Religion Unit Test 1

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Monasticism began in about the year 300, when _____________________________________ brought together a group of solitary hermits to live in community.

Anthony the Great

____________________________ is the word used to describe a man who is not the true pope but who claims to be the pope.


The ____________________ claimed that Jesus was less than divine.


_________________________________________ was a great theologian whose writings helped to defeat the Arians at the Council of Constantinople in 381.

Basil the Great

The Cistercian order of monks was founded by ______________________________________________.

Bernard of Clairvaux

________________________________________ is the cultural and political atmosphere that came into existence during the High Middle Ages in Europe.


The general council of the Church that met in the city of ___________________________________, Switzerland, from 1414 to 1418 decided to set aside three rival popes and elect a new pope.


In 1204 the armies of Fourth Crusade attacked and looted __________________________________, a city in the eastern part of the Christian world.


The ______________________________ were battles to free the Holy Land and its sacred sites from Muslim control.


Two Greek brothers, ______________________ and _____________________________, brought the good news of Jesus Christ to "barbarian" Europe in the ninth century.

Cyril; Methodius

_________________________________ is a word that means "of or relating to the Church."


___________________________________ was an official court that investigated people who were accused of heresy.


Explain why the Council of Chalcedon is considered the greatest of the first four ecumenical councils.

It said that Jesus was one person with 2 natures- divine and human

During the seventh and eighth centuries, armies of Muslims conquered much of the Middle East, including the holy sites in _________________________________.


The Holy Land included the holy city of ____________________________________.


The fourth Gospel to be written, the Gospel of _________________, addresses incidents and issues that are not included in the other three Gospels.


The Spanish Inquisition was launched by _________________________________________ and ________________________________________ in 1497.

King Ferdinand; Queen Isabella

By the late Middle Ages, few laypeople spoke or understood ____________________, the language of the Mass.


________________________________________ is an illicit practice by secular leaders to invest, or empower, Church leaders with authority.

Lay investiture

_________________________________ is a life dedicated to prayer, work, study, and the needs of society.

Monastic life

The first persecution of Christians began in Rome around A.D. 64, under the Emperor __________________.


In 325, to settle the dispute caused by the Arian heresy, the Emperor Constantine summoned all the bishops of the Church to a council in the city of _____________________.


The leaders of the Council of Jerusalem sent ___________________, Barnabas, and two other delegates to Antioch with a letter describing the council's decision.


On the morning of _____________________________, the Holy Spirit descended on the community of Jesus' disciples.


The ____________________ is the sacred law given by God to Moses.


The word _________________________ refers to the written and spoken beliefs and practices that have been passed down to us from the time of Christ and the Apostles.


T/F: Benedict of Nursia lived by the motto "Ora et labore," which means "Pray and work" in Latin.


T/F: By 1453 Muslim conquerors had taken over the great Christian city of Constantinople.


T/F: Clement VII was an antipope who established a papal court in France in defiance of the true Pope, Urban VI, in Rome.


T/F: In 1054 a division, or schism, took place in Catholicism, separating the Church in the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire.


T/F: In the tenth century a movement to reform monastic life began at the French monastery of Cluny.


T/F: Scientists today believe that most of those who died from the Black Death during the late Middle Ages had contracted a form of what we now call the bubonic plague.


T/F: The Catholic Church today consists of twenty-two Churches: the Roman Catholic Church and twenty-one Eastern Catholic Churches.


T/F: The Church relies on Scripture as a book of faith and looks to Tradition as a living witness of faith.


T/F: The Council of Jerusalem, which took place around A.D. 49, was the first great council of the Catholic Church.


T/F: The Gospel of Mark was the first account of Jesus' life and teachings to be written down, in around A.D. 70.


The early Christians complied for the Church the official list, or ______________________, of Sacred Scriptures.


An __________________________________ council is a council "of the whole world."


In 313 the Emperor Constantine issued the ______________________________________, granting religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire.

edict of Milan

The books of the New Testament that are said to be the oldest are fourteen ___________________, or letters, that were written by or attributed to Saint Paul.


Under the rule of Basil the Great, monks promised to practice poverty, chastity, & obedience, which are called the ________________________________________.

evangelical counsels

From the earliest days of the Church, many Catholics followed the spiritual practice of going on ____________________________________ to shrines or other holy places.


In the early Church there arose a new generation of leaders called the _______________________________- men whom Catholics today would call Priests.


