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Space Transportation advantage

Inventions resulting from space research. Jobs created by space program. Understanding of natural world. Include a high public profile, technological innovation and high investor interest.

Land Transportation advantages

LAND ADVANTAGES. The distance that can be covered using cars cost less amount of money due to the fare or pushing the car in case it absolutely was a private car. Road transfer is highly flexible, it is because the cars employed can stop anywhere to collect the goods. Private transportation can easily be attained using private cars. Hiring private aeroplanes can be much pricey unlike hiring exclusive cars for private utilizes.In case of a crisis the person in question can begin the journey to the medical center using his vehicle conveniently at whichever time of the day. Cost effective Fast delivery Ideal for short distances, national or mainland Europe Ideal for transporting perishables (eg fruit and vegetables) Easy to monitor location of goods Easy to communicate with driver Ideal for sending by courier shortages to customers

Land tranportation

Land transport or land transportation, also referred to as ground transport or ground transportation, is the transport or movement of people, animals, and goods from one location to another on land, usually by rail or road. Transporting people or things by land.

Space Transportation disavantages

Pollution of outer space. Cost of funding space program. Dangers to astronauts. disadvantages include a huge initial investment cost and risky operations in a hostile environment.

Rail Transportation

Rail transport is a means of conveyance of passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles running on rails, also known as tracks. Transporting/move people or thing by rail

Space Transportation

The Space Transportation System (STS), also known internally to NASA as the Integrated Program Plan (IPP), was a proposed system of reusable manned space vehicles envisioned in 1969 to support extended operations beyond the Apollo program. Transporting people or thing in outer space.

What is the definition of transportation

The action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported.


(Ice bergs tow a boat) to get away. Tug boat or thing out of the way. where a tugboat is used to pull an iceberg or a large water bag along behind it.

Land Transportationi Disadvantages

1.Create a lot of noise coming from hooting of the cars 2. Less safe while people can be hi-jacked and robbed during transportation 3. Can lead to congestion in populated towns hence slow. Constrained routes. For people to use the method they have to utilize other methods for these to reach the railway areas .This leads to many programs of transportation in using the idea hence a bit pricey. Transport subject to traffic delays Transport subject to breakdown Goods susceptible to damage through careless driving Bad weather. Pollution Driving regulations can cause delays

Air Transpotation disadvantages

AIR DISADVANTAGE. Air transport is a costly service. Its operational costs are too high. Middle class and poor people can not affect its cash. Air transport is prone to accidents. A small mistake can be very dangerous for passengers. For creating aviation facilities, huge investments are required. The cost of aero planes, construction and maintenance of aerodromes and control mechanism needs a capital expenditure. Hijacking of planes is easily possible.

Air Transpotation Advantages

Advantage: Air transport is the fastest mode of transport and therefore suitable carriage of goods over a long distance requiring less time. Air transport provides comfortable, efficient and quick transport service. Air transport does not give emphasis on construction of tracks like railways. Air transport is regarded as the only means of transport in those areas which are not easily accessible to other modes of transport. It is therefore accessible to all areas regardless the obstruction of land. Air transport is free from physical barriers because it follows the shortest and direct routes where seas, mountains and forests do not obstruct. It plays a significant role in the national defense of the country because modern wars are conducted with the help of aero planes.

5 modes of transportation

Air: Types of air transportation include commercial airplanes, helicopters, seaplanes, blimps and hot air balloons. Two of these, blimps and hot hair balloons, are reserved for recreational purposes, and are not used to transport people one destination to another, land: usually by rail or road walking car bus, rail: Trains , space: space ships rocket ships, and water: barges, ships, ferries, tug boats, rigs and sailboats, or submarines.

3 main categories of water transportation

Aqueducts, Container Shipment, and Towing. Water transportation is the intentional movement of water over large distances. Methods of transportation fall into three categories: Aqueducts, which include pipelines, canals, and tunnels, container shipment, which includes transport by tank truck, tank car, and tank ship, and towing, where a tugboat is used to pull an iceberg or a large water bag along behind it.

