Saddam Hussein Exam

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King Faisal II and the July 14 Revolution

A coup of Iraq's monarchy that created a short lived government (faisal dies)

No Blood for Oil

A protesting chant used to protest the Persian Gulf war. These protests were held in Washington, people didn't want the war in Iraq.

Anfal Operation

An attack on the Kurdish population by Saddam, Chemical weapons etc we saw a video about this

Saddam's rise to power

Became president after a coup, Wanted to fight the Kurds, they were located on the border, Iran supported the Kurds, US set up a meeting to reconcile the countries and prevent war

Day of Challenge

Big parade (but not as big as Saddam wanted) the day before U.N. forces were set to invade

Effects of the war on Iraq and Iran

Bloodiest and most destructive military conflict since World War II, The war was an expensive and bloody conflict, Iran consolidated the Revolution, Iraq faced economic and social instability

How Iran-Iraq war was total

Both Iran and Iraq bombed each other's urban cities which brought their civilians into the war, Both countries bombed each other's oil tankers which were their main source of income

Desert Storm

Combat phase -- actual fighting against Iraq to free Kuwait, They stopped short of actually invading Iraq after liberating Kuwait so that they could stay within the guidelines of the U.N. or whatever

Cult of Personality

Constant message: "Saddam and Iraq are one and the same. The President is the only one who can understand the Iraqi people and who can speak for them.", Thousands of portraits, posters, statues, and murals all over Iraq- it was claimed that there as many pictures of Saddam as there were people in the country (about 20 million), Appealed to various elements in society: dressed as a Bedouin, in Kurdish clothing, in suits, and as a Muslim pilgrim to Mecca, Often photographed with children, His birthday was a two day national holiday

how golf war was Total

Environmental destruction in Kuwait, Iraq bombed Israel (knew if they got involved it would be more divisive), Kuwaiti resistance - civil disobedience, sabotage, intelligence gathering, etc, Fought to save about 300 oil wells that would have otherwise been destroyed, Again, this only lasted about 6 weeks

Battle of Khafji

First major ground battle of the persian gulf war, located in the Saudi Arabian city of Khafji

Role of Foreign Policy to maintain power

Foreign newspapers/media banned and so was travel, No contact to foreign people was allowed, Wanted the west to believe he dropped the nuclear weapons production but instill fear by convincing them he still had them available to him, (but he focused mainly on internal affairs)

Desert Shield

Goal: prevent an attack on Saudi Arabia and free Kuwait (Operation Desert Shield)., Equipped Saudi Arabia with troops and weapons as a countermeasure against the possibility of Iraqi invasion

Operation Iraqi Freedom Shock and Awe

HUGE bombing campaign by the U.S. (at night so it was super visible and impressive and scary), Chad watched it on the TV

How Iran-Iraq war was limited

Iran refused to use to use their chemical weapons

Resorted to shelling Basra

Iraq bombed a steel factory and an unfinished nuclear plant in Iran, Iranians then shelled Basra, Iraq then carried out air raids on various Iranian cities including Isfahan, Iran then bombed a suburb of Baghdad

War of the Cities

Iraq declared all Iranian air space a war zone and implied that civilian aircraft were legitimate targets, both sides agreed to stop attacking urban centers, but Iraq resumed bombing raids after May 25, 1985, when there was a failed Iranian attempt to kill the leader of Kuwait

Human Shields

Iraq kept a ton of British and American children around their important guns and stuff so that British and American troops wouldn't blow the stuff up but really it just made them mad

Persian Gulf War Causes

Iraq now controlled 20% of global oil supplies, Concerned that this was the first time that a nation invaded and annexed another country since WWII, Arab states


Iraq was central to the Arab World (Mesopotamia was the greatest of Arab civilizations) and so therefore should be the leader of the Arab world

Operation Iraqi Freedom Purpose and Effects

Iraq was viewed by the US as an evil threat & a terror-brewing nation, people weren't happy that Saddam was still out there meandering around, First time in history that the US launched a preemptive war, Resistance groups formed out of the people that the US wouldn't allow to have jobs during occupation, a small force still remains in the Embassy to train the Iraqi military, Iraq still suffers from violence, corruption, and depressed standard of living