Pope Gregory VII started what we now call the Gregorian ______________________, which are still in place in the Church today.


In 1095 Pope Urban II called on all Christian rulers to organize a crusade to _________________________________________.

take back the cross

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church developed its New Testament of ____________________ books


The New Testament book that gives an account of the very earliest days of the Church is the _________________________________________.

Acts of the Apostles

___________________________________ was the Roman emperor who was responsible for the "Great Persecution."

Emperor Diocletian

__________________________________________ was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Emperor Theodosius I

____________________________________________ is a severe penalty that brings exclusion from participation in the Church's sacramental life.


T/F: We read in the Gospel of John that about three thousand people were baptized on the day we now know as Pentecost.

False; Acts of the Apostles

On Christmas Day, 800, Pope Leo III crowned Clovis, the leader of the Franks, as Holy Roman Emperor.

False; Charlemagne

T/F: Basil the Great appointed a monk named Alcuin to set up a school of religious studies at the palace at Aachen, in modern-day Germany.

False; Charlemagne

T/F: In 1305 Pope Clement V moved the papacy from Rome to Vienna, a city in southeastern France.

False; Rome

T/F: The most famous of the early Christian missionaries was Saint James.

False; Saint Paul

T/F: Only a few Christians accepted death rather than deny their faith.

False; Thousands

T/F: During the plague, the Black Death, most Christians remained faithful to God and the Church.

False; felt despaired and gave their anger out on God

T/F: A major problem in the Church during the late Middle Ages was a lack of understanding of the papacy, which should be the center of every Christian spiritual life.

False; the Bubonic Plague which made not to many people go to Church

In 1215 Pope Urban III gathered about 1,200 Church leaders for _________________________________________.

Fourth Lateran council

Many of the early Christians in Antioch and other places were ________________________- people, like Romans and the Greeks, who were not Jews.


The _______________________ claimed that God's real revelation was available only as a secret knowledge to a select few.


From the Late 1300's until 1417, the church was torn apart by a situation known as the _________________________________________.

Great Schism of the West

Pope Gregory the Great was involved in the development of the ______________________________________________, a book that would guide the celebration of Mass and the other sacraments for many centuries to come.

Gregorian Sacramentary

Briefly describe Charlemagne's contributions to Christian education.

He wanted education everywhere and wanted a copy of the Bible in the places where education was happening

__________________________ is Emperor Constantine's Christian mother.


_____________________________ are people who taught false doctrines.


The philosophy called _________________________________ places an increased emphasis on the importance of the person.


_________________________________________ reached out to the pagan tribes and began the work of their conversion.

Pope Gregory the Great

The reign of ___________________________________ marked the high point of papal power.

Pope Innocent III

___________________________________________ was the pope whose teaching teaching that Jesus was one person with two natures, divine and human, was affirmed at the Council of Chalcedon.

Pope Leo the Great

The transitional period between the end of the Middle Ages and the start of the Modern Age is known as the ________________________________.


The last book of the Bible, the book of _________________________, calls believers in Christ to look forward with hope to eternal glory.


__________________________________________ was the saint who translated the Bible into Latin from Hebrew and Greek.

Saint Jerome

_____________________________________ was a great preacher and whose name means "golden-mouthed."

Saint John Chrysostom

The emperor Constantine built a great basilica over the tomb of _____________________________ in Rome.

Saint Peter

____________________________ is the buying and selling of spiritual things, spiritual services, or Church offices.


The disciple _______________________ was put to death in Jerusalem, falsely accused of speaking blasphemy against Moses and God.


What were some of the challenges that Saint Paul and other early Christian missionaries faced?

Tension with the Christians' Jewish neighbors and the tension with the Roman Empire

The word ______________________________ is another word for "covenant."


Two great orders of __________________ that were begun during the High Middle Ages are the Franciscans and Dominicans.


The council of Chalcedon, in 451, is considered the ______________________ of the first four ecumenical councils.


A _______________________ is a belief or collection of beliefs that reject one or more of the revealed truths of the revealed faith.


Some of the most important works of the Fathers of the Church were written to defend the truths of the faith against _______________________.


The Emperor Charlemagne launched a reorganization of the Church's __________________________, or governing body.


Many professional military men of high rank called ____________________ volunteered to fight to "take back the cross" and free the Holy Land.


The word ______________________ comes from the Latin word for "beggar" and is used to describe a new form of religious life that arose during the High Middle Ages.


A __________________________________ is a place where monks or nuns live.


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