religion final

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Alternative movements to confessional protestantism. Began in Germany under Philip Spencer. Stressed personal experiential aspects of protestantism

Treaty of Westphalia: instead of arguing, let the country's leader decide which (protestant or catholic) to follow as a majority Protestant Christianity originated in Western Europe Catholicism has been based in Western Europe for most of its history

In Western Europe, why is a nation either catholic or Protestant?

Evangelicalism - emphasizes the exclusive truth of the gospel message and the obligation to evangelize other and to lead them to conversion Protestants - Have more modernist theology - They would read the Bible, not as the inerrant word of God, but as a historical document, which has God's word in it and a lot of very important truths, but that needs to be interpreted in every age by individuals of that time and that place - Tend to believe Jesus is the way to salvation; non-religious ppl may have access to God's grace and to salvation - Less concerned with personal conversion - Spreading the word involves charity, personal assistance, economic development, etc.

In what ways does Evangelicalism differ from mainstream Protestant denominations?

emphasize the importance of bringing faith and reason together

In what ways does the Catholic tradition put emphasis on intellectual rigor?

South Protestants in the North

In which part of Western Europe are the Catholics heavily located?

Latin America Brazil

In which part of the word is the Catholic tradition the majority?

Catholic (18/30 countries)

Largest Christian Tradition in Western Europe

The church is fundamnetally the people of God instead of being "the Pope and the bishops" The church is not the Kingdom of God but an "initial budding forth of it" Church, not just individuals, is sinful as well as holy and always it is in need of God's purificaiton Catholic church is not "coextensive with the Chruch of Chritst" (other Christians churches are aslo valid and are included in the body of Christ) Lay christians are not simply helper, but equal participants in the mission of God Particiapnts of other religions can be saved Assembly celebrate the liturgy Texts translate into vernacular languages Assembly can drink from communion cup Reading scripture is essential for worship

changes made at the Second Vatican Council

Beliefs, practices, and spiritual attitudes and emotion that established over time

define tradition as it refers to Christianity

Baptism Eucharist Penance Marriage Holy Orders Confirmation Anointing of the sick

list the seven sacraments

Protestantism Roman Catholicism Eastern Orthopdox Penteciostal/Charismatic movement Evangelicalism

major Christian traditions

Reverse migration

People moving from colonial lands to the colonizing country to start a new society overseas (i.e. Algerians to France, Caribbeans to UK)

Past: it entails forgiveness of past sins Present: God provides healing in atonement (crucifixion address spiritual and physical needs of humanity) Future: moving deeper in the fullness of God and the life he intends to people

What is the past, present, and future aspect of salvation in Pentecostal/Charismatic tradition?

Christians in the Middle East adn North Africa are distributed unevenly across 20 nations Known as the Christian desert Number of Christians is declining at an accelerating rate

What is the present status of Christianity in North Africa and the Middle East?

Eastern Orthodoxy

What kind of Orthodox Christianity do we see in these regions?

Church buildings Icons

What two features in the Orthodox tradition show that worship is participation in the eternal worship of God that is always taking place in heaven?

Papal infallibility

When the pope declares on an aspect of the catholic faiths/ethics to be dogmatic teaching of the church he is preserved and protected by the Holy Spirit from making a mistake

North America and Africa Shift means Europe is not longer dominated by Protestants

Where is the demographic center of the Protestant tradition in today's world? What shift in center does this indicate?

Catholic Tradition

Which Christian tradition has the largest number of adherents in today's world

Balkans: Orthodox, helped them maintain their identity during the Communist rule Central Europe: Catholicism, each country is joined together in a Catholic engagement Russian Bloc: Orthodox, has flourished since the fall of Communism

Which Christian tradition is predominant in each of these regions? Why do you think that is the case?

Orthodox Christianity, continual revival Churches were rebuilt Membership and attendance have increased from survival to modeling what a modern but still christian Europe looks like -Because of the fall of the Soviet Union

Which Christian tradition is the largest in Eastern Europe? Why?


Which Christian tradition is the most ethnically diverse

Pentecostal/Charismatic movement

Which Christian tradition is the youngest of all?


Which country of Eastern Europe is the largest Orthodox Country in the world?

Poland John Paul II

Which country of central Europe is the most intensely Catholic and also had the privilege of contributing its own citizen as the first non-Italian Pope of the Roman Catholic Church?


