Renaissance STUDY GUIDE

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War of Roses

100y war costs in final years/losses in manpower hurt English economy Domestic turmoil came to England in civil wards 1450s (war of the roses: york vs lancaster), Many aristocrat fams drawn into conflict

Great Schism

A 14th cent crises that triggered council of constance; 3 popes Lowered power of already disliked church


Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand ii/Queen isabella created Spain Inquisition, important because unified Spain


During the Ren, new emphasis on education in society as it increased one's worth


European intellectual movement, emphasizes individuals over institution and tradition. Allowed Jews more freedom


Gave depth to paintings, new style; different style than in middle ages

Compare life for Jews in Muslim lands and Christian lands during the Middle Ages.

In Muslim Lands, Jews treated as dhimmi (tolerated) but still bad; had special laws/taxes Christian lands: forced to convert and then still hated

Moses Maimonides

Moses Maimonides family (jewish) When Almohades took control of town in 1145, parents/other Jews forced to convert; had to leave Cordoba to become J again, settled in Morocco later, he studied science/med, become philo in egypt, physician to sultan, leader of J cairo community Bnoth muslims/jews liked This became more and more common as Spain control battle continued; 13th CHristians ruled all of Spain except Grenada Ferdinand iii of castile (ruled in n Spain) said king of 3 religions; but many Christians hated idea of J in high places/favored Preaching of 2 relig orders (Dominicans.Franciscans) reinforced J distrust; travelling monks spread lies (murder, poisoned wells; these lead to J massacres during BD)

UNificantio of spain

Not many predicted unification, two dynasty leaders got married and worked to recognize spain military forces (best in europe by 16th) Monarchs used authority over church to cause reform Many strict religious uniformities; created unity.further boost royal power Jews(influential)/Muslims Ferdinand and Isabella battled Muslims Spanish=catholic, spain supported catholic church in reformation

The Black Death

Plague spread thru Europe killing ⅓ of pp West Europe: denser pop/worse land, famine, malnutrition; higher death rate Early 1300s: Mongol troops brought rats into China; severe population decline Mongols controlled most of Eurasia; trade from central asia helped spread plague 1347-1351 (in west europe 1330a to 1350s) Italy hit hardest, other commercial parts also hit hard bc of merchants spreading Consequences Labor costs rose, more wealth/land etc bc less competition Decreased trade Feudal system strain, social system breakdown Effects Anti Semitism increased, scapegoat Mordidnes in art,church, etc Debauchery Some turned to religion(flagellants) Lost faith in institutions, even church/nobles could not protect

Louis XI (power consolidation)

Process of developing French territorial tate advanced by King Louis; resting taille as permanent royal tax and made regular income Could not repress French nobility, independence threatened state building Imprisoned nobles because they threatened his power 1477: Vassal Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy: tried to create middle kingdom between France/Germany but Louis opposed and duchy of Burgundy added to Louis land when Charles killed 1480: Anjou, Maine, Bar, Provence provinces under royal control; Louis created base for later development of strong French monarchy

Why do many consider the Renaissance period to be the beginning of the modern world?

When ancient Greco-Roman ideas were brought back, this allowed for further advancements in intellectual, economic, social, political, etc parts of society.

Evaluate the extent to which the Renaissance was truly an era of the individual

While the Renaissance provided opporutnieis, social divide only let upper class men be individuals. Example: had to have certain qualities (men were strong, noble birth, etc). Dowry.

What were the chief characteristic of Renaissance art? How did Renaissance art differ from medieval European art? In what ways did Renaissance art and architecture embody characteristics of the era?

realism persepcive individ emphasis geometrical arrangement of figures light and shaowing softening of edges Medieval art: everyone was the same, very 2D Arches and other architecture in paintings based off of Greco-Roman stuff


English lollards: product of John Wycliffe (theology); did not life clerical corruption, attacked papal authority/medical christian beliefs/practices Said no basis in scripture for papal claims of temporal authority, advocated that popes stripped of authority/property THought bible should be Christian sole authority, said must be available in many langs so all C could read. Rejected all not in Scripture, followers called Lollards

