RSO Proctor Test

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Illegal Entry

"Blow by"- when someone tries to access the building without adhering to sign-in procedures. -Note a brief description of the person and time of incident -Call NUPD at x2121 and provide description -Call RSO Supervisor at x3499 -Keep RSO Supervisor up to date

Disciplinary Review Process

-Filed without action -Warning -Suspension from working -Termination of employment More serious actions may be taken, even for first-time violation. Proctor/supervisor will be notified by email of review board's decision. Will have three days to appeal decision via reply email.

Break Restrictions

-May not sleep -May not spend it within proctor station -May not enter assigned reshall -May not use facilities of reshall other than restroom, water fountain, vending machines -May not enter another reshall -May not return to your residence -May not operate a motor vehicle

Problems with Card Reader

-Ready light should blink when card is swiped. If it doesn't try swiping again. -Make sure card is swiped all the way through the reader in a slow, steady motion. -Try swiping in the opposite direction or turn the card around. -Don't swipe cards too quickly after one another. If it still doesn't work, contact Supervisor. Every resident who enters when it is out of commission should be recorded in the sign in sheet.

What is needed for a guest to enter a reshall?

-Resident must be present at station to escort guest -Resident must present valid photo ID -Guest must present valid photo ID

If resident has a problem that Proctor cannot address, Proctor should contact Supervisor.

-Resident or guest doesn't have ID -Resident is locked out of their room/apartment -Situation arises that requires the RA's attention -Fire alarm is activated -Banned Student tries to enter reshall -Resident or guest acts inappropriately towards Proctor -Proctor feels they need immediate support form member of Department of Housing

Relief/Restroom Breaks

1/2 hr relief for 6+ hours. Additional time will be deducted from payroll. If Proctor requires restroom, contact Dispatcher (x3499) to request. If Proctor or Northeast Officer is working double station w/ RA, Proctor/Officer will be expected to handle all breaks and reliefs dispatched to them. When relief arrives, Proctor must report relief's arrival. Also report return to station Before leaving on break or relief, note time leaving on sign-in sheet. Sign-in sheets left at the station so guests may be documented by Relief Proctor. Indicate time of return on sign-in sheet. If Proctor is late returning, Relief Proctor must notify Dispatcher. Proctor in charge of the station at time of departure/return should call the office.

Violations of Work Hour Limits

1st offense- suspension 2nd- termination of employment

Other Alarms

All alarms must be reported immediately to NUPD and RSO. Door Ajar Alarm: single high pitch tone, indicating not properly closed. Smoke Detector Alarm: low beeping alarm from fire control panel, indicated smoke detector triggered in hall. Intrusion Alarm: single high pitch tone from door alarms panel. Indicates that door has been opened w/out authorization.

Emergency Response

All incidents should be recorded in as much detail as possible in a Proctor Incident Report, which is then submitted to a Supervisor. When in doubt, call NUPD (x2121) and inform RSO (x3499).


All materials are confidential. Access for RSA staff, ResLife Staff and NUPD. Request ID to verify that someone is approved for access. Four sections: All Hall Memos Hall-Specific Memos Roster (students in res hall) Sign-in Sheets (banned list and sign-in for station) Should never remove anything from binder (only RSO staff)

Stand-By Policy

Allows Proctor to work a shift without involving Schedule Source. If Supervisor does not have enough Proctors to cover the shift, they will assign them to stand-bys. Proctor must contact supervisor in the hour before a shift begins. -Stand-by is only paid for the portion of the shift they work. -If Proctor informs supervisor that they wish to standyby, they will most likely ask you to contact them again before roll call. If they offer you a shift, you will be expected to work it. If you turn it down, the supervisors will issue a no-show. -If you work, shift will never show up in Schedule Source. Needs to be calculated in total hours and put on your timesheet. Cannot put you over your allowed hour limits.

End of Semester Hire

At end of semester, proctors have to indicate whether they are interested in continued employment. Administrators determine if employment will be offered. Being employed in a previous semester is not guarantee of continued employment in future semesters.

