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D.Hypertension care in adult women

17.Based on the problem presented, which is the dependent variable? A. Adult women B. type of health care provider C. physician as provider of care D.Hypertension care in adult women

D. themes.

During the analysis and interpretation of the qualitative date, the researchers develop A. emergent design. B. sampling plan. C. Conclusion. D. themes.

C. Critiquing and evaluating evidence

Joan reviewed the literature in terms of purpose, design, procedures and conclusion. She is conducting which major step in literature review? A. Locating relevant literature B. Preparing a written literature C. Critiquing and evaluating evidence D. Abstracting and recording information

C. Probability sampling

This is the only reliable of obtaining representative samples in quantitative studies. A. Non-probability sampling B. Convenience sampling C. Probability sampling D. Any type of sampling

A. qualitative research.

small sample size was obtained by Nurse Dulce on the time of study. She decided that it will be most appropriate for her to use the A. qualitative research. B. quantitative research. C. none of these approaches. D. both quantitative and qualitative research.

A. deception.

.Mariel noticed that one of her group mates was deliberately withholding information about their study and keeps providing participants with false information. Her group mate is guilty of A. deception. B. concealment. C. covert information. D. self determination.

D. reduction of anxiety in patients who will undergo NGT insertion.

10.The dependent variable in the study is the A. role in the reduction of anxiety. B. effects of the nurse's expressive role. C. patients who will undergo NGT insertion. D. reduction of anxiety in patients who will undergo NGT insertion.

B. there is a significant relationship between the effects of the nurse's expressive role and the reduction of anxiety in patients who will undergo NGT insertion

12.One of the sub problems formulated by Rose pertains to the relationship between the effects of the nurse's expressive role and the reduction of anxiety in patients who will undergo NGT insertion. Ana should construct her scientific hypothesis as A. there is no significant relationship between the effects of the nurse's expressive role and the reduction of anxiety in patients who will undergo NGT insertion B. there is a significant relationship between the effects of the nurse's expressive role and the reduction of anxiety in patients who will undergo NGT insertion C. the anxiety level of patients who will undergo NGT insertion for the third times is lesser than the anxiety level of patients who will undergo NGT insertion for the first time D. the nurses' expressive role has less effect on the reduction of the patient's anxiety level

C. complex and directional because specifies the existence and the expected direction of the relationship

13.Rose formulated the hypothesis "The nurses' expressive role has greater effect on the reduction of anxiety of patients who will undergo NGT insertion" , this hypothesis is A. simple because it expresses an expected relationship between one independent and dependent variable B. complex because it predicts the relationship between two or more dependent variables C. complex and directional because specifies the existence and the expected direction of the relationship D. simple and complex because it stipulate the direct relationship of the variables under investigation

B. Identify an interesting, significant research problem and to develop

14.The researcher should be able to perform activities in each phase of the research process. Which of the following is under the design and planning phase? A. Formulation of the hypothesis. B. Identify an interesting, significant research problem and to develop research questions. C. Determine whether the rights of the subjects have been adequately protected. D. Discussing the topics with the clinicians and health care administrator and observe current practice.

C. type of health care provider

16.The group formulated the following research question. Does the type of health care provider (physician vs. physician nurse team) affect hypertension care in adult women? Based from this problem, the independent variable is the A. physician B. adult women C. type of health care provider D. 24 hours systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings

C. are factors related to research subjects that could contaminate the results of the study

not explored in the study, the profile of the respondents may be considered as extraneous variables because these variables A. are direct focus of the investigation B. represent characteristics of the subjects and researcher to answer problems of the study C. are factors related to research subjects that could contaminate the results of the study D. arise during the study that can influence the independent and dependent variables

C. Do not continue with the project until you have the clear guidelines on the subjects

pharmaceutical company is conducting a research on a new vaccine. A memorandum was given to its contractual employees to report to the clinic nurse to receive the vaccine. As the nurse on duty, what is your action? A. Distribute the vitamins according to the memorandum. B. Explain the benefits of the research to the contractual employees. C. Do not continue with the project until you have the clear guidelines on the subjects. D. Tell the employees to receive the vitamins because this will give them the edge of being on a regular status.

