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Identify six steps that speech recognition systems must go through in converting speech into text.

Answers may include: · capture the speech using a microphone · the microphone converts the sound waves into an analogue signal · software converts captured analogue signal into a digital representation · digital representation is held in memory as the speech is being captured · software removes unwanted noise and sounds · the digitized sound is normalized so that there is consistent loudness · digital sounds or words are compared to a database of stored word patterns and associated text · the "best match" for the text is then automatically displayed · end-user is given the opportunity to edit the text file · text file is saved.

State two rules for chaining when solving a problem.

Answers may include: · define the first target towards solving the problem · gather information to determine the outcome for that target · monitor the outcome · when a target in the chain is completed, define/continue to the next target in the chain · when all of the targets in the chain are completed the problem is solved.

Identify the steps a new library user must follow to log in to the library and "borrow" an e-book.

Answers may include: · register at the library as a new user or go to the webpage · receive new username and password · enter username and password · search for e-book (by category, by author, etc) · select book and check for availability · if the book is available, select it for download · select the file type for the e-book · download the selected book to the user's device · if not available, make a reservation / be placed on a waiting list for the book.

Define the term sensor.

Answers may include: · responds to a physical stimulus · measures or detects a real-world condition · detects (senses) changes in the ambient conditions · one example of a sensor (eg mercury in a thermometer responds to temperature changes).

Identify two characteristics that classify the robot.

Answers may include: · sensing (uses sensors to perceive information) · movement (performs physical action) · intelligence (makes a decision) · electronically programmed to do a specific task.

Define the term protocol.

Answers may include: · set of rules/standards/instructions · protocols determine specific tasks (ie error checking, method of data compression, when the receiving device has received all of the data, when the sending device has completed the transmission of data) · governs the transmission of data · protocols specify interactions between devices · specific example of protocol (ie FTP).

Define the term expert system.

Answers may include: · software · that uses knowledge · emulates a human expert · to solve a problem.

State one advantage of using fibre optic cable.

Answers may include: · speed of data transfer · increased bandwidth · not susceptible to magnetic interference.

When e-books are purchased by the library it needs to record information about them in the relational database. All books require ISBN, publisher information, author and title. State two pieces of additional information that a library would need to record about an e-book.

Answers may include: · type of license, for example multi-user, site license · file format of the e-book · file size of the e-book · year of publication · edition of the book · genre (type of book) · number of pages · book summary · book review.

When e-books are purchased by the library it needs to record information about them in the relational database. All books require ISBN, publisher information, author and title. State two pieces of additional information that a library would need to record about an e-book.

Answers may include: · type of license, for example multi-user, site license · file format of the e-book · file size of the e-book · year of publication · edition of the book · genre (type of book) · number of pages · book summary · book review. N.B. Do not accept any information about the person borrowing the book.

In addition to blogs, identify two other types of social networking tools.

Answers may include: · wikis · photo sharing (accept Flickr or similar service) · video sharing (accept YouTube or similar service) · file sharing (accept Dropbox or similar service) · conferencing/video conferencing (accept Skype or similar service) · microblog (accept Twitter) · Facebook.

Define the term terabyte.

Answers may include: • 240 bytes • 1 099 511 627 776 bytes • 1024 gigabytes • 1 trillion bytes • 1012 bytes • 1000GB. Note: units must be included in the response. Award [1 mark] for any of the above.

Explain the purpose of an expert system shell.

Answers may include: • a means for creating an expert system • has features for adding rules • allows if/then conditions to be created • provides interface between the expert system and its creator • provides algorithms for making inferences from the rules.

The developers of the upgraded IT system own the intellectual property

rights for the system. Define the term intellectual property. Answers may include: · intellectual property refers to any property that is created using original thought · the creator owns the rights to the artifacts that they created, this includes artistic works and ideas · intellectual property is protected by copyrights, trademarks and patents · unlike tangible property, rights are not extinguished when the property is destroyed · developers of the IT system own the ideas used in the system (design, how it works and what it does). No other developer can create a system with these same ideas.

Identify four characteristics that may be required by a system when

setting up a strong password. Answers may include: · minimum length required · combination of numbers, symbols, lowercase OR uppercase letter · lowercase AND uppercase letters · avoid sequences or repeat characters · avoid dictionary words · password cannot be the same as the username · is different than previous passwords.

