Required Art +
Cycladic act era: 3200-1100 BCE lack of detailed face, emphasis on the nose, arms in the same crossed position allusion to: Brancusi: modern artists who draws inspiration from cycladic artCycladic art
Cycladic act
1900-1100 BCE death masks (influenced by egyptians) differed: eyes closed, naturalistic vocab: tumulus: round enclosed burial chamber (earliest domes in history) corballed arch: bricks on top to hold structure, support is needed everywhereMycenaean art & architecture
Mycenaean art & architecture
era: 2700- 1500 BCE British archeologist found site: Knossos Minoan Palace Advanced paintings for the time Frescos: "plaster in latin," pigment into plaster, helps paint stay longer culture: aegean islands, Crete, thought to be associated with Atlantis common depictions: islands, water, fishing (things found in culture/art), octopus wrapped around vase tecture
Minoan art & architecture