Research and Writing Final

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List the 9 Core Elements AND the corresponding punctuation mark that follows each:

#1 - Author. #2 - Title of source. #3 - Title of container, #4 - other contributors, #5 - version, #6 - number, #7 - publisher, #8 - publication date, #9 - location.

Give an example parenthetical for a source with:

1 author: (Miller 197). 2 authors: (Patterson and Smith 56). 3+ authors: (Burdick et al. 90-98). Corporate Author: (Mayo Clinic 45). Government Author: (United States, Dept. of Labor 147). Anonymous Author: ("Traveling").

MLA format

1" margins, Times New Roman, 12 Point Font, Double Space, header margin is 1/2 inch from the top of the page

When would a source have two containers? Give 2 examples.

1. A television series watched on a network like hulu or netflix 2. A database service which stores a complete set of periodicals.

Describe the 3 types of note-taking.

1. Paraphrase- restates a piece of info in your own words 2. Summary- restates only the main ideas in your own words 3. Quotation- copying a passage word for word exactly

When is it acceptable to just place a page number in a parenthetical? List 2 reasons

1. When the author's name is in the sentence itself 2. When you use the same source as the one before.

What is the acceptable percentage of a final research paper that can be directly quoted material?


If a source has two containers, which Core Elements are repeated?


From which POV (first, second, or third) should you write an academic paper? Why?

3rd person because you are not talking about yourself or people, it is research.

Every introduction is as easy as ABC...

A = attention getter B = background C = claim/thesis statement

What is a blockquote? How is it formatted differently than a regular quotation?

A block quote is if the quotation extends to more than 4 lines when typed. It is formatted differently because, it should begin on a new line, be indented 1 inch after the first line, and do not have quotation marks around it.

What is a paradox? How does O'Brien use them?

A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself but teaches the reader a lesson. O'Brien uses them to convey how confusing war can be among other lessons.

What are the elements of a strong thesis statement? How long are they?

A strong thesis states the central idea or an essay that previews your topic and the paper's main points. It makes a claim that will be proven by the writer later in the essay. It is 1-2 sentences in length and generally included toward the end of the introduction.

When writing about literature, which tense of verbs should a writer use?

A writer should write in the literary present tense. This is because literary works live in the eternal present.

What is an indirect quotation?

An indirect quotation is when the author of the source you are using uses a quote from another source. Introduce the original speaker or source in-text and use qtd. In, in your parenthetical.

What is 'common knowledge'? What are the 3 types of common knowledge?

Common knowledge is information that most people should know and can be found in any basic reference book. It doesn't need to be cited. The 3 types are 1. Information widely found in reference works 2. Biographical facts about prominent persons 3. Dates and circumstances of major historical events.

What are credentials?

Credentials are a qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background.

What is credibility?

Credibility is a source that can be trusted and reliable.

List the preferred order for locations of online sources

DOI, permalink, or URL

T / F - It is acceptable to write a URL in the body of a paper.


What's the difference between internal and external citations?

Giving sources credit in the body of the paper itself is known as internal citations. Works cited, bibliography or works consulted page should appear on a separate page at the end of a researched essay which is called an external citation.

Describe the tone of O'Brien's writing.

He doesn't sugar coat anything and he tells things exactly how they happened, in vivid detail and careful not to leave anything out.

What would O'Brien say to someone who wants to know what is true and what is fiction in his book?

He would probably say that it doesn't really matter because story truth is often more truthful than the real truth, and to convey the emotions of real truth, story truth must be used sometimes.

What topics would not necessarily need to be so recent? Why?

If talking about a historical event it doesn't need to be so recent because it already happened and it can't change.

If there is more than one author, how would you list the names of the additional authors?

Include both authors in the same order in which they are listed. Reverse the first person's name followed by a comma and then give the second author's name in the normal order.

What is the format for an MLA parenthetical?

Inside the parenthesis, put the element that comes first in the entry on the works cited list, a space and the page number where the information came from, and then a period after the parenthesis.

What does it mean to integrate a quotation? Why is this important?

Integrating a quotation means to have some of your own words in the same sentence as the quote. It is important to make a smooth transition from your words to the quote.

Why is the novel entitled The Things They Carried? Why is so much time spent describing these items?

It is entitled that because the soldiers carried more than just physical items. He spent so much time describing these items to allow the reader to understand how hard this was on soldiers both physically and mentally.

How is the book written/organized? Give at least 2-3 literary terms.

It is written with the use of flashbacks. We are reading it in the future after everything has happened, and this allows us to hear about events from more than one person's point of view. It also uses a lot of characterization. Many chapters are strictly about one character rather than an event, and this allows us to see the changed that war has on these people.

List types of titles you would use italics or quotation marks for below:

Italics: books magazines/newspapers Databases titles Movies Tv series Titles of albums websites - italics for works that are self contained, independent of containers. Quotation marks: Poems Short stories Essays Article titles Episode titles Online postings Songs Article on web page - quotations marks for titles that are part of a larger work or whole.

When an organization is both the author and the publisher (core elements #1 and #3 are the same), what should you do?

List them as the publisher

What does it mean to standardize titles in MLA?