Which country of the Middle East is the only predominantly Christian nation?

Coptic Orthodox

Which form of the Christian tradition is predominant in North Africa and the Middle East?


Which form of the Orthodox tradition is the majority in North Africa and the Middle East?

Non-practicing Christians make up the biggest population across the region

Which group is the majority?


Which religion is predominant in Eastern Europe?


Which religion is the predominant religion in North Africa and the Middle East?

The Russian Bloc

Which religious sub-region of Eastern Europe has the largest concentration of Orthodox Christians in the world?

Centers on experience Emphasis on orthopathy (right feelings) not just orthodoxy (right beliefs) or orthopraxy (right actions) Focus on understanding Focus on gifts (miracles, speaking in tongues, preaching) The belief that they are in massive spiritual warfare (devils, evil spirits)

While Protestant spirituality focuses on understanding (on describing faith in words, concepts and clearly formulated doctrines), on what does Pentecostal/Charismatic spirituality focus?

Commitment to recover and proclaim the gospel of jesus Access to god Commitment to the bible View of place Bible and culture

While Protestantism is the most diverse Christian tradition, it has common focus. What are some of these common focuses?

Sharing of political power by the church and state Common religious aspect of West Europe Unified church-state structure that ruled Europe for centuries

What is Christendom?

They are foreign workers and not consistent

What is different about the Christians in Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) compared to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East?

Muslim is a religion, Arab is an ethnicity

What is the difference between being Arab and being a Muslim

Gradually drifting from religion (68%)

What is the major reason for Western Europeans who stopped identifying with religion?


A huge icon of Christ painted in the oculus (opening at the op that refers to a symbolic eye into heaven) is seen in ______________ churches

Liberation Theology

A new kind of Catholic religious reflection arguing that justice was an essential element of truth (the gospel)


A worldview that excluded the supernatural and the sacred that originally meant simply "the world." It has now come to convey ideas and norms don't recognize the existence of God and salvation through Jesus Christ


Adherence to one particular god out of several, especially by a family, tribe, or other group

William Carey

Baptist missionary. Believed that Hinduism was a satanic religion, idolatry. Worked in NE India, teaching the Indians to read the Bible, believed the Bible itself would change India more than preaching. Translated Bible into Bengali, established missionary schools.

Byzantine Empire

Bedrock of Orthodox Christianity

Christendom** Christian identity: many regional, ethnic, cultural, and national identities tie back to common Christian identity— offering an overarching connection to all Western European nations

Before the creation of the European Union, what was the single most important unifying factory for Western European countries?

African Initiated Churches

Catechists and prophets who broke away from the missionary churches and began their own African independent churches

Tests and transforms protestantism New scientific ideas Modernists (liberal) - Welcome new knowledge Fundamentalists (conservative) - Distrust and reject new ideas

Discuss the engagement of Protestantism with modernity. How are Modernists different from Fundamentalists?

Charismatics are members of non-pentecostal denominations Pentecostals have their own denominations and churches, while charismatics belong to historical denominations (Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant denominations) Find expression in independent congregations that have formed their own networks of affiliated churches, similar to denominations - Distinct from historically Pentecostal denominations

Explain the difference between Pentecostals and Charismatics?

Christianity emerged as a worldwide religion Impressive picture of Christianity emerged The "contrasting development and forward momentum The "serial nature of Christian origins and expansion"

Explain the emergence of the Global South Christianity and the change it has brought to world-wide Christianity as well as to the African religious profile

Spirited inspired African Christian prophets

Felt no need to rely on missionaries guidance or instruction. Relied on the holy spirit for understanding Christianity, healing, dreams, and visions. Only faith is needed, no training. Missionaries down played these aspects


From the countries of North Africa and the Middle East, which country has the greatest number of Christians?

Instead of using religion to bring countries together, it used economics Economic prosperity Seeking prosperity and economic integration Unity not based on religion, but common purpose for peace and prosperity Took faith out of politics and international relations Unprecedented peace

How did the formation of the European Union relativize Christianity's place as a unifying factor in Western Europe?

1. Emergence of Eastern and Western Europe as a cultural bloc 2. History of Islamic Rule 3. Experience of communist rule 4. Post-communist Eastern Europe

How do you think that the historical, political, and religious factors contributed to the formation of the kind of Christianity that we have in Eastern Europe?