Tanker War

Iraq's goal- disrupt oil shipments to draw in the US and USSR and to get Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to enter the war on Iraq's side, in 1984 64 oil tankers were attacked, mostly by Iraq, Iran responded by attacking Saudi and Kuwaiti tankers (Iraq had no tankers of its own), 1987 US attacked Iranian oil platforms claiming they were used by Iran to attack Western ships in the Persian Gulf, also began to allow Kuwaiti oil tankers to fly the American flag

effects of the war on Kuwait

Kuwait's buildings and cities were destroyed, They were also without food, water, electricity and medical supplies, Kuwait's oil facilities (around 600) were burning creating immense amount of smoke/air pollution, also acid rain

Baath Party

Most Ba'athists were Sunni Muslims, In 1968 seized power, nationalized the oil industry

Control of the Economy

Saddam Hussein continued Iraq's economic development as one dependent on primary products exporting, especially oil. This resulted in the development of a backward economy with poor planned economic development.

How golf war was Limited

Saddam waited to be attacked before taking action, Bush stopped the war when all UN goals were achieved, not when Saddam was out of power, Coalition forces gave Saddam a deadline to leave Kuwait before the ground campaign would start, There was some Kuwaiti resistance, but it largely collapsed after 6 weeks (this can also support total war when they were resisting)

UN Resolution 678

Secretary of State James Baker met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz in Geneva, Saddam threatened Israel??? And US said don't worry we'll protecc you?, Release of foreign hostages but stated Iraq would never leave Kuwait and would use chemical weapons

Norman Schwarzkopf

Stoman norman or whatever, He was in charge of desert storm


The Department of General Intelligence (Mukhabarat) led by Saddam's younger brother Barzan al-Tikritil, Used torture and assassination, Operated both domestically and internationally

Use of terror

The People's Army (paramilitary force of the Ba'ath Party to counter the weight of the regular army), Mukhabarat

Control of the Media

The government used arrests, threats, detentions, torture, execution, and exile to control journalists, writers, poets, and artists, TV was limited to four government owned and controlled channels, Could only access the internet (introduced in 1999) through the government's server in 30 internet centers scattered throughout the country.

effects of the war on Iraq

There was a few revolutions against Saddam after the war, One was brought on by the kurds and the other brought on by shiite Muslims, They gained some ground but ultimately lost as saddam once again attacked his own people, Iraq was also pushed back into a state before industrialization, there was no electricity, food, or water, Many of the people also died of diseases and there was a large amount of chemicals in the air that iraqis were exposed to, Many iraqis also died because kuwaitis were mad and lashed out against them leading to torture, imprisonment and death

Reasons for Coalition Victory

Timing factors, US had just modernized its military in the 1980s, Advanced technologies - smart bombs, satellite intelligence, better tanks, GPS, etc (this meant they could fight at night), Cold War had just ended so the military was still at full strength, Saddam's Mistakes, Saddam underestimated US determination, Saddam didn't take a lot of offensive action, he just waited until the coalition built up a bunch and attacked before he actually did anything, Military became entrenched in kuwait, He didn't let his highly skilled forces fight in the war, saved them in case a revolt broke out in Iraq and he needed them to protect him

Coalition of Nations Air Campaign

an extensive aerial bombing campaign from 17 January 1991 to 23 February 1991, widely destroying military and civilian infrastructure, First night was the longest bomber run in history, Louisiana bombers flew to kuwait and then flew back in one night, 85% dropped on their targets - many were smart bombs (would hit only the target and wouldn't kill civilians/civilian infrastructure), We were able to weaken the Iraqi ground forces. The US was able to hit any target at anytime., Ground forces were weakened so much that the United States was able to set a new deadline for Iraq to get out of Kuwait. Or the ground war will start.

Operation Ramadan

goal was to capture Basra, which they believed would lead to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the establishment of an Islamic state in Iraq, Iran only able to capture 32 square miles of Iran

Iran-Iraq War causes

saddam's rise to power, long term tensions, religious differences, border disputes, control of the shatt al-arab waterway

UN Resolution 687

the Council set the terms, in a comprehensive resolution, with which Iraq was to comply after losing the Gulf War.

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