Religion (Gengler): Review for Finals

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2 Peter

(130 AD) Strengths readers faith and knowledge. It is broken up into 5 sections. Reminds us of Jesus Authenticity.



Cure of the Official's Son

Power of Jesus' word is enough to heal the son of a court official Sign teaches that the faith in Jesus can rescue us from spiritual death Also teaches the power of the intercessory prayer

What Peter proposed doing for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah

Putting up 3 tents (one for each)

1 Corinthians

Written in late AD 56 or early 57. Paul was in Ephesus when he heard that the Church in Corinth had broken into fractions with rival groups following different leaders. Corinth had a reputation for permitting every known vice and being immoral. Paul wrote a letter to warn them away from immorality. Body of the letter has the following themes: Division in the Corinthian church, problem in Christian morality and living, problems in Christian worship, and the Resurrection.


Wrote about the Jewish riots and blamed it on "Chrestus". Suetonius was a Roman biographer who wrote The Twelve Caesars. In it, he wrote about Christian preachers who were instigators and he was referring to Jesus.

Four Main Terrains

coastal plains - Jesus didn't spend much time there hill country/mountain range - Most of his activities took place there Great Rift Valley - Where John the Baptist worked Transjordan - Jesus had his transfiguration there

White Horse

conquering power




from Roman influence and government

The people that the Apostles saw at Jesus' transfiguration

Moses and Elijah

Parts of a Miracle

1. Introduction 2. Display of Faith 3. Jesus' Response (ex; heals the man) 4. Result of the Miracle 5. Reaction to the Miracle

Stages of Formation of the Gospels

1. Public life and teaching of Jesus 2. Oral tradition and preaching by the apostles and early disciples of Jesus 3. Written gospels themselves

Pauline Letters

13 letters attributed to Paul; He wrote 7 of them and the others were probably written by a follower or a close disciple of his


A defender of Christianity and the Church who tries to show the reasonableness of the faith.


A jewish historian, that mentioned Jesus and his death and some of his followers such as James. Josephus was important in proving Jesus existed because he wrote major sources of historical information on life in the Holy Land under Roman rule and he talks about the existence of Jesus Christ


A mediator between God and man.


A name for the Holy Spirit

Pool of Siloam

A pool of water outside the city of Jerusalem that is a receptacle for the waters of the Gihon Spring


A term that means "Word" in Greek.


A title for Jesus which translates the Hebrew word for God


A type of paper made from reed found in the delta of the Nile and in Parts of Italy


A way of living, often out of religious motivation that is marked by self denial, self discipline and austerity.


A word meaning "revelation" or "unveiling." Apocalyptic writings, usually written in times of crisis, use highly symbolic language to bolster faith by reassuring believers that the current age, subject to the forces of evil, will end when God intervenes and establishes a divine rule of goodness and peace.


A word that means witness. a person who bores witness to the truth of his or her faith even unto death

Ecumenical Council

A world wide, official assembly of the bishops under the direction of the pope.

Raising of Lazarus

A. Foreshadowed Jesus' own death and Resurrection B. Lazarus had been dead for 4 days until he was risen by Jesus C. Causes many people to believe D. Major theme-conflict between light and dark/life and death. E. the most important of the seven signs

Healing of the man born blind

A.Symbolic because those with physical sight are spiritually blind B.Jesus is the light that came into the world C.Blind man was cured and received his sight back

1 Thessalonians

Earliest NT writing, Paul encourages Thessalonians, defends his proclamation of the Gospel, and addresses two issues: advises Thessalonians to stay holy, and assured that the Christians who died, will rise one day, and live with the lord forever.

Lucian material:

Early hymns Finding of Jesus at the Temple Genealogy Collection of Parables Group of Miracle stories

Black Horse


Peter's Original Profession



can be linked to Nero, the Roman leader




"God has shown favor"


"God is fullness"

1, 2 Timothy, Titus

"Pastoral Letters" • Written by one pastor (shepherd) to two other pastors • Addressed to individuals • Give advice on Church leadership


"bitter" or "grieved"


"friend of horses"


"gift of God"


"let God protect"


"may God add"

3 John

(100 AD) The letter is to condemn Diotrephes who challenged the teachings of John the Elder and refused to receive his emissaries. It demonstrates that the early Church had problems, just as the church today does Church.

2 John

(100 AD) reminds Christians to love one another. It warns against anyone who denies the doctrine of the Incarnation, calling them Antichrists. The author focuses on God's mutual love for all people. The author is addressed as "the Elder."

