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"Las Costumbres de los Indios Tagalogs de Filipinas" By: Fray Juan de Plasencia

Fray Juan de Plasencia

- A Spanish friar of the Franciscan Order. He was among the first group of missionaries who arrived in the islands on July 2, 1578. - grew up during the period known as the Siglo de Oro, a Golden Age when arts and literature flourished in many parts of Spain, among them his native Extremadura. - Fray Joan de Puerto Carrero was his real name. - The purpose of writing his work was to guide the Alcaldes Mayors in the settlement of disputes among native Filipino. - Historians considered his work as the first civil code of the Philippines.


- ALL PHILIPPINES - Man or woman; Powerful rank distinctions made among the priests of the devil were as follows: the first, called catolonan, as above stated, was either a man or a woman. - honorable one among the natives, and was held ordinarily by people of rank, this rule being general in all the islands. Catolonan or Katalonan is the Northern Tagalog equivalent of a Visayan babaylan. - the word katalo means "in good terms with". - one can associate this with the treatment of the supernatural because the spirits would be upset if there was an imbalance in society.

Mangkukulam (Most Powerful Witch)

- ALL PHILIPPINES - Omits fire - Wallows in ordure and filth which falls rom houses - Causes illness and death Sinisilaban ng apoy ang bahay ng kanyang biktima. Kapag mabilis na naapula ang apoy, mabilis din siyang mamamatay


- ALL PHILIPPINES - Preacher; Helps one die Equivalent to "preacher." - it was his office to help one to die, at which time he predicted the salvation or condemnation of the soul. It was not lawful for the functions of this office to be fulfilled by others than people of high standing, on account of the esteem in which it was held. This office was general throughout the islands.

Mansisilat (Homewrecker)

- ALL PHILIPPINES - Witch; Cause infidelity, impotence, and sickness Madalas na nagpapanggap bilang matandang manlilimos upang makapasok sa mga bahay at makapanira ng mga relasyon ng mag-asawa.


- ALL PHILIPPINES - Witch; Deceived people - Made the unwilling fall in love They made charms for lovers out of herbs, stones, and wood, which would infuse the heart with love.

Manggagaway (Healer/Killer)

- ALL PHILIPPINES - Witch; Induce maladies; Can cause death Kaya niyang pahabain o paikliin ang iyong buhay gamit ang kanyang mahiwagang baton.

Bayoguin (bayoquin)

- ALL PHILIPPINES - homosexual man acting as a woman Signified 2 "cotquean," a man whose nature inclined toward that of a woman.

Pangatahojan (pangatojan)

- ALL PHILIPPINES - was a soothsayer, and predicted the future. This office was general in all the islands.


- Agriculture in the plane lands: planting of rice, corn, banana, coconut, sugar canes and other kinds of vegetables and fruits. - Hunting in the highlands. - Fishing in river banks and sea. - Domestic trade of different barangays by boat. - Foreign trade with countries like Borneo, China, Japan, Cambodia, Java, and Thailand. - They used gold taels in paying the commodities


- Aliping Sagigilid (guiguilir) - Are called Aliping Saguiguilid. - They serve their master in his house and on his cultivated lands and may be sold.

The Magellan Expedition

- Also known as "Magellan-Elcano Circumnavigation" - The first voyage around the world in human history. It was a Spanish expedition that sailed from Seville in 1519 under the command of Ferdinand Magellan. - A major breakthrough in perception of the Europeans towards world geography. - Objective was to discover this alternate path to Moluccas because of 1494's Treaty of Tordesillas, a decree from Pope Alexander VI that had essentially divided the world in half between the Spanish and the Portuguese. - Lasted for 3 years (1519-1522) - Chronicled by Antonio Pigafetta


- An Account of Magellan's Expedition - The document narrates the event that happened on the first voyage around the world led by a Spanish Captain-general named Ferdinand Magellan. - This is according to the point of view of Antonio Pigafetta, the first chronicler who accompanied Magellan in his circumnavigation of the world. - reveals several insights not just in the character of the Philippines during the pre-colonial period, but also on how the fresh eyes of the Europeans regard a deeply unfamiliar terrain, environment, people and culture.

September 6, 1522

- Arrival in Spain with only 18 survivors led by Elcano. - After 3 years at sea, the one remaining ship of Magellan's expedition returns to Sanlucar de Barrameda.