Unification of France

100 years War damaged france; hard for kinds to assert authority French national feeling developed towar common enemy (king could use to regain power) Excuse to strengthen king authority ; Charles VII made royal army and levied taille (less parliamentary power) Process of developing French territorial tate advanced by King Louis; resting taille as permanent royal tax and made regular income Could Not repress French nobility, independence threatened state building 1477: Vassal Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy: tried to create middle kingdom between France/Germany but Louis opposed and duchy of Burgundy added to Louis land when Charles killed 1480: Anjou, Maine, Bar, Provence provinces under royal control; Louis created base for later development of strong French monarchy England: Civil War and a New Monarchy 100y war costs in final years/losses in manpower hurt English economy Domestic turmoil came to England in civil wards 1450s (war of the roses: york vs lancaster), Many aristocrat fams drawn into conflict 1485: Henry Tudor (richmond duke) defeated last Yorkist king RIchard III and established Tudor dynasty Henry VII: first T king; worked to reduce internal dissension/establish strong monarchical gov; ended private nobility wars (got rid of livery and maintenance - practice that rich aristo maintaining private armies of followers dedicated to lord service) ngland (unlike France) no standing army, king relied on special commissions to nobles to raise, then disbanded Court of Star Chamber: Henry controlled irresponsible activity by establishing, no jurors/allowed torture Henry extract income from traditional financial English monarch resources (crown land customs duties, etc); diplomacy to avoid war son didn't have to call Parliament regularly to get funds Did not overburdened with taxes so won support POlicies let him leave England with stable/rich gov and monarchy

Henry Tudor

100y war costs in final years/losses in manpower hurt English economy Domestic turmoil came to England in civil wards 1450s (war of the roses: york vs lancaster), Many aristocrat fams drawn into conflict 1485: Henry Tudor (richmond duke) defeated last Yorkist king RIchard III and established Tudor dynasty Henry VII: first T king; worked to reduce internal dissension/establish strong monarchical gov; ended private nobility wars (got rid of livery and maintenance - practice that rich aristo maintaining private armies of followers dedicated to lord service) England (unlike France) no standing army, king relied on special commissions to nobles to raise, then disbanded Court of Star Chamber: Henry controlled irresponsible activity by establishing, no jurors/allowed torture Henry extract income from traditional financial English monarch resources (crown land customs duties, etc); diplomacy to avoid war son didn't have to call Parliament regularly to get funds Did not overburdened with taxes so won support POlicies let him leave England with stable/rich gov and monarchy

How did the Hundred Years' War affect England and France?

100y war costs in final years/losses in manpower hurt English economy Domestic turmoil came to England in civil wars 1450s. Aristocrat fams drawn in conflict 1485: Henry Tudor (richmond duke) defeated last Yorkist king RIchard III and established Tudor dynasty 100 years War damaged france; hard for kings to assert authority French national feeling developed towar common enemy (king could use to regain power) Excuse to strengthen king authority ; Charles VII made royal army and levied taille (less parliamentary power) Process of developing French territorial tate advanced by King Louis


1350-1550 Time of recovery from 14th century BD, eco/political/social transitions, trade/production increase, new industries brought wealth. Rebirth of Greco-Roman Culture Intellectuals/artists new vision, individualism. Trade increased significantly. Humanisms/intellectuals called period age of rebirth, restored arts/letters to glory Goal of humanist education was to produce individual of virtue and wisdom Civic hum said ideal citizen was intellectual and active participation in state Artistic brilliance: I artists realistic and people center (Florence especially) Most changes were about new ideals 15th and: Rome cultural center New monarchies (England, France, Spain): monarchies limited private armies of aristocracy, raised taxes, created pro armies, and establish centralized power of monarchal govs Relig changes: Ren popes became involved in police/temporal concerns overshadowing spiritual response, Church's power declined Intellectuals/artists wrote/painted for upper classes, products of/for elite Raised new questions about medieval traditions Humanists raises important issues of catholic church by returning to early C/criticism current relig Arts, politics changed bc of revival; ways people were seen changed; Christian ideals of Greco-Romans reconsidered Most achievements were of upperclassmen Trade/manufacturing increased after decline in 14th; Italian trade flourished Social system divided into three estates: clergy, nobility, others; patricians at top Based on Middle Ages; changes were mostly about new ideals (education, good impressions, serving prince honest effectively) Slavery went away at the end, serfdom vanished Ren was historically significant because it connected Italy/Europe with the antique ideas so that they could build on them to prosper and make advancements Ren was era rediscovered/influenced by Greco-Roman culture