Container shipment

Large container in a big box being carried on barge through water. Ship transport can be realized over any distance by boat, ship, sailboat or barge, over oceans and lakes, through canals or along rivers. Shipping may be for commerce, recreation or the military purpose; while extensive inland shipping is less critical today, the major waterways of the world, including many canals are still very important and integral parts of worldwide economies. Big large containers in a big box being carried on barge through water.


Pipeline, canoes, and tunnels. An aqueduct is a water supply or navigable channel constructed to convey water. In modern engineering, the term is used for any system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels, and other structures used for this purpose.

Rail Transportation Advantages

RAIL ADVANTAGE. The greatest advantage of the railway transport is that it is the most dependable mode of transport as it is the least affected by weather conditions such as rains, fog etc. The rail transport is better organised than any other form of transport. It has fixed routes and schedules. Its service is more certain, uniform and regular as compared to other modes of transport. Its speed over long distances is more than any other mode of transport, except airways. Thus, it is the best choice for long distance traffic. Railway transport is economical, quicker and best suited for carrying heavy and bulky goods over long distances. It is a cheaper mode of transport as compared to other modes of transport. Railway is the safest form of transport.The carrying capacity of the railways is extremely large. It is the largest public undertaking in the country.Railways provide administrative facilities to the Government. The railways provide greater employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled labour.

Rail Transportation disadvantages

RAIL DISADVANTAGE. The railway requires is large investment of capital. The cost of construction, maintenance and overhead expenses are very high as compared to other modes of transport. Another disadvantage of railway transport is its inflexibility.Rail transport cannot provide door to door service as it is tied to a particular track. As railways require huge capital outlay, they may give rise to monopolies and work against public interest at large. Railway transport is unsuitable and uneconomical for short distance and small traffic of goods.It involves much time and labour in booking and taking delivery of goods through railways as compared to motor transport. Because of huge capital requirements and traffic, railways cannot be operated economically in rural areas. The railway must have full load for its ideal and economic operation. Being the public utility service railways have monopoly position and as such there is centralised administration.

Inter modal Transportation System

Using more than 1 type of transportation from one place to another. Coordinated Transportation. While in a transportation system for freight the cargo is packed in containers and that container is transported to destination via multiple modes like ships, aircrafts, rails, trucks etc. without removing the cargo from the container.

Water Transportation advantages

WATER ADVANTAGE Water transport is the cheapest and the oldest mode of transport. The cost of operation of water transport is also very less. It has the largest carrying capacity and is most suitable for carrying bulky goods over long distances. Heavy and bulky goods can be transported easily at little cost through water transport. During natural calamities like flood and rains, when rail and road transport is disrupted, relief operations can be operated through water transport. Development of shipping is essential for the defence of the country also. It is also called second line of defence. Water transport plays important role in foreign trade. India's foreign trade is mainly dependent on water transport.

Water Transportation disadvantages

WATER DISADVANTAGES. It is a slow means of transport. Failure of monsoon results into fall in the water level of rivers making navigation difficult. Water transport is more risky as compared to other means because there is always danger of sinking ships or boats. It can be used only in a limited area which is served by deep canals and rivers. Rivers and canals cannot be operated for transportation throughout the year as water may freeze during winter or water level may go very much down during summer. The inland water transport by rivers is unreliable. Inland water transport by rivers and canals is not suitable for small traders, as it takes normally a longer time to carry goods from one place to another through this form of transport. Oil spill.

Water Transportation

Water transportation is the intentional movement by water over large distances. Methods of transportation fall into three categories: Aqueducts, which include pipelines, canals, and tunnels, container shipment, which includes transport by tank truck, tank car, and tank ship, and submarines. Transporting people or thing across water

Air transportation

a system of air transportation in which local airports offer air transportation to a central airport where long-distance flights are available. Using aircraft from one place to another.

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