Means conforming them to MLA rules regardless of how they originally appeared.

Who is O'Brien's target audience when he writes about redefining courage and cowardice, especially in the "On the Rainy River" chapter?

O'Brien discusses how he defines courage and cowardice as doing what society wants you to do, like how he imagines everyone he knows calling him a coward for trying to leave for Canada on Elroy's boat, but then he goes on to write about Norman Bowker's courage for trying to save his friend while under fire and in a literal field of human waste. That is true courage and he wants the reader to know that.

What information should you quote?

Only quote what you can't say better and what is memorable or is a clear explanation.

How should you list the first author of a source on the Works Cited page?

Should begin with the author's last name followed by a comma and the rest of the name as it appears.

What should you type into a Google search bar to limit your search results to .gov's, .edu's, or .org's?

Site:edu, Site:gov, Site:org

If a source is missing a Core Element when typing a Works Cited entry, what should you do?

Skip it and move on to the next one

Why did O'Brien write this book?

So that his stories may live on and be told forever, just like how he says Lindas are.

Why should a writer use a consistent verb tense? What happens when a writer fails to do so?

Switching tenses is confusing and upsets the timeline.

What are the 2 elements necessary for an MLA in-text citation?

The author's full name and credentials

What is the goal of research and using multiple sources with balance? Why is this important?

The goal is to gather info from multiple sources and recombine it in a new way in order to make a point. This isn't possible by just using 1-2 sources. It is important so 1-2 sources aren't dominating your essay.

In general, how current should sources be? Why?

They should be within the last 5-7 years so they are current and updated.

What are the goals of a conclusion?

To review the thesis and main points but in more depth and detail. Also to provide closure and a sense of completeness.

Explain the process of how easy it should be to match up sources on a Works Cited or References page and the parentheticals in a research paper.

Whatever is poking out on the left-hand side of the Works cited page for each source must be the element used inside the parenthesis.

Explain the MLA concept of containers.

When the source being documented forms a part of a larger whole, the larger whole can be thought of as a container that holds the source.

Explain the process of using note cards for research and then writing a paper.

When using note cards you can separate your thoughts and on each notecard, there is only one fact so you can flip through your notecards and get the correct ideas for that section of your paper while writing.

What's the difference between a Works Cited/References page and a Bibliography?

Works cited lists only the sources cited or actually used in the paper itself. Bibliography lists all sources you have read in preparing your paper whether cited or not and or works for background or further reading on the topic.

If a source is anonymous, what should you use as a substitute in the parenthetical reference?

You should use the abbreviated title

When would you use each of these symbols:

[ ] -When there are missing words and provides clarity by adding them [sic] -when the author makes a grammar mistake, but it's not your mistake . . . -when you omit a word or phrase et al. -when there are 3+ authors qtd in. -an indirect quote - - -. -when the same author writes 2 different articles on the works cited page

What should you remove from the beginning of a website's URL?

http:// or https://

List at least 3 items to look for when evaluating a source's credibility

1. An author 2. Date of publication, copyright, or last revision 3. Previous publication (journal, newspaper, gov report) 4. Website affiliation (university, organization)

List attention-getting strategies

1. Ask a thoughtful or proactive question 2. Tell an anecdote/story 3. State a shocking fact or statistic 4. Use an impressive quotation 5. Use descriptive details or imagery 6. Use an analogy or metaphor

List at least 4 examples of plagiarism.

1. Copying and pasting off the internet 2. Reusing work done by other students 3. Carelessly citing sources 4. Omitting sources from a Works cited page.

List at least 3 reasons to include citations in a research paper.

1. Demonstrates the thoroughness of the writer's research 2. Gives credit to the original sources 3. Illustrates a writer's academic integrity and competence.

What are 3 closure strategies for a conclusion?

1. Echo attention-getter 2. Provide a challenge or call to action 3. Look to the future

When does a sentence not need a parenthetical at the end of it? List at least 2 reasons

1. When using that source for the first time 2. When you use a statistic as an attention-getter in the intro and refer back to that statistic again you don't need to cite it.

What is a database?

A database is a searchable collection of information, where you find journal articles. Each database contains thousands of articles which you can search for simultaneously and quickly to find articles with higher relevancy than searching in individual journals

What is a hanging indent? When should you use one? Why?

A hanging indent is when the second lines hang under the first one which pokes out. You should use one when the entry runs more than one line. This helps with matching the sources to the parenthetical reference.

Where should a writer place an MLA parenthetical in the sentence?

At the end of the sentence

How does MLA format dates?

Day-month-year and months should be abbreviated

What does it mean to vary your sources?

Do not use the same 1-2 sources over and over again. Have a variety and alternate them frequently.

Who is O'Brien's intended audience? Why?

His intended audience are people who want to learn more about war. It is proven through the numerous lessons and in fact, he teaches throughout the book, especially about how it affects people, and how he directly addresses the reader, showing he wants you to think about things in the book.

When writing about literature, when is it okay to use past tense verbs?

If you refer to an event that happened prior to the start of the work or if you refer to 2 in the same sentence.