1378: high ranking Franciscan priest Ferran Martinez started campaign against Castile J TOld to expel from Pain; J told King Enquire II of contributions; king didn't do anything bc in political struggle 1390: Martinez powerful; took advantage of king; december rodiered priest to destroy synagogues in area June 4 1391P followers attacked Jews of Seville, murdered hundreds, sold to slavery, few fled but many converted Martinez/followers worsened crisis; murdered JEws along countryside; Cordoba and Toledo (tagus river drawings/burned alive); hundreds more converted July: reached VAlencia, J armed themselves, early victory but outnumbered Local officials did not protect bc scared the king ordered Mobs grew bc: M arrived Barcelona early August, many C in city joined; b4 2 groups assaulted J quarter burned building w records of C debts to J in barcelona Like N europe, rioters mostly workers/artisans in debt to J; unlike N those in B responded to destructed by arresting ringleaders but rioer stormed jail/freed; thousands J converted again Rioting in Spain did not end until august, some violence 1391-1420 Castile/Aragon:violence followed by increased pressure on J to convert; about 100k converted nc of violence/campaigns/laws Conversos ID Soon C uncomfortable with mass conversion success As baptized c, conversion (converted ones) had all rights.privileges as C; former J new occupations though some stayed in taidital J (money lending, tax collecting), important gov/church posts New Christians Made the most of new eco/social opportunities Toledo 1449: resentment shoes; unpopular tax; king ordered convero tax collectors to enforce tax, riots, mob didn't want to challenge king so turned on tax collectors and other conversos, accused new christians of practicing J customs/rituals (mostly false) Mid 1400: many from C fams for 2+ gems, no J ties Toledo officers/others required purity of blood to be true Cbc conversos had J blood considered unfit and segregated just like J (spread even tho pope condemned); monks/friars linked conersos to J, accused of being led astray by J guilt of blood rituals/devil worship so conversos attacks increased Conversos were historically significant because they caused the creation of new christians that thought they were safe; caused Spanish inquisition

Dhimmi status

715: Muslims conquered whole Iberian Penin (Spain/Portugal); newcomers treated Iberian people they conquered (christians and jews) as dhimmi (people belonging to tolerated religion Dhimmi had rights, like to practice religion.establish communities as long as obeyed muslim laws, pay taxes, suffer discrimination if wanted Dhimmi second class citizens but step forward, more freedom than anywhere else in europe (Jews could own, be artisans, do medicine, trade, gov) Christians fought to regain penin control; 11th became holy war, made progress, 12th Spain divided into smaller territories (most christian kingdoms north, muslim south) Significant bc led to changes in treatments of jews Treatment of Jews depended on ruler 12th: Almohades overran Spain, demanded all dhimmi convert to Islam Christians fled north, some J did too; willing to give J freedom bc needed money and aid (military/financial affairs/govt positions, all possible other places) Many other J safe in tolerant Muslim places

How did Machiavelli's Prince reflect the "new statecraft" in Italy?

Came at a time of political instability, so showed rulers how to lead harshly Machiavelli and the new Statecraft Niccolò Machiavelli expired Ren preoccupation with political power Serviced Florence from 1498 after Medici fam expelled Secretary to Florentine Council of Ten, many diplomatic missions Time of tribulation/devastation for I after French 1494 invasion; 1512, medici power again in F after French defeat/Spanish videoty (republicans - NM exiled, he gave up politics and wrote reflections) The prince was written in 1513 and talked about political power in the western world. Described Ren preoccupation with political power. Showed that some sense of poltical consciousness was still present, and thought that some people were self-centered when it came to poltics rather then acting for state. Showed that it was important to be flexible. Princes must be represpec but feared.

How did the Catholic Church attempt to promote reform in response to Lollardy and Hussitism?