D. Dorothy Oren's "Self-care model activities are the people do on their own behalf to9 maintain health and ill-being.

18.Pure or basic research is undertaken to extend the base of knowledge and while applied research apply the evidences of research undertaking to develop solutions to clinical problems. Which among the following is a basic research? A. To study the effect of olive oil on hair in women B. The application of primary nursing services to client in a particular unit. C. To study the used of various exercise and determine the effectiveness of each D. Dorothy Oren's "Self-care model activities are the people do on their own behalf to9 maintain health and ill-being.

B. clients who are diagnosed to have insomnia.

21.The population identified in the study is the A. nursing students who will assess the lifestyle. B. clients who are diagnosed to have insomnia. C. qualitative and quantitative approaches. D. lifestyle assessment of the clients.

C. eligibility criteria

22.Nurse Dulce can identify the study population for her study by using the criteria that specifies population characteristics. In research process, this is referred to as A. representative criteria B. exclusion criteria C. eligibility criteria D. sample criteria

D. sampling frame.

23.Nurse Dulce used the lists of an institution known to care for clients with insomnia. She used the lists as her A. representative element. B. sampling technique. C. sampling design. D. sampling frame.

C. Yes, because she can still divide her population into segments.

24.If nurse Dulce will use only one institution as the locale of her study, can she divide the population into strata? A. No, because she will use the quantitative approach that needs bigger sample scale. B. Yes, so smaller scale can be obtained necessary for qualitative approach. C. Yes, because she can still divide her population into segments. D. No, because she obtains her sample in one institution.

C. taking samples from various sections of the total population.

26.Nurce Dulce decides to use cluster sampling. This sampling is characterized by A. selecting sample who is knowledgeable about the issues under study. B. drawing equal-sized samples from each sections of the population. C. taking samples from various sections of the total population. D. selecting sample by chance.

B. 2,3,5

28.Nurse Dulce understands that a researcher may consider only a small sample size considering the following factors 1. appropriatenessofsample 2. homogeneityofpopulation 3. sensitivitymeasures 4. adequacyofdata 5. effectsize A. 1,2,3 B. 2,3,5 C. 3,4,5 D. 1,3,5

A. sampling point at which no new information is obtained

30.In phenomenological study, the criteria in selecting the sample size involves A. sampling point at which no new information is obtained. B. choice of sample who can best provide information. C. sufficiency and quality of data. D. use of Slovin's Formula.

D. 98

31.What is the required sample size using Slovin's Formula, supposing the population in question consists of 130 individuals and if the estimate of the population mean is to differ from the true mean by no more than e = 0.05. A. 90 B. 108 C. 96 D. 98

B. Convenience sampling

32.A group of nursing students had undertaken a study about the breastfeeding techniques of the primipara mothers in Batangas City. Their sample was taken from the new mothers who are available at the time of data collection. What type of sampling is used? A. Quota sampling B. Convenience sampling C. Simple random sampling D. Stratified random sampling

A. Cluster sampling

33. The BSN III-6 group 2 studies the predictor of condom use among adolescent Filipino vocational student in selected secondary schools in Batangas Province. In the province, the researcher randomly selected 5 private vocational schools, and then randomly selected students from the school. A total of 225 students aged 18-22 were sampled. What type of sampling was used? 34. A. Cluster sampling B. Systematic sampling C. Convenience sampling D. Stratified random sampling

C. purposive sampling.

36.BSN III-6 group D reviewed a study to identify informatics competencies needed for nurses at various levels of practices. The author of this research conducted a 3-round survey with sample of expert nurses who had at least 5 years of experience in nursing informatics and high visibility within the specialty. The students understands that the type of sampling described in the study is A. convenience sampling. B. systematic sampling. C. purposive sampling. D. cluster sampling.

