Religion Second Semester Final Study Guide (Practice Test)

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"Idolatry of goods... not only separates us from others but empties the human person and leaves him (or her) unhappy"

Pope Benedict XVI

"Over the pope as the expression of the binding claim of ecclesiastical authority there still stands one's own conscience, which must be obeyed before all else"

Pope Benedict XVI

"The questions for those who do not believe in God is to abide by their own conscience"

Pope Francis

The habit of adoring, praying, and worshipping God


An attraction to act contrary to commandments of God


Many among these people today consider themselves 'spiritual but not religious'

The "Nones"

He wrote: "Everything can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way"

Victor Frankl

The prudent person asks the question, what is the best way for me?


The virtuous person, due to who she or he is, enters a new situation already inclined to respond virtuously


A Roman philosopher who said: "For there is true law; right reason. It is conformity with nature, is diffused among all"


Allows is to know whether or not an action is i line with natural law and revealed law


For Pope Benedict, this "must be obeyed before all else"


Present at the heart of every person that informs our choices


Anger and envy are two of the...

Capital Sins

Another term for Ten Commandments


They teach us about the Kingdom of God


Describes love as the "force which all the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle in life"

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Beatitudes appear in these two Gospel accounts

Matthew and Luke

Urges us to do what is good and avoid what is evil ("what ought to be?")

Moral Law

A concept that teaches that moral rules and standards are irrelevant

Moral relativism

Refers to the goodness or evil of human acts


Its moral force comes from its reasonableness

Natural Law

The Golden Rule is an example of this

Natural Law

As a consequence of his, the human person is inclined to choose evil in the exercise of freedom

Original Sin

The biblical story of how Adam and Eve knowingly and freely gave in to temptation

Original Sin

The Gospel commands us to be passive in confronting violence and injustice


Theological virtues incline their holder to act well in different ares of life: making practical decisions, desiring pleasures, relating to other, and facing difficulties


The ability to choose between good and evil


Simply put, virtue is a good habit; vice is a bad habit


A vision and philosophy of life that separates religion and life


The heart if Jesus' teachings on moral life

The Beatitudes

The Hebrew letters YHWH can be translated as...

"I am who I am

A kind of love that is selfless, self emptying love


Famously claimed that humans are social animals


Taught that happiness is the chief desire of the human heart


The Beatitudes may be found in all four accounts of the Gospel


"There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God"

Blaise Pascal

Is a speech or action involving contempt for God


A greek philosopher who said, " I am formed by nature for my own good"

Epitectus God's greatest liberating action on behalf of his people


The two books in the Old Testament where the Ten Commandments are recorded

Exodus and Deuteronomy

Acting sinfully harms others, but not necessarily ourselves


Blind faith is authentic faith


Catholic moral teaching recognizes that there is no such thing as universal and absolute moral principle; each action is determines and judged ultimately by the circumstances of the action


God has "programmed" us so that we chose good over evil


God sills to share his divine life only with those who follow the moral laws.


Hope is, in other words, optimism


Jesus' response to sin teaches us that we are to reject the in and condemn the sinners


St. Paul taught that those who do not have access to Sacred Scripture are not held responsible for their bad decisions and deeds


Temptations are more often experienced by evil people


The 'golden rule' is a good model for living, however it is not scripturally based


Choosing anything or any person to replace God


"Seeing God in all things"

Ignatius Loyola

"God has implanted a God seed in each of us, it is to grow and blossom throughout life"

Karl Rahner

Matthew 5:6 reads, 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for ... for they will be filled


It is an offense against God as well as a fault against reason, truth, and right conscience


"Magna Carta" of Christian morality

Sermon on the Mount

Matthew's compilation of a summary of Jesus' most important teachings

Sermon on the Mount

Summarizes the New Law, a "blueprint" of Christian discipleship

Sermon on the Mount

An abuse of freedom that God gives to created persons


Sin injures human...


Advocate for the elimination of death penalty

Sr. Helen Prejean

"Our hearts are restless until they rest in you"

St. Augustine

A Catholic model for human search for happiness

St. Augustine

Taught that "the glory of God is the human person fully alive"

St. Irenaeus

Taught that 'all things work together for good for those who love God'

St. Paul

Taught that by honoring natural law, humans participate in the eternal law of God

St. Thomas Aquinas

Taught that natural laws fundamentally mean 'to do what is good and avoid what is evil'

St. Thomas Aquinas

Moments before his death he spoke his final words, "The King's good servant, but God's first"

St. Thomas More

An invitation from Jesus to see life as a blessing, as good and rooted in God's love for us

The Beatitudes

A daily tool for reflecting on one's conscience

The Examen

They desire to do God's will above everything else

The pure in heart

Many rules of social order are based on the natural inclination of people to live justly and peacefully together


Any activity where er give another his or her due is a matter of justice


God has implanted in the human heart a desire for happiness that we can know and freely choose to pursue


Jesus' 'golden rule' for finding happiness is, 'in everything do to others as you have them do to you.'


According to the Scriptures, the 'poor in spirit'

are those who keep God at the center of their life

In the Scriptures, the word... is often translated as 'slow to anger'


'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will...'

see God

In some circumstances, people do not reach out to others in need because of...

the bystander effect

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