One of the responsibilities of the IT support team is the installation of

software. State two additional responsibilities of an IT support team. Answers may include: · provide IT support, resolve technical issues · configure company's IT equipment · provide training to employees in the use of system and applications · ensure the company's IT assets are reasonably safeguarded at all times · keep IT systems down time to a minimum and all IT systems running to the standard appropriate for each end-user · help select suppliers of software and hardware to ensure that the company uses the best available products at the best available price.

Identify four features that might be part of a software requirements

specification. Answers may include: a complete description of the behaviour of the system to be developed - what should the system do the interactions the users will have with the software - for example, how does the software interact with people, HCI interface issues, the systems hardware, other hardware, other software functional requirements - the performance of the system non-functional (or supplementary) requirements such as security, portability constraints on the design or implementation such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards, design constraints, policies, resources, standards.

Expert car repairs. Sensors are used to provide data to show that the emission control

system is not working properly. Identify two sensors that could provide this data. Answers may include: oxygen gas such as CO2, NO2 / specific pollutant sensor temperature water / moisture light pressure electrical air flow (indicates a parameter may be outside of tolerance).

Identify two reasons why a doctor would use an expert system in order

to help diagnose a patient's condition. Answers may include: • to have access to the latest information about the condition • to have the benefit of the knowledge from top experts in the field • to confirm their diagnosis with that of the expert system • to make sure that interactions / complications are properly taken into account • avoid mistakes in diagnosis • have greater time to spend on less common conditions as the expert system diagnoses the common conditions more quickly.

State one disadvantage of using fibre optic cable.

· fibre optic cable is expensive to purchase/install · more fragile than other cable options · the difficulty in making connections · difficult to install/repair.

Identify four steps involved in the face recognition process

· initial image is entered into system database during setup · image is read/captured when someone approaches the MMC · software checks image characteristics · image is compared to image in the database · system authenticates person · access is granted to system.

In the URL identify the following:

· protocol · domain name. Answers may include: Protocol · http · hypertext transfer protocol. Award [1 mark] for any of the points identified above. Domain name · · N.B. Do not accept myfastmoney. Award [1 mark] for the point identified above. (

Identify the steps that are used by biometric software to identify a person from a photograph of the face.

Answers may include: • at enrolment a photograph was taken, facial features were identified by software and stored in the database • photograph is read/scanned / read from the card of the person to be identified • facial features are identified by software from the photograph • biometric software compares facial features on the photograph with the facial features ("faceprint") stored in a database • if there is a match, then the record of the person is found/displayed • if the biometric system determines no match, then person needs to use a second method for identification. Note: do not accept as a step that "the person is identified". This is stated in the question. Award [1 mark] for each of the above up to a maximum of [4 marks].

Identify two input devices required for the videoconference to take place.

Answers may include: • camera/webcam • microphone/headset • remote control to increase/decrease volume.

The upgraded IT system is a LAN based on a client/server network.

Outline the relationship between the client and the server in the upgraded IT system. Answers may include: · the server hosts information and programs that are shared to the clients (computers used in the examination rooms by dental hygienist/dentist) · the client (computer used by the dental hygienist/dentist) makes a request to the server · the server fulfills the request.

Describe how the person's record in the database can be found from the information on the electronic identity card.

Answers may include either ID number, fingerprint recognition or facial recognition: • the card contains an ID number that is unique for each card owner • the database database contains records of the citizens with a key field with the citizen's ID number • the database can be searched to find the record that contains the ID number input/read from the card. Fingerprint recogition • the card contains a fingerprint of the card owner • the database contains records of the citizens with a key field with the citizen's fingerprint ( or fingerprint identification descriptors) • an algorithm is used to determine which record contains the fingerprint (fingerprint identification defintion) in the database that matches the fingerprint on the identity card. Facial recognition from photograph • the card contains a photograph of the card holder • the database with the records of the citizens has a key field with the citizen's photograph • an algorithm is used to determine which record contains the photograph in the database that matches the photograph on the identity card. Award [1 mark] for each each bullet point under ID number, fingerprint recognition, or facial recognition of the above up to a maximum of [2 marks].

