Restraint Test Review

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List five reasons we would be handling or restraining cattle?

1.) Body condition scoring 2.)Catching 3.) Milking 4.) Deworming 5.) Ear-tagging

Define Fractious Patient Restraint?

1.) Establish a plan of action. 2.) Be assertive - Not aggressive. 3.) Respect their "weapons".

List restraining equipment for pigs.

1.) Hog snare/Snubbing rope 2.) Rope Harness 3.) V-Trough

What injuries can occur to sheep when trying to restrain? (Give all 4)

1.) Hyperthermia 2.) Exhaustion 3.) Collapse 4.) Fractures

List restraining equipment for goats and sheep. (Give 3)

1.) Trimming Table 2.) Gambrel Restrainer 3.) Trimming/Block Stand

List five reasons for restraining sheep, goats and pigs.

1.)Body condition scoring 2.) Catching 3.) Deworming 4.) Ear-tagging 5.) Pregnancy Testing

List the restraint equipment for cow. (Give 3)

1.)Chute 2.) Rope cattle halters 3.) Gathering pen

Define imprinting for birds (Avian).

A socialization process by which an individual animal learns to identify itself with a species.

What is the difference between dairy and beef cattle?

Dairy are handled more frequently, are easier to handle, have a smaller flight zone. Beef do not have a lot of human contact, resist handling and restraint, have a large flight zone and are suspicious of enclosed areas.

Define imprinting for foals.

Desensitizing it to sounds and sensations it will be exposed to later in life.

Define Siblicide Aggression.

Dominant offspring attacks subordinate offspring.

In the veterinary hospital what situations cause physical injury?

Not paying attention, not restraining an animal correctly.

Define Learned Behavior. Give 2 examples.

Response learned form life, experience/training. Imprinting, obedience training.

When should muzzles be used on a pet? When should they not?

When the pet is being too aggressive. When they have a chest injury or breathing problems.

Should you approach a pet first without letting it approach you?

No, always let the animal approach you.

How much weight should a vet asst. be lifting alone?

40 Pounds.

What do birds lack?

A diaphram.

What drugs are used for chemical restraint?

Anesthesia, tranquilizers/sedation.

What questions should you ask the owner?

Are they friendly/nervous? Are they a fear biter/aggressive/vicious? Were they a stray/roaming?

What is the most essential aspect often overlooked during a horses "pre-purchase" exam?


Define Instinctive Behavior. Give 2 examples.

Automatic response to stimulus, natural to animal. Newborn suckling, hunting.

What is typical bull behavior?

Bulls of all breeds are aggressive.

Be able to identify sternal recumbency and list its uses.

Cephalic venipuncture.

What is the least desirable method of restraint?

Chemical restraint.

Which area of the body should NEVER be exposed to an unfamiliar animal?


What is the most common disease in birds?

Feather picking.

What are signs of aggression in a cat?

Hissing, arching back, hair standing on end, pinned ears, switching tail, swatting with claws.

If releasing a bird back into the wild, what should you avoid?

Human Contact.

Define Territorial Aggression.

Intruders enter an animal's boundaries.

When a bird grinds its beak, what does it mean.

It's sleepy.

Describe the restraint technique used for piglets during processing.

Lift by rear legs and suspend in air.

What are some items used for manual/mechanical restraint?

Manual - Hands/arms, positive reinforcement. Mechanical - Leash, muzzle, catch-pole, towel.

What is manual/mechanical restraint?

Manual - Using your body/physical force to restrain a pet. Mechanical - Using tools to restrain a pet.

What amount of force should be utilized when restraining pets?

Minimal amount of restraint.

What is NOT recommended for transporting a pet to the hospital/clinic?


Be able to identify racking out and list its uses.

Painful procedures, fractious patient.

Define Infanticide Aggression.

Parent attacks offspring.

Define Disciplinary Aggression.

Parent corrects/disciplines offspring.

Define Anti-predatory Aggression.

Prey attacks predator.

What is the best technique to use for ferrets?


What restraint technique is used for rabbits?

Scruffing with hindquarter support, tuck into body.

What is the difference in behavior between goats and sheep?

Sheep are timid, easily frightened, have a strong flocking instinct and behave as a group. Goats are curious, respond well to humans and other animals, may show aggression (during breeding season), no flocking instinct, independent, not handled in chute.

What causes feather picking?


When restraining a cat which distraction technique is the best to use?

Tapping the nose.

What is the point of balance on a cow? How is it used?

The shoulders. If approached from the front, they move back. if approached form behind, they move forward.

What is chemical restraint?

The use of chemicals to restrain a pet.

Where you NOT handle a bird? Why?

Their thorax (chest), they do not have a diaphram.

What injuries can occur in small mammals if handled incorrectly?

To self - Bites and scratches. To animal - Back damage.

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