1 Peter

(70-90 AD or 60-63 if by Peter) Is pseudonymous written by a disciple of Peter in Rome and written for the Churches in northern Asia Minor. The letter is written to encourage Jesus as the Suffering Servant and teaches Christians evil for evil, but return abuse for blessing. The principal divisions of the First Letter of Peter are Address, the Gift and Call of God in Baptism, the Christian in a Hostile World, Advice to the Persecuted, and Conclusion.


(80s or 90s AD) Written for Jewish-Christians living in gentile communities. He wrote in order to put down hypocrites and to teach right practices and behaviors.


(90-100 AD) It is written to ______ "a slave of Christ and a brother of James" It is similar to 2 Peter. It is probably pseudonymous. It is written in an urgent sense. It is famous for its closing doxology that praises God. It denounces certain outsides who have come into the church.

1 John

(AD 100) Written to bolster the Johannian church threatened by a schism caused by false teachings. 1st letter is most important. Style and teachings reveal connection to John's Gospel.

Green Horse



worship of the Christians


written around 54-55 AD. It is unique because it was Paul's first "great" letters. It was filled with profound theological and timeless practical advice for christian living. Also he addresses the issues that some jewish evangelist had made in the Church.


written in AD 80 or AD 54-56 or AD 61-63 if by Paul


It is a short letter that Paul writes to a friend from prison encouraging him to accept back a runaway slave as a brother.

The Apostles at Jesus' transfiguration

James, Peter, and John



Feast of Tabernacles

Also called the Feast of Booths, it was originally a Canaanite celebration of the harvest


An ancient Essene monastery on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. Near it were found the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls.


An ancient city that persecuted the Jews, stands for modern persecutors of the Christians (Rome)

Fathers of the Church

An honorary title given to outstanding early Church theologians whose teaching has had lasting significance for the Church


An organized revolutionary faction who came about during the First Jewish War (66-70). Despised Roman rule and fomented violence to overthrow it. After their second revolt, they were forbidden to set foot in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Dead Sea scrolls

Ancient scrolls containing the oldest known manuscripts of the books of the Old Testament in Hebrew. They were unearthed near Qumran on the Dead Sea between 1947 and 1953.

Peter's brother


Hasmonean Dynasty

Descendants of the Maccabees who rule in Judea after the ousting of the last of the Syrians in 141 BC until the establishment of the Roman authority in 63 BC John Hyrcanus was the first ruler in this dynasty and ruled until 128 BC.

What Peter said he'd rather do than deny Jesus



Background - Was a Gentile-Christian He was responsible for writing the Gospel with the most words and it's sequel

Peter's home



Center of Jesus' earthly ministry, mainly Jewish, Cities included Nazareth, Cana, Bethsaida, and Capernaum.


Central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe


Comes from the Hebrew word for Messiah, or "anointed one"


Giving worship to something other than the true God


God's messengers; angels were created beings that possess free will and intelligence but who are pure spirits, without bodies.

Divine Revelation

God's self-communication whereby he makes known the mystery of his divine plan

What Peter did when he realized he'd betrayed Jesus

He broke down and wept


He persecuted Christians and he did many terrible things He had a vision of Jesus and from then on he was a believer He lost his sight for three days He became a disciple of Christ and went out into the world to spread the good news


He wrote both the Gospel and Acts of the Apostles as 1 story, but the gospel centered around Jesus' life and Acts centered around the apostles lives.

Pliny the Younger

He wrote letters asking how to deal with the new christian faith. He condemned christians, but his letters helped prove that Jesus really existed. He asked for advice on how to deal with the superstition practiced by Christians. He was referring to Jesus so he also proved Jesus existed.

Common themes in Luke and Acts

Jesus as a Prophet Church Continues Jesus' Prophetic Mission Role of the Holy Spirit Prayer, Joy, and Peace Special Role of Mary and Women

Cure of the Paralytic

Jesus healed a man on the sabbath who was lame for 38 years Point of the sign is that Jesus is the source of life Shows that he is the Lord of the Sabbath, doing his Father's work because the Father never rests




Literally means "Good News"

Common People

Made up mostly of Jews and Gentiles made up the different Sects. Even though they were in their own lives and barely had big parts in the Bible Jesus made sure to reach out and talk to them.


North central region of the holy land. Samaritans only accepted first five books of Moses.


Means separated one. Came into existence by separating themselves from ordinary religious practices of the day. Believed in strict observance of the Law and actively pursued holiness. Had some Gentile influence.

Feeding of the 5,000

Multiplication of the loaves reveals Jesus to be the bread of life They had 5 loaves and 2 fish He told the people to relax then he gave thanks and the people ate until they were full and they filled 12 baskets with leftovers. The people then believed he was truly the prophet.