If a source is anonymous, what should you use instead of an author's last name for a parenthetical reference in both MLA and APA?

In MLA and APA you use a shortened version of the title of the article. Usually, the keywords if it is a long title.

O'Brien writes it was difficult to separate what happened from what seemed to happen. What does he mean? How does his writing style mimic this idea?

In the novel, O'Brien writes about how war is impossible to comprehend if you don't experience it yourself. He also writes that what happens during the war is entirely unbelievable. Because of this, he has to make up certain things to give the reader an idea of what he went through, and he has told these half true stories so many times and they capture the emotion of war so closely, that they feel real.

What are the 2 types of internal citations called?

In-text citations and parenthetical references

What is the difference between an in-text citation and parenthetical reference?

In-text citations are when a writer gives credit directly in a sentence, using the author's full name and credentials. A parenthetical reference is giving credit at the end of a sentence by placing citational information in parenthesis before the period of the sentence.

What are some of the rules for how to tell a true war story?

It must embarrass you, it cannot be moral, nor have any deeper meaning, the truth of it cannot be distinguished from the lies, it cannot be believed, it seems to never end, and it cannot generalize.

Describe what you remember about each (personality, items carried, rank, etc.)

Jimmy Cross = First Lieutenant, good guy, in love with a girl named Martha until one of his troops dies and he decides to dedicate himself to his men's safety. He carried a pebble for good luck. Norman Bowker = He is a great guy, who tries to save his friend but cannot. He comes home lost and kills himself. Azar = Not very nice, but he is a soldier at war, and being rude is his way of handling it. Rat Kiley = The platoon medic, a very nice man and great medic, but goes crazy as a result of overexposure to blood. He shoots himself in the foot to be released. Curt Lemon = Rat Kiley's best friend who dies as a result of playing yellow mother. Elroy Berdahl = A silent, wise, and understanding old man who allows O'Brien to come to terms with being drafted. Works at Tip Top Lodge. Mary Anne = A typical American woman who goes to war and loses herself, she was very innocent and then turned very wild, she disappears into the jungle and is never seen again. Kiowa = A Christian. He carries a bible with him at all times and dies in the shit field. Everyone liked him and feels guilty about his death. Ted Lavender = Troop who was dependant on M and Ms during the war. Is shot in the head while using the bathroom and drops like cement. Linda = Tim O'Brien's childhood friend who died of a brain tumor, his first experience with death and love.

Where should a Works Cited or References page start in a research paper?

On a separate page at the end of the research paper.

What is the difference between a summary and a paraphrase?

Paraphrase is about the same length as the original in and in your own words. Summary is shorter than the original because it is only the main ideas in your own words.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is taking another person's work or ideas and not giving them credit for it or trying to pass it off as one's own.

Generally speaking, where should punctuation related to a quotation always be located?

Punctuation should always be tucked inside or before quotation marks.

Why should you avoid using question words in a thesis or even the body of an academic paper?

Question words lead to wordy, more vague sentences.

Generally speaking, how long should quotations be?

Quotes should be one sentence or less.

How can a student avoid plagiarism when making note cards?

Read the original paragraph first, cover up the original with your hand so you aren't tempted to look at it, write down what you remember in your own words, if quoting be sure to put quotation marks around it and included page number.

Why should credentials be more than just the title of what someone wrote?

So you that it is a reliable author. If you can't find a lot of information about them, the source is probably not reliable. And so the author has some authority.

In general, roughly how many parentheticals should there be per body paragraph in MLA? in APA?

There should be about 3-4 parentheticals per paragraph in MLA. APA should be 1-2 of the most representative sources for each key point of each paragraph.

How do the soldiers in the novel feel about the Vietnam War?

They all feel like it is unnecessary and don't want to be there, but they want to fight for their country more than they want to be embarrassed by skipping their draft notice.

How did the average soldiers' age affect their experience in the war?

They are all very young. Their inexperience in life causes them to treat war more like a game.

What sort of items did the soldiers hump? Why?

They carried can openers, pocket knives, lighters, matches, C rations, water, guns, and other essential weapons and items. They carried these things because they had to for part of their job. They also carried pictures so they can remember their lives at home and cope with the damage of the war.

How should entries on a Works Cited or References page be arranged?

They should be arranged in alphabetical order.

Why are transitions so important?

To help your words flow from one sentence to the next and for it to not sound choppy.

Besides an author's actual name, what does MLA also allow to be used an author's name as Core Element #1?

You can use corporate author using staff or editors as the author. You can use a government author and use pseudonyms, online usernames.

You should aim to not use the same source how many times in a row?

You shouldn't use the same source more than 2-3 times in a row.

List at least 6 Dead Words. Why are they to be avoided?

You, thing, stuff, very, a lot, contractions, have you ever wondered. They are not very concise and there are better word choices.

What term describes all the publication information pertaining to a particular source listed in a particular order on a Works Cited or References page?

an entry

When writing about history, which verb tense should a writer use?

past tense

List the abbreviations for the following:

version - ver. volume - vol. issue - no. edition - ed. page/pages - p./pp. revised - rev. Press - P University - U University Press - UP department - dept.

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