Define the term SMS alerts.

Answers may include: SMS - Short Message Service short messages sent automatically user specifies when he/she wants to receive messages (e.g. receive an alert when your favourite team scores a goal) sent messages are received by an SMS message centre and sent to the destination.

In some cases the technology available in the remote locations will not

allow for large images to be sent to the hospital. Identify two methods to resolve this problem. Answers may include: compress the image (and save into a different picture format e.g. JPG) take a picture again in a different format that has a lower resolution (sacrifice resolution for transfer time) break down the file into smaller files using appropriate software and send individual files separately resize the image convert the image to a different format (that requires less space e.g. jpeg files smaller than png files).

Describe one difference between a local area network (LAN) and a wide

area network (WAN). Answers may include: · LAN is within close proximity, (ie home, office, same building or group of buildings close together), whereas a WAN is not restricted to a geographical area · WAN connects several LANs together · they use different protocols. A LAN transmits to other devices within the network, whereas a WAN uses point to point transmissions between nodes · LAN has a high transfer rate, WAN is much slower.

State two aspects of the project that need to be agreed upon with the

client during the initial interview. Answers may include: · budget (cost) · deadlines · technologies to be used · methodology to be followed (eg Agile or Waterfall) · testing dates and testing procedures.

There have been issues with the accuracy of the information held in the

database. Describe how validation and verification are used to ensure data is accurate. Answers may include: Validation · automatic process to check that the data entered is reasonable using a set of rules · validation types used to check data, such as: format, length, range, type, lookup · process of checking data against set of validation rules is used to ensure data is accurate · validation process does not check the accuracy of data, checks if data is reasonable. Verification · ensures the data entered exactly matches the original source · ensures database contains as few mistakes as possible · double entry verification - entering the data twice and comparing the two copies (eg passwords entered twice for verification) · proofreading data verification - visually checking the data entered against the original paper document. N.B. Both validation and verification must be described in the response.

Different types of files can be uploaded to highlight the traffic problems

described above. Describe two appropriate types of files which could be uploaded and how they highlight the problem. Answers may include: image files (accept file formats such as .jpg .gif) showing buses in large traffic jams / showing an accident audio files (accept file formats such as .mp3 .wmv) providing opinions about the service of trains / buses being delayed video files (accept file formats such as .mp4 .mov) - users may film situations like full buses, accidents on the route, large queues text / document files (accept file formats such as .txt .doc) describing a particular transport problem.

Identify two ways that a social networking site such as Twitter can

determine your location. Answers may include: · Google Maps application to map the tweets - PC · location Services are turned on - mobile devices · user has entered his/her location (location enabled for tweets, or in the "from" field) · user geo-tags pictures that are uploaded · IP address.

State two hardware requirements that a computer will need in order to

develop videos. Answers may include: · sufficient processing speed in their computer · sufficient RAM · sufficient external storage · sufficient hard disk space · graphics card · appropriate ports/cables.

Identify two methods to remove all of the information from these hard

disks that does not physically destroy the disk. Answers may include: · software to wipe data, data destruction software (eg DiskWipe) · overwriting media - overwrite data/use random numbers/file shredding software · use a strong magnet · formatting hard disks.

Identify two ways information about traffic can be captured

electronically at a certain location. Answers may include: using a digital camera sensors on the road GPS devices in cars periodically send specific information about a car's location and speed.

Outline the relationship between the knowledge base and the knowledge

engineer. Answers may include: • the knowledge engineer translates knowledge into computer usable form in the knowledge base • knowledge engineer has the experience / background to determine what should be included in the knowledge base • knowledge engineer can test the knowledge base to see if it performs adequately • knowledge engineer does not need to maintain contact with the knowledge base after it is implemented - otherwise no point in having the autonomous system.

Describe two characteristics that make this robotic train system an

expert system. Answers may include: · operates an interactive system, eg obtains input data from information collected from sensors and based on this establishes the safest and smoothest mode of operation based on information input by experts · storage and retrieval of knowledge, eg when new decisions are made, this additional information is added to the expert system · makes logical inferences based on knowledge stored / remembers a logical chain of reasoning, eg makes decisions, aids the decision-making process.