C. Purposive sampling

40.Nurse Gina conducts an observational study of the husbands whose wives are delivering a baby at the local hospital is using what type of non- probability sampling? A. Cross-sectional sampling B. Accidental sampling C. Purposive sampling D. Cluster sampling

C.Beneficence, respect for human dignity, justice

41.Nurse Angie has learned from her research adviser that the Belmont Report articulates 3 primary ethical principles on which standards of ethical conduct in research are based. Which of the following correctly enumerates these 3 principles? A. Justice, veracity autonomy B. Beneficence, veracity, justice C.Beneficence, respect for human dignity, justice D.Beneficence, respect for human dignity, veracity

D. Respect for the human dignity

42.The identity a study participant, who is a user of drugs, was divulged in the final report of the study. As a consequence, the participant got caught by the authorities. In this case, which of the following ethical principle was violated by nurse Angie? A. Justice B. Autonomy C. Beneficence D. Respect for the human dignity

C. Yes, the students should have thorough knowledge about the study

44.During the data collection, the Nurse Angie told the subjects that they are studying their health practices. But in reality, she is exploring on the students' use of drugs. Based from this situation do you think that Nurse Angie violated the principle of full disclosure? A. No, the students are not allowed to be used as subjects B. No, the students have the right to know everything about the study C. Yes, the students should have thorough knowledge about the study D. Yes, because the students do not have to know everything about the study

B. anonymity.

45.Nurse Angie studied interpersonal conflict among workers in the company in Batangas City. A questionnaire is distributed to over 100 hired workers in a company, asking them about the type and frequency of any interpersonal conflict they had experienced in their job. The questionnaires were returned without any identifying information. This is an example of A. confidentiality. B. anonymity. C. autonomy. D. justice.

A. privacy

46.Also, Nurse Angie conducted a study regarding male commercial sex workers. In her study, she described the place of the study as "northern side of a park in Lipa City". She is advocating the right to A. privacy B. full disclosure C. self-determination D. fair treatment

D. have the participants and their legal guardians sign the consent from.

47.Nurse Angie decides to conduct research about high school students' study habits instead of the previous studies mentioned. To make her study ethical, it is important for Nurse Angie to A. let the participants sign the consent form. B. explain the study to the high school students. C. have their legal guardians sign the consent for. D. have the participants and their legal guardians sign the consent from.

D. we sometimes consider the reasons that ethical guidelines become imperative.

51.As a student nurse researcher, it is a must to know that ethics can create particular challenges because A. nursing researches involves human beings or animals. B. ethical requirements sometimes conflict with the need to produce evidence of the highest quality of practice. C. the line of demarcation between what constitute the expected practice of nursing and the collection of research information can sometimes get blurred. D. we sometimes consider the reasons that ethical guidelines become imperative.

A. the participants were informed of all the known dangers.

52.Mrs. Perez, their adviser asked about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Mariel understands that this is an example of a study which has seriously violated the ethical standards for all of the following reasons, except A. the participants were informed of all the known dangers. B. the participants had to agree to an autopsy after their death, in order to have their funeral costs covered. C. the study was conducted to determine the natural course of syphilis in the adult black man. D. the experiment did not consider the harm caused to individuals and their families.

A. Willowbrook Study.

53.The study which involved injecting patients with live cancer cells to determine the patients' rejection response to these cells is the A. Willowbrook Study. B. Tuskegee Syphilis Study. C. Nazi Medical Experiments. D. Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study.

B. Nazi Medical Experiments.

54.Which of the following studies were controversial for conducting researches on prisoners of war and racially 'valueless" people who were confined to concentration camps by the Third Reich? A. Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study. B. Nazi Medical Experiments. C. Tuskegee Syphilis Study. D. Willowbrook Study.

D. Willowbrook Study.

55.Which of the following studies deliberately involved infecting children with the hepatitis virus? A. Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study. B. Nazi Medical Experiments. C. Tuskegee Syphilis Study. D. Willowbrook Study.