Fray Juan de Plasencia

- Born the illustrious family of Portocarreros in Plasensia in the region of Extremadura, Spain in the early 16th century. He was one of the seven children of Don Pedro Portocarrero, a captain of a Spanish schooner. He spent most of his missionary life in the Philippines, where he founded numerous towns in Luzon and authored several religious and linguistic books, most notably, the Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana, 1581 - translated the Christian Doctrines in Tagalog, the first book ever printed in the Philippines.

Magtatanggal or Manananggal

- CATANDUANES - Creature - Head separates and body walks about The seventh was called magtatangal, and his purpose was to show himself at night to many persons, without his head or entrails. In such wise the devil walked about carried, or pretended to carry, his head to different places; and, in the morning, returned to his body - remaining, as before, alive. This seems to me to be a fable, although the natives affirm that they have seen it, because the devil probably caused them so to believe. This occurred in Catanduanes.


- CATANDUANES - Eats liver; Causes violent death - if they saw anyone clothed in white, to tear out his liver and eat it, thus causing his death. Thus, like the preceding, was in the island of Catanduanes. Let no one, moreover, consider this a fable; because in Calavan, they tore out in this way through the anus all the intestines of a Spanish notary, who was buried in Calilaya by father Fray Juan de Merida.

Hukluban (Shapeshifter)

- CATANDUANES - Powerful witch - Causes death - Can heal as well; can destroy a home Kayang manakit ng kahit na sino sa pamamagitan lamang ng salita.

Antonio Pigafetta (1491-1531)

- Famous Italian traveler born in Vicenza - Also known as Antonio Lombardo or Francisco Antonio Pigafetta. - He studied astronomy, geography and cartography, navigation - Traveled with the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his crew by order of the King Charles I of Spain on their voyage to the Indies - served as Magellan's assistant and kept an accurate journal (He recorded information regarding the geography, climate, flora and fauna and the native inhabitants of the places visited by the expedition.) - He belonged to a rich family of Vicenza - He was among the 18 survivors who returned to Spain on September 6, 1522


- Is the history of history. - The writing of history based on the critical examination of the authenticity (TRUTH) of the sources (PRIMARY or SECONDARY) and the synthesis of participants into a narrative that will stand the test of critical methods. - also refers to the theory and history of historical writing.

Speculative History

- It goes beyond facts because it is concerned about the reasons for which events happened (why), and the way they happened (how). - It tries to speculate on the cause and effect of an event - (Cantal, Cardinal et al.)

November 8, 1521

- Juan Sebastian Elcano leads two ships to Muluccas, and eventually returns to Spain with one ship. ○ The Trinidad sailed back to Spain by crossing the Pacific to Panama; but captured by the Portuguese ○ While Victoria sailed back via Cape of Good Hope


- Men were in general, monogamous, while their wives are called asawa - Courtship begins with Paninilbihan - Prior to marriage the man requires to give a dowry: 1.) Bigay-kaya (a piece of land or gold) 2.) Panghihimuyat (a gift for the bride's parents) 3.) Bigay-suso (for bride's wet nurse) - Marriage between couples belonging to different social classes was not common.


- The chieftain's executive function includes implementing laws, ensuring order and giving protection to his subjects. - Disputes between individuals were settled by a court made up of the chieftain and council of elders.

March 6,1521

- The expedition makes landfall in Guam after almost 100 days at sea. ( Magellan and his men landed in Guam and they killed indigenous people and burned their homes in response to the theft of a small boat. They named it Ladrones Islands or the ''Islands of the Thieves.'')

November 28, 1520

- The expedition sails through the newly discovered strait ( Strait of Magellan). Magellan's original name of the strait was Estrecho de Todos los Santos (''Strait of All Saints''). The King of Spain changed the name to the Strait of Magellan in honor of Magellan. - Magellan and crew became the first Europeans to reach the Pacific Ocean. Magellan named the water MAR PACIFICO (Pacific Ocean) because of it's apparent stillness


- Tribal chief - Who governed the people and a captain of wars whom they obeyed and reverenced


- Tribal gathering - The unit of government is ruled by a chieftain, and consist of 30 to 100 families together with their relatives and slaves.

Osuang (Aswang)

- VISAYAS - Sorcerer; Can fly; Eats flesh The eighth they called osuang, which is equivalent to "sorcerer;" they say that they have seen him fly, and that he murdered men sand ate their flesh. This was among the Visayas Islands; among the Tagalogs these did not exist.

material evidence

- aka archeological evidence ▪ one of the most important pieces of unwritten pieces of evidence. ▪ includes artistic creations such as pottery, jewelry, dwellings, graves, churches, roads, and others that tell a story about the past


- an enslaved man Magellan had purchased before the journey, could understand and speak the indigenous people's language. (Magellan's interpreter) - It turned out he was likely raised there before enslavement making him the first person to circumnavigate the globe.

