Religion- Final Exam Review

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love our enemies

"The Good Samaritan" teaches us to _____________________.


A ___________________ is a binding and unbreakable promise or agreement.


A ___________________ is a habit or tendency that helps you to do what is morally good and it helps you to avoid evil.


A ____________________ has an individual leader, never tells you what is going on, and uses brainwashing to lure people into the group.

state religion

A ______________________ was introduced to replace the Catholic faith during the French Revolution.


A holy person is a ___________________ person.


An __________________ is a declaration that a marriage was not valid and sacramental in the first place.

Baltimore Catechism

As a result of the Council of Baltimore in 1884, every parish school must use the ___________________.


Because of Vatican II, Parish councils administer the ___________________.

Protestants; Catholics

Because of Vatican II, __________________ and _____________________ are now praying together.

reconciliation rooms

Because of Vatican II, __________________ are now used for confession.

bread; wine

Because of Vatican II, communion is distributed as ___________________ and __________________.


Because of Vatican II, mass is said in the language of the _________________.

Charismatic Prayer

Because of Vatican II, the _____________________ movement began in the Church to encourage more spirit-filled prayers.


Because of Vatican II, there are many new pastoral ministries for the __________________.


Because of Vatican II, there are now ___________________ deacons.


Because of Vatican II, there is a _________________ for catechumens.


Because of Vatican II, there is a _____________________ anointing of the sick where many people receive the sacrament at the same time.

family; marriage

Because of Vatican II, there is a deeper understanding of _________________ and ___________________.


Because of Vatican II, there is greater involvement of the __________________ in the life of the church.


Because of Vatican II, there is now ministry to the ___________________.


Because of Vatican II, we are encouraged to read ___________________.

lovable; intellect; human dignity

Because we are created in the image and likeness of God, we are __________________, we have _________________, and we have ___________________.


Chastity must be practiced by _________________.

poor; middle class

During the French Revolution, heavy taxation fell on the ___________________ and ___________________ people.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

During the French Revolution, the clergy was forced to take an oath which was called the _____________________.

low; children

During the Industrial Revolution, job pay was __________________, and ___________________ were forced to work in factories.

factories; unskilled workers

During the Industrial Revolution, many _____________________ were built and this provided jobs for _____________________ and immigrants.

French Revolution

During the ____________________, churches and monasteries were burned.

Chrism Mass

Earlier on Holy Thursday the bishop celebrates the ___________________ which focuses on the ordained priesthood and the public renewal by priests of their promises to faithfully fulfill their office.


God formed a covenant with the ____________________.

save us now we pray

Hosanna means __________________.

John F. Kennedy

In 1960, _____________________ became the 1st Catholic President of the United States.

1493; Franciscans

In ______________, Columbus returned to the new land with 12 _______________________.


Jesus has a ___________________ body in Heaven.

God; human

Jesus was fully ________________ and fully __________________.


John Calvin formed what became known as the ___________________ Church.

Ash Wednesday; Holy Thursday

Lent lasts from _____________________ to the evening of ____________________.

Go to Mass regularly. Make the Stations of the Cross. Set aside daily times to pray alone. Recite the Rosary. Pray with your family and other groups. Go on a retreat. Spend time in Adoration. Go to Reconciliation regularly. Read and Reflect on Scripture.

List the Nine Suggestions for prayer.

Adultery Masturbation Fornication Pornography Prostitution Rape Homosexual Sexual Acts

List the Sins against Chastity.

Jesus is raised from the dead. Mary Magdalene finds the tomb empty.

List the events that occurred on Easter.

Jesus is condemned to death. Jesus is crowned with thorns and scourged. Jesus carries his cross to Calvary. Jesus is crucified and dies. Jesus is buried.

List the events that occurred on Good Friday.

Jesus eats the Last Supper. Jesus washes the feet of the disciples. Jesus changes bread and wine into His body and blood.

List the events that occurred on Holy Thursday.

The Mass of the Lord's Supper The Washing of the Feet The Transfer of the Eucharist

List the rituals that occur during mass on Holy Thursday.

The Service of Light Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of Baptism Liturgy of Eucharist

List the rituals that occur during the Easter/Easter Vigil mass.

Reading of the Passion General Intercessions Veneration of the Cross Holy Communion (no mass)

List the rituals that occur during the mass on Good Friday.

Death Sadness for sins Desire to change for better Without God, we are nothing- He gave us life The cross reminds us of the cross made at baptism Reminds us of Original Sin Christ suffering on the cross

List the symbolism of ashes.