Identify two data fields that could be collected and stored in a database

from the Twitter postings. Answers may include: · hashtag # · time stamp · tweets · userID - eg @userID · URL · images · mentions · followers · IP address.

Identify two pieces of information that are being collected by the

grocery store's computer system when the bill is paid. Answers may include: · customer's name · credit/debit card type (Visa/Mastercard/America Express etc) · credit/debit card number · credit/debit card PIN · expiry date of credit/debit card · total amount of bill · date/time of the bill · items purchased.

Identify two methods the C&R Company can use to save data from the

hard disk before they delete it. · copy files to an external hard drive · copy files to a server · copy files to a CD/DVD/memory stick · move it to the cloud.

Identify three tasks that might need to be performed during the

implementation of the new information system. Answers may include: • order new equipment • install new equipment • test new equipment • train users • install system on target computers • transfer data from old system • enter new data • a changeover • run in parallel to ensure working properly • backing up data.

There have been issues with the accuracy of the information held in the database. Describe how validation and verification are used to ensure data is accurate.

Answers may include: Validation • automatic process to check that the data entered is reasonable using a set of rules • validation types used to check data, such as: format, length, range, type, lookup • process of checking data against set of validation rules is used to ensure data is accurate • validation process does not check the accuracy of data, checks if data is reasonable. Verification • ensures the data entered exactly matches the original source • ensures database contains as few mistakes as possible • double entry verification - entering the data twice and comparing the two copies (eg passwords entered twice for verification) • proofreading data verification - visually checking the data entered against the original paper document.

Identify two overall responsibilities of a project manager.

Answers may include: ensure project is delivered on time / or stages are delivered on time make sure the project meets the specifications to specification makes sure the project is within constraints (e.g. financial) liaise with the client / suppliers.

Describe what is meant by social networking.

Answers may include: online services that allow users to contact and make connections with other individuals social networking establishes interconnected online communities social networks are made of people who gather together online to share in a common purpose assumes all users have equal access to one another in an online community share and collaborate using social media (i.e. videos, images, text) specific examples such as Facebook, Twitter.

Identify two features of an expert system shell.

Answers may include: · a development environment · used for building and maintaining knowledge-based applications · provides a step-by-step methodology · provides a user-friendly interface such as a graphical interface.

Define the term microprocessor.

Answers may include: · a silicon chip · contains a CPU · controls the logic of digital devices · integrated circuit · accepts digital data as input · processes digital data according to instructions stored in its memory · provides results as output.

Identify two characteristics of VOIP.

Answers may include: · a telephone connection over the internet · audio data is sent digitally over the internet · a system for converting analogue signals to digital so that telephone calls can be made over the internet.

Define the term blog.

Answers may include: · a weblog or web log · a journal /diary available on the web · blogs are updated periodically · blog postings are arranged in chronological order · blogs are websites · online account of an individual or group of individuals own experiences, opinions and observations.

Identify three output devices that would be useful on a robotic vacuum cleaner.

Answers may include: · alert signal for when the battery is low · alert signal for dust bin is full · visual display for operating time remaining · visual display for the level of battery charge · visual display fullness of bin · brushes · wheels.

With reference to systems development, define the term prototype.

Answers may include: · an early model of a proposed system · partially functional or fully functional model of an IT product · used for demonstration purposes · can be used to help discussions with client.

After an accident an image of an x-ray of a badly broken leg was taken

in bitmap format. To ensure the resolution was clear/high enough for a doctor to see the extent of the injuries, the image size was 12 MB (Megabyte). The connection the doctor will be using has a speed of 240 kb/s (kilobit per second). Calculate how long it will take to download an image of each x-ray. (Show your working.) The following calculation must be shown: Conversion to kilobit: 12 MB is 12 1024 KB 12 288 KB (Kilobyte), 12 288 8 98304kb (kilobit) Calculation of transfer time: 98 304 / 240 = 409.6 seconds (6.83 min / 6 min 49.6 seconds). Or Considering the conversion by 1000 instead of 1024: 12 MB = 12 000 000 bytes = 96 000 000 bits (approx) download speed = 240 kb/s = 240 000 bits per second length of time for download = 96 000 000 / 240 000 = 9600 / 24 = 400 seconds (approx) = 6.67 min/6 min 40 seconds (approx).

