Religion test 2/28

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Gnostics rejected the Church's teaching regarding both Christ's __&__ nature

Human and divine

Marcionism was founded by whom? he was the son of the bishop, and his father excommunicated him on grounds of immorality.


which heresy claimed satan stole light particles and placed them in the brains of human?


which heresy was founded by Mani?


who claimed that Jesus Christ was neither God nor equal to the Father


Belongs to the Devine Being; could be found among some people in the created order

Divine Spark

In Gnosticism, a ___ could never have suffered the humiliation of death, let alone death on a cross

Divine being

Gnostic heresy about the corruption of matter


St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote against which heresy that claimed Jesus did not suffer the pain and death of crucifixion?


which heresy was centered around the corruption of matter and the idea Jesus switched places with on the cross with someone else?


I believe in one, holy, apostolic Church. I confess to one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and i look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

*Holy Spirit is paraclyte (helper) *Jesus comes again and we get our bodies back

For our sake he was crucified under Pontious Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

*Jesus kicked open the gates of hell to let all the good souls free

God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.

*all things were made through Jesus

For us mean and our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

*bow head

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.

*directly towards Arius

I belive in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. what does this mean?

*not the demiurge

name some Church Fathers

-St. Jerome -St. Ambrose -St. John Chrysostom

church fathers carries what characteristics?

-orthodoxy in doctrine -holiness -notoriety -antiquity

what did Montanism forbade,enacted, and rejected?

1. forbade second marriages 2. enacted stricter fasting disciplines than the Church 3. rejected flight from persecutions

a Gnostic religion holds what beliefs?

1. matter is a corruption of spirit, and thus the world is corrupt. 2. man must seek through knowledge to overcome this fallen state and return to God. 3. God has made this possible by sending a savior (Jesus)

several early Christian thinkers argues against the beliefs of Gnostics by emphasizing..

1. the goodness of the created world 2. the supremacy of the Christian God 3. the clear meaning of the Scriptures Christ's human experience- especially his passion and death

Gnosticism successfully change and negatively influence which world religion's symbols and meanings?


what cannot exist without its Jewish Heritage?


Being material and imperfect, the created world would naturally have an antagonistic and inferior relationship to the spiritual, perfect world of the Divine Being

Created world

The creator god of the material and visible world, against the remote and unknowable Divine Being; also a lesser status than the Divine Being; author of the material world, spreads evil in the world


Spiritual being, spiritual perfect world, agent of goodness

Devine Being

what are origins of Gnosticism?

Eastern Origins

Marcionism adapted important ideas from what belief system into his theology?

Gnostic beliefs

where did Marcion adapt important ideas from to form his own theology?

Gnostic beliefs

Had Eastern origins and influences from Persia and India.


in Manichæism there were two groups the "hearers" and the "elect". which heresy also hierarchially subdivides groups of people?


Judaism mistakenly affirmed the material world as..


Where is the word "Gnosticism" derived from?

Greek word Gnosis

what best explains the gnostic view of Jesus?

Jesus did not have a human nature

what did Docetism believe?

Jesus was not truly human and did not actually suffer the pain of the crucifixion and death

Marcionism paved the way for negative bias toward what religious group?


St. Pope John Paul II called what religious group Christians' "..elder brothers in faith?"


In Gnosticism, what was a false religion that worshipped the wrong god, the Demiurge, who is evil


what major world religion was considered a false religion that worshiped the Demiurge?


who was it that Docetism believed switched places with Christ just before the crucifixion?

Judas Iscariot or Simon of Cyrene

What does Gnosis mean?


what does the greek word gnosis mean?


the founder of Manichæism, __ was born in Persia


a polished and elaborate brand of Gnostosim


what heresy believed that satan managed to steal light particles and place them in the brains of humans?


which heresy borrowed heavily from the writings of St. Paul regarding the struggle between light and darkness?


which heresy encouraged a rejection of the Old Testament and all Jewish influence?


which heresy was founded by Marcion?


which heresy held that Christians who had fallen from grace could never be redeemed?


what was an apocalyptic movement founded by Montanus in Phrygia following what he said were private revelations made to him.


which heresy claimed direct inspiration by the Holy Spirit and rejected the authority of the Church?


which heresy was founded by Montanus?