C. Full disclosure

56.Mariel's group wants to study the effects of smoking. To minimize the risk, their group includes college students, 18 years old and above and has made a written statement. What ethical principle did their group exercised? A. Justice B. Beneficence C. Full disclosure D. Respect for a person's dignity

D. It limits the ability of the researcher to obtain true informed consent from the participants.

58.What is the effect of including deception in an experimental procedure? A. It makes the research more interesting for the participants. B. Deception has no effect because deception is a part of daily life. C. It increases the probability of publication in a prestigious journal. D. It limits the ability of the researcher to obtain true informed consent from the participants.

C. It exposes participants to situations that might not agree to if they were fully informed.

59.Deception creates the greatest level of risk when A. Participants are unaware of the research hypothesis. B. Deception occurs in the context of a naturalistic observation study. C. It exposes participants to situations that might not agree to if they were fully informed. D. The research population includes members of a vulnerable group such as inmates, children, or the mentally ill.

D. Stratified random sampling

A group of nursing students conducted a study entitled "The satisfaction of patient in the emergency of manila General Hospital to the care rendered by the emergency room nurses and physicians." They divided the group of patient into groups before taking random samples from them. This is what type of sampling? A. Cluster sampling B. Systematic sampling C. Convenience sampling D. Stratified random sampling

C. The design of the study emerges during the source of data collection.

A group of researchers choose to conduct their study using the qualitative method. Which among the following is true regarding the activities in a qualitative study? A. Data are analyzed though statistical analyses B. Before data collection, the researchers determine the design of the study. C. The design of the study emerges during the source of data collection. D. Developing the sampling plan to specify in advance how the samples will be selected and how many subjects there will be.

A. the special research procedure should not be continued.

A patient consented to a special research procedure. During his operation, he suddenly demanded for the doctor not to continue with the special procedure. Legally, A. the special research procedure should not be continued. B. the nurse should remind the patient that the latter had signed consent. C. the nurse should call the nearest family member to explain the patient the special procedure. D. the doctor may continue to perform the special research procedure because the patient gave his consent prior to the operation.

A. a form of coercion

A potential subject for the study refused to participate in the research at first, but later on agreed after being promised to be given a generous amount of stipend. Applying your knowledge on the ethical principles, you know that this situation describes A. a form of coercion B. a form of punishment to the participant C. violation to the right of the participants from exploitation D. a normal agreement between the researcher and the participants

D.Simple random sampling is a laborious process

Among the following which on is not an advantage of the simple random sampling? A. The probability of selecting markedly deviant sample through random sampling is low, and this probability decreases as the sample size increases B. Random selections guarantee that differences between the sample and the population are purely a function of chance C. Samples selected are not subject to researcher biases D.Simple random sampling is a laborious process

C. Snow-ball sampling

Based on the problem presented, what sampling design will be most appropriate for Nurse Dulce's study? A. Simple random sampling B. Systematic sampling C. Snow-ball sampling D. Quota sampling

B. 5-15 informants

Because of small sample size, Nurse Dulce explores on the experiences of clients with insomnia instead of lifestyle assessment. For phenomenological study, the appropriate size according to Polit and Beck is A. 20-30 subjects B. 5-15 informants C. 10 or fewer subjects D. 25-50 key informants

B. allow the participant to withdraw from the study

Clara, a subject of the study developed rashes all over her face. She wants to withdraw from the study. Understanding the ethics of nursing research, the researcher will A. sue her for breach of contract B. allow the participant to withdraw from the study C. not allow her to withdraw because she signed an informed consent D.let her get another participant to replace her so that the result of the study is not compromised

B. Simple random sampling

Group C of BSN III-2 students are interested in studying the attitudes of undergraduate nursing students toward working on a Geriatric unit. A sampling size of 100 students is desired. Samples are drawn by a convenience sampling and obtained 100 students upon entering the school campus. Questionnaires were given to the 100 sample students. What type of sampling was used? A. Stratified random sampling B. Simple random sampling C. Systematic sampling D. Quota sampling

C. The study intends to determine the level of competency of fourth year nursing students of LPU-Batangas with respect to the eleven key area of responsibility.

