whom we confess our sins can never repeat our sins to anyone

seal of confessional

The --- allowed Mass to be prayed in the language of each individual culture, allowed the priest to face the people while celebrating Mass, and allowed people to receive both consecrated Bread and Wine at Holy Communion.

second vatican council

The --- Commandment tells us that we shall not steal. This also means that we should care for God's earth so that we can all share it.


The --- Commandment teaches us that we should not commit ---, which is a sin of unfaithfulness. --- is an attack on the dignity of marriage, which is a holy union.

sixth, adultery, adultery

The works performed by Saint Vincent de Paul inspired Blessed Frederick Ozanam, and he helped form the ---.

society of st. vincent de paul

--- is the attitude of strength and unity that leads to the sharing of spiritual and material goods


There are many schools of ---, or paths to God. The Holy Spirit guides the Church and its members on how to pray.


When we choose to give in to ---, we turn our backs on Christ by thinking, saying, or doing something that goes against his teachings.


The --- Commandment teaches us that we should not covet or desire our neighbor's goods. In other words, we should not be greedy.


As a Dominican, Thomas Aquinas wrote many --- that drew on the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers. In 1266, he began to write ---, his most important work.

theological books, Summa theologiae

Aquinas used the term --- to teach that during the consecration, the bread and wine truly become the Body and Blood of the risen Christ.


In response to claims made by the Reformers, the Council of Trent affirmed the Church's teachings on ---, the ---, and the ---.

transubstantiation, real presence, seven sacraments

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