Review Ch. #2

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Which of the following living environments would likely increase your chances of suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

A northern state that experiences harsh winters

The term social health is often used interchangeably with mental health.


The three facets of spirituality are relationships, values, and chosen occupation.


Which of the following is NOT a common sign of major depression (clinical depression)?

Feeling highly energetic

Which habit is key to physical and psychological health because it affects the functioning of neurotransmitters in the body?

Getting enough sleep

Which of the following situations would be likely to boost your self-esteem?

Keeping in contact with old friends and family members

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

Schizophrenia is a biological disease of the brain.

Which of the following is TRUE about panic attacks?

They can lead to social isolation.

A person who experiences persistent and sometimes extreme emotional states is suffering from a(n)

chronic mood disorder.

Intense feelings or patterns of feelings that people experience are


Studies have shown that experienced meditators have an increased capacity for


A state of ongoing worry that may cause restlessness, tension, and sleep disturbances is the condition known as

generalized anxiety disorder.

A single word repeated silently or aloud as part of meditation is a


College students are

more likely to commit suicide than to die in a car accident.

Evan washes his hands more than 50 times a day because of an ongoing fixation on germs; he is suffering from

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Paulo has a persistent and unreasonable fear of spiders. He could be displaying symptoms of a(n)


Melissa has been diagnosed with a social phobia. This means she has a fear of

public events and gatherings.

Meditation involves

quieting the mind's noise to find stillness.

A psychologically healthy person is


According to Maslow's hierarchy, individuals who have satisfied their basic needs and have attained their full potential are


Psychological health is a complex interaction of

thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences.

Principles that guide the choices individuals make in their lives are


Which of the following is TRUE with respect to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

ADHD makes it more difficult to relate to others.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about an individual's emotional health?

An emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others.

Which of the following is TRUE of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Failure to meet a lower-level need will interfere with fulfilling higher-level needs.

Behavioral therapy focuses on changing a person's habitual attitudes to become more positive and productive.


Engaging all the physical senses detracts from spirituality.


Having spiritual intelligence means that a person knows all the characteristics of spirituality.


People with bipolar disorder display a limited range of emotions.


Which of the following is TRUE of psychologically healthy people?

They value human diversity.

Suicide prevention techniques include

asking directly if the person intends to hurt himself or herself.

All of the following are common side effects of antidepressant medications EXCEPT


Treatment for schizophrenia includes hospitalization and a combination of

medication and psychotherapy.

Spiritually healthy people believe that they are

part of a larger purpose.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with

reduced exposure to sunlight.

Belief in your ability to perform a task successfully is called


A person's sense of self-respect or self-worth is referred to as


Interpersonal therapy focuses on

social roles and relationships.

The quality of a social bond influences the level of

social support received.

Psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of disease on emotional health.


Religion and spirituality are synonymous.


Studies have found no evidence of a genetic basis for happiness.


Which of the following is TRUE about dysthymic disorder?

It is a mild but chronic form of depression.

Which of the following is TRUE about depression in college students?

Many students do not seek help for depression because of the stigma associated with seeing a counselor.

Which type of disorder disrupts thoughts, feelings, moods, and behavior to the extent that it interferes with daily life?

Mental illness

If you are experiencing a stressful period in your life, which measures are recommended by the Mayo Clinic to help you cope and enhance your level of happiness?

Surround yourself with positive people and practice positive self-talk.

Children raised in dysfunctional families who have experienced violence or abuse may have a harder time adjusting to life and run an increased risk of psychological problems.


Cutting or self-mutilation is a symptom of borderline personality disorder.


Dysthymic disorder is a mild form of chronic depression that may be exhibited by a lack of energy, a short temper, and a general sense of pessimism.


Emotional health can affect other dimensions of psychological health.


Keeping in touch with your best friend from high school is one way of enhancing your social health.


Our personalities can be altered through behavior change.


People with a major depressive disorder experience a chronic mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness.


Marcella has a persistent fear of social situations; she is suffering from

a phobia.

Being flexible in making plans with friends demonstrates


Giving of oneself out of genuine concern for others is


In the practice of yoga, physical poses, which can be restful or strenuous, are called


You can expect a therapist to

ask you about your history and various aspects of your life.

Recently, Kevin has been spending a lot of time playing online poker. Last weekend, he decided on a whim to fly to Las Vegas to try his hand at "the real thing." He lost over $5,000. This behavior indicates that Kevin may have

borderline personality disorder.

A treatment for depression that involves correcting consistently pessimistic thought patterns is

cognitive therapy.

Prayer is a way to

communicate with a transcendent presence or higher power.

Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty

completing tasks.

The personality trait that involves the ability to adapt to a social situation and demonstrate assertiveness is known as


According to the National Cancer Institute, spiritual well-being improves the quality of life of individuals suffering from an illness by

increasing the ability to cope with disease and medical treatments.

Recent studies indicate that fostering self-esteem in children can lead to increased


Social bonds can

provide a sense of belonging and reassure an individual of his or her worth.

The mental health professional who can prescribe medications to treat mental disorders is a


A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is


Warning signs of suicide include all of the following EXCEPT

renewed sexual interest.

Which of the following represents the primary difference between emotional health and mental health?

Emotional health deals with feelings rather than thought processes.

Parents who show extreme nervousness at the prospect of having to attend a large social gathering will have no influence on the likelihood of their child developing an anxiety disorder later in life.


Which of the following is TRUE about laughter?

It reduces levels of stress hormones.

The definition of spirituality for an individual is

a quest for peace, purpose, and meaning in life.

The EPA recognizes actions such as recycling, using more energy-efficient appliances, and reducing energy consumption as

environmental stewardship.

Religion is distinguished from spirituality due to its

focus on community.

People who have experienced repeated failures may develop a pattern of response in which they give up and fail to take any positive action. This is called

learned helplessness.

Sharon has lost two jobs in the past year. She blames her coworkers, who she says didn't like her. She claims that they were purposely trying to sabotage her and that she did absolutely nothing wrong. From her behavior, it is likely that Sharon has developed

learned helplessness.

At the end of each day, Anne writes down five positive affirmations about herself to block out any negative thoughts. Anne is demonstrating

learned optimism.

Writing down five positive traits about yourself and resisting your inner critic is an exercise in

learned optimism.

A mentally healthy student who gets a bad grade on an exam would respond by

learning from the situation and improving study habits.

Anxiety disorders have become the

most common mental health problem in the United States.

Spiritual health is one of the six key dimensions of

overall health.

An acute anxiety attack that brings on intense physical symptoms is a(n)

panic attack.

A type of mental illness that involves inflexible patterns of thought and in many cases, inappropriate behavior is a(n)

personality disorder.

A person who experiences flashbacks after a violent mugging is suffering from

post-traumatic stress disorder.

A network of people who share ties and provide various types of support for each other is

social support.

What role does religion play in spirituality?

Spirituality may or may not include participation in organized religion.

Which of the following is TRUE about a major depressive disorder?

Symptoms include physical exhaustion and an inability to concentrate.

A person who is content with life, usually feels good, and has an uplifting sense of inner peace is experiencing subjective well-being.


Claiming to value nature but tossing litter on the side of the road is an example of behavior not following one's declared values.


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