He healed the sick and raised the dead to life. He healed people spiritually - those who were hurting on the inside. He loved and came to save sinners. He treated everyone with gentleness, reverence, and compassion. He taught respect for life. He loved all and had a heart for the poor.

List the ways Jesus teaches us about valuing human life.

free will

Love requires ____________________.

Last Hurrah

Mardi Gras is also known as the "__________________".

pope; sacraments

Martin Luther did not believe in the ___________________ and the ____________________.


Martin Luther formed the __________________ Church.

Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart

Mother Frances Cabrini started the ____________________.

to listen

Obedience means "____________________" in Latin.

Palm Sunday

On _______________, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and was welcomed as a king with shouts of "hosanna".

feelings; emotions; ideas

Our visible bodies can express our soul's inner _________________, __________________, and __________________.

Urban II; Holy Land; east; west

Pope ____________________ began the crusades to win back the _____________________ and to heal the suffering between the churches of the __________________ and _________________.

John XXIII; humor

Pope ____________________ revived the pope's custom of visiting prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, and seminaries in Italy and he was known for his ___________________.


Pornography is a sin against ___________________.


Purity requires __________________ and purifications of the social climate.

mendicant; Order of Preachers

St. Dominic was a ___________________ who founded the _______________________ (Dominicans).


St. Maria Goretti was stabbed __________________ times.

Jew; Pharisee; Saul

St. Paul was a ________________ and a _________________ that used to be named __________________.


St. Paul was present at St. _________________'s death.


St. Teresa of Avila brought reform to the ____________________ sisters.

identity; male; female

The 1st meaning of sex is about your __________________ and it refers to if you are __________________ or ________________.

physical intimacy

The 2nd meaning of sex refers to the acts of ___________________ between a husband and a wife.


The Council of ________________ addressed the sacraments that were under attack.

Holy Thursday; Holy Saturday

The Easter Triduum lasts from the evening of ______________________ to the evening of _____________________.

January 6

The Epiphany is celebrated on __________________.


The Fifth Commandment is not only about killing a person, it is also about killing the their ________________ through gossip or cruel words.

Jesuits; Lay Missionaries; 1930

The North American Martyrs were 6 __________________ and 2 __________________ who were martyred and canonized in ___________________.


The ______________ Commandment is "I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me".


The _______________ Commandment is "You shall not Kill".


The _______________ Commandment is "You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain".


The ________________ Commandment is "Honor your father and your mother".


The ________________ Commandment is "Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day".


The ________________ Commandment is "You Shall Not Bare False Witness Against Your Neighbor".


The ________________ Commandment is "You Shall Not Commit Adultery".


The ________________ Commandment is "You Shall Not Covet You Neighbor's Wife".


The ________________ Commandment is "You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Goods".


The _________________ Commandment focuses on sins against chastity.


The _________________ Commandment is "You Shall Not Steal".


The _________________ Commandment wants us to respect the gift of life because it is sacred.


The __________________ Commandment calls for obedience to your parents.


The __________________ Commandment forbids cultivating thoughts that are connected to the Sixth Commandment.

deadly sins

The ___________________ are the 7 evil tendencies that are the source of all evil.

Protestant Reformation

The ___________________ was a religious, political, and economic movement in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Great Schism

The ___________________ was the separation of most Eastern Churches from the Western Church in 1054.

Campaign for Human Development

The ____________________ collects money to improve the lives of the poor and oppressed.

Eastern Orthodox

The _____________________ Church does not accept the authority of the pope.

Renaissance; Greek; Roman

The _____________________ was the period in European history in the 14th-16th centuries where there was a revival of ancient ____________________ and __________________ culture.

Age of Enlightenment

The _____________________ was the period in the 18th century when people believed that human reason and science had all the answers.

language of sex

The ______________________ says "I love you and only you- you are the only person to whom I am giving this gift - the total gift of myself and I will not take this gift back - it is yours to keep".

Catholic Worker

The ______________________ was a newspaper that explained the Catholic Social Teachings.


The color of Palm Sunday is ______________.

white; gold

The colors for Easter are ___________________ and _________________.

heartache; pregnancy; diseases

The consequences of pre-marital sex are ____________________, ____________________, and __________________.

joyful; Heaven

The greatest human desire is to be forever _________________ in _________________.


The perfect place for the human body is united with the soul in ____________________.

