Russia Chapter 5

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Aral Sea used to be the ____ largest lake in the world but now it is only a fraction of size it was in 1960.


By 1913 Russia became the ____ largest industrial nation in the world.


What is a pesticide?

A chemical used to kill harmful insects or weeds.

What is communism?

A single political party controls the government and economy. Is a type of socialism in which the government controls the the economic resources.

How much of the land of Russia has permafrost?

About half

In 2010, huge minerals reserves where found in what country which now might compete with Russia as a major producer of iron, copper, and other metals?


What are the Silk Roads?

Ancient trade routes that connected Southwest Asia and Central Asia with China. Good traded included gold, jade, and silk.

Genghis Khan's grandson Batu Khan did what?

Batu Khan extended the empire by taking over Kievan Rus adn much of Russia.

Why did Napoleon I the emperor of France invade Russia?

Britain had defeated him in battle. Russia would not go alone with Napoleon's plan to limit Britain's trade. So he was seeking revenge on Alexander I for not going alone with his plan.

Which empress who ruled from 1762-1796 also introduced European ideas of Russia?

Catherine the Great

What did Catherine the Great focus on?

Catherine the Great focused on arts and education. Western forms of entertainment such as opera became popular under her. She also founded many new school and supported educating women.

Who lived in Russia around the Black Sea around 1200 B.C?


The Soviet Union had collective farms. What were they and what could they not do?

Collective farms are when workers produce a certain amount of food determined by the government and received a certain amount of the surplus. With this system the Soviet Union had trouble feeding all its people.

What kind of government did the Bolsheviks believe in?


Who freed the serfs?

Czar Alexander II, who wanted the workers to be free to work in industry and held modernize Russia. The serfs could then become industrial workers for wages.

What was the main religion in Russia?

Eastern Orthodox Christianity

What natural resources does Russia have in plenty?

Energy resources like oil, natural gas, coal, and peat.

Why it hard for much of Russia to be used for agriculture?

Extreme temperatures and moisture make it hard to grow crops. Much of the northern territory has short summers therefore short growing seasons. The semiarid and desert areas are limited to herding and grazing.

Why is the Aral Sea shrinking.

Farmers are taking the water that used flow into the Aral Sea to grow cotton. The rivers that fed the Sea now have canals for irrigation.

Who defeated the Mongols in battle in 1380?

Grand Price Dmitry

Around 1330 what did the Mongols allow Grand Prince Ivan I of Moscow to do?

Grand Prince Ivan I could collect tribute for them.

About 20 years after the Varangain Russes took over Novgorod what did a Varangain prince do?

He captured Kiev and established a state, or defined territory with its own government that came to be known as Kievan Rus

What did Ivan the Great's grandson, Ivan IV do?

He expanded Russia and made it into an empire. He became Russia's first czar.

What did Grand Prince Ivan I do with some of the tribute he collected?

He kept if for himself and used it to buy land and expand his territory.

How did Ivan IV also known as the Ivan the Terrible change the peasant system?

He murdered many of the nobles and gave their land to people who supported him. He passed laws that tied the peasants to the land as serfs. Serfs had their own houses and a small plot of land to farm. They had to pay the landlord rent. Serfs could not leave the estate without permission and had few rights.

Peter the Great noticed that Russia was behind Western Europe both economically and militarily. He decided to modernize Russia and traveled to Western Europe. What are some the ideas he brought back?

Ideas on how government and business should be run. He also introduced Western style architecture. Many buildings in St. Petersburg reflect this style.

Where is farming concentrated in Russia?

In the fertile soils along the western plains and steeps along the Black and Caspian Seas.

Under Peter the Great, early industries such as shipbuilding and metalworking had begun. However, the __________ didn't really begin in Russia until the 1890s.

Industrial Revolution

What happened to the Soviet Union?

It collapsed due to a movement toward adopting democratic forms of government and its republics gained their independence.

What is climate like in St. Petersburg?

It has long, dark, snowy winters. St. Petersburg is at almost 60 degrees N for this reason it has one month in winter with hardly any sunlight. Also the north has no barriers to keep out the arctic winds.