An emphasis on Scripture over historical traditions Focus on religious experience in conversion and healing Independence of churches from one another Pronounced lay participation in leadership, often including women as missionaries and occasionally as pastors

How is Evangelicalism distinct from Roman Catholicism?

3 subdivisions - The Balkans (Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece) - Central Europe (Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Hungary) - The Russian Bloc ( Belarus, Estonia, Georgie, Latvia. Moldova, Ukraine, Russian Fed)

How many religious sub-regions are there in Eastern Europe?


Ideal relationship between the church and state

Focus on the Bible Meeting for worship, Bible Study, prayer, etc All vocation as spiritual The singing of hymns, contemporary worship

Identify and explain some of the areas around which Protestant spirituality revolves.

Requires faith Immediate Each person has to face God alone

Identify and explain the features of Protestants' understanding of salvation.

1. Judeo-Christian monotheism 2. Greek rationalism 3. Roman Organization

Identify the three foundational worldviews that shaped the history of the Western European Church and society?

1. Intellectualism: focus on facts and scientific inquiry 2. Reformation: protest religious corruption 3. Secularism: becoming more secular (less religious) 4. Low birth rate

Major contributing factors to the decline of Christianity

Pope Shenouda III

Official head of the coptic Orthodox Church and represents the nationalist stance

Monk Matthew the Poor

Represents the personal spirituality options - self-effacing, spiritual humility


What form of Christianity is predominant in central Europe?


Right belief (Protestants and Catholics)


Right feeling (Pentecostals)


Right practice/behavior (Protestants and Catholics)

John Paul II

Second longest pope in history of the Roman Catholic Church. First and only Polish Pope. First non-Italian Pope since early 1500s

Renewed interest in pilgrimages Christianity and Judaism are major forces in Western European culture new ecclesial movements which promote religion and morality; well accepted Implementation of the alpha (allison) course Series of lessons on Christian doctrine 10-week course Flourishing immigrant churches

Signs of spiritual vitality in Western Europe

One of revival 1. Churches rebuilt 2. Membership and attendance increasing (Ethnicity and nationality remain significant) 3. Being a distinctive people lying in a particular place 4. Strong sense of patriotism

Since 1990, what is the main story of Christianity in Eastern Europe?


Sough to reform Protestantism by applying reason to historical beliefs and the Bible itself


Strict adherence to the basic principles of Islam and Protestant Christianity, Christians who rejected the new ideas of modernity. Christians who disrupted or rejected the new ideas of the time


Subjecting faith entirely to the passion of national ethnic identity

1. Practicing Christians: church-attending Christians; those who go to religious services at least once a month 2. Non-practicing Christians: people who identify as Christians, but do not attend church services; they make up the biggest population across the region 3. Non-affiliated ("nones"): people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or "nothing in particular"

What are the three groups in Western Europe in relation to Christianity?

Sacramental imagination Communal consciousness Intellectual rigor

What are the three major features of Catholic spirituality?

The invisible world (according to Sub-Saharan Africa)

The abode of spirits, ancestors (beings that can hear, help, harm). Interacts with the visible world. Under God's control. Christianity offers protection from evil spirits, disgruntled ancestors and witched, access to the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, promise of eternal life in heaven

Pope Frances

The first non-European Pope in more than 1200 years. First Pope from the Americas. Jorge Mario Bergoglio - became Pope Francis from Argentina. 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The people's Pope.

Ras Tafari

The last emperor of Ethiopia was Haile Selassie. Haile - means power, Selassie - means the trinity. Began his rule in 1930. Known as Ras Tafari (Ras - means Prince/ruler) and Tafari was his birth name. Rastafarian religious movement began in Jamaica. Ethiopians believed Haile Selassie was God incarnate. Deposed in 1974.

Thomas/Syrian Churches

The oldest church traced back to the Apostle Thomas, had been planted at least in South India by the middle of the 3rd century Christianity. Started to grow as an Asian religious community. Became connected to the church in Syria and Persia. Deeply influenced by Syrian liturgy and theology. The church of the East supported the Church in South India by providing bishops & priests until the 8th century.