Calculating Pay

Base pay is $11.00 per hour. Midnight shift will be paid additional $14.00/hr. Paystub is posted to mynortheastern with every paycheck.

Medical Emergency

Call NUPD at x3333 and Supervisors at x3499. If necessary, may utilize silent alarm.

Swap Board

Can find additional shifts and add them to your schedule. Days with orange have shifts posted, number is number of shifts. Dates with numbers in blue are days proctor is scheduled for a shift. Swap board does not list letter designations for shifts- must check start and end times. Click "check" under "actions" column to claim a shift. Shifts are locked 1 hour before shift's start time and can't be picked up from that point.

Resident's W/out NUID

Can sign themselves in as their own guest as long as they have another form of photo ID, are on the roster, and are not banned.


Can't assume duties more than 5 min before start of shift. Tardy proctor may be replaced with a stand-by.


Cannot accept any deliveries for students of residence hall. Delivery person should be directed to ResMail.

Station Phone

Cannot use for personal calls or to connect to the internet. Residents and guests may not use station phone. Phone line must remain open at all times.

Egress Drill

Carried out to familiarize residents with procedures in case of a fire. Proctors are usually notified in advance, and must not alert residents to the drill.

Residents W/out Photo ID

Check roster to confirm residency. Contact hall staff to verify identity of resident. If person leaves the area, notify the Supervisor immediately.

Summer Conferences

Conference attendees should be treated with utmost professionalism. Each group will have unique circumstances and privileges. Housing staff: Conference Assistants and Conference Coordinators


Confirm photo in app, make sure app is dialed to Proctor Station reader, hit green GO button in app. If reader indicates green, allow resident in. If no reaction, make sure the app is directed to the right location. Guest may NOT use CBORD as a type of ID.

Permanent Schedules

During academic term- schedule repeats every week. Usually begins 2-3 weeks into academic term until beginning of finals week.

Temporary Schedule

During finals, intersession breaks, start of new academic terms. Day-by-day schedule.

Unit Numbers

Each proctor is assigned their own unit number upon completion of training. 5-digits used to identify proctor in scheduling process. Must know this number.

Schedule Source

Edit contact info in profile section. Message center: check every time you log in. Alerts are messages that have immediate implications for proctors. Messages are notices that have info that is relevant over the long-term and will impact all staff. Proctors are expected to read all notices. Schedules on Schedule Source don't account for 30 min breaks. Submitting availability is the only method to guarantee you will be scheduled for shifts. Should offer twice as much availability as you wish to be scheduled. If you turn a day on and do not specify times, you may be scheduled any time during that day. DO NOT delete the template, just manually fix it. If you have been incorrectly scheduled for a shift, you must notify scheduler by noon on Saturday following schedule's release.

Clocking In

Enter NUID into Schedule Source time clock on iPad. Repeat at end of shift to clock out.

Guests W/out Photo ID

Guest Pass IDs are available for guests w/out photo ID if the Guest Registration Form is authorized at least 24 hours in advance. They must clearly indicate the length of stay. When Guest Pass is presented to the Proctor, they should check to be sure it is not expired and is for the appropriate hall. If valid, it should be treated as a normal guest ID. If a guest has no photo ID and no Guest ID, they cannot be permitted into reshall.

Taking Leave

If intending to go longer than 2 weeks without working, notice must be provided 2 weeks in advance. Failure to provide notice may result in loss of employment.

Non-Northeastern Officials

If not affiliated w/ NUPD, they are responding to an emergency situation. -Identify what organization they are with -Permit entry -Notify NUPD (x2121) immediately and provide details -Remain alert to situation and provide Supervisor with updates In a non-emergency situation, all police officers and safety officials must be accompanied by NUPD or Public Safety Officer. If non-Northeastern official enters otherwise, NUPD should be notified immediately.