Council of constance efforts to reform church were unsuccessful 2 reform degrees passe Sacrosancta: general council of church received short from God so evey C subject to authority Frequens: provided for regular countils to make sure reform continued Two Provided legislative system within church superior to popes Popes wouldn't cooperate bc authority downs 1417 on: Pope's worked to defeat conciliar movement, 1460 Pope pius ii issued Execrabilis (appeals to council over pope heretic) Mid 15: popes reasserted supremacy over church, but no supremacy over tempoal gov Papal monarchy maintained but lost prestige; Ren pap led to pope leadership decline in 15th

How did people in the 14th century understand the Black Death?

Did not understand medical part. Some thought vapor spread, some thought from the sun. Many said to burn herbs, avoid vapor, don't eat moist food/go out at night, don't fast/worry; study medical books, clay on buboes, ruby rings, smelly food/herbs

What were the primary effects on European society? Explain the various ways people reacted to and coped with the Black Death.

European society was affected in almost every way: economically (see Jews), governmentally, culturally, and socially. The Catholic Church had trouble controlling society, such as the flagellants. Many thought that the Black Death was punishment from God, and flagellants whip themselves to beg for God's forgiveness (Germany especially). Flagellants caused panic and started to kill people that opposed them, such as Jews and other religions.This caused a migration that led to religious diffusion. Others predicted the Second Coming. Flagellants were outlawed in 1349. Many people started to intensely worry about death, and would drink excessively and do whatever they wanted to do. Richer people abandoned their hometowns to look for an untouched place. The amount of death caused people to be more violent and heretical because they didn't honor life as much. Later, the idea of death stayed prevalent in lifestyles. Art changed afterwards as well, because it was a new, sadder generation.

House of Medici

Florence returned to strong banking position in 15th bc of Medici family Turned from cloth production to trade, real estate, banking Greatest bank in Europe at some points in 15th Venice, Milan, Rome, Avignon, Bruges, London, Lyons branches Wool, silk, alum mining control Almost always main bankers for papacy (got rich/powerful in court) End of 15th: fast decline because bad leaders and bad loans to rulers 1494: French put out Medici from Florence, took their property, family collapsed (returned in 1512) Caused some of the most financial prosperous times in Florence, allowed Florence to be cultural hub but caused inequalities

Hanseatic League

Hanseatic league: 13th century North German coastal towns made trade/war association called Hansa/Hanseatic League Lübeck chief city of HL; trading center in n Europe 1500: 80+ cities in league; armies, settlements, trade bases in Europe/Eggnald 200 years: leaders in Euro timber, fish, grain,m metals, honey, wine trade Flanders: Hanseatic/Flanders fleet of venice economic meeting point in Europe 14th century 15th century: port closed, Bruges decline witH L (couldn't compete w larger territorial states) Eco. depression in 14th cent hurt manufacturing; especially Flanders (wool) and n Italian cities 15th: Flanders wool industry recover; Italy cities developing/fancy industries grew (silk, glass, metal/precious stone work) New industries

Discuss the Italian states in the Renaissance and how Machiavelli's work reflected this environment.

He talked about knowing when to be strong and that it is better to be feared sometimes. If you did not take charge you would be overrun in this time. There was almost constant conflict between the states and if a leader was not strong the states would be taken over

What were the major intellectual trends of the Renaissance? In what ways were they evident in art and architecture of the time?

Humanism (secularism), individualism were the main trends. This was evident in people going back to Greco-Roman architecture (arches, etc)

What was humanism and what contributed to its emergence? (printing press, today)

Humanism - people changed how they thought about art, life, and humans in general Revived interest in antiquity, celebration of humanity/invidium Increasing use of classical documents; focus on who humans were increased Intellectual movement based on study of classical literary works of Greece and Rome Grammar, poetry, history, philosophy, etc from ancient authors All humanists occupations were secular Father of H: Petrarch Literary career; talked about Middle Ages as dark age (false)/ignorant of classical antiquity when in reality were just focused on diff things; said intellectual life meant solitude Poetry based on Virgil, Prose/cicero Civic Humanism 15th century Florence: humanism tied to civic spirit/pride Life no longer ignorant of fam/community Cicero was model of civic life, had to participate in state things Humanists believed study should service state; occupations were not religious (laymen) Chancellors, advisors, etc Growing interest in old Greek civ Eventually start to become conscious of being humanism Education Belief humans could be radically changed thru education; changing humans was big concept Liberal studies Key to freedom/living up to potential Shape people to reach potential (not religious, hisotry, philoposhy-previously ignored)