2 Thessalonians

Paul addresses a misunderstanding about his teachings' about the resurrection. Prepare yourself with prayer and peace


Paul's letter of introduction to the Christians living in Rome


Personification of Evil, Satan

The Walking on Water

Revealed that Jesus was God's Holy One Jesus points out his identity of God by saying "It is I. Do not be afraid." (6:21) God is always with us despite the 'storms that come' in life.


Roman historian during the age of Nero who compared christianity to a fire. He also wrote that Christ was the originator of Christians which proved that Christ existed. Tacitus thought Jesus' followers were depraved and he called Christianity shameful.


Saul was born in...


Sources- L, Mark, Q


St. Jerome's 5th century AD Latin translation of the Bible into the common language of the people of his day.

Tax Collectors

Tax collectors normally take money into their own pocket, so they are considered sinners.


The Law or divine teaching revealed to Judaism. It is the foundation of the Jewish religion and is found in the Pentateuch.


The Second Coming of Christ, which will usher in the full establishment of God's kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven

The Wedding at Cana

This is the first sign, in which Jesus reveals His glory, and the disciples begin to believe. Jesus, His disciples, and Mary are invited to a Wedding At the Wedding, they had run out of wine Jesus says "fill the jars with water," they do as He says Jesus gives the water jars to the Headwaiter, and when the Headwaiter takes a sip, the water had turned to wine Jesus' disciples begin to believe in Him after this display of His divinity


The day recognized as the birthday of the church when the holy spirit was revealed, bestowed, and communicated to the church in fulfillment of the promises jesus made to send another advocate


The event in salvation history where jesus' humanity entered into the divine glory in heaven forty days after his resurrection


The female gender, they did not have rights back then. Considered men's property.


The main language of the Greeks, spoken mostly between common people


The name for Greek speaking Christians

Gift of Tongues

The name for the ability to communicate in words or sounds in a language unknown to the speaker, a gift afforded St Peter at the feast of pentecost


The name for the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It contains the Law (Torah).


The native language of the land; language that Jesus spoke


The official teaching authority of the Church that resides in the people


The person who Luke addressed in his Gospel and Acts. Means "lover of god."

Ark of the Covenant

The portable shrine built to hold the tablets on which Moses wrote the law. It was the sign of God's presence to the Israelites. King Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem to house the Ark.


The seventy-one-member supreme legislative and judicial body of the Jewish people. many of its members were Sadducees

Salvation History

The story of God's saving activity in human history


The study of Jesus Christ


The virtue which reminds us that God is the author of all good.

Glory of God

The visible Revelation of the power of the invisible God

Intertestamental Period

Time between New and Old Testament

2 Corinthians

Titus told Paul that the corinthians began to respond to Paul's teaching and rejected false teachings. In response to this good news Paul wrote 2 Corinthians. The letter deals with Paul's past relationships with the Corinthians His ministry among them Praise for their repentance Appeal for the collection for the church in Jerusalem Defense of his ministry against false teachers


Two main points: Mystery of salvation & Paul's exhortation to Christians to live in unity Philippians- written in AD 56.


Very religious people who worship by writing down events they left Jerusalem and made their own city in Qumran. They lived pure lives and they served the poor and needy. They were an apocalyptic group.




a generic term for a variety of pre- and early Christian heresies that taught that salvation rests on secret knowledge.


a term for non-Jews. These people were not circumcised.


a work written under a name that is not the name of the person doing the actual writing. It was a common and accepted practice for disciples and admirers of great teachers to write works under their names to extend their legacies


an Aramaic term of endearment meaning "father"; Jesus used this word to teach that God is a loving father


an important title bestowed on Mary at the Council of Ephesus, meaning "God-bearer".

Possible surnames for Jesus

bar Joseph, of Nazareth, the Carpenter

Red Horse

bloody war

How will Peter die?

by upside down crucifixion


was not written by Paul so it comes at the end of the letters

What Peter did when he saw Jesus

he tucked in his shirt and jumped in the sea


included Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Jericho. South of Palestine, mostly returning Jews.


is associated with imperfection


is ultimate imperfection

Feast of Dedication, or Hanukkah

means "festival of lights"


means a new Israel


means eternity or incalcate amount


means wholeness or perfection


name derives from Sadok, who is the priest that Solomon appointed to take charge of the Covenant. Mostly priest and aristocrats who cared for temple practices and worship. collaborated with Romans to stay in power. accept only the Torah as sacred scripture


preaching to unbelievers

Deutero Pauline

secondary Pauline writings penned by disciples, secretaries, or admirers of Paul. These letters --- 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus --- have different vocabulary, style, theological themes, content, and historical context that the letters indisputably written by St. Paul


signifies israel, ___ apostles of the church


specific material found in the Gospel of Luke that is unique to the Gospel




the uncircumcised non-jewish people that lived during this time


war, violence, killing

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