No-shows and call-outs

If proctor is unable to make in to shift, they must call supervisor at least 3 hours before beginning of shift. Administrators will evaluate circumstances for validity. 1st offense- suspension 2nd- termination of employment

New Resident Moving In

If resident is just moving in and their card is not yet swiping, and they aren't on the roster they may present the Proctor a Student Addition to the Roster or Room Change Form. Check that the resident's photo ID matches form and is signed by an RD. If valid, they should be recorded on the sign-in sheet.


If suspect that a resident or guest is bringing alcohol into the hall, may report it to the Supervisor with names and relevant room number. ResLife staff will be notified. May not hold resident or guest or guest at station because they are carrying alcohol, may not ask to see inside bags or confiscate any materials.

Late to Shift

Immediate consequences may be change in station assignment, adjustments to pay, and/or no-show. Tardiness over 12 month period may result in following actions: 1st offense- written warning 2nd- 1 week suspension 3rd- 2 week suspension 4th- termination of employment

CBORD Visitor Management System

In Odyssey application. Click Full Site link once logged in, then Student Web, then Res. Hall Visitor Management. Swipe resident's ID to confirm residency. Type resident's name into search box and select name from drop-down. Click Add a Visitor button. If guest is a Northeastern Student, look them up. Do NOT edit settings in Length of Stay section. Enter info in ID Type. Click Check In button. If not a NU student, click Create a New Visitor and enter info. In comment section, list name of school, state or country of ID. Click Check In button. If system says guest is banned, contact RSO Supervisor before proceeding any farther. After all guests are signed in, click gray Clear Selection button.


In order to be paid, must provide SS#, 1-9 form, and Husky Card number. Must also provide current address, email, and phone number.

Headphones, Earbuds, etc.

Items strictly prohibited- including wearing them around neck.

Staying Informed

Know about location of door buzzer and Silent Alarm. Check that there is working iPad, working telephone, station binder has required documents (roster, banned list, sign-in sheets). Notify Supervisor if items are missing.

Dress Code

Lanyard w/ Husky Card, single colored shirt, no logos or patterns, footwear


Legal document that records any and all people entering the hall without swiping an ID. If iPad is not functioning, RSO must be notified before starting a sign-in sheet. Sign-in sheets must be kept in proper order. Unique entry every time guest enters reshall, for each guest. Record date, time, names, resident's room number, type of ID, and state abbr. for Driver's License. CIRCLE am or pm only. Building name should be at top of sign-in sheet. Errors should be crossed out with a single horizontal line.

Completing Timesheets

Make sure timesheet on Schedule Source is accurate. Entry can't be made until shift has occurred. If you observe errors with time sheet, should inform administrator. Unless otherwise informed, timesheets due by noon on Monday.

Proctor Bulletin

Mandatory to view at the start of every shift. Accessible on iPad via Google Drive app.

RSO Proctors and Northeast Security Officers

May not enter reshall without permission from RSO Supervisor. If requested, Proctor at station must contact Supervisor, explain circumstances, and follow Supervisor's instructions. If Proctor or Northeast Security Officer is granted access without proper approval, all involved parties will face disciplinary action.

Guest Sign-In

May sign in 3 guests at one time unless otherwise posted. Resident must be present to escort their guest, and both must present valid photo ID. Proctor must: -Check ID according to procedures above. -Verify that guest matched the photo on their ID -Record resident's name and guest's name in Digital Visitor Management system (will automatically check for banned individuals). -Specific type of ID for guest should be indicated If proctor believes resident has more than three guests, Supervisor should be notified before signing in additional guests. Suspicious behavior should be reported to Supervisor. If guest appears to be under 16, ask them how old they are. If they are under 16, request that both wait at the station and contact RSO.

Special Programs/Events

Memo will be placed in station binder with instructions. Will include roster of attendees. Proctors must check photo IDs against roster and record entry of each individual by marking their name. If person is not listed, should be held at station while RSO is called. RA will respond and if access is approved, sign the person in as the RA's guest.