What did the Mongol rule do to Russia?

It isolated the empire from European influence for over 200 years. However Mongoi rule did keep Central Asia and Russia open to the east. Silk Roads carried goods and new ideas in the Mongol Empire.

What did Grand Prince Ivan's actions do for Moscow?

It made Moscow stronger and weakened Mongol rule.

What was the Cold War?

It was a time of conflict and between the Soviet Union and the United States based on their very different governments and economic systems. It was called the Cold War because the countries did not fight each other directly.

Who refused to pay tribute to the Mongols?

Ivan III also called Ivan the Great

The United States went to war in which two wars to prevent communism from spreading?

Korea and Vietnam

Which leader tried to reform and improve the economy of the Soviet Union?

Mikhail Gorbachev

What was Moscow like when Napoleon arrived?

Moscow was nearly deserted. The Russians had burned it destroy any supplies that might have helped the French troops.

What was difficult about the Industrial Revolution in Russia?

Most industrial workers and peasants were poor. Many peasants starved because of poor harvests and city factory workers were unhappy with their work. There were frequent worker strikes, or work stoppages, and protests which led to political unrest.

What is the semiarid and arid land used for?

Mostly, Livestock grazing, there are some farmers who grow crops like cotton where irrigation is possible from the river valleys.

Why are most of Russia's ports not open all year?

Much of Russia's coastline lies to the North of the Arctic Circle so many of its ports are surrounded by ice during part of the year.

Name two famous people whose invasions of Russia failed?

Napoleon and Hitler

Is all of Russia really cold?

No, part of Russia can reach 100 degrees F in the summer.

For centuries most of Russia's workers were peasants? What are peasants?

Peasants were people who worked for wealthy landlords. They could leave the estate as long as they paid their debts after the harvest.

Name two renewable resources of energy in Russia.

Peat which is very old decayed plant material that can be burned like coal. Hydroelectric power on some rivers.

What is permafrost?

Permanently frozen ground

Russia was isolated from Western Europe for centuries under Mongol rule and this continued under the Russia czars. Which czar finally recognized that Western Europe had surpassed Russia and started bringing ideas to Russia from Western Europe?

Peter the Great

Large areas of level ground.


Catherine the Great wanted to pass laws that would allow citizens to do what?

Practice the religion of their choice but she was unsuccessful

What did the Bolsheviks want to end?

Private ownership of the land and resources and establish a classless society.

What are nonrewable resources?

Resources that cannot reproduce quickly enough to keep up with pace of their use. LIke oil, natural gas and coal.

How does Russia's natural geography isolate it from other countries?

Russia has oceans on its northern and eastern boarders and mountainous areas along much of its southern border.

What is the largest country in the world in total landmass?

Russia with 6,000 miles from east to west.

Ivan IV Russia's first czar, Peter the Great and Catherine the Great helped Russia grow however the country was often forced to defend its empire from invaders. What did enemies have to face that helped Russia defeat invaders?

Russia's vast expanse and harsh climate

Which people had the most lasting influence on early Russia?


What do historians think about the Slavs?

Some think they were farmers near the Black Sea around 700 B.C. others think they came from Poland around A.D. 400's.

By the late 1100s, why had Keiv's power had declined.

Struggles for control within the ruling family had weakened the state.

Who were the Bolsheviks?

The Bolsheviks were a political group led by V.I. Lenin. They wanted the workers to take over industry and the government.

In the early 1200s, Genghis Khan established what in Central Asia?

The Mongol Empire

Murmansk which located to the far north of the Kola Peninsula can stay open all year. Why?

The North Atlantic Drifts warms the waters around Murmansk and keeps them ice-free most of the time.

What did the Bolsheviks began in 1917?

The Russian Revolution where they overthrew the czar. Lenin became the leader of the new country.

What mountains separate the Northern European plain from the West Siberian Plain?

The Ural Mountains which are relatively low.

What isolates the republics of Kyragyzstan and Tajikistan?

The deserts and mountains of Central Asia.

What happened when Adolf Hitler sent troops to from Nazi Germany to invade Russia in World War II?