Significance of development of printing press

Invented by Johann Gutenberg in the mid 1400s Printed works became cheaper and were more readily available promoted literacy in Europe Helped spread new ideas Could now compare translations More accurate and comprehensive writings Important for religion: Bible

What contributed to the growing animosity towards Jews in Christian Iberia in the 14th (1300s) and 15th (1400s) centuries? Make sure to include why so many joined the riots against the Jews in the region.

J seemingly stealing opportunities (economic, trade, jobs, social) Debts were paid off if Jews killed Mobs grew bc: M arrived Barcelona early August, many C in city joined; b4 2 groups assaulted J quarter burned building w records of C debts to J in barcelona Felt threatened

Discuss the role of antisemitism in the unification of Spain and what happened to the Jews expelled from the region.

Jan 3 1492 F/I got Grenada; March 31 issued order (mostly to J) saying J meant damage and said any Jew in spain after july 1492 would die/confiscate all Gave order religious justification by accusing J of leading C astray Wanted strong central gov in Spain based on C 15th and: most Euro liked relig unity idea but only Spain rulers thought needed Spain diverse pop (j/m); F/I wanted to get rid of nonC communities J first to be offered exile vs conversion; once gone Muslims given similar choose; after expulsion but Spain still thought New C outsiders Pure blood laws stayed; spaining inquisition continued to find Judaizing people


Jan 3 1492 F/I got Grenada; March 31 issued order (mostly to J) saying J meant damage and said any Jew in spain after july 1492 would die/confiscate all Gave order religious justification by accusing J of leading C astray Wanted strong central gov in Spain based on C 15th and: most Euro liked relig unity idea but only Spain rulers thought needed Spain diverse pop (j/m); F/I wanted to get rid of nonC communities J first to be offered exile vs conversion; once gone Muslims given similar choose; after expulsion but Spain still thought New C outsiders Pure blood laws stayed; spaining inquisition continued to find Judaizing people

What charges were made against the Jews regarding the Black Death? Explain the motivations for these charges.

Jews were the scapegoats of the plague. Many accused them of poisoning wells, and they were arrested in many areas, such as Spain. The worst persecutions were in Germany, where over 60 groups had been killed in pogroms by 1351. Many were forcefully converted, and others were burnt to death. Good scapegoats bc could get rid of blame and debt. Many jews were bars because Christian dominant society forced. About 2000 were murdered in Strasbourg (1349). Accusing them was partly to help the economy, as their loans and money that they had taken from the government was taken. Richer Jews' money was given unfairly to the working class. Many Jews fled to eastern Europe, especially Russia and Poland, where they were protected. That caused religious diffusion. Ottoman Empire: 2nd class citizens, no tax, still better Strasouburg: council took $ and gave it to working class;

What was the purpose of the Spanish Inquisition? What does this add to our understanding of how Isabella and Ferdinand worked to consolidate their power?

King Ferdinand ii/Queen isabella created Span Inquisition in 1480 mosty to deal tiwthrumors of Judaizing by conversos; pope gregory ix had introduced inquisition in France 1231 as organization in church to root out heresies, same main idea but gov in charge

How and why did "new monarchies" and more centralized political systems emerge during the Renaissance?

Kings and leaders had more power because they centralized religion, tax systems, and gained more land. They emerged because of the more secular lifestyles and less power in the church so there was more political power and less religious power.

In what ways did Hussitism and Lollardism threaten the Catholic Church?

L: said pope should be stripped of authority and prpery. H: urged that the clergy should be elimateed bc of corruption, attacked the power of the papacy. They basically wanted to take power away from the papacy so Christians were no longer led astray.