Shift Times

Most are 4 hours- midnight shift is 7 hrs 30 mins Midnight: 12-8a A Shift: 8a-12p B Shift: 12-4p C1 Shift: 4-8p C2 Shift: 8p-12a

Lost Property

Must be immediately reported to supervisor. May be instructed to notify NUPD. Item must remain at Proctor station until it is collected by either NUPD or supervisor. Do not bring item to RSO yourself. If person claims to be owner, ask for ID and notify a supervisor. May not turn item over without supervisor permission. If NUPD picks it up, request Badge Number and notify supervisor.

Fire Alarm (actual)

Must call campus police x2121 and Supervisor x3499 to inform them. Must then gather all equipment at the station, personal belongings, and exit building immediately. Should wait in a safe area for the Supervisor the arrive. Proctor may not leave the vicinity of the reshall.

NU Employees/Contractors w/out Photo ID or Special Pass

Must have NUID or Special Pass in order to access reshalls. Only RSO member can give permission for entry over the phone. Proctors may direct employees or contractors to contact their supervisors to get ID or Special Pass.

Schedule Source Conduct

Must never share log in info with another proctor. Will result in disciplinary action for both parties. May not use exploitative software while accessing Schedule Source. Proctors are responsible for knowing info posted in the Message Center.

Posting Shifts

Must post a shift you can no longer work ASAP. Can be posted from schedule page or Swap Board. Posting a shift does not absolve you of responsibility. If the shift is not picked up, you are still expected to work it.

Resident Entry

Must present ID. If resident does not have ID, Proctor may accept another form of photo ID after checking Roster. They should then be recorded in the Visitor Management System as if they are signing themselves in (name as Host and Visitor). Employees and contractors my present only NU ID for entry. Must make visual comparison. If person does not match card, Proctor must deny entry and record name and number of card w/ time entry was attempted. Notify Supervisor and NUPD. If photo appears removed or is damaged, must deny entry and notify Supervisor If reader does not light green and beep, then check residency in Roster and enter in Visitor Management System. Cannot bring furniture into hall. If attempted, ask them to wait and contact ResLife.


Must read in binder every shift. "All Campus Memos" has policies that apply to all residence halls. "Station Memos" have those that apply to specific hall.

Acceptable Forms of ID

Must: -Be issued by school or government agency -Contain name of person, clear photo, and name of agency that issued it -Be in English -Be an original document

NUPD/Public Safety Officials

NUPD (blue uniform) and Public Safety Officers (tan/grey uniforms) may enter residence hall as long as they show their badge. NUID officers to not need to swipe an ID. If officer is not in uniform they should show badge. Supervisor should be informed every time NUPD enters/exits reshall

Special Pass

No photo on NUID, but indicates department. Proceed as if it's a regular ID. If person presenting is the leader of a group, card is valid for entire group.

Proctors must be alert to surroundings:

No sleeping; no television, headphones or loud music; no full meals; no guests


Not permitted into residence hall. Only service animals are allowed w/ owners. If service animal enters, report to Supervisor. If specific residents have a service animal there will be a documented memo and entry does not need to be reported. Some students might have a sticker permitting service animal on ID- does not need to be reported. If you suspect that a resident is bringing an animal in, report name and room number to Supervisor.


Orientation halls will include unique memos and rosters for additional procedures. Housing staff: OLs, Orientation Assistants, and Residence Directors

Pay Schedule

Pay issued on Friday morning following end of pay week.

What do you need for each shift?

Pen, timekeeping device, NU ID

Use of Computers

Permitted limited use of computers at station. Moderate volume, no inappropriate or mature media. When person approaches the station, must cease use of computer until person leaves (if teleconferencing, conversation must be terminated- can't just mute).

Use of Cell Phones

Permitted to use cell phones and conduct personal conversations, but must conduct themselves professionally. Must moderate volume, limit private conversations to <5 min. When person approaches the station, call must be ended and phone put away until person leaves.