State two stages where a Skype call can be blocked from reaching the

intended recipient. Answers may include: · user level · server level · firewall · ISP level.

Identify the steps that Google Goggles may use to establish the location

of the image in the photograph. Answers may include: · a picture is taken then Google sends the user's image to Google's data centres · using computer vision algorithms, Google then create signatures of objects in the image · comparison of signatures are done against all other known items in image recognition databases · a search is carried out for matching results · based on available meta data and ranking signals, Goggle returns one or more search results.

Identify two input devices required for the videoconference to take

place. Answers may include: · camera/webcam · microphone/headset · remote control to increase/decrease volume.

The school has bought a 5-user concurrent licence for the 3D software.

Outline how this licence works. Answers may include: · can only be used by 5 machines/users at a time · denies access to anyone else once the 5-user limits has been reached, often with a warning alert.

Identify two characteristics of fuzzy logic.

Answers may include: · reasoning · based on degrees of truth · mathematical logic · works with ranges of values · allows degrees of imprecision.

Apart from movies, identify two other media that use DRM.

Answers may include: • software - productivity software/gaming software • audio files/podcasts/music - CDs/internet music • e-Books • documents • photographs/pictures/images • television programs.

The bank has added a link at the bottom of the bank web page that says "Privacy policy". Identify four statements that could be included in this policy

Answers may include: · details of personal information collected by the bank website · information about cookies/access details (eg IP address) collected by the bank website · details of how personal information is used · details of specific situations in which personal information may be disclosed to third parties · information about extra-EEA transfers of personal data · information about data security · information about keeping personal data accurate · customer's rights to access their personal data · bank reminds customers not to share account information · bank indicates the extent to which the bank is responsible if account information is shared by the customer (eg phishing) · any change in bank privacy policy will be sent to customers by email · the bank will not be held responsible for any problems caused by customers accessing their accounts from locations where security is a problem (eg internet cafe, public WiFi network) · the bank reserves the right to freeze any account where is evidence of suspicious activity.

Identify three responsibilities of a typical information systems manager.

Answers may include: · determining end-user IT needs in business and the solutions · planning and implementing the IT budget (ie hardware, software, network components) · implementing and running of routine IT processes (ie scheduling upgrades, anti-virus checking, print services, backups, access to network services and Internet access) · purchasing and installation of appropriate software license · installation of new IT systems (ie hardware, software, network services) · providing secure access to the business network for remote users · providing end-user support · line management of the personnel in the department · managing IT crisis situations and problems in the business · contribute to policy regarding quality standards · creation of the policy for end users.

Identify the steps taken by an IT monitoring system to detect when a sign or condition is abnormal and the patient requires special attention.

Answers may include: · enter limits · enter acceptable limits for the condition in the IT monitoring system · sensor measures the required condition · measurement is sent to IT monitoring system software · analogue measurements are converted to a digital format · the patient's current condition is compared with acceptable limits stored in the IT system · if outside limit, an alert message appears.

Identify the steps taken by an IT monitoring system to detect when a sign or condition is abnormal and the patient requires special attention

Answers may include: · enter limits · enter acceptable limits for the condition in the IT monitoring system · sensor measures the required condition · measurement is sent to IT monitoring system software · analogue measurements are converted to a digital format · the patient's current condition is compared with acceptable limits stored in the IT system · if outside limit, an alert message appears. N.B. The focus is on the IT monitoring system. Do not consider attaching the sensors.

State three practical uses of edge detection in image processing.

Answers may include: · fingerprint analysis · face or any other biometric application · cleaning up blurred photographs · OCR · classifying images · reading bar codes.

State two vital signs, other than body temperature, that can be monitored using IT systems to inform doctors of the condition of a patient undergoing surgery.

Answers may include: · heart rate · pulse · oxygen in blood · breathing rate · blood pressure.

Explain one advantage of using a Gantt chart.

Answers may include: · illustrates a project schedule in the form of a visual representation · shows start and finish dates, shows milestones, shows progress and delays.

Describe two essential components of any project plan.

Answers may include: · investigation of existing systems · feasibility study · requirement specification · project schedule · product design · product development and technical documentation · testing · implementation · client and end-user evaluation

Identify two peripheral devices.