The frigid winter resulted in many deaths of Nazi soldiers. Hitler could not take Moscow or Stalingrad. Of his 300,000 troops only about 5,000 made it back home.

Napoleon started to retreat from Russia in mid-October because he knew the harsh Russian winter was coming. What happened to his army?

The snow and extreme cold weaken the French army. The Russians attacked them as they fled. Only about 10,000 of the 420,000 troops survived.

South of the tundra is the taiga. What is taiga like?

The taiga is a forest of mostly small evergreens like pines. This land provides valuable timber.

Russia's name may have come from where?

The tribe of Varangian Russes.

Siberia lies in the tundra. What is the climate of Siberia like?

The tundra is flat land found the artic and subarctic regions. Only small plants grow. The permafrost keeps most trees from growing because their roots cannot spread deep under the ground.

Where does the majority of the population of Russia live? Why?

The western part of Russia because the climate is not as harsh.

Why does Central Asia where northern Russia and Kazakhastan are temperatures that vary widely?

There is not any large bodies of water to help regulate temperatures. So summers can be hot and winters as cold as zero degrees.

What are some scientists concerned about with Siberia's lakes?

They are concerned the permafrost is melting due to global warming allowing them to release methane which is colorless, odorless gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas which they believe could make temperature rise higher and faster.

Many of the natural resources of Russia are untouched. Why?

They are remote, or hard to reach locations. Examples: Siberia has oil field, hydroelectric power sources, minerals like nickel and gold but they are in the coldest parts of Siberia with under permafrost which makes them hard to get to and transport to market.

What did Kazakhstan with the help of World Bank do in 2005?

They built a dam to save the North Aral Sea. That part of the sea has increased in size but southern part of the lake in Uzbekistan is almost completely gone.

Large parts of Central Asia are semiarid or arid. What does this mean?

They get little or no rainfall.

What had the Slave done by the A.D. 800's.

They had built towns near rivers in Ukraine and western Russia.

What did the Russian princes have to do under Mongol rule?

They had to declare their loyalty the Mongol ruler and pay tribute, or taxes, to him.

The Cold War also resulted in the space race. How did the Soviet Union win this race in 1957.

They launched Sputnik a satellite into space.

How have fertilizer and pesticides caused problems in the Aral Sea?

They ran into the Aral Sea and as the sea shrank salt and pesticides destroyed the habitat of many plants and animals. It also threatened human health. The lake was once had a thriving fishing industry which has been damaged. Some areas where people once fished are now desert.

What do the Ural mountains do?

They separate the Northern European plains from West Siberian

What is iron ore used for?

To make iron and steel which is used in the construction of roads, railways and buildings

The Soviet Union became an industrial leader and a world power and was 2nd only to the _____.

United States

In 862 who took control of the Slavic town of Novgorod?

Vikings from Scandinavia called the Varangian Russes

The Russians stopped Napoleon I by following a scorched earth policy. What was the scorched earth policy?

When the troops retreated they would destroy crops and other resources that might supply the enemy.


a very long plain of dry grassland

What is a czar?

an emperor


colorless, odorless, natural gas


continuous stretch of land


cut off from other countries


flat land found in arctic and subarctic regions


forest area


hard to reach

Russia and Kazakstan has about 20 percent of the world's reserves of what resource?

iron ore

What did Josef Stalin's government do?

isolate its citizens from contact with the West

Russia has large quantities of mineral resources that provide raw materials for factories and support industrial development. Name some of these resources.

metallic ores like iron and aluminum gold, copper, platinum, uranium, cobalt, manganese, and chrome.

What did the United States and the Soviet Union develop during the Cold War?

nuclear weapons

Catherine the Great wanted to make her country more ____ and make the ______ less powerful.

secular church

Catherine the Great also built many hospitals and encouraged vaccinating against _____.


nonrenewable fossil fuels

source of energy such as oils, natural gas, or coal that is in limited supply

The very large plains in much of southwestern Russia and northern Kazakahstan are called what?


What did Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,and Transcaucasian republics of Aermina, Azerbaijan, and Georgia form?

the Soviet Union or U.S.S.R


very old decayed plant material

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