The principle involved here of finding the light within oneself through a lava. Ceremony is the essence of the ____ I'm contemporary time

New age movement

what class of people understand the struggle between the material and spiritual worlds?


Those who understood the struggle between the material and the spiritual

Pneumatikoi "spiritual"

what two female prophets did Montanus work closely with?

Prisca and Maximilla

In between the two preceding groups


what class of people are recognized by some branches of Gnosticism as a middle group between the higher understanding group and the lower ignorant group?


what class of people are the unfortunate makes that are unaware of the great struggle going on around them?


The most unfortunate masses, unaware of the great struggle going on around them

Sarkikou "material"

an assembly of the metropolitan archbishop with his suffragan bishops

provincial council

who was a devout follower of Manichæism for nine years?

St. Augustine

Gnosticism believed that Jesus came as the representative of the ___. This Jesus did not inhabit a human body nor did he die on the cross, instead the spirit of the divine being was present in Jesus temporarily.

Supreme divine being

What did Gnostics claim about the demiurge?

That the demiurge was the author and ruler of th related world.

Where did Gnosticism adopt some contents from to give certain teaching authority?

The Old and New Testaments

Sent from the Divine Being to release the Sparks trapped in the bodies of the people in the created world so they might return to the Divine Being. This was only possible if they individuals understand the secret knowledge of __ teachings and practiced the Gnostic rituals

The Redeemer

according to Gnosticism, what element belonging to the Divine Being could be found among some people?

a divine spark

in its African form, Monetarism placed a high value on the _____.


how did Gnosticism gain certain teaching authority?

by adopting contents from the Old and New Testaments

the official inspired writings of the New Testament


unwittingly, Marcionism helped to facilitate the Church's ____ because of his incomplete group of Sacred Scripture


a council, often called synod, that consists of a meeting between a bishop, representatives of the clergy, religious and laity, in which matters of -- council discipline and procedure are discussed.

diocean council

what Greek word does Docetism come from and what does it mean?

dokesis; appearance or semblance

what aspect of Marcionism pits the forced of darkness and light against each other?


Manichæism continued the age- old ___ involving the conflicts between darkness and light.

dualist cosmology

a council that brings bishops together, under the leadership of the pope, from all over the world to discuss central issues of the Church

ecumenical council

Montanism held that Christians who had fallen from ____ could never be redeemed.


a baptized person who deliberately and stubbornly disavows a revealed truth of established Church dogma


a council that summons all the bishops of a nation

plenar council

according to Gnosticism, how can an individual understand the secret knowledge of the redeemer's teaching?


what is the main principle of Gnosticism?

salvation can be achieved through knowledge

what are a widely held Gnostic belief?

secret knowledge about God and the destiny of man was given to a select few, created matter is evil, the Divine Being is good

who wrote against the belief of Jesus switching places for the crucifixion?

st. Ignatious of Antioch

what was Montanus' central principle?

that the new heavenly kingdom was about to begin in Pepuza, a small town in Phrygia

who is the creator god who made the material and visible world?

the Demiurge

who is the creator God who inhabits the spiritual world or the world of ideas?

the Supreme Divine Being

what is the main thesis of Marcion's system?

the dualism of Law and Love

who was sent by the Divine Being to release sparked trapped in people?

the redeemer

according to Marcionism who is the Demiurge?

the revengeful God of the New Testament

what did he identify the demiurge as?

the revengeful god of the OT

where did Manichæism borrow from?

the scriptures, especially st. Paul

what was Manichæism's goal?

to share the secret knowledge, which liberates this light so it could return to its original source.

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