Answers may include: · keyboard · mouse · monitor · speakers · printer · scanner · cameras · external hard drive.

Identify two advantages of using RFID smart labels (tags) in the MMC. Magic Medicine Cabinet

Answers may include: · line of sight not required, just need proximity · hi-speed data capture · durability · can read multiple tags at once · high accuracy in data collection · automated, you do not need to scan manually · will recognize the medicine being retrieved - will be able to give the right message.

State the job titles of three of the specialist staff who typically report to an information systems manager.

Answers may include: · network manager · IT support manager · development manager · network technician · support technician · help desk staff · database administrator · project manager · systems analyst · programmer.

Define the term storage area network.

Answers may include: · networked storage devices · multiple servers share disk storage in one central location · type of LAN designed to handle large data transfers.

Identify two characteristics of social networking.

Answers may include: · online service that builds social networks · online services that allow users to contact and make connections with other individuals · social networking establishes interconnected online communities · social networks are made of people who gather together online to share in a common purpose · assumes all users have equal access to one another in an online community · share and collaborate using social media (ie videos, images, text) · specific examples such as Facebook, Twitter.

Identify three sensors that would be useful on a robotic vacuum cleaner.

Answers may include: · optical sensor · motion/touch sensor when coming in contact with objects · sensor to determine the distance to the wall · sensor to determine effectiveness of suction · sensor to determine when no more dirt is to be suctioned · sensor that detects a possibility of falling over an edge (cliff sensor).

State two design requirements for developing the video.

Answers may include: · overall structure (storyboard) · internal structure (details for the video clips) · transitions/effects · scripts · audio/music/narration.

Identify four components of an information system.

Answers may include: · people / human resources · data · processes / procedures · policies · information technologies ie: hardware, software, networks.

Explain two disadvantages for the customer of using "the wallet".

Answers may include: • cell phone battery may not be charged - cannot use cell phone to make purchases • reliability - signal from RFID may not be available to process payment, cannot purchase groceries • stores may profile user data and send unwanted emails/texts to customers • availability - wallet may not be available at all stores, users would be required to use another payment method • the store will collect information from customers using the wallet about their shopping habits (ie could invade customer privacy) • if the wallet gets lost or stolen, other individuals may be able to perform transactions causing a financial loss to the customer (ie some clients have the bad habit of storing their cards pin numbers in the cell phone). Do not accept hacking the account. This is not related specifically to "the wallet".

Define the term intellectual property.

Answers may include: • creative rights of an individual • ownership of intangible items and/or ideas - names, designs, artwork, writing, audio tracks/videos • property protected by trademarks, copyright, or patents.

Identify two pieces of information that are being collected by the grocery store's computer system when the bill is paid.

Answers may include: • customer's name • credit/debit card type (Visa/Mastercard/America Express etc) • credit/debit card number • credit/debit card PIN • expiry date of credit/debit card • total amount of bill • date/time of the bill • items purchased.

Identify three responsibilities of the Information Systems Manager.

Answers may include: • determines the IS strategy for the company • establishes an information technology strategy • decides on platforms • line manages other IT staff • has budgetary responsibility for IT • evaluates user needs and system functionality and ensures that ICT facilities meet these needs • schedules upgrades and security backups of hardware and software systems • researches and installs new systems • ensures the smooth running of all ICT systems • ensures that software licensing laws are adhered to • provides secure access to the network for remote users • ensures the security of data from internal and external attack • manages crisis situations, which may involve complex technical hardware or software problems • mentors and trains new ICT support staff • keeps up to date with the latest technologies.

Identify two problems that can occur when two different people enter data into a common online spreadsheet.

Answers may include: • different formatting of data entered - data format may be entered differently by different individuals • repeat of data entries, data entered twice • if accessing the spreadsheet at the same time, some information may not be saved.

Define the term artificial intelligence.

Answers may include: • human-like intelligence • study (and design) of intelligent agents • the science and engineering of making intelligent machines • an agent having qualities that we associate with intelligence eg learning ability / adaptability • the ability of machines to have thoughts and make decisions like humans.

Outline why spreadsheet designers should use absolute cell references

Answers may include: • if you want to refer to a cell that is going to be a set value in a cell • if a cell value changes periodically, it is better to use absolute reference in that cell • when you copy a formula, the cell (both the column letter and the row number) does not change.