Orthodox theology (emphasis on visual, communal, and experiential Form of worship and focus on worship

What are the two distinguishing features of Orthodox spirituality

1. The Bible as authoritative and reliable text 2. Eternal salvation as possible only by regeneration (being "born again"), involving personal trust in Christ and in his atoning work 3. A spiritually transformed life marked by moral conduct and personal devotion, such as Bible reading and prayer 4. Zeal for evangelism and missions

The term Evangelicalism refers to a largely protestant movement that emphasizes what features of Christianity?


The unified church-state structure that ruled Europe for centuries

sacramental imagination in Catholic spirituality

The world is infused with the presence of god calling people to a higher and more holy way of life; People and material creation can become means of divine self-revelation and medium grace is communicated to human kind

The visible world (according to Sub-Saharan Africa)

The world of life in the present, the world of sensory experiences, practical rationality, and ordinary life. Interacts with the invisible world. Under God's control. Christianity offers practical wisdom about how to interact with others, assistance in the restoration of broken relationships, training in personhood, etc.


Theologically defined form of protestantism that stresses correct doctrine. Led to the pietist and rationalist movement

Catholic (south) Protestant (north)

Two major forms of Christianity in Western Europe

African Catechists

Unordained local believers, worked with missionaries translating and adapting the missionary message to the local extent. Took the message where the missionaries couldn't go. Became folk theologians - reformulating the Christian message and way of life in a way that it could grow more easily in Africa

Christians are saved by grace alone Sola Gractia (grace alone) Sola Fide (Faith alone) Solus Christus (christ alone) Sola Scriptura (scripture alone) Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God alone)

What are five distinct Protestant beliefs in addition to the five Solas?

A religion one is born into, not adopted by choice A religion on kinship, blood, and communal practices A religion where everyone is the bare of faith and not everyone is expected to have the same level of spirituality Non-practicing members are full members of the community Can only leave the community by converting religions

What are some of the Characteristics of Christianity in North Africa and the Middle East?

1. The Russian Federation 2. In Eastern Europe 6 new (or restored countries) Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. 3. In Central Asia 8 new (or newly independent) countries emerged; Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

What are some of the considerable changes in Eastern Europe after the communist governments were dissolved?

1. Fourth most populated cultural bloc (after Asia, Africa, and Latin America) 2. Oldest population among all the cultural block of the world— indicating an aging population 3. Lowest fertility rate in the world 4. Highest life expectancy: 79.6%

What are some of the demographic characteristics (population characteristics) of Western Europe?

One core belief: God is still active in the world through the holy spirit Miracles and spiritual gifts are expected components of the Christian life See themselves as filled with God's spirit Expect to see God's power on earth

What are some of the focuses of Pentecostal/Charismatic tradition that distinguishes it from other traditions?

Low attendance Churches begging transformed into retail stuff Low birth rates

What are some of the indicators that show Christianity in Western Europe is in recession/in decline?

1. Decline of the Byzantine Empire 2. Islamic Empire 3. Christian Pluralism

What are the main reasons for the decline of Christianity in North Africa and the Middle East?

The authority of Scripture as a core princi[al for faith and practice (biblicism) Importance of a heartfelt conversion to the faith (conversionism) Centrality of Christ's death on the cross to atone for each person's sin (crucicentrism) Call and obligation to share the "good news" of Jesus Christ with all people (activism)

What are the major beliefs and practices of Evangelicalism?

Contains 21 countries Region that encompasses many different couture, ethnicities, languages, and histories Shared identities based on political and religious history Islamic and communist rule(1917-1990) Differing political developments under rule by islamic empire. The fall of the iron curtain.

What are the major historical, political, and religious events that contributed to the formation of Eastern Europe as a cultural bloc? (Hint: Geographically, Eastern Europe is part of Europe. But in terms of culture and religion, it is different from Western Europe. There are historical, political, and religious contributing factors. What are they?)

1. Personal and spiritual renewal 2. Nationalist political strategy (unifies the Christian community and provide group mechanisms for defending their rights)

What are the two responses from the Coptic Christians in Egypt for the weariness and decline they have been experiencing?


which tradition is this the belief: God is present more in churches than anywhere else Liturgy - worship services held in the church buildings Eternal worship of God is always taking place in heaven

national church period

years 1500-present in Orthodox tradition history; when the church came into existence; merged nationhood and religious affiliation

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