Official Gazette

- an official government publication. (contains laws, decrees, letters of instructions and resolutions.)

Social documents

- are information pertaining to economic, social, political, or judicial significance. They are records kept by bureaucracies. Examples: i. government reports, such as municipal accounts, research findings, and documents like parliamentary procedures, civil registry records, property registers, and records of the census.


- expensive because of great demand - indigenous to East

Diplomatic or juridical

- is the charter, which is a legal instrument. A legal document is usually sealed or authenticated to provide evidence that a legal transaction has been completed and can be used as evidence in a judicial proceeding in case of a dispute. - possess specific formal properties, such as hand and print style, the ink, the seal, for external properties, and rhetorical devices and images for internal properties, which are determined by the norms of laws and by tradition. Such characters also vary in time (each generation has its own norms) and according to origin (each bureaucracy has its own traditions).

National Library of the Philippines

- known as for its Filipiniana Division ( it has a rare books section which contains books from the Spanish and American periods. ( Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo )

Factual History

- presents readers the plain and basic information, the events that take place (what). - The time and date with which the event happened (when). - The place with which the event took place, and the people that were involved (who).


1. How did the author know about the given details? Was the author present at the event? How soon was the author able to gather the details of the events? 2. Where did the information come from? Is it a personal experience, an eyewitness account, or a report made by another person? 3. Did the author conclude based on a single source, or many sources of evidence?

Several grounds of divorce are:

1.) Adultery 2.) Abandonment on the part of the husband 3.) Cruelty 4.) Insanity


1.) Bathala, supreme being 2.) Sun 3.) Moon 4.) Star 5.) Dian Masalanta- who was a patron of lovers and of generation. 6.) Lacapati and Idianale- were patrons of the cultivated lands and of husbandry

A person becomes slave by:

1.) By captivity in war 2.) By reason of debt 3.) By inheritance 4.) By committing a crime.

Slaves can be emancipated through:

1.) By forgiveness 2.) By paying debt 3.) By condonation 4.) By bravery (where a slave can possibly become a datu) or by marriage.

Philippine National Archive

Archival documents are chosen for the information they contain. Example; Spanish royal decrees or cedularios, service records or hojas de servicios and transcripts of records of Filipino heroes like Dr. Jose Rizal


Examines the origins of the earliest text to appreciate the underlying circumstance upon which the text came to be.


In 1517, Magellan traveled to Spain to his palace and convinced the king, that his country could get richer if it could find a better trade route to Asia. And the king decided to give him everything he needed to sail around the world.


In all the villages, or in other parts of the Filipinas Islands, there are no temples consecrated to the performing of sacrifices, the adoration of their idols, or the general practice of idolatry. It is true that they have the name simbahan, which means a temple or a place of adoration; but this because because, formerly, when they wished to celebrate a festival, which they pandot, or "worship," they celebrated it in the large house of a chief. There they constructed, for the purpose of sheltering the assembled people, a temporary shed - They worship many gods and goddesses - Also believe in sacred animals.

April 7, 1521

Magellan and his men reached the port of Cebu, the largest and the richest of the Islands.

March 17,1521

Magellan arrived in Homonhon Island.

April 27, 1521

Magellan is killed in a battle with locals.

Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese who renounced his citizenship when King Manuel I denied him the chance to travel the westward route to reach Moluccas - was the person who planned and led one of the most dangerous and deadly expeditions in history-the first voyage around the world. - Proposed route to Moluccas by sailing west and through an Atlantic passage to the Pacific could be found. - First European who discovered the Philippines (named it Archipelago of St. Lazarus) - Introduced Christianity in the Philippines.

Age of Exploration

Rivalry between Portugal vs. Spain - Inter Caetera - SPICES - Westward Route - Ferdinand Magellan: EUROPE IN MAGELLAN'S TIME - Has a scarcity in spices. - such as cloves, nutmeg and mace were treasured commodities in Europe and Moluccas were the only source. - Has a mercantilist economy.

'First Man & Woman From Bamboo' Philippine Myths

Soon a bamboo tree grew up, and from the hollow of one of its branches, a man and a woman came out. The man's name was Sicalac, and the woman was called Sicabay. They were the parents of the human race. Their first child was a son whom they called Libo; afterward, they had a daughter who was known as Saman. (ASHLIMAN, 2003)


The Papal Bull 1493 issued by Pope Alexander VI - The decree asserts the rights of Spain and Portugal to colonize, convert, and enslave.