How should nurse Mara write her statement of purpose to address her research problem? A. What is the level of competency of the respondents utilizing the eleven key area of responsibility? B. What is the level of competency of fourth year nursing students of LPU-Batangas in terms of the eleven key area of responsibility? C. The study intends to determine the level of competency of fourth year nursing students of LPU-Batangas with respect to the eleven key area of responsibility. D. The aim of the study is to determine the profile of fourth year nursing students and their level of competency in terms of the eleven key area of responsibility.

B. Systematic sampling

In a study about has waste disposal practices of Barangay Bayani, a group of student nurse researcher choose their sample by selecting every 4th household in the Barangay. What type of sampling is utilized? A. Cluster sampling B. Systematic sampling C. Convenience sampling D. Stratified random sampling

B. Do ancestry and descendancy method

In locating relevant literature, Joan may use several approaches such as looking into bibliographic databases and using grey literature. If limited literature has been obtained pertaining to the topic, which of the following may be considered by the researcher as the next step? A. Intricate a coding system B. Do ancestry and descendancy method C. Compare the present study with other studies D. Determine the nature of the document to be prepared

B. I, IV, V

Nurse Mara understands that after selecting and narrowing her topic of interest, the next step is to evaluate the problem. With this in mind, she will consider the I. availability and accessibility of data. II. presentation of questions in broad declarative statement. III. correct expression of dilemma to be addressed by the study. IV. genuine interest in and curiosity about the chosen research problem. V. meaningful contribution of the evidence of the study to nursing practice. A. I, II, III B. I, IV, V C. I, III, IV D. II, III, V

C. independent and attribute variable.

Rose would like to determine the profile of her respondents and relate these to the nurses' role in the reduction of anxiety of patients. In this study, the profile is considered as a/an A. dependent and active variable. B. dependent and attribute variable. C. independent and attribute variable. D. dependent and active variable.

C. specific queries that the researcher wants to be answered in the study.

Todevelopagoodstatementofpurposeforaquantitativestudy,nurse Mara understands that she should indicate A. a declaration of what the study does not intend to cover. B. research questions stated in declarative and interrogative forms. C. specific queries that the researcher wants to be answered in the study. D. statement that identifies the population of interest and the dependent and independent variables.

C. Subject matter or topic

Which element is missing on the research problem, "What is the level of competency of fourth year nursing students in terms of the eleven key area of responsibility?" A. Aim or purpose B. Place or locale C. Subject matter or topic D. Population or universe

D. To obtain the informed consent of the participants of the study.

Which of the following is the most important aim of an informed consent? A. To inform the participants about how much time they are likely to put aside for the study. B. To inform the participants exactly what you will be doing in your research. C. To obtain someone else's consent to participate in your research project. D. To obtain the informed consent of the participants of the study.

A. Review literature on the topic.

Which of the following research activities should nurse Mara initially do to construct research problem? A. Review literature on the topic. B. Prepare the tool needed in collecting data. C. Get permission from the hospital director to distribute questionnaire. D. Interview prospective participants who are willing to participate in the study.

D. Abstracting and recording information

Which of the following steps in literature review should be done by Joan between locating relevant literature and critiquing and evaluating the evidence? A. Preparing the written literature B. Use of bibliographic data bases C. Identifying and recruiting participants D. Abstracting and recording information

B. Woman in different level of exercise postpartum differ with regard to weight retention

the conceptual phase, the researcher formulates their expected outcome or hypothesis. From the following hypotheses which one is a non-directional hypothesis? A. The greater the level of exercise postpartum, the lower the weight retention. B. Woman in different level of exercise postpartum differ with regard to weight retention C. Weight retention postpartum decreases as the woman's level exercise increase D. Women who exercise postpartum have lower weight retention than woman who does not

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