Hour Limits

Policy limits students to working no more than 20 hours a week while classes are in session. Raised to 40 during intersession. A "week" is defined as 12 am Sunday- 11:59 pm Saturday RSO does not schedule any proctor for more than 20 hours a week. Hour limit applies to combined hours across all on-campus jobs. Proctors may not work more than 8 hours consecutively. If found to be scheduled for more than 8 consecutive hours, will receive a mandatory "no show" for one. May not work more than 12 hours in one day. Should never be scheduled for shifts that violate these limits. Proctors are responsible for ensuring that they adhere to these hour limits.

Guest Sign-In for Housing and ResLife Staff

Professional staff members are not required to sign in guests and may have an unlimited number. May possess EMSA staff sticker on their NUID. List of members included in binder. RAs must sign guests into reshall like residents, but are permitted an unlimited number of guests. RAs must sign in residents seeking to visit the Staff Office. Proctor must type "Staff Office Visit" in Notes section.

Station Assignment

Projected assignments are tradeable on the swap board. May change without notice up until 1 hour before start of shift. If assigned to a double station 3 consecutive shifts, can inform an administrator who may arrange for them to choose a station assignment on a later shift.

Resident Access to Multiple Halls

RAs have access to every reshall. Some residents have access to other halls for laundry and mail purposes. If resident claims they have access but their card doesn't work and they aren't on the roster, they must be signed in by another resident. Residents cannot sign guests in to a reshall they don't live in.

Contact Info

RSO needs university email, phone number, and NUID

Clocking Out

Repeat clock in process- enter NUID # into Schedule Source time clock.

Being Relieved Late

Report to RSO Supervisor immediately. Those who arrive to the station late are issued a Disciplinary Notice and may be docked pay time.

Non-Student University Residents

Some elderly people lease apartments. Have been issued front door keys and swipe cards. They do not need to present ID when entering the building. Roster listing their names, apartment numbers, and photos is provided at relevant stations. They do not have to sign in guests.

"Special Pass" Access

Specially colored Husky Card w/ department logo where photo is usually located. Each has a different number and allows access to specific building. Must be swiped through the card reader and only allowed entry with green light. Valid for entire group when presented by leader of a group. All group members must be present with the person holding the Special Pass to gain entry.


Supervisors may conduct on-site inspections of the station. Includes reviewing sign-in sheets updating binder, and answering questions. RAs will also regularly inspect sign-in sheets. Supervisors and RAs should present ID to be swiped when conducting rounds.

Underage Guests

Under 16. Must be approved by Supervisor or ResLife Staff. If under 16, ask that they wait at the station and contact a Supervisor, even if they have been signed in previously or if there is a parent present.

Banned List

Under no circumstances are banned people allowed into the building. All guests must be checked against the Banned List before entering. If Visitor Management System indicates that a similar name is banned, click View Ban LIst and check details. Then contact RSO for further instructions. If a person on the Banned List attempts to enter the reshall, they should be denied and NUPD and RSO Supervisor should be notified. If the person enters the reshall, Proctor should immediately notify NUPD.

Double Shifts

When Proctor is assigned double-shift, must inform Supervisors so station assignment can be adjusted. Approximately one hour after start of first shift, Proctor should call Supervisor and report that they are scheduled to work a double. Proctor may request to stay at current station or move to nearby one. Supervisor has authority and Proctor must abide by decision. If proctor does not make request at least one hour prior to start of second shift, expected to go where Supervisor says. If moving to another station, must wait for next Proctor to arrive before proceeding directly to new station. If proctor posts second shift and it is claimed before reporting to Supervisor, must report as soon as possible.

Silent Alarm

When pressed, will alert NUPD that immediate police assistance is needed. It is not meant as an alternative for contacting NUPD. Should only use it if feeling threatened or unable to contact NUPD via phone. If it is accidentally triggered, must notify NUPD and Supervisor immediately.

Student Office Assistants

Work in most reshall's staff offices. Cards do not swipe through the reader and must be checked against the list of Office Assistants in the binder. May not sign in guests or residents.

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