Lollard ideas spread to Bohemia bc England/Bohemia fam marriage Reinforced ideas of group Czech reforms led by chancellor John Hus Urged elimination of worliness/corruption of clergy, attacked excessive power of papacy in catholic church Church alrad very critizex Many clergymen German, Czechs hted German, helped Hus moment Council of COnstance attempted to deal with heresy by summoni Hus to council Granted safe conduct by Emperor Sigismund Hoped for free hearing but instead arrested (heretic, burned at stake) Bohemian unrest turned to revolutionary upheaval HUssite wars in Holy Roman Empire until truce 1436

How would you characterize each of the five Italian states

Milan: not the strongest; frightened by Venice's conquests Good taxes, successful in making centralized territorial state and getting revenge for gov Venice: Stable political entity governed by small merchant-aristocracy oligarchy commercial empire that brought in revenue and strong international power; conquest to protect food supply and trade routes overland Florence: Wealthy, center of cultural renaissance; to some was ideal city but there were also faults: inequalities, poverty, begging, crime and disease Papal States Central italy under Pope control; papa; resident in avignon let indicula cities/territories become independent of papal authority; ren popes tried to control papal states Naples: source of conflict between french/aragonese until A control in mid 15th; backward monarchy: many impoverished peasants and unruly nobles; little impact in cultural glories of Ren

Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli explained Ren preoccupation with political power. He had a literary career Came at a time when diplomacy was changing; ambassadors Serviced Florence from 1498 after Medici fam expelled Secretary to Florentine Council of Ten, many diplomatic missions Time of tribulation/devastation for I after French 1494 invasion; 1512, medici power again in F after French defeat/Spanish victory (republicans - NM exiled, he gave up politics and wrote reflections) NM political ideas from knowledge of ancient Rome and worrying about Italy politica powers, realized small I states couldn't go against larger states and that I was only battleground; one of first to abandon morality in political activity Worried about maintaining order through expanding political power Contradicted Middle Ages and said to be truthful and realistic instead of imaginative A Prince's attitude toward power should be based on understanding human nature (self-centered); so political activity could not be restricted by moral considerations, prince acts for state w/o conscience Cesare Borgia: I ruler; ruthless to get new central Italy state


Process of becoming more concerned with material, worldly, temporal things and less with spiritual and religious things; a characteristic of the Italiana Ren Allowed for wealthy, sophisticated people that didn't benefit from church Huge part of humanism; started to think more about people/state rather than the church and christianity Cultural achievements and social advancements were possible because the church wasn't controlling In response to people only caring about church and also new political/economic opportunities Much art still surrounding religion Allowed for diplomatic relations and opportunity for art, music, etc bc power went to the nonreligious


Ren papacy = line of popes from end of Great Schism 1417 to beginning of Reformation in early 16th Primary concern of papacy: gov Crunch as paul leader; popes also temporal response Latter overshadow pope spiritual function Ren popes acted shockingly in papal states/italian politics (intrigue.bloodshed) Julius II most involved in war and politics; led armies Pope Needed loyal servants to further territorial aism in papal states Bc not hereditary monarchs, no dynasties Nepotism relied on to promote interests the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. Popes great patrons of ren culture, efforts made Rome cultural leader at beginning of 16th Julius II: cultural mostly matter of policy Leo X (successor) deeply involved in Ren culture

What major social changes occurred during the Renaissance? (social classes)

Social class built off middle ages 1st estate: clergy 2nd: nobility, provide security/justice. Lowering incomes, began to dominate society like in Middle Ages. 15th: novels had to have certain qualities like noble birth, talet, good character; need certain accomplishments,talents (military/exercise bc courtiers bore arms); had to follow rules - good impression, modest, show accomplishments gracefully Aristocrats looked towards education in 16th century. 3rd estate: peasants; majority, Decline of manorial system/serfdom went away, started in 12th when $ let labor money go to money paid rent, still paid in kind/labor BD made peasants small, made this easier bc lords thought easier to grant freedom/accept rent; lord land tilled by hired or rented 15th: serfdom declined, more peasants free Remaining were citizens (merchants/artisans in bourgeoise) Many separations socio/economically Top: patricians: wealthy from trade, industry, banking, etc (led politically, economically, socially) UNder: burghers (shopkeepers, ariana's, guild masters, guild members); public consumption/goods Under:workers without land/jobs; 30-40% of city pop Late 14/15th: urban poverty increased Bottom: slaves The major social changes that occurred during the Renaissance were that there was new nobility that were held to higher standards, and people started to be treated more like individuals. Serfdom was eliminated, and the manorial system decline. The Ren also significantly separated people socially and economically. Slavery wavered; it was strong at the beginning but declined once the source of slaves was cut off.