Theology of the Body

The term __________________ refers to the talks given by Pope John Paul II on Wednesdays from 1979-1984.

male and female, He created them

The term ____________________ reveals that God's plan was for sex/marriage to communicate love between spouses.

Human Person

The term _____________________ means that God created us with a body and soul and we are made in his image and likeness.

love; life

The two-fold purpose of sex is for ________________ and ________________.


The word integer means _________________.

Who am I; How should I live

Theology of the Body asks and answers the questions "___________________?" and "__________________?".


We are a temple of the Holy Spirit because, from _________________, God dwells in you.


We are complete when our bodies and souls are _________________ in heaven.


We are not ___________________ bound to follow unjust laws.

conception; natural death

We are to treat human life with respect from the moment of ___________________ to the time of __________________.


We have a duty to our __________________ forever.

live an orderly life

We need rules and laws to ______________________.

hard; possible

With grace, what once seemed so _________________ to do before, now becomes ___________________.


With the two-fold purpose of sex, _________________ is a special way for this couple to express their feelings for each other.


With the two-fold purpose of sex, __________________ is when the married couple becomes co-creators with God and He gives the child a soul.


You can break the ______________ Commandment by lying about someone or giving false information to someone.


You can break the ______________ Commandment by putting a person before God, materialism, atheism or idolizing someone or something.


You can break the ______________ Commandment by saying "oh my God" and not respecting God and His name.


You can break the ______________ Commandment by staying home and not going to church.


You can break the ______________ Commandment by thinking about breaking the 6th Commandment or desiring to break it.


You can break the _______________ Commandment by desiring another person's goods and wanting to steal it.


You can break the _______________ Commandment by not abstaining from sex before marriage.


You can break the _______________ Commandment by not obeying parents or authority figures.


You can break the _______________ Commandment by stealing actual goods and not respect for animals and wildlife everywhere .


You can break the _________________ Commandment by killing/harming someone emotionally, physically, or mentally.


________________ cranks up your soul with power.


_________________ are anyone or anything you think is more important than God.


_________________ is careless, casual, and inappropriate use of God's name.


_________________ is oneness with others.


_________________ is sexual activity with those of the same sex and it is a sin against chastity.


_________________ is the belief that the sun, moon, planets, and stars control our lives.


_________________ is the excessive love for one self- thinking we are better than others or that we deserve more than others - This is the root of all sin.

Lay Investiture

_________________ is the practice whereby political leaders appoint bishops, priests, and deacons instead of the Church.


_________________ were expeditions or holy wars to fight the Muslims and regain the Holy Land.


_________________ were trials during the middle ages to find and punish heretics.


__________________ are acts that are repeated so frequently that they become a natural part of one's character.


__________________ cured and baptized St. Paul.


__________________ guides how one looks at others and behaves toward them.


__________________ is a virtue that inclines one to do what lawful authority commands or desires.


__________________ is engaging in the sexual act before marriage (pre-marital sex).


__________________ is excessive liking for or use of food or drink.


__________________ is giving credit to God and not being conceited.


__________________ is having no faith at all.


__________________ is mildness and gentleness towards others.


__________________ is sadness at or resentment of another's success.


__________________ is self-stimulation to arouse sexual pleasure.


__________________ is the act of injuring a person' s good reputation by telling lies when you know that are innocent.


__________________ is the act of pretending to be good or to have virtues that one does not possess.


__________________ is the holiest time of the year.


__________________ is the only way to become virtuous.


__________________ is the prayer when you praise God and tell Him of your love.


__________________ is the prayer when you tell God that you are grateful for all of His gifts.


__________________ is the prayer where you tell God you are sorry for your sins.


__________________ is when a man has more than one wife.


__________________ is wholeness of character, uprightness, and honesty.

St. Thomas Aquinas

__________________ wrote Summa Theologica, which explains the catholic faith.

Dorothy Day; Peter Maurin

___________________ and ___________________ started the Catholic Worker Movement and wrote "The Catholic Worker".


___________________ are our gifts to God.

Martin Luther

___________________ believed that only faith was needed for salvation.

St. Catherine of Siena; 1378

___________________ convinced Pope Gregory XI to return the papacy to Rome in ________________.


___________________ expresses a total, permanent, and free union of love between spouses and their openness to new life.


___________________ is God's free gift of divine love given to us by Jesus Christ.


___________________ is a virtue that controls our sexual desires by conforming them to right reasons and Christian faith.