September 20, 1519

The expedition sets sail from Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain.


The first son of the barangay chieftain inherits his father's position; if the first son dies, the 2nd son succeeds their father; in the absence of male heirs, it is the eldest daughter that becomes the chieftain.

April 14, 1521

The people gathered with the King and other principal men in the Island. Magellan spoke and encouraged the King to be a good Christian by burning all the idols and worship the cross instead. The King of Cebu was baptized as Christians.

February - August, 1520

The ships winter in Modern Argentina. Crews mutiny but Magellan ultimately regains control. (Magellan's crew mutinied. One ship wrecked in a sudden storm; another ditched the expedition and headed back to Spain. He ordered some of the mutineers beheaded, quartered and others were forced into hard labor.)


There were also ghosts, which they called

anting-anting, kulam and gayuma (love potion)

They also believe in the magical power of amulets and charms such as


They had another deception - namely, that if any woman died in childbirth, she and the child suffered punishment; and that, at night, she could be heard lamenting. This was called

Visayan Creation Myth

Thousands of years ago, there were no land, sun, moon, or stars, and the world was only a great sea of water, above which stretched the sky. The water was the kingdom of the goddess Maguayan, and the sky was ruled by the great god, Kaptan.

Unwritten sources / non-written sources

are as essential as written sources. 2 types: - Material evidence - Oral evidence


are given by the men to women's parents before marriage. If the parents are both alive, they will enjoy the use of it.

Historical data

are sourced from artifacts that have been left in the past. These artifacts can either be relics or remains, or the testimonies of witnesses to the past.

Narrative or literary

chronicles or tracts presented in narrative form, written to impart a message whose motives for their composition vary widely Examples; i. SCIENTIFIC TRACT ii. NEWSPAPER ARTICLE iii. EGO DOCUMENT OR PERSONAL NARRATIVES iv. NOVEL OR FILM v. BIOGRAPHY


deals with the dynamic or genetic (the becoming) as well as the static (the being) and aims at being interpretative (explaining why and how things happened and were interrelated) as well as descriptive (telling what happened, when, and where, and who took part). Besides, such descriptive data as can be derived directly and immediately from surviving artifacts are only small parts of the periods to which they belong.

practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence

examining its physical characteristics; consistency with the historical character of the time it was produced; and the materials used for the evidence


from the Greek word, which means "Knowledge acquired by investigation" - According to Aristotle, History is a systematic accounting of a set of natural phenomena.

Internal criticism

is a method of determining whether the contents of historical information are accurate

External criticism

is concerned with determining the nature or authenticity of the document (Frankel and Wallen, 2010).

The Limitation of Historical Knowledge

is sometimes incomplete because most human beings and many civilizations do not leave behind many records. Our fragmentary historical record is limited by bias (our own personal prejudices and beliefs). The times and our values change.

truthfulness and factuality of the evidence

looking at the author of the source, its context, the agenda behind its creation, the knowledge which informed it, and its intended purpose


might be intended to shape opinion


might be made to entertain, deliver moral teaching, or further a religious cause;


might be written in praise of the subjects worth and achievements (a panegyric, a public speech, or published text in praise of someone or something or hagiography, the writing of the lives of saints).

addition to the chiefs, who corresponded to knights, there were three castes:

nobles, commoners, and slaves

secondary sources

o Bibliographies o Biographical works o Reference books, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases o Articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers after the event o Literature reviews and review articles (e.g., movie reviews, book reviews) o History books and other popular or scholarly books o Works of criticism and interpretation o Commentaries and treatises


object such as a tool, weapon or ornament of archaeological or historical interest, esp such an object found at an archaeological excavation


phantoms, which they called

Relics or remains

physical piece of history that has the reputation of being associated with a known historic figure


such as a diary or memoir might be composed in order to persuade readers of the justice of the author's actions;

historical sources

those materials from which historians construct meaning. To rearticulate, a source is an object from the past or testimony concerning the past on which historians depend to create their own depiction of that past. Examples: Relics or remains, Artifacts, Testimonies of witnesses


typically composed in order to inform contemporaries or succeeding generations

Westward Route

unexplored yet proposed plan to King Charles I of Spain


were the free-born whom they call maharlica. They did not pay tax or tribute to the dato, but must accompany him in war, at their own expense.

