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judaism makes up how much of the world religious population?


Four Noble Truths

1) All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. 2) The cause of suffering is nonvirtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hated and desire. 3) The only cure for suffering is to overcome nonvirture. 4) The way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the Eightfold Path

what year did the first ennslaved African people arrive in North America?


in what year was the modern nation state Israel founded


there are at least how many organized forms of christianity in the United States


the total percentage of religious identifying people in the US that identify with something other than christianity is what


if there were 1800 Christinan ministers in the American colonies in 1775 how many were there by the year 1845?


what percentage of people living in the United States identify as religious


what percentage of muslims fulfill pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetimes


what percentage of Native American people were killed off over the period between 1500 CE and 1900 CE


before 1680, what percentage of church congregations in the British American colonies were either congregationalist or anglican?


who is the patriarch of Israel in the jewish tradition


before arriving in new Amsterdam the earliest jewish people in America lived in a dutch (and then later Portuguese) colony in what country?


in what city was the Nation of Islam founded


First five books of the Hebrew Bible

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

who was the itinerant preacher that traveled around the colonies during the great awakening, was one of the most well-known persons in all of the colonies, preached a message of being "born again" and preached to a crowd of over 20000 people in Boston

George whitefeild

in what city were the jewish temples located and detsroyed


who wrote "a model of christian clarity"

John Winthrop

where was the prophet Muhammed born


in the exodus story, who led the people of Israel out of slavery


Jonathon Edwards was briefly the third president of which university before he died


which buddhist tradition is the oldest


the historical person Jesus Christ lived under the authority of which roman emperor

Tiberius Caesar augustus

who was the founder of the Nation of Islam

Wallace d fard

who was the first governor of Massachusetts bay colony

William Bradford

what continent has seen the largest increase if christians ever the Course of the 20th and 21st centuries


according to mormonism where did Jesus Christ go after his resurrection and before his ascension into heaven


what area of the globe contains the most Muslims

asia pacific

in the schism between the Roman Catholic and eastern orthodox churches, what was the primary debate about that led to the split

authority of pope

what was the name of the conflict in Virginia in 1676

bacons rebellion

christianity marks a new religious reality in the history of religion as it came to describe the essence of a persons identity through what


in buddhism what I the name of a person who is on a path of enlightenment and reaches the point of nirvana but refuses to go all the way through in order to help others who are still suffering


how did Joesph smith die?

by the hands of an angry mob

the puritans in America come out of what branch of the protestant reformation


what is the name for the Indian system of hereditary social segregation in a society on the basis of occupation and norms of purity and pollution


fill in the blank "for we must consider that we shall be as a

city upon a hill

name tink tinkers four cultural factors of Native American theology

communal worldview, spatially oriented, ideal of harmony and balance, interrelation of all things

what is the central puritan category that stipulates that the church and god have entered into a contract with each other


what is the term for the lowest of the low or untouchables in the Indian caste system


according to the Native American Christina theologian tink tinker, Native American peoples became christian at a moment of what?


in buddhism what is the term for teaching or the way it is


in 1910 the majority of the worlds Christina lived in what area of the globe


Jonathan Edwards wa an apologist (or advocate) for what kind of religion


Buddhism's god is the buddha


John wintropds vision of christian community involved a system if complete economic equality


buddhism contains more world wide followers than hinduism


christianity teaches that the person Jesus was 50% human and 50% god


the founder of hinduism was mahatma Gandhi


the term asian captures a single monolithic ethnic group


the vast majority of historical Native American peoples spoke the same language and had very similar cultures


there us a consensus in the field religious studies on the definition religion


during the period of chattel slavery in the us what is the name of the slave meetings that were held in secret and combined multiple religious perspectives?

hush harbor meetings

what is the name if the Christinan doctrine that teaches that god became a human being in the person Jesus Christ


christianity and what other religion have the most numerous followers world wide


the jewish liberation theologian mark ellis critique of the modern nation state of Israel focuses primarily on what?

jewish apocalyptiscim

from what religious tradition did christianity first emerge


out of the non-christian religious indentities in the contemporary United States, which religion is the largest


the hindu term for pleasure is what


what is the hindu term for action or deeds during ones life


the puritans were critics of king Henry VIII's English reformation because they thought he had what?

kept around too many catholic elements in the church

according to Stephen prothero, judaism is what kind of religion?


what is the name given to the group of Americans that explicitly describes themselves as having no religious identity and do not associate with any religious organization


four important things buddha saw

old man, ill man, corspe, wandering ascetic

in the movie bury my heart at wounded knee where did the Native American man tell the young boy that the earth belongs to the white man there is no future outside his world

on the trail of tears

name the four elements in Stephens protheses structure of religion in order

problem, solution, technique, exemplar

Names of Five Pillars of Islam

profession of faith, alms, fasting, prayer, pilgrimage

what form of christianity emerged following Martin Luthers 95 theses in 1517 CE


when Stephen prothero refers to the soft monotheism of christianity he is referring to what?


in the hopi creation, or emergence, story before leaving the underworld their ancestors chose the hard and humble life of doing what the God macaw helped them learn?

raising blue corn

Quran can be translated as what


what is the term for the hindu conception of the cycle of life death and rebirth


the jewish development of the Hebrew bible canon, its synagogue system, and the tradition of jewish apocalypticism took place within the history of which temple?

second temple

the Protestant reformation is traditionally understood to have begun when Martin Luther did what?

sent a letter to all catholic bishops demanding the practice of indulgences be banned

the first jewish peoples in America trace there ancestry to which country


if western-europa conceptions of time are linear and progress based , which if the below captures a Native American conception of time?


what area of the globe has seen the most significant rise in Christinas during the 20th and 21st centuries

sub saharan africa

islam means what


what is the name if the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people?

the Dali lhama

according to the Book of Mormon, who visited Joesph smith in the fall of 1823 and told him of golden tablets of wisdom hidden beneath a stone on a nearby hillside?

the angel Moroni

what was the name of the ship on which John Winthrop gave a sermon "a model of christian charity?

the arbella

according to Stephen prothero all religions are grounded in what

the feeling that there is something wrong with the world

the early leadership of the Nation of Islam were first members of what Chicago-based religious organization

the moorish science temple

"covenant" in judaism refers to what

the relationship between yaweh and the people of Israel

the native american theologian Robert warrior understands which biblical narrative and common liberation theology theme to be one of conquest/colonization

the story of exodus

what is the name for the first five books of the Hebrew bible


christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the jewish messiah


for traditional islam, the only truly authentic version of the Quran is the arabic language


islam is a monotheistic religion


the puritans in America understood themselves as the "new Israel" and as those fulfilling the broader aims o the protestant reformation in the new world


what is the name for the worldwide islamic community


which two countries have the largest jewish populations in the world

usa and israel

who said the following? "all christian theology even liberation remains complicit in the miss ionization and genocide of native peoples in the americas

vine Deloria jr

who said , "take away preaching, there's not much left for christianity"

vine deloria jr

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