Identify three features/characteristics of data centres that make them consume large amounts of energy.

Answers may include: • large amount of hardware (computers/servers/routers/switches) need energy to function • processing requiring large amounts of energy (such as large volume of CPU activity, inefficient processors) • redundant or backup power supplies • air conditioning is needed to cool equipment • need for the data center to work 24/7 (i.e. run all of the equipment) • fire control systems • cabling with high energy consumption (i.e. some types of cabling require more energy than optic fiber cable, energy consumption can vary between types of optic fiber cable).

State three items that will be included in the project initiation document.

Answers may include: • project definition • background (why is project needed, events that caused the need) • project objectives and desired outcomes (expected results) • project scope and exclusions / boundaries for the project (what is included and what is not) • constraints and assumptions (what will it not do) • users, suppliers, sponsors • interfaces (internal or external and interactions to other projects) • project approach (how will the solution will be delivered including skills required to achieve aims) • business case / justification for the business (estimated costs, risks, benefits) • project management team structure (definition of the different levels of the members of the team) • role descriptions (roles of members of the team) • quality management strategy (how will quality expectations be met, identifying responsible team members) • configuration management strategy (approach to identify, track and protect project assets) • risk management strategy (techniques to identify, assess and control the risks - include people responsible for this) • communications management strategy (informing stakeholders of project status methods and frequency of communication) • project plan (defining costs and timescales, define products, activities and resources required, update the plan throughout the lifecycle) • project controls (tools to help in decision making - tolerances and monitoring of these).

Identify two features of digital rights management (DRM).

Answers may include: • protect digital media files by encrypting with a key • secure control over file usage (ie viewing, printing, modifying, saving, etc) • expire documents on a certain date, time limit, or after number of views, etc • terminate access to a protected file • control the locations from where file can be viewed • limit number of devices or users to access file.

Define the term RFID.

Answers may include: • radio-frequency identification • data collection that uses a radio frequency wireless system to transfer data • wireless system that uses tags to track data • short range identification system that uses antennas to transmit signals.

Identify the steps that could be taken by the drone to identify a target.

Answers may include: • relay image to human operator • detect cell phone transmissions - if recognized as enemy then attack • pattern recognition algorithms - match against known images / determine if non-natural, ie man-made • the drone uses sensors to scan and identify the scene • the drone retrieves information from an expert system to identify which target matches the established criteria • heat detection - unexpected body heat could identify a human target • detect man-made light source.

Outline the difference between downloading and streaming videos

Answers may include: • streaming is when video content is sent in compressed form over the internet and displayed on the receiving device in real time . A downloaded video is played from a local storage device. • when streaming a video the user does not have to wait to download the video to play it / watch it A downloaded video must be stored in order to view it. • streaming a video involves playing the video on one device while the media is displayed on another. The video is not moved or copied to the device that is playing it Downloaded video is played directly from local media or storage device where it is stored. • a fast internet connection is needed to stream high definition videos from the internet without interruption. When downloading videos, a fast internet connection is not required. • when streaming video the user needs a player, which is a special program that uncompresses and sends video data to the display and audio data to the speakers Downloaded videos are played with a media player that is installed as a part of most operating systems. • a streaming video is not saved on your device. Once you stop playing, the media is no longer available A downloaded video is stored on local media or storage device (i.e. downloaded videos can be moved to different devices (by copying them, video is available whenever you want to play it, must wait until the download is complete before you can watch the media)

Identify the steps used by the GPS system to locate the position of a vehicle.

Answers may include: • the GPS satellites transmit signals to a GPS receiver • each satellite transmits data that indicates its location and the current time • satellites synchronize so repeating signals are transmitted at the same instant • the signals are sent to the receiver at slightly different times because some satellites are further away than others • the distance to the satellites can be determined by estimating the amount of time it takes for their signals to reach the receiver • when the receiver estimates the distance to at least three satellites (triangulation), it can calculate its position in three dimensions.

Explain one reason why encryption is used in this case.

Answers may include: • to prevent unauthorized access to data when data is transferred over the network to server • to ensure that the customer's personal details and banking information are safe (ie information cannot be accessed without encryption key) • to protect from credit card fraud or identity theft - information cannot be accessed without encryption key • wireless network encryption - used to protect wireless data transfer against "eavesdropping" and "spoofing".