How did diplomacy change during the Renaissance?

Some I differentiated between I and barbiarions but few liked alliance to repel invaders; loyal to own states so invasion was too often UNified/nationhood in 1870 Birth of Modern Diplomacy Modern dip system product of I Ren; middle age ambassadors temporary and was servant of christianity (peace/general welfare) In ren ambas changed bc of I politics; many states so neighbors threatened diplomatic agents sent out During I wars concept spread and Euro developed diplomacy used today Purpose of ambassador changed w permanyent; do same as gov to help state Agent only of territorial state that sent him; could do anything to help his own state

Spanish Inquisition

Started in 1480 by F/I mosty to deal tiwthrumors of Judaiszing by conversos; pope gregory ix had introduced inquisition in france 1231 as organization in church to root out heresies, same main idea but gov in charge Judaizing: any jewish action (lighting candles, etc); anyone could accuse others, could use torture, faced life in prison/public burning to death (auto da fe) Accusers rewarded by getting part of estate, govt got rest By 1490 about 2k New C burned to death; others died torture/prison Many conversos left spain during inquisition; some returned to J New laws restricted J freedom to separate from all C; laws passed soon after Ferdinand/Isabella united all Spain kingdoms About to conquer Grenada (last Muslim Spain); much of money for war came from Jews (1482-92 Jews paid fortune in taxes/forced loans)

What motivated the Hussites and the Lollards?

The Hussites and Lollards were motivated by the fact that they thought the Church was leading Christians astray. They both wanted spread of pure chrisitany but the church was worried they would lose power

What are the major characteristics of the Renaissance that distinguish it from the Middle Ages?

The Renaissance is distinguished from the middle ages for many reasons. First, the middle ages lacked classical culture. THat was what the Renaissance was based off of. The Ren was also mostly a recovery from the middle ages, whether that was from the Black Death, the economic recession, the political collapse, or trade (Hanseatic League). New industries started to flourish during the Ren, such as mining, printing, and metallurgy. This allowed for the development of firearms. The Ren also had more renting/money payments because of the population decrease after the Black Death. The Ren was more urban, and also relied more on slavery (though that decreased during the end of the 15th). The social system was pretty similar, though a striking difference was that nobility had more power in the Ren and were held to higher standards.

What factors contributed to antisemitism in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries?

The main factor was the disruption of social situations and the threatening of the Church. People needed money and a scapegoat for all of the issues and the jews were perfect

Why do historians sometimes refer to the monarchies of the late fifteenth century monarchies as "new monarchies"? What is the significance of these?

They are called new monarchies because they were when monarchical government power started to be established after the disintegration in the 1st half of the 15th century. Previous pattern of disintegration not there anymore. In Spain, France, and England, monarchs were demolishing the medieval feudal political system and building strong central government in its place. As these three kingdoms rose to power and prominence, the wealth, influence, and power of the Italian city states declined. Spain: Church had much power England: started w Tudor dynasty France: monarchy gained power and nobles threatened king

The Prince

Written by machiavelli, described that power is more important, "better to be feared than loved"

Holy Roman Empire

multi-ethnic complex of territories in central Europe Holy Roman empire failed to develop strong monarchical authority After 1438, HR emperor was in habsburg dynasty HD got many positions along Danube and house of Habsburg became one of richest landholders in empire, by mid 15th important role in Euro affairs Much of success had to do w policy of dynastic marriages; gained different lands from this (Frederik III got east-central france area) Territories made HD international power, opposition of French monarchy (fear of being surrounded) Maximilian I expected to do a lot Parliament tried centralize administration: creating new institutions in whole empire Failed bc of German prince opp Only success in marriage alliance; philip of burgundy (max son) married Friend/Isabella daughter joanna, had son, became heir to all three lines (Habsburg, burgundian, spanish) and became leading monarch or age HRE historically significant bc lands were expanded, power of diff groups rose

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