___________________ is a virtue that enables one to be kind and forgiving to others.


___________________ is an emotion that urges a person to repel anything displeasing with quarrels, hatred, or violence. This leads to unhappiness.


___________________ is attempting to contact the souls of the dead/spirits by means of Séances or Ouija Boards.


___________________ is controlling our sexual attitudes, desires, and actions.

tough love

___________________ is demanding things of people for their own good.


___________________ is doing things in moderation.


___________________ is laziness or unwilling to do anything. It may involve the failure to fulfill one's religious obligations and the neglect of social and personal duties.

church fasting

___________________ is limiting the amount of food you eat to show love for God and develop discipline.


___________________ is most often used to describe the 3 days prior to Easter.


___________________ is petitioning or asking God for help for yourself or for others.


___________________ is the act of repairing, returning, or praying for a damaged or stolen article.


___________________ is the act of unnecessarily revealing something true but harmful about a person.


___________________ is thinking that one can do anything and God will offer salvation even without repentance.

St. Paul; epistles

___________________ made many missionary trips and wrote many of the __________________ in the New Testament.

common good

___________________ means social conditions that allow people to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.

Pope Paul VI

___________________ said "if you want peace, work for justice".

Doctor of the Church

___________________ was a title given to saints who excelled in guiding the church.

Vatican II

___________________ was an ecumenical council where about 2600 bishops came from all over the world and there were man changes made to the church.

St. Maria Goretti

___________________ was stabbed and ultimately killed (martyred) because she resisted the rape.

priests; religious; upper class

___________________, ___________________, and ___________________ people were put to death during the French Revolution.


____________________ are free promises made for God by people who want especially to dedicate their lives to God.

St. Vincent de Paul

____________________ became aware of God's love and His call to serve Him, so he helped people who had no understanding of the faith.


____________________ causes the romantic attraction that leads to marriage.

St. Albert the Great

____________________ emphasized the importance of an experimental approach to science.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; Sisters of Charity

____________________ established the 1st catholic parish school for girls and founded the ________________________.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

____________________ founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).


____________________ is a sexual relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse.


____________________ is an excessive desire for or indulgence in sexual pleasure.

sacred art

____________________ is art that should evoke and glorify the mystery of God made visible in Christ.


____________________ is being a hard worker who is faithful.


____________________ is dirty language that is disrespectful to the body.


____________________ is excessive desire for or indulgence in sexual pleasure - using another to satisfy one's own sexual desire.


____________________ is excessive desire for wealth and possessions which can lead to lying, stealing, cheating, neglecting the poor, or being wasteful or extravagant (greed).


____________________ is giving credit to God and not being conceited.


____________________ is lying under oath or asking God to witness a lie.

mental reservation

____________________ is speech that intends a meaning different from the spoken word when there is a good reason for concealing the truth.


____________________ is talking about someone behind their back and it is a way of killing someone's spirit.


____________________ is the practice of magic by persons who sometimes attempt to control people's freedom by means of spells or chants.


____________________ is worship of the devil or that which is contrary to God.

Mother Frances Cabrini; China

____________________ ministered to Italian immigrants in America, but she wished to go to ___________________.

St. Kateri Tekewitha

____________________ was a Mohawk Indian who converted to Christianity.

John Carroll; Georgetown

____________________ was the 1st bishop in America and he started _____________________ College in 1789.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

____________________ was the 1st native-born American saint.

Vatican I

_____________________ defined papal infallibility.

Mardi Gras

_____________________ is a day to celebrate before the beginning of the serious work of Lent.

love of others

_____________________ is a virtue that promotes peace and harmony.


_____________________ is excessive liking for or use of food or drink.


_____________________ is not having sex until marriage.


_____________________ is the tendency or leaning of humans towards sin and it can be overcome with grace.


_____________________ means 3 days in Latin.

St. Thomas More

_____________________ was a catholic layman and lawyer who was martyred for not acknowledging Henry VIII as the head of the Church.

Mother Frances Cabrini

_____________________ was the 1st American citizen to be declared a saint.

Rerum Novarum; 1891

_____________________ was the 1st social encyclical written by Pope Leo XIII in the defense of the worker in _______________.


______________________ is excessive desire for wealth and possessions which can lead to lying, stealing, cheating, neglecting the poor, or being wasteful or extravagant.


______________________ is giving of your time, energy, and money for the love of God and neighbors.


_______________________ is giving money or other things like your time and talent to help the poor.


___________________is doing things in moderation.

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