Define the term encryption.

Answers may include: • translates plain text into cipher text • encodes messages that can only be read by authorized users • used to secure data/information/websites • converts data into code • uses algorithms to scramble information.

Outline the difference between lossless and lossy compression.

Difference in the reconstruction of original data • lossless data compression uses algorithms that allow the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data • lossy data compression does not allow the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data as some data is removed during the compression Difference in the loss of data • in lossless data compression no information is lost, it is only changed so that the file size is reduced. • in lossy data compression some information is taken from the file that will change the final image or sound and will make the file smaller. Difference in loss in quality • in lossless data compression no information is lost and therefore no loss in quality. • in lossy data compression some information is taken from the file that will result in some loss in quality which normally goes unnoticed. Difference in the types of file that are compressed • in lossless data compression is used to compress text and data files. • in lossy data compression is used to compress audio, video and image files.

Passwords are often set to expire periodically, such as every 90 days.

Identify two reasons why passwords are set to expire on a regular basis. Answers may include: · narrows window of opportunity for hacker · old passwords cannot be reused if found as they have expired · it is a way to disable accounts that are not being used/are not active · secures data from previous employees who once had access · protects the account in case the owner has been sharing the password · when same password is used for too long it is easier for hackers to crack it. Some methods to crack a password (brute force and dictionary) may take some time to discover a password.

Identify two characteristics of a WAN.

• a computer network that covers a relatively large geographical area (i.e. wide area network) • a WAN may join two or more LANs • a network of computers that use the telecommunications network to connect between them.

Identify two characteristics of a "secure site".

• accessed using HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure • information sent to and from those sites cannot be accessed by anyone else (i.e. user needs to enter authentication information such as username and password in order to access the site) • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provides encryption - preventing information from being read in transit • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provides authentication (verifying that the site is who they claim to be). • Secure sites display a padlock/lock symbol • Secure sites use trusted certificates to check for authencity

Identify two characteristics of a CSV file

• comma separated values • a text file • a file without formatting where data in a record is separated by commas • a file that represents data in tabular form. Rows are represented by new lines and cells are separated by commas. • a file format that is compatible with different spreadsheets and database formats • a CSV file carries no formatting, only text, therefore the file size depends only on the quantity of data it contains, ie the CSV file will be smaller than a formatted file from any application • CSV files are text files and can be opened with many applications, therefore can even transfer manually if needed.

Identify two characteristics of an expert system.

• computer system that emulates a human expert • used to solve complex problems • uses reasoning • has inference engine • knowledge base • interface.

Identify two ways that data redundancy may occur in data centres.

• local backups (kept for security in case of device failure) • data centres are backed up in different locations (to allow a different data centre to pick up in case the previous one fails) • data centres (that store information from social networks) may have files saved by several users repeatedly.

Identify two ways data about a patient could be entered into the wireless tablets.

• sensor directly connected to the tablet • voice input - nurse reads out the data • nurse/user types data • nurse/user selects from options on a touch screen • handwritten input using a stylus and converted to text with handwriting recognition software.

Describe the purpose of switches in the network.

• switches allow the joining of multiple computers together in a network • a network component that filters and forwards packets between LAN segments • network can grow as switches can be connected to each other to add a progressively larger number of devices to a LAN • allow network services to be provided to devices that are otherwise not on the network • manage data flow on a network by only sending a received message to the device for which the message was intended • increase network security.

Calculate the length of time it took to download the 720 MB video. service with a bandwidth of 800 kb/sec (kilobits per second).

• using 1024 KB per MB: - 720 MB is 720 x 1024KB = 737 280 KB - bandwidth of 800 Kb/sec = 100KB/sec (KB is kilobyte, Kb is kilobit) - 737280 ÷ 100 = 7372.8 seconds = 123 minutes = 2 hours 3 minutes • accept the approximate of 1000 kb per mb: - 720 x 1000 = 720 000KB (KB is kilobyte, Kb is kilobit) - bandwidth of 800 Kb/sec = 100KB/sec - 720 000 ÷ 100 = 7200 seconds or 120 minutes or 2 hours.

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