Oral evidence

▪ told by the tales or sagas of ancient peoples and the folk songs or popular rituals from the premodern period of Philippine history. ▪ During the present age, interviews are another major form of oral evidence.


● Advantage: o Provide analysis, synthesis, interpretation of the original information ● Disadvantage o Do not provide exact information o Do not represent first hand knowledge o Countless information


● Advantages: o Provide a window into the past o Unfiltered o Unique ● Disadvantages: o Incomplete o Lead to questioning or doubting o Difficult to access o Unusable


● Examine physical condition of the document - authenticity of the document's evidence being used of the source - nature of the document ● Questions often to ask: - Is the document an original or draft copy/ if it is copy, was it reproduced in the exact words of the original? - Did the author report things, event or places that could not have been during that period?- Has the original manuscript been altered either intentionally or unintentionally by copying? Example: color of the paper used, condition and characteristics of the paper.

primary sources

● Examples: - Autobiographies and memoirs - Diaries, personal letters, and correspondence - Interviews, surveys, and fieldwork - Internet communications on email, blogs, listservs, and newsgroups - Photograph, drawing - Works of arts and literature - Speeches and oral histories - Original documents (birth certificates, property deeds, trial transcripts) - Research data, such as census statistics - Official and unofficial records of organizations and government agencies - Artifacts of all kinds, such as tools, coins, clothing, furniture, etc. - Government documents (reports, bills, proclamations, hearings, etc.) - Patents

Why Do We Study History?

● Knowing the roots of our culture. ● Learning about the experience of the past. ● Looking at the trends that repeat through history. ● Learning about different factors that shape our society.

Relevance of the document in the modern time

● Many of the 16th century beliefs and practices are still present today. ● It affirms that during the pre-Hispanic period, Filipinos already had a government as well as a set of beliefs and practices. ● Some of our perceptions on Filipino beliefs and practices are somehow different from Juan de Plasencia's point of view.

What is history?

● Study of the past ● It is a story or tale of what has happened or may have happened in the past. ● It offers a hint on how we organize and manage our societies ● It gives us a sense of identity ● Study of great individuals ● Account of the past of a person or of a group through written documents and historical evidences

Significance of the Magellan's Expedition

● The main significance of his voyage was that he showed it was possible to sail around the world, and left a record of how to do it. ● vastly increased the geographical knowledge of mankind and proved once and for all that the earth is round. ● His discovery of the Philippines brought the archipelago into the awareness of Europe ● Finally, the voyage paved the way to Spanish colonization and Christianization of the Philippines. ● it paved the way for contacts between the Philippines and western civilization


● The original document of the book is currently kept in the Archivo General de Indias (A.G.I) in Seville, Spain ● The duplicate copy of it is kept in the Archivo Franciscano Ibero-Oriental (A.F.I.O) IN Madrid, Spain ● The english translation appeared in volume VII of the Blair and Robertson's The Philippine Island

Contribution and Relevance of the document in understanding the ground narrative of Philippine History

● The original work itself is a product of observations and judgments. Therefore, it is probable that Juan de Plasencia's work might contain partiality in presenting his observations and judgments. ● Pre-conquest society were not swept by the advent of the Spanish regime. ● It has continued to serve as a basis for historical reconstructions of Tagalog society.


● are materials made by people long after the events being described had taken place to provide valuable interpretations of historical events. A secondary source analyzes and interprets primary sources. It is an interpretation of a second-hand account of a historical event. ● offer an analysis or a restatement of primary sources. They often attempt to describe or explain primary sources.


● examines the: - content and interprets the documents - truthfulness of the content of the evidence. - What the document says ● Questions often to ask; - How much credibility can the author's be given? - What was the author trying to say? - How could the author's word be interpreted?


● original, first-hand accounts of an event or period that are usually written or made during or close to the event or period. These sources are original and factual, not interpretive. Their key function is to provide facts. ● the raw materials of historical research - they are the documents or artifacts closest to the topic of investigation.


➢ Sept. 20, 1519 - Magellan and a crew of 270 men left Spain aboard 5 ships; 1.) Trinidad (flagship) under Ferdinand Magellan Captain General; 2.) Concepcion; ( Gaspar Quesada ) mutinied 3.) Santiago under Juan Rodriguez Serrano (destroyed); 4.) San Antonio under Juan deCartageña (Esteban Gomez; went back to Spain) and 5.) Victoria (under Luis Mendoza) mutinied; eventually the only successful ship to sail back headed by Juan Sebastian Elcano

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